Welcome to 2017 where the sole act of being white makes you a turbo nazi kkk uber racist

Welcome to 2017 where the sole act of being white makes you a turbo nazi kkk uber racist

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Race war when?

Fuck these people.

well NoC do have a tendency to make things worse so i dont really blame the aclu for their vision for the future desu


>blonde kids?
>um.... yer a nazi
How did things get THIS FUCKING BAD?

Holy shit it's like a degenerate trap.

The ACLU is the only organization that is at times infuriating but always tries to stand up for the constitution. They don't always succeed but deserve a lot of credit for trying in this insane country.

White genocide is real

>no whites, no white genocide

why are these people mad because of my skin color ?

why are they so envious of my skin ?

Race-mixing plus the fact that both of those traits are recessive.


These fuckers don't even stop and think what a world without whites would look like.

Jesus H Christ. Enjoy your world without finance or production of any kind.

>The ACLU is the only organization that is at times infuriating but always tries to stand up for the constitution.
A few years ago they went on a huge push for gay rights. I was a donor. First amendment rights and Fourth amendment rights have been under constant threat and they push for gays. So I stopped donating. Now look at them. They're a fucking joke.

We need an NRA for the first amendment, a group like FIRE but not just for college campuses.

does this guy not realize what he posted or does he not care?

>white genocide is a myth but i cant wait for it to happen

That guy looks like a drug addict too

>At times

Nigger 99% of the time they are trying to destroy this nation and it's culture.

They want crosses off our fucking cemetery graves.

jews as usual
it began in the 30s with communist infiltration and they took over Hollywood and the rest of our media then education and politics as they grew more influential

Niggers of Color? lmao

Enough is enough.
At this point there is no point in showing any empathy towards these people.

>Welcome to *UNITES STATES OF AMERICA* 2017 where the sole act of being white makes you a turbo nazi kkk uber racist

Fixed that for you. It's not like that where I live.

Yes, but our country is actually relevant

What does "YT" mean when people use it in place of the word white?


not for much longer

What do the letters Y and T sound like when you say their names one after another? You can figure this out, I believe in you.

It's fucking undeniable at this point that it's going to happen.

I know what you're going for but it's really a horrible abbreviation

Shit like this is why I don't mind being called a Nazi, despite being a classic liberal. Because even the fucking Nazis have more in common with classic liberalism compared to this nonsensical, anti-white, anti-Western, race-driven version of communism.

I see these accusations as nothing more than an affirmation: They WANT us to be Nazis, because it gives them license to oppress us, to kill us. So fine, I'll be a Nazi. What difference does it make, anyway? Is the executioner's axe going to be less sharp if I bend over, spread my ass, and go "but I'm actually a liberal, I'm on your side!" Not fucking likely, is it? Nothing convinces me more of the importance of keeping the West white than these cunts shitting on white people for nothing but the colour of our skin.

'free speech branded white children'

aura bogado. what a stupid cunt ffs.

idk y people keep saying this

Makes me feel odd that I have green/blue eyes unlike the hordes of brown eyed people around me.

>cucks giving in
>two of the racists are also proud communists

I refer to my above post.

Apparently this is the childs father

This is great for us, I do hope you are not upset. Nothing can be better for the side of Good than the absolute visceral insanity and repulsive nature of the "left", cultural marxist and globalist pawns.

YT = Why tee = whitey

>basically saying "Fuck America"
How is this allowed?

I agree. These people show no empathy to us, either. The constant call for one-sided empathy will kill us. There is no more moderation in this debate. This is not a culture of compromise and understanding. These people use their self-appointed status as victims to give themselves ever more power, and to justify their horrible acts.

I fully believe these people are ready to kill children like this, because of their "crime" of whiteness. It's happened before, and it's suppressed by communist cunts, and it's going to happen again.

i find it fucking hilarious that burgers are more retarded than denazified german

seriously not even over here we are this fucking retarded and that says alot

I went to Michigan in 2014 and met nobody with brown eyes the whole time. I don't know anybody with brown eyes at home either. I don't believe these figures claiming that brown eyes are that common because my experience tells me otherwise.

what a cuck

hes so ashamed he has to publicly state his son threw the flag away as if his son did it to show hatred for America, and not because hes 3 and thinks that'd be fun as fuck

>kowtowing to people who want you dead

This sort of behaviour is why it's impossible to respect leftists. They basically called you and your child a Nazi in no uncertain terms. These were racially and politically motivated insults, at the adress of a fucking child.

And this cuck apologises. He has chosen the side he wants to be on, and it's the side that steps on him for being white. Sad. But at least we'd fight him for his ideas, not his race. Well, I would. Can't speak for the rest of you.

>haven't seen the blocked videos about german blue eyed blond hair people not being the future of germany

Oh yes, this helps our enemies.


another WOKE 3 year old

How DO they do it?

Wau, Twitter really is a cesspool. Glad I don't use it.

Was there ever a point?

>White genocide is a myth
> But it will happen
Wait what?



Fucking niggers. The so called "normies" will understand way too late that they were being played by the jewish media. One day, a white american will look around himself and he won't see another white. Then it will be too late.

Many leftists psychopathically use the rhetoric of anti racism to justify the replacement and suppression of whites in much the same way useless google hr-evangelist feminists use anti misogyny rhetoric to keep from getting fired.

I don't like them dude, time to hang niggers and jews but kindly

oy vey! it backfires! need to shut it down

Someone with some photoshop skills should turn that picture into a punch a nazi picture. and post it back on twitter.

At this point I will be severely let down if there is no race war. My thirst for their suffering can never be quenched.

>no more blues
>no more blondes

Benjamin Franklin is spinning in his grave.

But we're winning guys! I just posted another sick meme on The Donald! I showed them SJWs whose boss!

MAGAPede Pride!!!

Seeing this type of shit infuriates me and I'm not even white.

I was thinking the same burger.

What a cuck

>Welcome to 2017 where
any idiot is allowed to state their opinion on the internet

I think the ACLU didn't believe us and so ran a test....

A white child waiving an American flag with a rainbow toy is literally Satan.


The ACLU defends free speech to force degeneracy.

Nothing more. They are pure evil.

The war in whites is bullshit, I'm not even white and it makes no sense to me.
Other than my family, my favorite people in the world are white.

When you're so woke that a picture of a baby pisses you off

spread this far and wide
let the moderates see this shit

>It's not genocide when nobody is murdered
Why not sterilize Africa then?

I think everyone should be allowed to say things as degenerate as they want, as long as everyone else has the right to call them out on it. I also think those idiots should be allowed to spew their racist, anti-white bullshit. But I should also be allowed to call them fuckin idiots.

>race mixing
It's non-white immigration. Race mixing is on the rise, but it's still pretty rare.

This needs to be made into multiple threads today. This needs to spread. This is the kind of thing that will redpill non politically active whites.

>yfw protective services take his baby away because hes forcing white supremacist values upon it

LOL. That's how you get a 4th Reich.

Let's get Antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:

Let's also get George Soros what he deserves for financing violent domestic terrorist groups:
Sign and share please!

normies bfto now

>let's a hoard of illiterate unskilled feral niggers into his country
>you guys sure are stupid in America
When we imported ours they were field equipment you fucking dep


Dylan Roof did nothing wrong

>What is average

Are you mentally handicapped?


So in the US you can openly call for the genocide of white people and still work at an uni but if you silently protest against destroying historical status you get expelled?

I hate this world.

Niggers and non-whites in general hate us. They are incurably jealous of what we've accomplished. They are the permanent victims. A race war is inevitable once we become the minority and only then will people wake up to their violent, hateful nature and start fighting back. I just hope it's not too late.

Shitty ideas like this not being called out for fear of "muh racism" have let idiots like this grow to plague levels.

This is good, white people are getting redpilled.

SA is our future.

In absolute numbers though, sounds like it's pretty stable

Considering racemixing is still a very low %, you have Italian and Irish immigration to blame more than anything else


There is no war in Kenya. There is only an increased presence of Al Shabaab because leftist softies pay off Somali pirates instead of shooting them. Anyone who does not come from a country directly bordering an EU country that is also at war is not a refugee, they are migrants.

And that comes down to literally everyone except Ukrainians. And because of this lie, I fully support sending back everyone who entered as a refugee but isn't one. As well as punishing the people in politics and the bureaucracy who made these crimes possible.

Struggle sessions have moved to the internet.


Watch this video and wake up to the real world of immigration including the blacks being a minority . Everything you are told is a lie.

White people will go literally hitler and start genociding before that honestly.

Imagine that's your father.

If you don't like this country, go live in fucking Africa or any other shit third world location and see how tolerant they'll be towards you.

only if we let it. Fight for your right to exist!

I doubt it.

>be Norwegian
>be blond, blue eyed and tall
>be born in the mid 90`s

Yeah, i want to get off this ride

Does anyone have the video of the girl having a nice birthday party and then the rapefugees turn the country into a warzone so there's no peaceful, safe life anymore?

Drumpflings will NEVER recover from this. Even 3 year olds recognize his sexist, transmisogynistic, racist, xenophobic, evil nazi nature.

>dr3 is a reason why whites deserve to die out
Pinko's got a point.

i dont. the silent majority is still on trumps side. We just have lives- a job, a family- aint nobody got time for this shit.

But if you threaten our existence we'll unsilence ourselves.

holy fucking shit

When I travelled there 10 years ago, there were so many blonde girls who died their hair black. Fucking sad, man.

They don't realize that they'll never forgive us. There will never be a moment where they collectively agree that we have repaid our transgressions towards them and that we exist in harmony and equality. They will demand more and more until we've been wiped out.

Some of us warned about this many years ago, the rest of you retards asking how -we- (you) let things get this bad now are the same retards who called us crackpots all those years ago for pointing these trends out.

YOU are to blame, fuck you.