I'm a socialist but I feel like my opinion is wrong, red-pill me on wealth inequality

I'm a socialist but I feel like my opinion is wrong, red-pill me on wealth inequality.

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Read any thread on this shit
Don't make me spoonfeed you

Work harder, you lazy fuck.


It can't be undone. Every society needs the mudsill class. Even in the Communist states, there was still inequality. It's just the way it is m8. Try to change it, go ahead. You won't.

Besides, highs and lows balance out. The rich need the poor and the poor need the rich. Class struggle is not prefer to unity.

The fact you think you're entitled enough for us to come explain it to you is why you're a socialist faggot. Work for something

You asume that the *workers* are the only ones that do anything in the production of anything, that's not how it worka

This is gonna sound cryptic, but very soon the phrase "Make Money, Fuck bitches" is going to turn into "Fuck money, make bitches"

The whole concept of economy is gonna get BTFO.

Humans are not created equal, welfare and many other social programs cause those at the bottom of society to outbreed the ones in the middle and the top without any care for the economic ramifications.

Do you seriously think people will work to better society without incentive?

Cultural enrichment.

Niggers != huwites

There, you're redpilled now run along, faggot.

There is nothing that can be done when it comes to equality of outcome.

We can manage equality of opportunity, but you will never be able to make people equal..

You can narrow the disparity between the higher and lower classes, but by doing so you will make BOTH groups poorer

Anyone who isn't a retard can make a good living, all you need to do is find a nietch right for you and work hard, if you can't be bothered doing this then you don't deserve a comfy life. Also avoid vices.


Trump people are working class and the left are too stupid to see they now represent the 1%.

People who do not contribute to society get rewarded. People who do contribute get punished. The fundamental flaw of socialism.

This, card carrying party members are a lot different from the political prisoners in gulags and "kulaks" (aka, even middle class farmers who store just a little bit of food for themselves and their families out, y'know, fucking foresight).

America has more social programs than socialist countries. In socialist countries you get nothing. It's so simple it's sad.

How much do you make in a year?

Why do you feel like you're owed shit? Wealth inequality is only natural because those who are rich busted their asses off generation after generation. One of them does more work in 1 month than you can ever hope to do in a lifetime. This is why they are rich. They don't owe you or any of us nothing,considering first that they didn't cheat the state of taxes,if they haven't done that then they owe us nothing.

I'd say we owe them more than we think,they create jobs and some even deliberately don't replace us with robots so that we can keep feeding ourselves.
We are more expendable than you think,problem is that you don't realize it and thus you don't do anything to reach the level of rich people.

People operate on incentives. High IQ productive people will not work really hard to pay a majority of their income to lazy, stupid people. The system falls apart on that basis alone.

Explain yourself.


Please explain more about how the left is representing the 1%. I'm genuinely asking, which unfortunately makes me one of the stupid you refer to


How much time do you have to give leaf?


Everyone just kinda pretends it's this complex and nuanced idea, but literally a six year old can understand why it will fail. Why waste time on anyone who can't see it?

New trend that should be implemented; if the op doesn't give 3 posts within 5 min mods are called and they are banned. This shit of creating boards and walking away is fucking garbage. It's not worthwhile to anyone.

Could you possibly be any more cucked?

It's kinda hard to care about political stances and economic disparity when you start getting a greater sense of things. Pic Related.

If you're not going to actually explain yourself, why did you even post?

If you understand that but not politics of bringing people together; then what the fucking do you really believe?


Rewarding unproductive behavior creates an incentive to engage in more unproductive behavior.

Sorry, i was refreshing. Answering both questions with the following.

The over-arching agenda to ALL of whats going on right now is simple. We are being groomed and conditioned to certain standards of behavior in order to prepare for First Contact. We got caught with our pants down, which is why we're policing speech and taking down statues of war.
Everything, and I mean everything else; is a distraction. It's like a huge shell game. I think this is the last shell. We're trying to put our best face forward to meet our new guests, and since everyone has a different definition of what that means, there's conflict.

If I'm wrong; I look stupid on an anonymous image board. I can live with that.

Poor people, particularly poor niggers, are very often either retarded, mentally ill or extremely bad people.

There's no saving them. Money is wasted on them. It's literally better that a straight white man on $100k makes $1000 more, than a nigger get that money and spend it on weed, sneakers and playstation games.

Pretty much any reasonably intelligent, emotionally stable person will not end up dirt poor.

If you ever spend time with rich young people, you will realize that most of them are heads and shoulders above most other people, in terms of knowledge, competence, manners, behavior.


Leftists have been pushing for "communes" forever, workplaces "owned by the workers". Well, any group of leftists could at any point in any country easily form a partnership owned by themselves, and give shares in it to new employees. Not all businesses require several lifetimes of startup capital, and if they were good they could easily get a startup loan. Nope, virtually never in any country have skilled, competent leftists chosen to make these shared-ownership partnerships, even if they could, because they don't want to share. Obscure exceptions to the rule ("in 1957 there was this small group in Manitoba which worked really well") just prove the point that virtually nobody chose this freely, of leftists of any profession. Any bookstore owner or plumber or architect could have shared his business equally with all staff but nobody wanted to.

a reasonable about of wealth inequality is a good thing. if everyone was equal financially there would be no innovation because there'd be no rich people to buy the retardedly expensive initial iterations of products (take cell phones for example).
i think people forget we live in a golden age for living standards. if you're in the western world today you're basically in a pharaonic-tier level of comfort in comparison to the entirety of human history.
but people are jelly af because some fly first class and drive aston martins and others fly cattle class and drive corrollas.


Leftists are incapable of making economic systems work, because they just don't understand them.

Consider Venezuela. Every step of the economic journey they have taken to get to today has been applauded by very many leftists, and condemned by virtually none.

Sure, they have condemned power abuse. But not economic choices.

Even so, those economic choices have killed the economy.

The current state of the economy is a product of many steps, but leftists have simply been unable to identify which steps were wrong steps.

And that answers nothing. Are you telling me that superior beings are only concerned with what we say and nothing else? They don't care about our very recent past? They are suppose to believe we are all friends now? Absolute garbage.

In no "socialist" movement or country in history, has freedom of speech been a prominent value.

Make a list of countries that fall somewhere on the far-left spectrum. Consider for each whether freedom of speech was upheld as a value. You'll find that it was upheld in virtually none of them, usually harshly suppressed.

Leftism is the vehicle of authoritarian psychopaths and sadists, they just oppose hierarchy when they are at the bottom, but always end up embracing it when they are at the top. Just read Rules for Radicals by "folk hero" Saul Alinsky to see every hallmark of a complete psychopath, someone with no principles of any kind other than "do what is useful, and pretend to be good whilst doing it, because pretending to be good is useful".

You probably don't bother or care about the difference between nazis, white nationalists, white supremacists, white separatists, and you don't care when people mix these up.

In exactly the same way you can't really expect people to care about the difference between "socialism" and "communism".

Capitalism hasn't worked for the last couple of decades, socialism is still cancer.

The best way to understand why socialism doesn't work is to think about it in detail. Look at our budget, and the amount of wealth we have collectively, including the very richest of the rich. And do a little bit of basic math.

If you spend a bit of time doing some of these back of the napkin calculations, you'll see that there's not enough to go around.

So, you have to figure out what does go around, to who and how much. Do you cut off medical care to the elderly? Or maybe you get rid of food stamps? How about public education? Certainly you'll get rid of all military spending, even though that would be obviously catastrophic since other nations would swoop in and take what they can get.

The simple answer is, spend a few minutes doing some basic research and run the numbers. It's not even complicated math, it's quite easy to see the rate at which we are spending is not sustainable. So who decides whether we continue to pay for childbirth (which is a huge chunk of our medical spending) or let old people die, or cut all public education?

>he doesn't beleive in third way

You haven't died of hunger and are using electricity to type messages on a computer linked to the internet, seems to be working.