Why does Sup Forums hate Italy?

I know its just jokes and bants but we really aren't that bad we have everything "white" countries have and more, we have history, culture and industry. honestly i dont know where all this irrational hate comes from

It's 99.47474747 % of the time part of a divide and conquer strategy.
Take everything with a pinch of salt.

It's just basic divide and conquer. The only way Europe can survive is if all countries unite to preserve the unique aspects of each other's cultures. The EU was good until it started importing millions of shitskins and putting them on welfare to breed.

No one in the US hates Italy, we love you guys. Anyone who does the whole """"white"""" thing is just trying to banter or stir shit up so they can watch the ensuing flame war.


you live at home until 40, marry old bitch and your mother still does your washing.

Sup Forums is not one person.
I don't hate Italy.

>pol isnt ai bots

sure thing jaundiced france

Italy is gorgeous.

t. Germanic-Italian master race

italy has contributed as much if not more than france, germany, and england. definitely superior to the scandinavian countries.

idk about the rest of /pol but i love Italy

I would live in italy desu

yes i live a comfy Italian NEET life im really fortunate to live the dolce vita

You lost us the war faggnet

The only thing I don't understand about Italians is how you were more powerful and influential as a bunch of disparate city-states than you've ever been as a unified country.

Maybe because every person of Italian extraction you ever met has thier head so far up thier arse it makes you sick?

The food thing is the worst of it, you rank alongside Blacks and Indians for having delusions that your food is remarkable and special and that everyone else's is bland.

2nd and 3rd generation Italian immigrants, who dont actually speak a word of Italian, get uppity over the pronounciation of sauces and autistically declare that thier Nonnas make this or that dish better than anyone else.

And that's before we say anything about the crime.

it was because of competition between city states


>Once the Mexicans are all out, you Italians are next.

>Italian immigrants
I agree they are insufferable
our food really is good but i appreciate cuisine from all around the world
our crime really is a problem but every country has its crime problems

Chow sono un super neet Italiano gnagnagna amo la pizza, pasta, e er duce, daime tutte le gibs per favore, non voglio lavorare perche il lavoro e per quelli con le palle grandi gnagnagna

why? i hear Italians integrated quite well into american society

Certainly, that makes sense. But dont you hate the krauts, frogs and Austrians more than you hate each other?

Italy seems to be a cool place, if it wasn't for the shitskins

your Italian needs work
Italians are actually hard workers I dont understand why people see us as lazy

we do and in fact we still are somewhat relevant in the world stage

Italian immigrants are er peggio. Never seen such a group of people desperately cling to their heritage without having the most minuscule of understandings as to their history and culture and a total lack of ability to speak the mother tongue. Italy on the other hand is a great country with great people