What does Sup Forums support more, the Rockwell option, full on war, or something better?

What does Sup Forums support more, the Rockwell option, full on war, or something better?


Rockwell got it right, people just hadn't been pushed around enough at that time.

Is Spencer the new Rockwell?

based rockwell dump



Change the way people think, and we could avoid a war. We're changing people's minds now.
War is the final option, we currently have other options and we should exploit them first.


Those who actually WANT war should belong to the first wave in the frontlines

You can't do that. You need a vanguard movement to get anything done. It's unfortunate but true.

The people won't just one day wake up and then we will win. It didn't happen in Rhodesia, South Africa, or Haiti and it won't happen here. As long as we are comfortable and fat the people won't give a crap about the genocide of their people even if they did believe it.

The Rockwell option is the only option. Give them Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and the northern third of Georgia, in exchange for them getting the fuck out of the rest of the country.

We can use the now-vacated black neighborhoods of northern/West Coast cities with their close proximity to jobs and economic development to resettle the huwhite peoples.

I say it's a fair exchange.

sad but true

What if i don't want to live with niggers?

Airborne Infantry, nice.

Then we give the spics Aztlan? The chinks the pac NW?

No, fuck that. We forged this country out of nothing. It belongs to us. All of it.

This is the option of failure. You amputate a gangerous leg, you don't tell it you want it back on principal.

The Rockwell option was sending their black asses to Liberia and giving them the foreign aid we give to countries that hate us.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. When I say "give them AL, LA, MS, and 1/3 of GA" I mean GIVE THEM those states, as we vacate them and resettle all whites from the future black territories.

I'm sure you'll be perfectly happy in 100% white Oregon, Colorado, Montana, Texas, etc.

I forgot that detail. Yeah, that'd be better.


Tomorrow is the 50th, that's 50th anniversary of this great man's death!
Make sure to do something special in his honour.

If the commander were alive today I'd follow him