I have just one question for antifa before I finally decide you are complete morons. Do you actually support Hillary...

I have just one question for antifa before I finally decide you are complete morons. Do you actually support Hillary? Does antifa like Hillary or just considers her "lesser evil"?

Other urls found in this thread:


antifa is mostly communist and anarchist, so I would day no. They likely would still be rioting if bernie was president.

Genuine commie here. /leftypol/ hates antifa for being useful idiots and letting themselves be used as proxies by porky. They will get the bullet too.

Yeah, but I think most of them voted for her. She would be a good step towards communism.

>a neoliberal careerist is a food step towards communism

>implying implications
Most people on /leftypol/ are infighting harder than libertarians and NatSocs on here. AnComs like them, tankies don't (they atleast don't approve of their goals) And don't get me to speak on all the other meme tier commie derivations and their opinions that are crawling over there.


>antifa are the real capitalists

well memed, sir

there is no antifa here, they are paid shill

>inb4 accelerationism

most of them don't vote, they are paid to riot. it has nothing to do with politics for them.


Most of the 112 protesters arrested in Portland last week didn’t vote in Oregon, according to state election records. Approximately 30 percent did cast a ballot in Oregon or in another state.

>imblying imblications that shouldnt be imblicated
Yeah, but everyone wants to see the means of productions being seized. /leftypol/ was half-heartedly supporting bernie because at least he appeared to be somewhat of a genuine socdem reformist but he quickly turned to idpol pandering and then bent the knee to Clinton like a good little cuck. Then /leftypol/ ironically started supporting trump because at least a trump presidency could lead to some accelerationism while also upsetting the political apparatus.

/leftypol/ might be as diverse as Sup Forums in terms of ideologies but we all got our common core objectives juat like faggots on this board do.

Not what I said in the slightest. They are instead allowing themselves to be played by the capitalist media. Don't you fibd it strange porkies like Romney were praising a socialist group? When was the last time antifa made any effort towards workers causes, strikes, etc? No, they only show up at televised events centered on race-baiting. They are playing right into the capitalist's hands rather than reject it. They're either conpromised or led by attention hungry whores.

>common core objectives
true, it's all memes on either board

There are 195 countries in the world today.

of those 195 countries... 5 of them are communist.

>anarchists dint vote
wow, that must be the find of the year

Literally has nothing with the topic at hand tho.

Communists always had a penchant for mindless murder which is why the communists stabbed the working class in the back during the Spanish Civil war and fought with the fascists against the anarchists.

the point is communism has never worked, it will never work. you are just pissing in the wind


>lets play right into porky's hand by keeping the workers divided on racial grounds
Supporting BLM is, and always will be, a waste of time. They're spooked faggots as muchbas the alt-cunts and getting involved in this is a waste of good proletarian agitprop. Same thing happened with occupywallstreet, faggots within the movement took the focus away for class conflict into identity politics and the whole thing crashed a year later.

communists and niggers are perfect allies, they both just want to steal everything from hardworking people. once the gibs run out then they chimp out and start killing everyone.

>I'm a brainlet
thanks for the confirmation but that was already apparent from your first post


Just because something is popular doesn't make it correct.

I think you should read the sticky. Honestly, a good dose of logic will help you for the rest of your life.

You're welcome.

I seriously doubt they even vote. As for OPs question, no, they're just brainwashed white trash kids and angry dindus. The white trash kids worship characters like Alex from A Clockwork Orange. One of their teachers should have shown them The Wave in junior high.

i think you could use some logic and realise that communism operates on theft and violence. it is one of , if not the most parasitic political systems ever invented. something that is self-evident when you look at it's rise in any country, it latches onto a country bleeds it dry while starving and murdering countless people and then it dies with it's host.

Never thought I'd agree with a communist. Yet here we are. You die last, comrade.

Wtf! I like commies now!

You seem alright. You wouldn't happen to be a leftcom would you?

Why exactly do the commies who aren't frontists hate Trump? He seems to be doing more for ending western imperialism and unfair global commodity chains than the neoliberal establishment. He blocked the TPP and he's got NAFTA in his sights.


I am still waiting for them to refute this

Cool. I will let you guys have at it.

Stay away from my shit.



Communism is amoral/immoral and you should be ashamed for attempting to support it.
Commie fuck


they are literally your commie caricature of what fascist brown shirts are supposed to be, plus the nihilistic ethno-masochist hysteria.
really makes you think

agreed. "homage to catalonia" was an eye-opener.