What did you pranksters do now xD

What did you pranksters do now xD


The problem with stupid people is that they will keep making stupid mistakes, making them look stupid.

Sup Forums and the alt-right are hopeless. they are destined to keep making the same stupid mistakes.

How is this a stupid mistake shlomo?

Glad I was able to contribute yesterday. I hadn't had that much fun on Sup Forums in a while.

Question user. Why are you on Sup Forums


oh shit they caught us and propagated the stuff we wanted to spread far and wide. oh noes what will we ever do.

No u

It doesnt matter we got caught

It still shows how absurd Antifa`s ideology is

>hamhanded posters due to minimal discussion and jumping the gun on distribution (thanks, nu-Sup Forums) raises red flags for handful of people who aren't as dumb as the rest of the filth
>spend more than 2 min lurking a site that is mentioned and linked to by MSM every fucking day now
> make use of the handy search bar (because ctrl+f, what's that?)
>see thread with Sup Forumsacks discussing said posters


I hope that person wins a prize for investigative journalism.


ISIS are better than Nazi's though. ISIS want the US out of the middle east, I want that too. Nazi's want to kill or draft everyone to fight in their endless wars.

ISIS can ruin their own shitholes. Nazis want to ruin where I live.

>Free access website that allows user posting

Great detective work

some quick OC

>it was done in threads literally anyone could view as Sup Forums has no sign-up requirements

The only question is how do they not catch everything we come up with here?

At least the goal from the beginning was to make it spread far-and-wide.

The point is to expose double-think among liberals and alt-left who will make claims like "Punch a Nazi" and "It's never okay to hit someone. Stop domestic violence today."

The longer it's been since I worked in journalism, the more I realize how dumb most female reporters are


To report you to the BBC



how is this real? also, polite death to israel bump

I meant the orange dude to be a nazi and the Isis member antia

My god. Am I going to prison?

>ISIS are better than Nazi's though. ISIS want the US out of the middle east, I want that too. Nazi's want to kill or draft everyone to fight in their endless wars.


Once again Sup Forums makes itself look like fucking retards

You're going to BLACKED.COM

Because a lot of the better stuff has its origin DEEP into threads with very convoluted reply chains that they dont want to look through. They literally look at headlines and maybe a few posts in the thread, shilling along the way because they dont know hoe to lurk.


irony is that only an idiot would not see this as a win-win. you fucking wood for brains.

>far right
>some shitters on Sup Forums

They like to conflate shit don't they?

This. I fucking hate that justification of violence with "lol just punch Nazis bro it's okay right side of history"

>smear campagin against antifi

haaha. its what BBC & Cnn call 'journalism'.

>Prominent far-right individuals such as Joseph Paul Watson also retweeted the memes.

>Joseph Paul Watson

They can't comprehend a few people could make these and spread them on normie media so easily, it has to be all of us right? NORMIES aren't THAT dumb right Nigel?

i bet they having a champagne right now

Kek this

I am enraged that this womans picture was used for this smear campaign. She obviously has hearing problems and that is just wrong making fun of disabled person.

I wonder if she has big tits?

>She said she was right-wing, so I gave her a left hook

She's nazi, she got what she deserved

nothing, this is a board of peace
>I heard some antifa were in here making abuse memes tho

Hello Davide Emeo, of Twitter handle @realdavidemeo.

Friendly reminder that you are not white.

>expose double-think among liberals and alt-left who will make claims like "Punch a Nazi" and "It's never okay to hit someone.
too fucking lat
it's done

Anyone punches me will die. I will ram my fist down their throat,, grab their heart and pull it out through their mouth.

I can't wait for some antifa kid to step up and promptly lose his life to a superior alpha.




Do you have any pictures of her in uniform?

After the PUNCH A NAZI rhetoric it was fucking laughable to see them fall to "you do not hit somebody that you assume is a neo-nazi".

So now punching Nazis is not ok?

I guess antifa were the really fascists all along

you have no idea what nazis are

The fucking hypocrisy coming from the BBC is actually making me angry.

Goal achieved

To be fair it takes time to learn when a black cock picture is more than black cock picture on here

All attention is good attention

Can't read the other text. Is BBC sprading vile hate crimes like "burn coal, pay toll"?

Are you retardado?

>Anyone punches me will die. I will ram my fist down their throat,, grab their heart and pull it out through their mouth.
>I can't wait for some antifa kid to step up and promptly lose his life to a superior alpha.

This is 4d chess faggot

Fuck sake this idea only started yesterday. Have journalists given up and just sit around trolling Sup Forums all day?

Pro-antifa journalists are fucking cancer




> Exposed by Bellingcat

Why do these useless journalists think they're getting a scoop by hanging out on a public forum? This is news now?

antifa and blm are enemies now

antifa is white supremacist

>What did you pranksters do now xD

We made you faggots spazz out far past midnight. You took it so hard the BBC had to say there there little Timmy. We'll handle the bad POL for you.


>not exactly sure right now

The Hitler flame lit up in his eyes that day

>it still shows how absurd Antifa's ideology
All it did was create headlines that tell normies how misogynistic the alt right is.

Shut the fuck up you
ass stinking, bath needin, chicken eatin, grape drinkin, seed spittin, police victim, water proof Afro poof, gold toofs, fat hoofs, wide nose, hammer toes, chalk board stain, fake wood grain, rent to own, low rent home, section ape, crime scene tape, Safari land mother fucker.

From Wikipedia,

Bellingcat is an investigative search network founded by the British network activist Eliot Higgins. It uses open source and social media investigation to investigate a variety of subjects ranging from Mexican drug lords to conflicts fought around the world. Bellingcat brings together contributors who specialise in open source and social media investigation, and it creates guides and case studies so others can learn to do the same.[1] Bellingcat began as an investigation of the use of weapons in the Syrian civil war. It first received international attention with its analysis of forged data on satellite images of the downing of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 during the still ongoing war in eastern Ukraine.

>falsified pictures
its a fucking meme retarded MSM
its a real picture with meme words on it

>Getting the BBC to broadcast our dank memes to normies around the world free
Pick one.

(((shadow network)))

>social media investigation
tards that repeat what they saw on the internet, hardly what I'd call journalism

I love how they automatically assume they are fake, I'm guessing they have a contact in Antifa then?

Shut the fuck up you
Rabbit breedin, Tablet stealin, McDonald's beatin, monkeys squealin, tacky Benz, gold plate rims, chuck e cheeze, horse hair weaves, Strip club pimp, pavement chimp. Sickle cell, salon nail,
Subhuman piece of shit.

like it was some grand fucking conspiracy , fucking lol

alt-left's new tactic seems to be stating how brain dead the average person is. If they're that dumb, who cares? Too far from saving, too far from caring.

Awesome. They took the bait.
Make the fanatics question things that are said in their name. If they do that they will realize most of their beliefs are crazy and violent. Great success!

The only jobs women should be allowed to do are look after children, the sick or elderly and retail.

>be me
>create original 53% meme
>glad ya'll enjoy
>wake up and see meme on BBC News website
>mfw finally made it
>read article triumphantly
>article such poorly written drivel can't even finish piece about my own meme
Fuckin BBC

>encourage thisk ind of indiscriminate violence
>act surprised when this happens

So are they saying that ANTIFA doesn't think people should be physically assulted?

You faggots struck gold with this one. Remember that normie eyes are always the goal, mission accomplished.

Topkek. I hope it knocked some fucking sense into him.

What about prostitution?

Is it even a falseflag when quite high amount of antifas agrees with it?
Also, antifa isnt an organisation. If I consider myself antifa, I am antifa. My memes were absolutely made by antifa.

Found that one on the internet


keep me posted

Shouldn't be illegal but should be kept underground legally speaking and it shouldn't be encouraged.

Congrats man. There from the start. It was the best of the bunch.

Kek, this couldn't be better.

BBC is endorising antifa, further proving to the world that antifa is nothing but soyboys violently enforcing the will of the establishment.
At the same time, the images are out there for everyone to see, which is exactly the point. The meme of violent antifa gets out nonetheless.

The mass media keeps doing the work for us, presenting antifa as upstanding citizens of the system.
They don't understand that antifa wants to be cool anti-establishment underdogs.

>Holding a bear
I knew it, Trump working with Russia confirmed.

this is so good I'm going to make some OC and spread it on social media.

>is white
>has supportive parents who encourage education and discipline

youre your enemies point for them

Incontrovertible evidence the BBC is infested with Antifa shills.
>d- don't believe them when they say antifa are violet t- thugs!
Defund the BBC when?

>mfw I saw the first thread pop up
>mfw its on the news a few days later

you forgot foraging for berries, historically they're great at that. I also got my history knowledge from Age of Empires

>nazis are now neocons

Yes, because they found out Richard Spencer runs Sup Forums.

> Sup Forumss antics get mentioned by Brittish Broadcasting Company
> International exposure
> mistake