It's over

It's over.

Drumpf is finishes

How will Drumpfkins ever recover?




He's not even serious about running for president.

Where we're going, we won't need approval ratings



He better ask for a third scoop, Bernie is going to become President soon Drumpfkins, it's all over and there's nothing you can do about it. Rachel Maddow told me so, stupid Republicans

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

The same polls that predicted a Hillary landslide?

Member 99.9 for hilarry ? I Member

clearly the polls were hacked by Russians

>polls show

the only thing your oversampled polls represent is a graphical quantification of liberal misery, which i enjoy


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Newsweek. Lol! They must be polling ONLY democrats now

Don't they claim that about every president?

Propaganda and lies. At this point they could air live, real footage of Trump murdering and having sex with children and I wouldn't believe it. That's how badly they lost my trust.

man they love running the "FORMER REALITY TV STAR" meme don't they

>If we say this enough, it'll become true
>Please take our polls seriously, even after 2016

Here's the thing about these national polls: They're useless for the same reason the national popular vote is. Trump's approval rating is dragged down by being like 25% in California, but California is one state, and they simply won't determine the outcome of the Senate majority in the 2018 midterms or the 2020 presidential election.

So what you're saying is you're stupid.

This is it

With how many times I have seen this exact same news title I would guess his approval rating is now negative fifty or something, or are they really making a new article every time he drops half a point?

Yeah.. I think that's largely true, but I think he's genuinely lost support from portions of his base that put him over the top. Not the core, the Red State Randy brigade, or Israel-firsters, military welfare seekers, etc. But from White nationalists, somewhat conservative Democrats who are sick and tired of niggers and Middle East involvement, futurists who want rapid and nationalized infrastructure and industrial overhaul. Is that enough to really swing things away from him? I'm not sure. I lean no, I think. But the shine has come off him for some segments and it's just a matter of whether the alternatives keep proving worse or if he's solidified enough support among the cosmopolitan zio-brigade.

2 terms, 2 scoops, 2 genders baby