Women aren't smart nor funny

Women aren't funny.
We all know this to be an obvious fact that we all accept.
But it's time we relearn that women aren't smart either. They all think what they're told to think. I stopped debating females when I figured this out. Whatever whoever they trust the most thinks/says, they will follow suit. They have no fucking idea what they're talking about, or they have an extremely closed perception. I'm not gay, women are good for a lot of things, but those things aren't comedy, smarts, or work.
Am I wrong? If not, why can't we just accept this as fact?

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Side question but have you ever met a woman who trained a dog well? Every millenial girl has a fucking dog and it always just does whatever and jumps on people. I'd be fucking embarrassed to have a dog like that

Preaching to the choir over here buddy.

>a woman who trained a dog well? Every millenial girl
there's a big difference between a normal woman and girls who want a dog because it fits their attire.

It's because they fucking baby them. I dated a girl with a dog and Christ if we were eating and it barked, she would give it food. Every time. They're scared of discipline.

I thought it was an original thought :((

The female distribution of intelligence places most of them close to the average, and makes standards deviations of only one much rarer, than in males.

mother trained our GSD when I was younger. learned a lot of tricks but only really obeyed my father. something something alpha male

Women are herd animals. They do what everyone else does so that they can rely on the herd for sustanence and protection. Men are not herd animals. They spend much more time alone than women. When they are alone, they think. When they think, they ask questions. When they ask questions, they start seeking answers. Finding those answers makes one intelligent. Finding their contradictions among the herd makes one intelligent.

I have never laughed at a joke that a women said with the intention to be funny.

I laugh at my GF all the time when she does things that she does. It's cute. But it's not like she is intentionally trying to be funny.

Any crazy mannerism that a guy has that people will bust their guts laughing over, if a woman does it it's actually the cringiest thing ever.



Now you may not find this funny. That's okay, lots of people do. Just pretend that you do. At the very least it's not bad to waste a few minutes watching. Now imagine two women doing it. You would shut that shit off right away.

Women simply seem like they are seeking attention when they try to be funny. Whether it's a joke or a funny mannerism or whatever. I just can't possibly laugh at a woman who is trying to be funny.

>Men are not herd animals.
then why is pol a fucking echo chamber ?

>Every channel, website, newspaper and movie enforces one and only one worldview and opinion.
>Sup Forums is one of the only places you can have free conversation.
>Sup Forums is the echo chamber


Is it? Or are you just saying what the herd is saying?

I know exacty what you are trying to say. Women trying to be funny just come off as incredibly insecure and it's a big turn off. If they even make a big joke with a large group that is supposed to turn heads, drop jaws, etc, it just makes the situation awkward.

That's not to say a woman can't be funny, but they are more funny if its their natural personality and the way they are that is funny. And its a cute funny. Like you smirk at what they do. Not a rofl funny.


>why can't we just accept this as fact?
womb conspiracy
AKA feminine imperative
if we knew and accepted the truth about women society would break down zombie tier
only the most alphas or omegas of men can handle the truth
betas need to be kept in the dark
this pic only gives a glimpse into female nature which is very very dark

>The female distribution of intelligence places most of them close to the average
the averages are not equal either, male iq is higher too

men also are herd animals, but their drive takes them to distingish themselves individually, to strive for originality and self reliance
even though they still profit from peers, it's not just for shelter and protection, but to build something new together

I was walking past a pub patio earlier tonight. A man and a woman were havijg a conversation regarding confederate statues being removed. The man was making a fair well reasoned argument, trying to see both sides. I think he was a liberal but he seemed balanced in his statements. Then the female retorted 'But those people are all deeeeead' with a tone as if she was majing some deep point

I was reminded again why female suffrage was a mistake

You can always argue your point

Your point being shit and irrational doesn't mean the people you're arguing with are in an echo-chamber, it means you nee to reflect and re-examine your beliefs instead of presuming people will accept faulty premises.

> 'But those people are all deeeeead'
herd womb drone
such dumb guys exist but nobody takes them seriously i.e. it's doubtful they will reproduce
but a cunt hole will get sperm

well OP, women are children. which is why they still complain and whine despite so many legal advantages over men. giving women rights was a mistake.