The ultimate test

The ultimate test.

Where do you piss Sup Forums?


It fucking always flies out to the right when I don't want it to. I tried turning it sideways as a habbit, but not even that works.

between centrist and alt right because that's where the skidmarks usually are

Alt right zone

left yellow for me usually but sometimes left yellow or top/bottom left pink and occasionally blue.

I piss seated unless it's not my toilet.

This. Being redpilled means you blast brown shit away from the clean white bowl.

I can't tell, I always sit down to pee.

>tfw pee in either liberal zone or alt right zone
When you penis is small, it automatically goes there :(


>no zone for op's mouth

I always sit

me too bro. It's the fucking best if you have to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. You don;t even have to turn on a light, just keep your eyes closed in the dark, take your piss and go back to bed without even waking up.

Night is the best. I can walk out my door with my dick out of my pants already, make it on the lawn, and just let go.

Nobody knows, not even I, where it goes.

As a German, I sit down when I pee and aim below the pink circles in order to not make any noise.






Fucking faggots...

Alt-right zone or libertarian zone as close to the edge as possible so the pee bounce of under this shit where flushing water comes from and not all around the toilet.
It's a fucking hose monster down there..

blue because I want to make sure other people hear me pissing
I use a piss wall whenever possible