What happens when specialized fields become increasingly devalued...

What happens when specialized fields become increasingly devalued? Isn't this the same result as communism when your labor as a specialist becomes as valuable as the labor of a skill-less bartender? Even the medical field is being devalued via the internet.

I literally see programming jobs now going for $12/hr-$30k a year. Companies are hiring teams of "junior" developers to do senior-level work now and saving the difference.

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Fuck HR and middle management.

I own a business and I do ok. But I really wish I went to school for something else.

>Companies are hiring teams of "junior" developers to do senior-level work now and saving the difference
It's the same for lab techs. It's really making me want to go NEET.

What did you go to school for? Seems like everything is $15-20hr contract bullshit with no benefits.

>lab tech

Are you talking about pharmacy? I've noticed that one over the last 10 years. They used to have multiple pharmacists in the pharmacy. Now they have only one pharmacist on shift and a handful of literal retards putting your medication together for $12/hr

At least for coding I think the issue is that they are teaching coding to non-CS majors. I work a partial code job at an oil company and went for school for petroleum engineering. I actually absorbed two jobs since they used to have a coder and an engineer to tell the coder what the program needed to do. Now they just have me.

>work for data center
>build server racks from beginning to end
>do all the configuration and some heavy networking
>make scripts to help configure and save company time and money
>visit locations onsite to ensure they are up and running
>make less than $40,000 a year.

Comp-Sci is a fucking joke.
fuck school and fuck this world.

Ironically this is the field we are supposed to push ARE YUNG GURLS into pursuing. They did the same thing to the legal profession 20 years ago.

Feminism: Never ahead of the curve.

Sounds like your fault for not advertising those skills to your supervisor or other companies. Stop being a beta faggot and assert yourself.

The company is shit, but it's literally the best job I could find with my degree straight out of college.

You have to be total blown autistic wizard to be successful in this field.

You chose the most autistic IT specialization possible

Don't listen to that faggot, compsci is going down the drain. They are cheapening the labor of this field. I see job postings all the time now for less than 50k. Like I said, they hire juniors to do senior level work and then save the difference. It's happening to every specialized field until no one will be able to make a decent living anymore, regardless of dedication or specialization.

As someone that'll be entering college soon, what should I major in? Comp Sci was my plan but I'm having second thoughts because oversaturation.

Should I stop learning to code?

programming jobs are the new coal mines. I feel sorry for you fags who sold your soul b/c muh money is in computers meme.
>tfw atmospheric scientist doing what I love
>only program when I need to for my research

Not that user, but
>and people say corporations aren't the real problem, it's muh gubmint

Coal is being obsoleted though, isn't it?
Won't the programming market keep expanding as all the rest of the industries keep teching up?


The sad thing is theres people in my same position who don't have a degree and make even less than me. Do the same amount of work and everything.
It's a shame cause I actually enjoy the work but I can barely afford my shitty apartment.

No. It's incredibly useful if you're in the compsci field, or just working with computers in general.

I don't know, civil engineering is what I would have done looking back. Even medicine is being cheapened. Same for pharmacy, they just hire techs now, which are glorified cashiers.

Start your own business. Or get into some sort of role where you just organize shit and tell people what to do. You'll have a vague sort of presence where no one is really sure what you do exactly but they still think you're valuable to the functioning of the company and you won't be replaced or cheapened. I know all sorts of people like this who just do excel, answer emails, and have meetings that clear 100k. They don't do anything difficult but somehow the have created this sense of self-importance - it's all smoke and mirrors.

Bullshit programming jobs like "front end developer" or similar are low paying because any tard can do them and the market is saturated. If you're writing high-perf backend code or doing game dev work or embedded sys programming you're making good money.

Programming of the kind most people talk about (not talking about upper level CS shit) is what coal mines and factories used to be in the 19th century. It's the most ubiquitous form of easily accessible, well paid, menial (although in a mental way) work in society today just like those jobs used to be in the past. Just like coal and manufacturing, it will eventually be automated or made so easy to outsource that it can be done by indians for $1/hr.


>Companies are hiring teams of "junior" developers to do senior-level work now and saving the difference.
That never ends well.
t. junior

that happens because of competitive inmigration, nothing else

Programming is going to shit. Soon, anyone will be able to program with simplistic applications or projects will just be outsourced to Pajeets in India.

I work in Network Security and just received a raise putting me in 6 figures at 25.

I am a labor researcher phd in my university, I can tell you conclusively that in 50 or so years, programming ( any job that uses coding) will become obsolete thanks to increased automation, ironically.

For right now though, coding is the safest career choice. the 12/hr 30k jobs are ususually always "coding dojo" jobs that code monkeys are employed in

what's your job title?

Yeah. Poos are writing all the code on the internet, and your browser is suffering because of it.

Fuck you India!!

As a professional NEET i looked ahead ,
In my country some minimum wage jobs already pay less than my NEETbux
In a couple of years i will be out-earning Lawyers and doctors
Last year i even got a government subsidized apartment (i only have to pay 200€ rent while it should be 600-700€)
Wagecucks and collegefags hate it

how about chem-e? Trying to justify switching to atmos science for my phd. Seems like the market is absolute shit for chem-e right now so might as well do what I enjoy.

you can literally just use the Occupational outlook handbook to see what trend your major field is going to

chem e is pretty slow growth.

I'm a security engineer. Focus on data loss prevention policies.

i make a good living in software, but it's not for any great skillset-- it's because I work hard and i'm worth it.
I don't do anything technically difficult but many people (i.e. chinese and women) don't really accomplish much because they're too busy arranging their lunch plans.

>As someone that'll be entering college soon, what should I major in? Comp Sci was my plan but I'm having second thoughts because oversaturation.
Just do comp sci, don't listen to these retards. The job market is not that bad.

>game dev work
This isn't a meme then? I'm high level NEET and basically done nothing but play vidya until places like this started redpilling me

I've realized that being social is better than working hard these days. It's all about who you know. If we have the same boss and I have a better relationship with them, guess who is more likely to get the promotion...

Work smarter friend.

Get a technical degree as a backup. Then start your own business. I have 3 side projects at the moment that I hope will take off because I don't trust a company to take care of my future.

playing video games are not the same as making them you absolute idiot

What do you mean devalued? Like how everyone is pushing kids to of a STEM carrer and in 20 years there's gonna be so many people in STEM that almost nobody's making a 6 figure salary anymore?

>yfw you realize whole populations are being manipulated in order to manipulate wages

That's why I'm learning to code
No use making a game if you can't tell what a good one is, though

do you have a title?

IT is fucking dead now. Stay away. Learn a trade or some shit. Especially if you're a straight white male.

a surplus of labor in a particular field results in less demand

there's more to it than just that though, productivity and efficiency has increased greatly and people will continue to be squeezed for more with higher demands and higher expectations while their wages stagnate

>I literally see programming jobs now going for $12/hr-$30k a year. Companies are hiring teams of "junior" developers to do senior-level work now and saving the difference.

I have worked in the field for over 20 years and this is not how it works.

In 1975 Fred Brooks, who managed one of the most important projects IBM had, published a book called the Mythical Man-Month. It contained the revelation even back then that you can not hire a bunch of junior people cheaply to do the work of some senior people.

I have seen many attempts over the years to outsource work to India, China, eastern Europe. It rarely works. I think Fortune 500 companies are capable of doing it, although it doesn't always work for them, but it's much, much harder for smaller companies to do it. Unless the owners are from some other country and have good connections there.

There has been an unbroken need for good programmers my entire career. Even in economic dips like 2001-2002, or 2008-2009, the best programmers are rarely out of work.

Some programmers don't get a college degree, get stuck on specializing in COBOL or Visual Basic or Perl or something, don't network, don't continue learning, and then when economic dips come, they can be in trouble.

I know many, many companies which are desperate for programmers, and their pay is multiples of $12/hour. They're so desperate they will gladly take remote workers.

Its called supply and demand you dumb nigger.

>20 years experience
>thinks his narrow view in management is reflective of what's happening at ground level

So I was right
Welp, I just graduated from high school. My school literally forced everyone to take STEM classes. Every school, high and middle, where I live, is beginning to integrate STEM as part of the circiculum. Leftist activism is making everyone think manual labor is a bad thing, so they want everyone to do nerd jobs that pay a lot. Little do they know in 20 years a STEM degree will be today's English degree

>falling for the computer science meme
Unless you're talented and enjoy the field enough to be at the drawing board for these programs, enjoy competing with autistic transgender negresses and pajeets in your ridiculously saturated field.

Why do you think Obama started having kids learn coding in elementary school? Microsoft and Jewgle told him they needed cheap labor. And guess what? Most of those kids aren't but 10-15 years away from competing for your job.

This why we need communism

I just gave you my title. Security Engineer.

It's worthless now. Every job posting demands 15 years experience for junior roles and the positions are filled by Indians making $5 an hour.

THIS is exactly why we need to force American companies to give the American people jobs and not outsource it because it might be cheaper.

>ridiculously saturated field
So, all of them?

My job? I'm starting my own fucking business. I can't code for shit

hey dumbnuts fucking stupid fuck, if you do that the business will just go offshore or wont do business in the usa anymore fucking piece of crap.
look at brazil and shit, you force business to do something they dont like, sooner or later they will pack up and leave and no local jobs anymore

I'm a senior data engineer that has worked as a senior devops engineer and a senior software engineer.

Programming jobs are going up in value. There is virtually no unemployment.

No employer paying $30k / year is worth shit. No programmer making $30k / year is worth shit. I was making twice that before I graduated college.

Germany used protectionism in the 1890s to become industrialized

That was before hundreds of international corporations took over the world

Let those businesses fuck off then

and go where? somewhere everything is regulated and there are restrictions on the market?

One thing I've noticed is everyone threatens to leave the country but no one will.

>tfw just out of college with zero experience and landed an entry level position starting at 62k

Maybe you just went to the wrong company?

What city?

Coding is a skill, not sure it needs to be a degree. Be an engineer, or accountant, or whatever who can code.

Civil Engineering is good because a lot of them work as licensed professionals. Electrical engineering, a much more technical degree, you mostly have to keep up and are obsolete around age 40. A 60 year old licensed PE can still sign off on a building.

2 new coal mines have opened in Pennsylvania since Trump started. Maybe not obsolete.

As for coding, it's a skill that every tech. professional should have. I wouldn't want it to be my only skill though.

San Antonio

if you don't know what to do double major in philosophy and math. you'll be able to get any entry-level position, most internships and if you want to go back and do a masters or law or some shit you can do that too.

Chem E is a field that has its basis in oil refining. I suppose it's still strongly tied to that. You could also do a PhD in Chemistry which might be more general.

Atmospheric Science sounds kinda specialized, but a dissertation is specialized anyway so maybe it doesn't matter. What is atmospheric science anyway, other than a branch of applied physics?

At least there's a feeling of an adventure in a project like that.

Now try to come 6 years later as a fresh hire and maintain that shit.

t. flagextensionfag

It was quite effective. So much that England's King Edward VII to spend his life whipping up WW1, the purpose of which was to break Germany's industrial strength.

At least that's what Webster Tarpley describes. The shooting of Archduke Ferdinand was just the final trigger, but they'd been killing people opposed to war at least one a year for 30 years before that, to get that war going.

ITT people complain about things caused by the "free market economy" that would literally be fixed by the basic principles of communism.