A white child holding a flag is now an example of white supremacy


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twitter is the niggers' preferred social media

"why white peepole not flavorin they food n shieeet?"

Anything more than 160 characters would require them to think

If you were a minority, or had any minority friends, you'd understand why this is fucking outrageous. They're indoctrinating their kid to hate non-whites from a tender age

Its not the american flag but he is being forced to wear a shirt that says free speech which is code word for hate speech. You dont need free speech unless you want to say hate speech.

Are the democrats actively working on getting Trump reelected? If they go after the children, more than 53% of white women will vote for him next time.


Anything that even slightly offends someone can be labelled as hate speech and you will find yourself a criminal in the future if the crackdown on hate speech keeps going

we must make him our new trademark

these people have lost their fucking minds


I'm a normie, and I'm only here specifically because OP's pic is all over social media, and I'm finally starting to wake up to the anti white propaganda.

Hit me with all the red pills you have on it. This stuff is getting out of control and I'm pissed.

first day here?

Blond hair is an oppressive symbol of white supremacy and Nazism. Blond children need to be post-natally aborted.


Ah yes, twitter, or as it's also known, digital detroit, or electronic east st louis if you will. No, I don't think I'll be going to those awful internet neighborhoods.


Better late than never, I guess. Welcome aboard. The rabbit hole goes very, very deep though. Did you know for a start that the spiritual founder if the EU wanted all European cultures to be dissolved so that the ruling class of elites would have an easier time ruling over Europe?


yep, most niggers thought process barely uses 100 characters so twitter is perfect for them.

As an Individualist, I see a kid holding an American Flag.

I see that a an Ok future.

>A white child holding a flag is now an example of white supremacy


With kermit there I can't tell if the ACLU's response was sarcastic or not

Little shitlord has a noose on a rainbow colored dog.

>If you were a minority, or had any minority friends, you'd understand why this is fucking outrageous.
There are plenty of so-called "minorities" that would find your types reaction to this as laughably ridiculous. It's just that people like you have been programmed by (((Hollywood))) and (((academia))) to see anything that is as evil and racist.

Good point. Niggers are fucking stupid and lack a greater intellectual capacity than 140 characters will allow


The real reason the ACLU is under attack: aclu.org/blog/free-speech/how-israel-anti-boycott-act-threatens-first-amendment-rights

You mutilate your children and tell them to kill every infidel as a child.
You don't have any moral highground to talk from.

The Jews have successfully inverted Nazism placing original sin on white mans shoulders.

Even a white child is now blood libel.

I think its safe to say that they think white people simply existing is white supremacy.

To put it simply : They dont want us to exist at all.

not even horny 2d elf sluts would take this bait

that kid is a right wing mascot