Made an Alt-Right logo

Made an Alt-Right logo

I give that piss of shit an F- for failure in faggotry

Wow. That sucks.

It looks pretty neeto desu. You should still kill yourself.

>he fell for the """alt-right'"" meme

It looks like something edgy kids in middle school might draw to show how edgy they are.

>Shills from antifa faggot brigade

Look goods fuck these kikes


you get a gold star. now its nap time

Stop being a faggot


>antifa faggot brigade
do they have other brigades?

Fuck you to death

You know nothing about good logo design. This is trash

Fuck you too, death

I will admit your knowledge of logos is impressive but you must die

I like the work you did. I feel like Alt Right should borrow heavily from Nazi and Russian aesthetics though - something thick and short, conveying sturdiness, strength, immovability. So I think the thinner letters seem a bit too fragile for our purposes.

Still, I like the work itself. I just don't know if it applies to the Alt Right very well. I like subtleties of it. The restrained use of shading, and the strange geometry. You've got skills.

Normies hate nazi shit tho

Does anyone else see the merchant?

Right, that's why you don't use their symbols. Just the broader asethetic properties that conveyed strength, resolve, etc. Hard, defined edges. Shapes that look like they'd stand freely and can't be moved. Things that look heavy, yet agile.

No, but i do see a bullet headed straight for your brain

Alright i see what your saying

It's fucking lame and super obvious. I'm leaving this thread

close the door on your way out