RAMZPAUL is our new (((ideological leader)))

Let's hide him from the leftards so they don't watch his videos and attack him.


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make sure they don't get redpilled and come to join us, we don't need more noobs to pull us back

protect our 'ideological hubs' ppl

>our new (((ideological leader)))

I'll lead myself, thank you very much.

>Sup Forums


(((Weev))) or (((RamZsaul)))

I'd rather kill myself.

Sup Forums is chaos. Chaos that benefits the European/White male at it's core. Chaos has no "Leaders"

We accept no authority. FUCK OFF

weev is a jew who asks people to cook fertilizer into bombs, pretty fuch sure hes a fed

fuck off ramzpaul
btw your channel sucks ass

You're supposed say it's bretty good, so shills go watch him to study him and find an attack line and get accidentally redpilled while at it on why they're losers .

Ramzpaul is unironically my favorite Youtuber.

RamzSaul and Vox Day are more viable than Dickless Dickie & Kike Enoch. Charlottesville proved them right.

Forgot pic.

Ramzpaul has been there from the beginning and has sacrificed his life and livelihood to speak against mass immigration, leftist destruction of culture, the Jewish Question, etc., etc. I think it absolutely disgraceful and disgusting that Johnny Newcome Nazis of the Daily Stormer have tried to ruin him just because he does not believe in the nonsense of trying to maintain absolute racial purity in a country, and denounces Nazism and its iconography as nothing but harmful to the right-wing cause.

That's right he is the only one who is guiding the right in the right way and is 14 and maybe a little 88 ironacally at times , at least in the past . But he fucking makes sense.

No you got it wrong , whitey gets protected mode now , jews are out to get him . We're IN IT TO STOP WHITE GENOCIDE YOU KIKE .


/Pol is legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

(((leafcuck))) , not even seen.

Christianity was made by brown people, for brown people. The only people who believe that Jesus was in anyway European are fringe religious nuts, all historians know that there were no Europeans in the Middle East when Jesus was born
You can't call yourself a white nationalist if you want to throw away your pagan heritage in favour of a middle eastern religion made by brown people

Also there is no proof Jesus even existed, so why gives those Christian scum the benefit of the doubt?
There's a reason why Jews consider Pagan symbols to be hate symbols, and all white nationalist groups glorify pagan symbols.
In the Jew dominated media, such as in movies, Christians are always portrayed as the ideal, normal, good, American goys.
I know Christcucks are too stupid to read between the lines that Hitler was obviously a Pagan, but to deny that he was heavily fascinated with Paganism and Pagan symbols and had a great respect for it, would be absurd
If you really want to rebel against the kikes, and make a true stand for Europe, then worship the Gods of your ancestors
>implying you're white, you flag hiding Brazilian

he makes good video

i always wondered why he never blew up with popularity

shut up kike

Get whitey is a kike-originated idea Long live Christ, we will gass you all.

>worship a shit skin on a stick
>calls me a kike
You stupid cuck

nat socs are fake right, ds blown the fuck out, stay salty losers

thats exactly what you are, you jewish faggot neck yourself

this batch, us, is real you fucking monkey

Dailystormer never advocated for such things. Ramzpaul is a coward who never debated anglin when he had the chance.

He counter signals the alt right more than anyone else. He is a low piece of shit that spreads black pills and misinformation.

He's 90% right on what he says but then spends most of his time countersignaling more than anyone when DS types have desperately tried to befriend him and he continues to just spout nonsense on how anyone that supports DS is a Hollywood nazi or literally swastika waving lunatic.

He's a piece of shyt and I hope he dies.

Sacrificed his life? He's already like 60 years old, he didn't sacrifice anything.


>worships a shit skin
>gets butt hurt when it is drawn to light
>still hides his shit skin flag

Pointing out that stormfags are fucking stupid is not counter signalling.

>this batch, us, is real you fucking monkey

i know !!! LMFAO

Benjamin franklin wrote under a pen name.

For much of European history the great thinkers came from the underground through covert printing upon penalty of death.

We can be nothing more than ideas and when those ideas bear fruit the world will tremble.

Take no thought for fame or glory.

I hate that kosher cuck faggot.