What's The Strongest RedPill You Ever Took?

>be me, socialist, socialist parents, leaf
>big thinker; deep thinker, spend many a night brooding on how to make perfect society as teen and young man
>mid teens to earl 20s during Bush Jr/Iraq, despise the right, love Jon Stewart
>Decide to get active, volunteer for NDP(Socialist) MP Campaign and help him get elected, he recommends Naomi Klein
>Read No Logo, love it. Read Shock Doctrine(pic related). Love it.
>Ask self, "Who is this Milton Friedman, this evil villain of a man as described in Shock Doctrine?"
>YouTube him and see this video:
>instantly realize I'M THAT FUCKIN KID FFS
>instantly realize I've been duped by the book
>start realizing I've been duped by the left
>start realizing I've been duped by cucked media
>redpilled on socialism/communism & media & government in one swoop
>libertarian before Obama gets into office

I love a happy ending.

Not one specifically but now that I've consumed so many, there is literally 0 news articles I can even take at face value. Even just one about a local cat rescued from a tree. There's an agenda in there somewhere. Left, Right, whatever. It's there.

interesting vid

I used to be really gay friendly until I started thinking about things like pic
there's so much wrong in there, but also so much I never really considered before reading it

Gays are more promiscuous because they are dudes lol.

Anyways, I'm all for their rights. I just don't want a tiny fringe minority of the population influencing policy as much as they do. Trannys are even worse.

took physics and learned just how much useless space is for economic endeavors. Shattered my world view.

>be me brainwashed public school student in Jew York
>openly socialist
>vocally support Obama but couldn't vote for him because I was 17
>on YouTube
>stumble upon clip of Ron Paul tribute video
>like what he says
>watch another video and another and another
>within weeks I'm no longer a socialist
>libertarian during the 2012 presidential campaign
>go to Ron Paul rally
Libertarianism was my first redpill in life, I'm thankful for the positive impact it had on me


The scientific and intellectual rigour in Klein's books are of a very low standard because they're targeted at 18 year old slack jawed gimps.


Not giving a shit about either party or group and living ones life free of any outside representation of what is actually going on around us.

It's good to see chaps evolve in ideology
Personally I considered myself a hardcore Libertarian at one point.
I've since become more fluid and pragmatic and I guess you could say I'm a "rightist."
I opposed the left and would take any non-theocratic rightwing Government over a leftwing one, whether its NatSoc, Facism, Conservativism, Minarchism (just no Neocons)
I think I'd make a good diplomatic moderator of sorts for the right kek

I didn't find it a very convincing video. Certainly not enough to instantly flip a 180 on ideology (although having any ideology is fucking retarded anyway).

This video is a shitfest and its the problem with extremes

Micheal moore is completely reasonable in his argument, they cut corners to save a handful of dollars and give fuck all who dies

Milton is the extreme opposite, "whats the issue you saved 13 dollars" (not like they passed the savings btw) oh and they dont have to inform you your car might explode, but maybe your family can sue for a few bucks after your death

Can't I just have a car thats safe and reasonably priced? and i'll spare the 13 dollars

Also the strongest redpill i ever took was being raised in an evangelical christian household

>I didn't find it a very convincing video. Certainly not enough to instantly flip a 180 on ideology (
I didn't flip all at once.
What instantly happened was I realized I was that kid and more importantly, duped by the book.
You must understand I spent about ten hours of my time before the video reading that book about this super villian, Milton Friedman, who travelled the world destroying economy's.
You would not believe the vitriol directed towards him. When I saw that video, I instantly realized why she was so harsh, she was trying to slander him, (((poison the well))) and that this man would destroy her in an Economic debate
She didn't mention his side of the story, because it defeats hers, I instantly realized that
And then the ball started rolling

>Micheal moore is completely reasonable in his argument, they cut corners to save a handful of dollars and give fuck all who dies
>Milton is the extreme opposite, "whats the issue you saved 13 dollars" (not like they passed the savings btw) oh and they dont have to inform you your car might explode, but maybe your family can sue for a few bucks after your death
No you missed it.
He's saying at some point you must equate a life in terms of currency, it's really a matter of how much. Ford thought it should be X amount, and the kid thought it should be more. So he's not arguing against the principle of life being worth a measurable amount of money and making business decisions based on it. But the kid didn't get that.

>be me, TYTfag for 2 years
>Occupy Wall Street habbening
>Cenk had Wes Clark Jr. on give his take on the habbening
>Wes Clark completely goes off script and rants about how stupid the movement is, how stopping people from going to work is just pissing normies off
>Completely agree with what hes saying
>Look at the Youtube comments
>People are full on raging saying how out of control he is and how he should be fired
>first time I've ever seen the left act this way
>TYT pulls the video down
>they start to hardcore delete unfavorable comments after that
>bad taste in mouth
>find Based Molyneux shortly after

Ok so how much is my life worth to Milton Friedman?

I dont care about the principles argument he wants, and if he really wants to go there a human life is priceless

A company should produce a product as safe and efficient as possible and up to the greatest economic viability possible

I used to be libertarian too but what swayed me is I thought about what leverage I have against the coperations I work for and i realized I had none

Government is our only guy in the corner make sure it doesnt pick your pocket but see its value

It's not Capitalism if you yell "No Logo!"

>A company should produce a product as safe and efficient as possible and up to the greatest economic viability possible

and Ford decided that ditching a shitty plastic part worth 13$ made their car "a product as safe and efficient as possible and up to the greatest economic viability poss"

can i get that redpill that twitter doesnt ban white raicism but does ban all other racism?

Love is a male emotion

lol that commie kid got rekt

>Ok so how much is my life worth to Milton Friedman?
Don't know about Milton. But to me your life is worth 0.

>Ok so how much is my life worth to Milton Friedman?
Nothing. Who the fuck are you? A single life is irrelevant.

>volunteered for NDP

I don't care what you learned. You'll always be scum.

>A company should produce a product as safe and efficient as possible and up to the greatest economic viability possible
They did that. It was as safe as it was gonna get for the cost.
Car was within regulation.
I just don't see what you;re saying?
>hurrr durr I'm a moral fag but I offer no reasonable soluton
At some point, you're putting a cost on a life. Milton Friedman can think a life is priceless. I believe a life is priceless. But in any economic system, you at some point will be measuring life in terms of dollars and making decisions on that

Old folk got BTFO by a kid. He was fuming, it pissed him off big time

He's thinking: "who the fuck is this punk?"

The strongest redpill I ever took is that neither all humans nor all races are equal, followed by the realization that tribalism (ie, loyalty to your race/family/community) is what defined my ancestors and I should follow suit.

That took me from lefty to National Socialist.

You two are just fucking autists and yes your are correct your lives are worthless

I can almost agree with you except there is about every other model of car that doesn't explode of 13 dollars and maybe the regulation regime wasn't up to par

I wouldn't even blame the company if they didn't count up the deaths maybe

I think the regulation was shitty, there was probably regulation on the model A too an i supposed to live by that?

And yes you bring up this moral quandary of the price of the life, what would a libertarian say? 0$? do you have any morality?

>being so easily led that a fucking youtube video causes a 180 in your politics
Holy shit you disgust me. Go back to plebbit and grow some fucking convictions.


I suppose it was pursuing a PhD in the humanities. I began as a Marxist, but slowly I became convinced that the true task of our time is the preservation of Western Civilization - after all, socialism itself is a Western invention, built upon foundations of Western/Christian morality.

Then I saw how my colleagues reacted toward the West. They hated everything associated with it. Enlightenment? Bad. Christianity? Awful. The USA? Racist. The legacy of great Western artists, writers, composers, thinkers? Effing dead white men.

What is popular in the humanities today? What gets one a job? Well, first, it's being anything but a white man - it is undoubtedly true that being a white man is a detriment to one's career in the humanities today. But beyond that, substantively, the kind of "research" that "sells" today is devoted to destroying Western civilization - shitting on traditions, shitting on the canon of great thinkers and artists, shitting on white people.

And who are these geniuses sitting in the ivory tower producing this utter horseshit? They're wealthy liberal SJW adherents of idpol. Almost without exception, this is the makeup of graduate students in the humanities today. They all oppose "neoliberalism" yet they are all ruthlessly hedonistic and hyperindividualistic. They're also all atheists or New Age-y pagans.

So I looked around me and realized - these people are not on my side. I am not with them. They are opposed to everything I am, everything I hold dear. I am not and cannot be a Leftist, even if I dislike capitalism in some deep, fundamental way (which I still do). So I became a traditionalist and a Christian, and I stand against these barbarians attempting sincerely to destroy the West and everything good and great in the world.

That was the beginning of the downfall.

proud to admit that million dollar extreme actually red-pilled me from a hardcore communist vegan into 1488

I'd agree, based Colgate. But trust me, the Leftists' criticism of the Enlightenment is vastly different than ours.

That there is a God, gods, or god-like group that ensure the perpetuity of life and guide history. Sadly, the way the world is is exactly how they intended it to be. The White race was never meant to attain godliness, the Nazis had the closest system to perfection a race could hope to achieve and it was made an example of to prevent its recurrence. We were deliberately led down a path of bad habits to hold us down and stall our progress, as well. I believe a catastrophe will reduce our worldwide civilization to ashes before it collapses on its own, which would lead to untold suffering otherwise.

>I used to be libertarian too
This is not believable

the 'new left' is full of rich larpers that are the biggest hypocrites and they only care about themselves and their friends and not poor disposed people.

>And yes you bring up this moral quandary of the price of the life, what would a libertarian say? 0$? do you have any morality?
My point is, you may say you think life is priceless, but at some time, you, personally, will be making decisions regarding yourself and others in which you will not be treating life as priceless, you'll be putting a price on it.
By all means, if you have a solution, a way in which the world can run without at some point equating life as a cost, pls share it.
But until you do that, you're not more moral for me for wishing it wasn't the way it is.
The kid THOUGHT he was making a high moral argument. All he was really saying is the company should have equated more money per life. That was his gripe. He's essentially breaking life down into an economic costs while criticizing Ford for doing the same.

this has thoroughly convinced me that all libertarians have the kike mindset

Are you me?

Truthfully if girls gave it up as easy as males, hetros would have these sorts of sex partner stats too.

The anal sex among gays is a big problem -- it's just bad to have something that dangerous coupled with the promiscuity. It's a recipe for diseases spreading.

Overall, I think gays should be left to their own subcultures... but society can't celebrate this stuff. It just isn't the way forward... it will have a terrible impact.

I'd like to meet you, Australianon. In lieu of that, would you be so kind as to tell your story?

This is really good surprised I haven't seen it before

Great post
>I am not and cannot be a Leftist, even if I dislike capitalism in some deep, fundamental way (which I still do)
I'm wondering if you could artculate your issues. If you've meditated on them. I think the ultimate flaw of capitalism is this:
The free market acts in a way that a persons labor doesn't give them their worth in resources.
Example: Free market says a Nurse gets paid this much and CEO gets this much.
Is the CEO really THAT much more important, labor wise, that he gets to have a small personal empire of land and servants and resources and a lifestyle that pays him while the Nurse fuckin scrapes by?
The market says yes, but I think thats where it ultimately fails.
There is a fundamental flaw in our concept of currency, I reckon.

The black one.

The Elite despise all of us regardless of skin color. If you don't have an IQ of 160+ and something to offer them you are not one of them and your interests are irrelevant.

Swallowing the moral nihilism pill. The anti-democracy, racial, and Jewish related things just seemed obvious to me. Moral nihilism was much harder, but it still went in with little resistance. Generally speaking I accept red pills quite easily. Maybe the hardest pill to swallow was the blackpill, as that was a pill I formed for myself over the course of a few years.

>this has thoroughly convinced me that all libertarians have the kike mindset
Myabe I do
But that doesn't answer my questions
You're not offering a formal alternative therefor you're virtue signalling
You're a whore larping as a virgin

I like what you're saying. I suppose I'd say that capitalism tends to reduce all values to monetary values, such that money is really our highest good - as opposed to God, family, community, fraternity, or anything else. I'm not opposed to markets themselves - in fact I tend to think they are on the whole a fine invention, a good way to allocate resources all things considered. But if the market rules all, if the market is treated as a deity, if we all daily kneel before the altar of the almighty dollar (and don't we already do this?) - then some things of extraordinary value are lost.

In short, I'd say that while I am convinced of the utility of markets and money, there is a duty to promote Truth, Goodness, and Beauty above money. Under capitalism, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty are lost in a nihilistic swamp - this is not a coincidence. Capitalism is nihilistic.

You criticize others about their "cost of life" let you let it blow right off yourself because you'd let someone ride a madmax tier piece of shit out of the dealership and they'll die minutes later no big deal its cost effective

Do you want a palitable standard of life or will you accept what your overlord shit in your mouth last week?

>that tribalism (ie, loyalty to your race/family/community) is what defined my ancestors and I should follow suit.
Sounds like you swallowed a blue pill down the way.

>virtue signaling

meme language from a meme ideology

yes goy, the real red pill is to browse r/childfree and r/pcmasterrace while watching cuck porn through your oculus rift (while driving a cool new tesla?)

Ancaps are the most blue-pilled people in history.

Well at first I was an edgy contrarian shit. Then I became a typical bleeding heart lefty. Then I became a lolbertarian. Now I'm a national socialist (in the actual meaning of nationalistic socialism, not a Nazi) who spends his entire life consumed by disgust at what has become of the left.

Throughout my entire life I have always been motivated by deep concern for the 'average man'. His government has betrayed him to the capitalists who sell his country out from under him and the intelligentsia who are so confident in their theories that they skip experimentation and go straight to implementation, leaving people atomised and confused in a society that has become unfamiliar in just a decade or less. These beliefs have always been with me: that it's us - the workers - pitted against the rest of the world. So in that sense I am a socialist. But I don't believe in a supranational "worker" identity. Australian workers are not Indian workers are not Japanese workers. I also have a very expansive definition of "worker." I've moved past just considering the factory floor "real" work. Moreover I don't believe in the utopian communist bullshit where we fix all the problems and everything is wonderful. Though my views are extreme my methods are mild because the last thing I want to do is move too quickly and harm the people I'm trying to save by acting like the intelligentsia I despise.

I don't retreat from progress but I think change should proceed at a measured and controlled pace - carefully, and informed by past experience, and with a view to preserving what we already have. I don't think that the national spirit cultivated over the last 200 years should be tossed away like an old phone when the next model comes out.

My wild ideological swings have just been myself trying to grapple with how to express my core beliefs.

Also I fucking hate philosophers.

this is important! when I rejected Marxist communism I naively and readily embraced (((capitalism))) as the seemingly isolated alternative. I was wrong! Beware of the Third Position.

Nothing do to with what I or you said, not sure what you're getting at here.

I have very little in common with my race. Most people of my race are normalfag idiots. Why should I, if aligning myself with a group, chose my race and not something else? I have far more in common with say, the average 4channer (let's pretend this is 2010 okay?) then I do the average white person. Why organize on the basis of race? The same can be said of my family, what do we have in common aside from our genes? Not much! Community? Not where I live (and plus community is not static) do you see the problem here. Then of course the problem is that you know, maybe, I prefer to exist as an individual, or at the very least a pair (in the case of a girlfriend/wife) or unit (which would not be family as you suggest, but children and wife)? Why offer up my individuality? I'd really prefer not to.

i fucking hate naomi klein

>be kid
>grow up through bush era
>republicans were virtually thought as stupid, warmongering, backwards
>would have voted for obama if my birthday wasnt 1 month away
>2009 discover Sup Forums, krautchan, /new/, /pol, and the earlier incarnation of infinitychan /new/
>move to be libertarian
>2012 move to the countryside where i socialized a lot more, had sex, and worked as a typical rural cowboy
>become even more right leaning

I did research on propaganda which exposed me to the lying and corrupt government, business conglomerates, and media. there is no political option to oppose that.

Yep, I'm basically you.

Is that seriously Michael Moore ?! he looks waay different without all the fat

But you aren't an individual. You are the sum of millions of years of ancestral and cultural influence. You have a duty to protect the legacy of your forebears and preserve its constitution for your progeny, to ignore that would be unjust (but given that you see yourself as some hyper-individual you probably lack any moral code that extends beyond your own fulfillment). Whether you know it or not, you've been blue-pilled by the illusory enlightenment ideal of nature, insofar as man's capacity to sustain a wholly individual essence, which is not only theoretically implausible, but is plainly observationally evident (archaeological records of early human society etc.) You can be misanthropic, but without the technological and "free market" buffers that may yet perpetuate the isolation you have assimilated to, you would be totally helpless and swiftly culled through natural selection.

>dude open borders and shoving things up your ass lmao
yea how can anyone not be a libertarian

very simply, I broke when the left started using the term 'colored people' again.

I'm curious, what is their criticism of it?

(((Milton Friedman))) is simply disgusting

Biggest redpill? The shift in "Democracy Now!" to support the neocon agenda in the 2016 election cycle.

it is indeed.

I had a malaysian girlfriend a long time ago

Literally unteachable

I always knew niggers and mexicans were unsalvageable, but i figured brown asians were close enough to white asians. Not so.

>You criticize others about their "cost of life" let you let it blow right off yourself because you'd let someone ride a madmax tier piece of shit out of the dealership and they'll die minutes later no big deal its cost effective
Where did you get that?
I'd prefer a society with high safety regulations. I'm still putting a price on life though, You really don't get that do ya?
That even if I say a life is worth $1 and you say it's $1 Billion we're still arguing within the same moral framework.

Shut up he's right on lots of things and you know it

>meme language from a meme ideology
actually got a good kek out of that
have a (You)

>Used to be highly traditionally conservative.
>Realized that those folks weren't really looking out for my interest.
>Looked into Libertarianism.
>Nope, they are worse. Corporate fascism is the only path libertarianism will lead to, no matter how much they thing it won't.
>Checked out communism.
>Nope. It has lead to a lot of death and universally corrupt authority.
>Checked out national socialism.
>Nope. They are like commies, expect they blame everything on jews and blacks.
>Goddamnit. Giving up.
>Read many of the anarchist philosophers.
>Makes sense... Won't work in the real world, but it feels right.
>Reads about folks like Dorthy Day, Ammon Hennacy.
>Becomes a Christian Anarchist.
>Finally feels free.

Feels great, really.

>redpilled into libertarianism by Friedman
>only heard of Friedman because leftist told him about Friedman in a book

Absolutely cucked. I started my journey into libertarianism because of Ron Paul. But because I'm a son of immigrants I couldnt agree with Ron completely. I then learned about Ayn Rand, then Adam Smith then Say thru libertarian websites. I own books by all these philosophers. Even Ron's 2008 book. I voted for Bob Barr in 08 and Gary in 2016. I consider my self a true libertarian unlike poltards who picked up libertarianism from lewrockwell

makes me cringe hard whenever I hear the term "virtue signaling," because we already have a word (sanctimony) in the English language for that exact concept. so basically anyone that uses the phrase "virtue signaling" is a fed trying to make the right look like autistics ancaps, like you.

Give this a gander
re. money

It's interesting because of how civil and intelligent both sides were compared to modern times.

no, he was a filthy kike trying to subvert axiomatic European value structures for profit

Ron Paul is the secret heart of Sup Forums

>makes me cringe hard whenever I hear the term "virtue signaling,"
despite how it made ya feel it's perfectly reasonable to call you one given the context of what you said
fyi: I did get a genuine kek, I thought it was written clever

Do you any suggested works, have you read Tolstoy's "The Kingdom of God is within you"?

Flat Earth

and this



didn't even read what you originally posted but saying that ancaps are soulless KIKES doesn't make me one bit sanctimonious. It's a simple reality.

Go to bed guy from the video

My picture is silly.
But the Third Position is important.

I doubt you can define any of that. Nothing he said in the video was wrong. Hippie kid was just like "muh feels" and milton shut him down

You fell for the socialist meme and then the libertarian meme you stupid fuck. Kys

Yeah just noticed. Must have fucked up

beware as in "be aware" of it, because it is what will ultimately save us

>didn't even read what you originally posted but saying that ancaps are soulless KIKES doesn't make me one bit sanctimonious.
It does when you're not offering rebuttals to the parts of the theory you find objectionable.
Ya virtue signalling beta faggot. No one respects disingenuous slime balls like you.

You're 15 years old and just discovered /r/atheism for the first time. Kill yourself you retarded faggot, you know fucking nothing. Milton was a 5 foot tall parasite and kike shills like you are the first to go.

Yep. Read in and loved it.

I recommend the Book of Ammon. It's sort of Ammon Hennacy's autobiography and can ramble but I found it inspiring. Also, while not an anarchist text "A Theology of Liberation" was inspiring to me, too. It was also what got me looking into anarchism seriously in the first place... A strong, moral ideology at its base, just needed to be tweaked I felt.

For straight up anarchist stuff, I liked anything by Proudhon quite a bit.

>Be Liberal in commiefornia
>Get job at bank
>Become exposed to every possible racial stereotype you could think of
>See deadbeat dads dodging child support
>Illegals scattering like roaches when SSNs started to be required for accounts
>Families absolutely destroying each other in bitter, protracted legal battles over money and inheritance (This one was nasty)
>Shattered middle aged men ruined by divorce, many who used to be on top of the world, now just burned out husks
>Old people being scammed out of their life's savings by untouchable, untraceable criminal rings
>Old people being left alone to die by their families
>Sometimes be the only person who talks to them in months
>Have to call the police on multiple occasions because family members are physically abusing them for money
>Have to help handle things when they die with their often horrible, ungrateful offspring
>In short, be exposed to the real world I was told didn't exist.

Pretty much completely destroyed my sheltered world view, and with it, mg leftist views. The experience made me become very emotionally withdrawn, very cynical, less trusting and more skeptical. Became very aware of how people really are under their masks, how much they lie, how money and greed brings out the absolute worst in people.

I don't go out much anymore.

But do you blame zee Jews currency is what I'm wondering

This movie, specially the third part