What does the Red Pill mean to Sup Forums...

What does the Red Pill mean to Sup Forums? An anarchist who sees society as artificial constrict of debt slavery or a fascist larper who sees Donald Trump as the Messiah? Or are you on a higher plane of realization?

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have had several encounters with OP image. Was stuck on a black pilled nihilism for a long while--realized that reality consists of simultaneously vibrating electromagnetic strings of probability expanding infinitely within dimensions higher than any which we could ever hope to perceive. Our brains, adapting our perceptions to 3 dimensions, simulates time linearly to make order of the unfolding of infinite experiential nuance available to all living things on a first person, subjective basis. Our very thoughts and beliefs can impact this probabilistic reality, and we must transcend the low-vibration energy vampires who seek to rob us of our autonomy, our birth right to consciously and willfully live in the eternal Eden; where that which has always been always is and evermore shall be.

Have you ever listened to a guy named Mark Passio? Considering your political standpoint and also your encounters with the nature of the universe, I think you will find him to be of use.

It means waking up and seeing that the world is only an illusion.

I recommend you listen to his podcasts on his website, but also his lectures on YouTube. Specifically his lecture on Natural Law. It's an 8 hour long lecture that's broken up into 3 separate videos and its definitely worth the listen.

Wtf am I looking at here? How do I got about reading it? I feel like I'm missing much context.

red pill = bread pill


a red pill is when you know that nothing is truly real because how can you know what real is?(pic unrelated)




Jesus that Get wtf. Confirmed????

you're a faggot and you should kill yourself.

Humans trust too much in society. We're born accepting everything as inherent and normal. People talk to each other, drive cars, watch TV, work at jobs, trade money for things. All of the human inventions. Look at language. At some point in history, a group of creatures realized that other creatures have thoughts (animals and young children don't realize this) and that they can be shared. So, we created memes. Sounds made by fluctuating pitch and tone using our vocal cords, designated to objects. It just got more organized, more complex, we started designating symbols to sounds and birthed written language.

All of these people arguing over societal bullshit. Are democrats evil or are republicans? Is one race superior to another? Will Mayweather win or will McGreggor? Money, schools, jobs. None of them matter. I also spent a lot of time as a nihilist, the final gift of of my old best friend. It was her way of coping with life, so I gave it a try. Moved on to existentialism, and now, I'm here. I agree with 90% of what you said. The only thing I believe in humans can't he sure of is what happens to our thoughts when they detach from our bodies and leave this plane of reality. There's a lot of possible and plausible theories, but that's all they are: theories.

Worthy post

I understand why you deleted the post before, but fuck man thats gotta be a sign.

Star of David or Hexagram?

It means you've ascended into a new way of thinking. You always see people going from blue pilled to red pilled, but not the other way round. This is a good reason as to why it spreads

I posed before others commented so I had to delete to tag who I was talking to

Both. And also it's better known as the Seal of Solomon. Look it up.

The problem I see, is people use the term to justify that ideals. They think they're transcended, yet fight over the same medial and redundant crap as everyone else

The redpill leads to an internal dialogue. It's the examination of one's internal story of one's life. It's not just the external issues about media lies, government lies, etc; it's about looking deep within and determining what one believes. What is true? What is truth? How does one direct one's life? What are the honest answers to these questions?

This is a good post. Speak the truth brother.

What would you consider transcendence beyond that? To know the answers to those questions?

Pretty much this. This whole left vs right paradigm is just to distract from the bigger picture. The people funding all of these activist groups like BLM and Antifa are the same people who are funding the alt right and neonazi movements. It's all a ploy to destabilize the country. The one person everyone points to in these situations is George Soros, which he is one of them, but definitely not all.

I would say yes. There are definitely answers to a lot of questions about reality that are not as abstract as both the science communities and new age religions make them out to be.


I'm not sure there is transcendence. I don't know if there is an answer to all of the questions. There is acknowledgement of one's own faults. The search for truth is the journey I think is most beneficial. There are plenty of philosophical questions that philosophers in the past have asked, and it's entirely worthwhile to study them. I am admittedly not an expert. At this point, I am a big fan of constantly asking myself "Why?" It's really scary and each answer should result in another "Why?" A simple way to start is "Why did I turn off the bathwater when I was done showering?" Because I don't want to flood the bathroom. Why? Because it will cause the floor to collapse. Why? Because my downstairs neighboors apartment will flood? Why? Because if I do that, I won't be able to have a normal day tomorrow nor will my neighboors. Why? Because if I let the water flow, I will inconvenience my neighboors and that makes me a jerk. Why? Because being a jerk is a bad personality trait. Why? Because if I am a jerk, people won't like me. Why? And so on. Now apply this to your thoughts. It's a deep hole.

I agree with the balance between Yin and Yang. Free Will vs the Will of the Universe. Sin and Cosin. Left brain, right brain. Neither side can win, and neither can loose.

And yes, same with the Rothschilds. The Rotchsilds don't control the world, same as Soros. All the families of the elite control their own thing. Rothschilds control the debt and money, Soros controls culture. It's a collaboration of powers

That spiral of thoughts has plagued me my entire life. I remember being no older than seven, trying to imagine whatnot would be like to be dead (from an atheistic point of view, I wasn't raised under any religion). I layer in bed at night and tried to imagine what it would be like to cease to think. If our brains generate thoughts, then they should die with our body. It was impossible for me, of course. You can't consciously understand what lack of consciousness would be like. From there, I tries to explore what consciousness is, and there, how mine differs from others. Imagine both of us looking at the same stop sign. We both know it's red. When we were little, Simone pointed to that specific colour and told us that when we want to refer to this colour, we say red. But what if your red is my green. There's no way of knowing since you were always told that that colour is red.

You definitely need to watch the YouTube link I sent. You seem to have a lot of prior knowledge about some of the things this guy talks about, but I feel there is a lot you could benefit from as well. The Federal Reserve (aka Rothschilds) is something he talks about EXTENSIVELY.

Saved for toilette time

Thank you, it'll take some time to get through (third shift, twelve hours), but I always appreciate that sort of stuff.

Definitely worth it on the toilet and beyond my friend.

The world went so wrong that God woke me from my eternal slumber.

Imagine being the guy who agreed to help move his friend across the country in 2 days and it was your turn to drive and you fell asleep at the wheel and killed your friend? Why? You thought you were being nice helping with the move, but why did you drive tired? You thought you were being helpful? Why? Because he needed to move in 2 days? Why did you drive tired? Because I wanted to be helpful. It becomes circular, and the real question is "Why did you take the risk?" And the answer is because you thought you could? But why?! You haven't answered the question. Why? Is the answer to the question Why. Eventually, you should say that you over estimated your abilities and you are at fault for your friend's death. It's deep and scary because it's your fault, not your friend's boss' fault for asking him to start so soon.

If you can, definitely take notes on what he talks about and research it on your own. He does go over things enough to understand the concepts and how they function, but they're mere highlights in perspective to what you can find out on your own. My number one tip for anyone questioning reality is to do your own research in all the different branches of science, religions, linguistics (specifically Greek and Latin), and how all of them relate.

I'm colorblind. I have run red lights on sideways lights thinking they were green. But that was because I wasn't thinking which direction sideways lights go, which I should have known based on previous experiences. Reality isn't necessarily my issue with one's own version of reality. But, I think one's own version of reality should be based around real experiences and the exploration of what that perceived reality is. I'm assuming this a life long study with no conclusion. I need to study philosophers and history more, but I'm not sure they will provide any final answer. All I'm looking for is more possible permutations to look at and see if any of them help me navigate my reality without totally discarding any possible permutation.

Jesus those examples. I think it's good to be conscious of ones own daily interactions, but to question those aspects of reality seems like a waste of time. I think the idea of asking "Why?" is exactly on point and its surprising how little people actually ask this question. But I think there are things in life that this question should be focused on and other things that it shouldn't. I would focus this "why?" on the principles of reality and shared universal truths rather than mundane day to day dualistic thinking, because dualism (aka polarities) in itself is something this reality shares on every level. That's where you start asking why.

What if there is a random aspect to thoughts. We are never not thinking, even asleep. Dreams are our unfiltered thoughts, not affected by the stimuli of reality. Many if not most thoughts, and therefore actions, can be traced back. You drove tired because you've driven tired before, and it was okay. Why? Because you know others have driven tired and it was okay. It's when the thoughts can't be traced back. New thoughts, or even connections between thoughts that magically pop into consciousness. Where do those thoughts come from?

I am also not saying that you should be beholden to logic and worst case scenarios if the future is unknown. People who do skydiving are not ignoring reality if they choose to skydive and take the risk of their parachute not opening. They made a calculation in their head that they wanted to take that risk and seek out a new experience. In that case, there's some reality about the odds of a parachute not opening. There's also the acknowledgement that you know the parachute you have is packed and set as best as you can possibly do. If you trust some stoner to pack your chute, maybe that changes the calculation. So, is there some truth about skydiving being risky? Maybe. I'm just not sure if there's a definite truth.

For me, I try to understand reality without using my senses. Colours are only colours (sorry, I use colour as an example because sight is our primary physical sense) because there are creatures that can interpret them as such. Remove that, and all colour is is electromagnetic radiation moving in waves with different energy frequencies, reflecting, refracting, and being absorbed. A human is just a large collection of different atoms connected to each other. Those atoms just happen to be perfectly put together to form a machine that uses chemical energy to run itself. So, what are thoughts? The answer to that question would lead to answering all questions.

>its surprising how little people actually ask this question
I think this is one of the biggest issues in the world. To take a Sup Forums example, Why am I too scared to ask a girl on a date? This is a deep question for most of us NEETs.
>But I think there are things in life that this question should be focused on and other things that it shouldn't
I think if you have some guiding principles, there is no need to ask why, because you are not going to do actions that require a why. Why am I fucking a fat chick I picked up at the bar without a condom? If you have to ask that question, you are missing some basic principles.

>Dreams are our unfiltered thoughts, not affected by the stimuli of reality.
I would disagree with this, based on what I understand about dream research. One theory is that dreams are the brain trying to understand reality.
>Why? Because you know others have driven tired and it was okay.
And I would say that this is not acceptable for an individual to use as an answer to Why. Others are not you, and their reality is not the same as yours. So where do new thoughts come from? I'd say it's the cost-benefit analysis of what you think you are capable of. And at the most basic, is it possible to know what you are capable of? Or is it always a risk? Is there a truth? I do not claim to know the answer to these questions.

It's a balance between the finite nature of the Universe vs the free will of humans and animals. In nature, everything is set with one possible future. It's like dominoes, but with molecules. They're all moving in a way based on whatever first made them move. What changes is when a creature with free will manipulates it. A rock on the side of the road is destined to stay there and only be moved by natural elements, rain eroding it, wind pushing it. It's future is set, it just has to wait for the variables to work out, such as heat evaporating enough water for it to rain. There nothing that can stop it. Now, you put a creature with free will, and that rocks future can change. That creature can choose to kick it, pick it up, bring it home and paint it, pick it up and throw it in the river, drop a stick on it. All of these things are changes in the variables of the universe. Perhaps we can find purpose in this. Free Will sculpts reality.

first post absolutely best post. I can only hope to be that enlightened one day.

>For me, I try to understand reality without using my senses.
This is such a tough question. We do not know if we exist separately from all other matter, or even if matter is the best description of what exists in reality. So, is it really harmful to use the reality we can experience to shape our existence and make the best of what we are? Does making the best of what we are matter? And without answers to these questions, is it ok to harm others in the pursuit of our own greatness? But if greatness doesn't matter, is that really a worthwhile goal to seek? If it doesn't matter, and there's no path to greatness, then is it worthwhile to seek out greatness for all in our only experience? These are such complicated issues. And here we are, worried about whether saying "All lives matter" is racist. I do not claim to know anything for certain. What I do claim is that we should constantly be asking "Why?" And I think that will lead to a much better society.

These were exactly my thoughts when I did shrooms. I realised that the wind hitting my car was just a group of atoms etc moving and hitting different atoms. It's a scary thought once you realise truly that you're nothing but a group of things you can't even see and barely comprehend. I recommend psychedelics to everyone who is interested in this thread and haven't tried them yet. Not to shill drug use but if people are reading this and are interested in these types of conversations, psychedelics will certainly enhance your understanding of the universe and society in general.

What if it's the same thing? From what I understand from self reflection and meditation is, my mind's eye, the thoughts I can picture in my head, resemble my dreams. The difference is my thoughts will change because of outside influences. Someone asked me a question, I search my thoughts for an answer. I picture the answer in my minds eye, remember the English words used to express those thoughts, and say them. When I can't find my phone, I think of all the things I saw earlier and see if my phones is in any of them. But when we dream, there are no outside influences affecting how my thoughts play out.
And I believe it's a balance between how other people experiences can mirror your own. I know that if I got shot in the face with a shotgun, I'd die. I've never been shot in the face, nor have I died, but I know other people have, so I'm not going to take the risk of trying to survive a buckshot lobotomy. If I didn't know what was in a cup, but some else drank it, and said it was water, I'd take the risk and drink it, unless I had a reason to believe they were lying or wrong.

>survive a buckshot lobotomy.
Not exactly the time but lol

Higher plane. Maybe "Farther Out" would be better. It's not about what the redpill means; but what it might be. Here's my take.

The over-arching agenda to ALL of whats going on right now is simple. We are being groomed and conditioned to certain standards of behavior in order to prepare for First Contact. We got caught with our pants down, which is why we're policing speech and taking down statues of war. Everything, and I mean everything else; is a distraction. It's like a huge shell game. I think this is the last shell. We're trying to put our best face forward to meet our new guests, and since everyone has a different definition of what that means, there's conflict.

And this might be where I have missed the philosophers of the past. Is free will the final question? There is no way to prove free will, as far as we know, but if there becomes some way to prove free will is a given, will that disprove free will? Can not just the future be written, but also the past? Again, I defer to those with more abstract thought than I. Where did we start? The red pill. With free will, that gets back to some question about one's ability to acknowledge free will. If one is able to shape one's future, then, free will can tie back in to the realization of a red pill of acknowledgement of one's own reality. So, are niggers capable of acknowledging their own reality? This is Sup Forums after all.....

I really hope this is true. I dream of humans being an interstellar species but the way we're going we won't make it without help from smarter species.

Girl I've been dating for 9 months just told me she dated a black dude for 3 years.

Can't wait to get my dick swabbed now. Just fucking great. I learned my lesson.

I tried Acid earlier this year and at one point while I was trying to sleep, I had some kinda disturbing thoughts. In y head I saw a giant ball of energy in space. It looked like the sun, texture wise, but was bluish green. I don't know how or why, but at the same time I "realized" that Death is simply our thoughts detaching from our bodies. I'm not me. I'm my thoughts. My body is just a machine that tethers it to this reality, this plane of existence, and that death is those those going to a different one.
It comes down to what we consider religion. Before life and after death. Things in this life, in this plane of existence, only matter if they effect what happens when we leave it. Atheists only have morals because they choose to, or they're imposed by society, based on religious laws.

I had very similar thoughts when I tried Acid too. Experiencing ego death is a hell of a fucking thing but eventually you realise that your body is but a vehicle for your conscious. Do what you can while in your body. Search for a meaning. Why are your thoughts in your body?

Free will is our ability to be random. A mathematical calculation cannot have a random side. That's how the Universe works. All the matter and energy, before life, moved precisely as it should. Even though they seem random, there's a cause. An asteroid hitting the moon isn't random. It was going to happen since the beginning of time.

So what if free Will is the cosine to this. We can choose to manipulate the world around us however we want. That manipulation changed the variables of the Universe, and therefore, changed the future

Ego death is why I want to try DMT. Minus the crazy experience, I want to experience my thoughts without the burden of ego, without anxieties of the future or burdens of the past. Although, shrooms may be better.

Shrooms are a lot easier to have a life changing experience on. It's way easier to get and take safely too. Just drop a few grams and you'll find your ego death.

This is literally retarded. What the fuck does any of the gibberish you just said even mean. You live, then you die. That's it, no greater mystery. You're not a wizard who can cast magic missiles. You're some fucking basement dweller who's stuck in the same cesspool we are. Why don't you cure my lung cancer with your magic? That would sure be a swell use of your powers. Aw man, cancers are beyond your powers? Well fuck me huh. What a crock of bullshit.

The red pill is not caring and playing anime/video games and just be happy you know?

We've been trying to get some for a while, but no one here is selling them, at least, no one that's cool with us

You explain to me what consciousness is then. Have some imagination faggot.

The red pill is communism. Capitalism is destroying the world, it's a cancer that must be stopped.

Try google some spots in your area where you can harvest them. If you know anyone who has picked shrooms go with them so they can get you the correct ones. They should be pretty easy to find, you just gotta know where to go. Makes it easier if you live rural.


Here ya go, Bud dictionary.com

Then move to China

there's chinese people there though

Shouldn't be too hard to find around here, thanks.

Shit, good point

I've been wondering the same OP. I'd like to think it's a sort of realization of the truth, something deeply personal about yourself, or that of the world. Most importantly, the "Red Pill" is a choice. Just like the scene in the Matrix, when you take the Red Pill you choose to expose yourself to certain things that are uncomfortable, but in the end, will hopefully lead to you becoming a better person. The true Individual, someone always striving to overcome obstacles, and in the end make themselves better for it. No one has ever made progress by coddling themselves or remaining stagnant, you need to take an active role in your own destiny, whatever that may be.

If that is still too general, as your post implies, you want a clear definition, then it probably should be just that; general.

I ment to post a similar thing, thank you. I was a raging atheist & anti-clergic fuck for most of my life, untill I realiased it's all commie-jew propaganda.

Trying to put together all this madness about aliens, jews, immigrants, nazis, communists, pepes, heaven and hell. the meaning of existence and everything else that is the actual pandoras box of existence into some sort of working solution for society.