Holocaust denial

I don't understand how anyone can objectively state that the hollocaust never happened. It seems like Nazis suffer from confirmation bias around the issue. Don't get me wrong, I believe that the alt left is pretty destructive for society, but glorifying hitler and denying the hollocaust just gives them ammo and scares off normies. If Nazies renounced hitter and acknowledged the hollocaust this compromise might be enough to bring people over to the alt right.

Feel free to try and redpill me about the hollocaust I always keep an open mind,

Also try to remember that there is a shit tonne of evidence from films, photos, testaments from Nazis, so you'd need to come up with something pretty concrete.

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I know my spelling sucks I don't know what's wrong with my brain today, try to look past that shit and pay attention to the underlying content bros :)

Such a pity hitler decided not to eradicate your kind in dunkirk

Your picture looks 5,999,945 of a gorillion.

bump for interest

Well the problem is people act like its all or nothing because our society is infantalized.


or The Holocaust DIDNT HAPPEN AT ALL its a conspiracy!

What if I told you that there was systematic oppression against the Jews in Nazi Germany (as well as half the governments of Europe). What if I told you the evils of the Nazi Regime are heavily exaggerated in our modern minds. What if I told you that the plan to kill off the Jews was something that came very late in the war and was never fully implemented. What if I told you we used the the treatment of Jews to paint a picture to the American people why hundreds of thousands of our people had to die and why we had to level half of Europe killing millions upon millions.

You can think that the holocaust, as we know it, is a propagandized event without thinking it didnt happen at all.

6 million jews + 5 million others , so 11 million supposedly.

11 million / 5 years = 4.051 Jews Per Minute.

user, do you honestly believe that the Nazis were able to Holocaust Jews at a rate of 4.05 Jews Per Minute?

>I don't understand how anyone can objectively state that the hollocaust never happened.
Did you see it happen? No? It's pretty easy to deny it on those grounds. Maybe you shouldn't, but you're an utter retard if you can't see why people do it.

It happened. It was Hitler's greatest accomplishment. I would tell him to start gassing in 1933.

Okay but even if the Nazis killed say 10% of the estimated figures, that's still pretty dark right?

Prove to me it did happen

Has that number gone up wasnt it 6 million with like half being Polish?

Are they now just claiming that anyone who died in a camp during the war as a haulocaust victim?

Yeah, We killed millions firebombing cities for no strategic purpose that achieved nothing.

There is no reason to have the level of social anxiety about Nazis, as far as regimes go there have been many worse in history.

Hell USSR, Communist China and probably North Korea are all worse than Nazi Germany and thats just SINCE ww2.

There's way more evidence that it happened than didn't, looking at it on a balance of evidence basis. You can pretty much use that argument for anything, the moon landings, dinosaurs etc.

read about the 6 million figure and why it's there

11 million was proven to be a lie by Simon Wiesenthal, the famous Jew who won the Noble Peace Prize and whose book 'Night' is not only filled with self admitted lies but is part of the standard curriculum in the USA.
Read this article from the Jewish Times Agency
Additionally, it's not even five years. If you count the Einstanzgruppen as part of the Holocaust then that starts in 1941 but the Wansee Conference (That confirmed the 'Final 'Solution' supposedly) was in 1942. Of course Auschwitz was liberated in January 1945 so it's not even a full three years.

The world jewish almanac shows an increase in the European jewish population during World War 2

>Sick/starving prisoners from losing side.
Yeah, that's never happened before.

It was the most documented genocide in human history. There is no way you can prove that it "didn't happen"

These three videos are all that you will ever need to watch to convince yourself that it is nonsense:

Buchenwald a Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil: youtube.com/watch?v=3HlPcaP9x5o

One Third of the Holocaust: youtube.com/watch?v=Vwku0UFB8_s

Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth: youtube.com/watch?v=ZvIqT6eCEjM

If you have more particular questions, I am capable of directing you to the answers to any of them.

By the way, I am not a Nazi either. I despise Hitler for his persecutions and war crimes, and for starting a war that led to the deaths of tens of millions of people. But the Holocaust is a post facto invention used to justify mass immigration into Europe, to screen the crimes of international Zionism, and to act as a pretext for any and all forms of military invasion of sovereign nations by the United States.


>if National Socialists rejected Hitler, people would accept them
Rather like Trump can say he denounces racism, but they still insist he's a racist?
>there's evidence!
There is no evidence that six million Jews were killed by WWII Germany. Six million seems to be some kind of magic number for Jews; they were using it for decades prior, back to the nineteenth century. Four million were supposedly killed at Auschwitz...the figures were only corrected in the nineties to less than two million...but people insist that the total dead didn't actually change because "the four million was Soviet propaganda, no one took it seriously to begin with." Yet all the supposed murder camps were in territory seized by the Soviets, and we're supposed to accept their word on one thing but not the other. It seems very selective, towards a certain goal.

my gf grand father died in Birkenau and I talk to a Birkenau survivor last year, he even had a dogtag tatooed behind his ear. Also there is photographic evidence of the jewish genocide as well as german army records of mass extermintion of jewish civilians in poland by the einsatzgruppe.

This is false. Watch this video and learn about how little time was given to the Reinhardt Death Camps during the Nuremberg Trials, and how shoddily as a whole the trials were conducted:


I said how not why faggot

idgaf, hope it happens again desu, only this time finish the job for good. Now talk about an actual tragedy, 60+ million Christians killed by Bolshevik Jews. This is an actual crime, actual humans died. No one gives a shit when jews die. Jews were born to die, they are our play things.

>We don't know how many people actually died in holocaust
>Hey Rabbi
>Pick a number between 1 and 6 million

No one is denying most of it. It's just that the stories told by Jews are so often obvious BS and there were probably no gas chambers. Maybe one. Also there was between 3-3.6 million Jews in occupied Europe and far from all of them died. How did he gas 6 million?

Not an argument.
I agree that the Nuremberg trials were extremely shady, but to say that the Holocaust didn't happen as a whole is idiotic. Though, I am open to agreeing that the figures were altered or over-exaggerated.

>than didn't,
If I claimed I had burned your house down, what evidence could you show to the contary? There has to be a ton of it, since I obviously didn't burn it down.

What exactly would evidence for holocaust not having happened even look like? There is not a mass grave of Jews behind my house. Is that evidence that holocaust didn't happen? My lamp shade is not made of a Jew, more evidence. My soap is wholly synthetic. There's so much evidence.

When he is talking about the design its because you can safely assume the plan and Aushwitz were never about literally gassing and incinerating the jews.

That was a makeshift implementation.

That doesn't change the meaning at all. You're retarded.

Okay OP here, it seems that the main argument is about quoted figures, but even if they were a fraction of the quoted figures, it'd still be pretty bad right? I don't like Muslims but I wouldn't put them in an oven, I'd just stop their mass importation knock down their mosques an outlaw halal.

They died from typhus and starvation only during the war. Even if there was a plan to exterminate them, they had it coming. Jews have been demonic terrorists for thousands of years.

There are no pictures whatever of gas chambers, only of dead bodies and starving people in camps, which even the mainstream historians account as barely even comprising a fraction of what is called the "Holocaust."


Begin at the video entitled "Episode 09: Why America Believes In The Holocaust" and carry on from there.

look kid, nobody denies that jews had died in the war. there are pictures of the bodies as there are pictures of dead german civilians or slavs. holocaust happened you say? German state tried to KILL all jews? Gas chambers are a big joke as well as 6,000,000 or 11,000,000. What any logical man could come up with is that germany was going to deport all jews as their policy was (non germans wouldn't be allowed to house in germany) but war with surrounding countries blocked this and losing the war started a chain of actions that lead to mistreating "prisoners" as they weren't able to feed them or allow proper healthcare.

check for yourself. the day "wholeburning" begun, germany was winning, and the day concentration camps were liberated they had been losing/running out of resources for months.

Try this math equation for size.

14 - 6 = 15

How = ability to do something,
Why = motivation for doing it

You're Finnish so I assume you know the language of your master race.
Кaк/зaчeм = big difference.

I think the best argument against holocaust is that Nazis bothered to imprison and feed Jews at all. Why go through all that trouble if you just want to kill them?

Nobody denies that a lot of people died. Some just deny that the way they died was not the way the ((( history books ))) say so.

Have you looked into what happened to millions of german men after the war? I personally think that's a far bigger crime, with real proof.

You're right but there are too many people around here now who never realized the 'Hilter did nothing wrong' was a joke.
Glorifying Hitler, denying the reality of the holocaust, blaming all jews instead of specifically the globalist and bolsheviks....it's all counterproductive and a dead end.
Shills are around, not only doing other activities but also promoting unironic nazi and nat-soc stuff.
It's the same as if we infiltrated antifa and convinced them it was great to beat woman and children on T.V.
If a person is too stupid to see this and marches around larping as a nazi, there's no helping them.

>even if less people than they say died in the war, people dying during war is still pretty bad, right?
Now you're just getting philosophical about morality. People die in wars. Yes, this can be quite shitty.

I do agree with you for the gas chambers we don't have ABSOLUTE evidence if you think witnesses aren't good enough. Nonethelesw we do have photographic evidence of the jewish genocide in europe as well as paperwork from the german army. I mean we have VIDEOS of german special units killing hundreds of women and children in trenches.

> Video evidence
> The camps and ovens still exist and can be visited
> Extensive records discovered in many of the camps that weren't able to be destroyed quickly enough
> Eyewitness testimates
> Admission of dozens of Nazis who committed the ACT
> The assertion that it was propaganda at the time is ridiculous because we had no idea
The only possible argument that can be made is that it's propaganda now - but why? Why a huge propaganda campaign vilifying a group that are universally disposed by everyone without a learning disability
> muh Jewish conspiracy
It's just a fucking religion folks - one that's more milk compared to most in fact. Yea, Jewish psople tend to have more family wealth, that's because back in the day they were the only group that were moneylenders. Christians weren't because Jesus kicked moneylenders from the temple. Muslims weren't because Mohammed said not to. And guess what? Making money from lending money is very profitable. Don't blame the Jews because you aren't rich now - blame your dumbass ancestors for believing in fiction too hard. Blame yourselves for having no work ethic.

I used to think r9k was the most self-pitting bored - until I came here.

links? i wanna see myself

the only not fucking stupid, racist and retarded post I have read in Sup Forums. This board is total shit filled with pathetic losers.

War crimes on the scale of hundreds of people does not equate with the systematic gassing to death of over ten million people. You must stick to the subject itself.

Proof it did happend and we can talk.

Oh, I see, you're truly looking for an answer to the question "how". I assumed you were a human using figures of speech and idioms, instead of being a machine capable of only the most literal of interpretations. Well, let me answer to your 'how': With a keyboard.

no,it was all with a reason
pic related

Show proof. Telling that there is proof isnt proof faggot.

>why a huge propaganda campaign vilifying a group that are universally disposed by everyone without a learning disability
They weren't despised (that's what you meant, right?). You have your order backward...the propaganda is what made you despise them more than you already despised them and then propaganda was made to reassure you...
>it's just a fucking religion
You can DNA test for religion, now? What percentage Lutheran and Buddhist were you on your genomic test? Is 23andme better than FTDNA for detecting Mormon admixture?

By the way, let me introduce you to the quality of the "witnesses" of which you speak. Go to this timestamp:


Yes, we have witnesses testifying under oath to things that are not physically possible.

The West hasn't gone full retard yet.

Search Babi Yar on google, 30.000 jews killed in just two day by firing squads and burried in trenches.

>a few pics
You know there are movies, thousands of photos, eyewitness's from thousands and thousands of soldiers of every country that was in the region right? to deny the holocaust is moon-landing tier conspiracy.
You should be embarrassed.

In my opinion, these image shows well the amount of holes in the story that everyone refuses to acknowledge.

Okay now I don't know wtf you're talking about, maybe should fuck off to Sup Forums and leave the intellectual discussions to us.

Their should be mass graves if it did happend but their isn't. Not from 6 million it is.

I don't know where you read this. In history class I have been always taught about 4M-6M TOTAL jews killed, which includes starvation, firing squads, gas chambers etc... the largest number was actually killed by the firing squads not the gas chambers.

Back to the cabinet/Facebook normal

When the jew is so THINN that the shadow dissapears
Also fuck off circumcised faggot Jew

Things happend, sure. Jews were killed, sure. But it was not "the whole burnt offering". Things went down, but not at all like the official story is told. Most of the "proof" isnt really proof at all.

I prefer the term Holocaust revisionism.


You are at least 50 years old.
Why haven't you married your gf yet?

It happend numbers are just greatly exasperated, what about the Soviet Union and the chinks????

>don't have munition to fight
>shoot jew civilians
Ok lad

exactly this. Also they started "systematic murdering" in 41. the same year operation barbarossa begun. maybe they thought they were going to be gaining ground and prepared for something they had promised? hmm no? really grinds my gears.

That's why they stopped in 1942 and created gas chambers

I agree 100% with you. Most people here who deny the holocaust (like me), do it as a joke, we're not fucking serious


You cant DNA test for judiasm, idiot. You can find out if an individual's ancestors are from a certain region of the world in the last few generations, but there is no 'Jew gene'

The misinformation you guys banty around is astounding.

And evening hated the Nazis. It took 0 effort to make Americans despise a totalitarian fascist regime from a country that they JUST fought for being uppity shit heads.

How is that not physically possible? There were dozens of camps and people were killed in hundreds. The Nazis can be criticized for many things but they were efficient in their genocide.

Didn't they use them as cheap labour?

You seem convinced that one photo manipulation is evidence.
How do you know it wasn't manipulated to sow doubt that the holocaust was real? you fucking don't.
You've taken a position and now are emotionally invested in defending it.
Unfortunately for you, you're opinion on the holocaust makes you look like a fucking idiot.

What about the Soviet Commie Jews killing all those innocent Germans? What about the West carpet bombing to death millions of Germans?

Why do you deny this?


I have 100's of faked photos , no need to show it to some cockloving jew

One again I met in person a year ago a Birkenau survivor and I doubt he was some paid mossad actor. He managed to survive because he was 17 atm and fit so they used him for labor work instead of killing him.

>gas chambers
Vaunted German engineering.

Auschwitz commendant testified (after tortured) that 3 million died in his camp.
Court accepted it.
Why is the figure now less than 2?

You are mistaken about this. Go to this timestamp and see for yourself in Raul Hilberg's definitive book "The Destruction of the European Jews."


Observe that at least 3 million of the 5 million in his estimate are said to have been killed in death camps.

>I don't understand how anyone can objectively state that the hollocaust never happened.

You need to bring a solid proof holocaust actually happened, first

Also its your* opinion u illiterate morron.
Check mate jew

>pay attention to the underlying contenr bros :)
Kill yourself

Why are you making a big deal out of it? Most people deny stuff. Why care? So what if people deny the kikecost?

Fuck (((them))) and their holocaust fetish

>What about the West carpet bombing to death millions of germans?
>why do you deny this?
*Why do american schoolw deny this.
I have learned about this in highschool without any kind of censorship, war was horrible in both sides and both sides commited atrocities

>I have 100's of faked photos
Yep you sure do. heh.

This wouldn't really make sense on such scale in a modern society. There's only so much you needed manual labor for, especially since complex jobs could be sabotaged. And why would they have bothered keeping any Jew alive that was not a male between 20 and 30 of age? Besides, they had a ton of captured soldiers and other prisoners already.


It's not so much that the Holocaust didn't happen - more that Jews have propagandized it over time for sympathy and influence points, which should be obvious to anyone with an IQ above 90. It's been 70 years since it happened and somehow we're still finding """holocaust survivors""".

What's wrong with the photos, testaments from camp directors, testements from Jews, testaments from German citizens shown around the camps. The camps themselves, seems like hollocaust denial mostly comes from people who weren't actually there. Would it really be possible to have so many people in a joint conspiracy? Also balance of evidence, this evidence demonstrates far greater likelihood it happened. At best wouldn't it be more logical to declare skepticism rather than an outright refusal to acknowledge it happened?


literally jewish fantasy

>no such thing as Jewish DNA
Wow, you've blown the cover off of all those commercial tests! Spread the word, they're racist liars! You literally don't know what you're talking about.
>everyone hated them!
Pic related. Madison Square Garden, 1939. Don't look for Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, etc...they were too busy pretending to hate "nazis" elsewhere to prop up your fake narrative.

The Haavara Transfer Agreement BLOWS UP the whole holocaust narrative. It was a deal between the Nazis and the Zionists to help emigrate german jews to Palestine/Israel.



Want another piece of evidence??


This is a Waffen SS judge. He executed a camp commandant for killing two jewish prisoners……….


He was so fucking thorough that he interviewed other prisoners, PERSONALLY!

Why would an SS judge be executing commandants, when they are supposedly gassing / rolling / electrifying 666 million of them!?!?

On these two points alone the narrative crumbles. And we haven't even gotten to the number problem of killing 3287 people a day in gas chambers, let alone the fuel needed to cremate them all.

They couldn't even produce 1 body for the Nuremberg Trials!

These are lies, the Holocaust is a lie.

Also explain this faggot

How can you racist nazi fat pigs even dare to try and deny the holocaust?

Eye witness testimony is unreliable.
I can claim I saw Bigfoot shagging the loch Ness monster. It wouldn't hold up in a normal court of law on its own.

Why the Holocaust got a special exception I'll leave for you to figure out.



you sure are one tryhard shitposter huh? Good luck with your life lad