We can't save gen z women from feminism or LGBT propaganda

>Talking with two pretty conservative girls that have opposed to fascism/liberal parents (which is luckily common).
>They are pro gay marriage.
>They think that women are oppressed and don't have the same right as men.
We're doomed.

muh -

We can't save them because they are the ones pushing it (as requested by their jewish masters). Women's suffrage was a mistake.

There are good ones out there. Clearly you can identify the bad ones, and you know what to do when you meet them.

They are young.
And young women actually benefit the most from feminism



Women like gays because they're attractive to men. Two men = more appealing than one man & one woman.

There's also no risk of their friendship with a homosexual man turning into a relationship and there's no jealously in the friendship like there would be if they were friends with another woman.

Woman will always enjoy homsexuality. Any woman saying she dosn't is acting for the attention of anti-gay males/lying.

The simple answer is for five million working men to march on Parliament and say that they will no longer pay taxes until Woman Suffrage is repealed.

As on the one hand women don't pay taxes as a class, and as on the other they not only reap all the benefits of them, but also have tyrannical power over men in the divorce courts, the present system enslaves one half of the population to the other and is therefore without legitimacy.

attracted to*


>conservative girls
>think that women are oppressed and don't have the same right as men

So which is it?

>There are good ones out there.
I really hope so, yet the majority of the girls I've met is retarded and don't know anything about the world and the remaining is progressive about feminism/lgbt...

I wouldn't argue with them on the gay stuff (even though the government uses gay "rights" as a way to get more power). You can red pill her on feminism. Step 1: don't be a beta bitch. Step 2: ask her what rights men have that women don't, and show her the wage gap is a lie

>muh paranoid doom-thinking
>why is this generation fucked - old men talk.

Everything comes back around. Societies and generations are always swinging from left to right, from rich to poor, from hard to soft. You think history evolves in a straight line? Every movement is a reaction to the previous generation.

Oh, it's a mistake, let me tell you. Had a "gay" friend of mine go full bitch-mode nuclear when I started dating a guy. It's as though I were his special piece of property. You think women can be bitches? Holy shit, this guy turned full mental. Wound up in court over it, even. He tried to frame my boyfriend for inappropriately touching a minor, and the stupid little attention-seeking, "daddy never loved me" whore he found went along with it for attention. Oh, the pictures I found that she thought were "private" on the Internet. THAT was a fun day. Can we say case dropped like a hot potato? I avoid the LGBT community at all costs now.

A pipe dream, my friend. There are just way too many numales and beta fags that will defend women now no matter what they do. Women are pretty much useless in the current role they are occupying in society, but that's just how it is and unfortunately we can't change that. Actually, it's likely going to get worse.

Unfortunately as women grow more powerful in our society, support for multiculturalism, gay/transexual rights, immigration, (((Feminism))), jewish Marxism will just increase.

They're conservative about attachment to the homeland or immigration. They're even red pilled about democracy and dictatorship; yet they are feminists and pro gay.

what's wrong with that?

isn't that literally proof of the wage gap?
also every feminist would agree that courts should be impartial of gender when it comes to custody.

Fuck tell me about it i work as an assistant teacher and i can honestly see a majority of females that are degenerate and follow these liberals. Dyed hair, believe in oppression "OH my god you dont believe women are oppressed now"

Like holy fuck girls, you are able to get the same jobs and the same schools provided to you that men can. Its not the 90's anymore.

Not if you sit around and do nothing about it.

Tried to do that, but they use arguments like some Italian words being "sexist" or that employers prefer to hire men instead of women (which is obviously not true, but I don't have any data about that).

So they're not redpilled, they're just another redditors from the_Donald - only took half the pill and couldn't swallow the rest.

gays =/= lesbians
at least in mentality

>isn't that literally proof of the wage gap?
No, it proves that women are less efficient than men and that they're not capable of high-paid jobs.

Did you ask the what rights specifically they don't have?

you obviously don't know what redpilled means then.

I don't get how anyone rational can be pro-gay or a feminist. Both movements have been a great big mistakes.

>girls ... is
Learn2grammar fag

It's obvious that they're not red pilled about everything (do women like that even exist?). They're mildly conservative and recognize that dictatorship can be good in some situations.

They're not even conservative in the first place if thy're pro gay feminists

Women have a brain problem that makes them believe they are victims no matter what.

Just look at hillaries book what went wrong. She literally blames trump for being behind her because she walked in front of him......

You can't cure insanity op.

It's like putting 12 schizophrenics who think they are Christ in the same room. Except we gave them total power instead of acknowledging the fact that they are in fact delusional and insane.

Literal feminazis. Double the horror. Fuck off you faggot


>They think that women are oppressed and don't have the same right as men.
That's the thing with women.
They don't get that males have pride and humility, and would rather stay silent about their achievements.
Even then, males overwhelmingly own all the things, because that's just what they do.
Women being oppressed nowadays just amounts to lack of recognition. But they just flat out don't own it.

Mankind has literally enslaved women for thousands of years in the sense that every greasy, ugly piece of trash man used to be entitled to his own society-mandatory wife. If you think we are ever going back to that time, you're deluded.

There was a time when one could be politically conservative and socially liberal and even fiscally libertarian.

No. Conservative = socially traditional. As opposed to liberal, fagot.

Not very conservative. Notice how they are having clear emotional responses to feminism (mah victimhood) and LGBT rights. They won't be conservatives for much longer. The feminism/emotionalism will rot their brains and turn them on all other issues, especially when all of their little friends start to turn their backs on them if they don't change.

hahaha, you really believe this shit?

Women enslaved Men.

Who did the working? Why died in war? Who just had too open their legs in the right moment?

Since Industrialisation, when work become less dangerous, women suddenly didnĀ“t like their role anymore.

Uhm, unfortunately the typical girls I've met are like that.
I really hope there will be a turning point on feminism, with women realizing its dangers.

well no shit. its kinda hard when our education system purposely enlists teachers to turn the classroom into a brainwashing institution. gay and chopping off your dick and claiming its a vagina is the current fashion tend regardless if you're "blue" or "red" among gen z.

if you thought our generation was bad, wait till gen z gets 18+. you're gonna be in a world of hurt.
>hurr they love freedums of spooch!
no, they really don't. the so called "red pilled" ones want to silence the blue and vice versa. that isn't freedums of speech!!@@@

Well, most of my friends are guys (until they find a girlfriend who immediately orders that I disappear). Hmm. Most of my friends are men, and I talk to them on the Internet and whatnot, now that I think about it. Wow. Women suck. Is this why I have so few friends? I can't stand to be around most women, refuse to play their social games, and I can't hold onto guy friends because their women are bitches? Yeeesh. No wonder I'm a calloused shitlord.