WARNING - Public Service Announcement

A bolshevik-style revolution in the US is likely imminent in the near-future.

According to Doug Hagmann, the leaders of revolutionary groups are working in tandem with entrenched establishment elements (politicians, businessmen, etc) to begin disabling key elements of our public infrastructure and politically neutralize DT. Their prime targets would be influential Trump supporters, police, and military.

I believe that the catalyst for this leftist insurgency will be the collapse of the American dollar, which will bring about mass hunger and civil unrest, especially in the cities. This is similar to Germany circa 1918 where economic strife precipitated a failed communist revolution in the country.

The late Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB spy turned American informant, laid out the Marxist-Leninist plan of "ideological subversion" in order to takeover a country. According to him, we are now in the crisis phase.

The take-away from this thread is to be aware, be prepared, and be suspicious of any such subversion. I do not advocate initiating violence, but to set up defensive perimeters around key institutions and peoples in order to protect them from violent leftists. Educate the public about the dangers of radical leftists.

You destroy evil by exposing it. Godspeed.

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>trash only

trump won't let the american dollar fail. He has too many business leaders and financial experts in the white house.

Here is a great article about the tactics and operations of radical leftists groups in the United States. A fascinating read.

There is a tl;dr at the bottom.

The difference between these photos is one has guns and numbers in the millions, and the other is a few edgy college faggots with sticks attacking bins.

Actually by leaping onto the hysteria bus you are making things worse. You are not a premenstrual teenager. This is a time for shitposting and catching up on diy around the house.

Naw. Only Eurocucks fall for this shit. Americans have innate hate for commies. If you weren't brought up during the Cold War and educated fo hate commies, then you escaped and immigrated from shitty commie countries, so you hate their guts. Same thing with Muslim refugees. Americans won't forget 9/11, and red states won't tolerate that shit.

How will Trump stop foreign countries from selling their commodities in exchange for a currency other than the dollar? How will he prevent countries from liquidating dollars from their state treasuries? How will he convince foreign countries to buy more of our debt in the form of US Treasury Bonds, which are now at historically low interest rates thanks to the FEDREV.

Is he planning to use military force to achieve these objectives and prop up the dollar, like we did in Iraq?

Face it. The dollar is finished.

If anything, Eric Clanton's attempted murder has shown us how unhinged these people are. I blame a lot of things such as decline of the family, drug addiction, dubious anti-depressants which can create psychosis, all of which are in plenty supply in the United States these days.

That was more like assault gone too far, once this fags start actually killing people then I'll bat an eye.

i mean we already destabilized every other country that was going to compete with us.

And we're in the progress of destroying the EU with immigrants to keep the petrodollar strong.

>be frank
>spend an entire year spamming "US spring revolution"
>get exposed as a fat LARPer
>pay indians on fiverr to spam the board in your defense
>still mocked by everyone
>remove trip
>spam the same garbage
why are you so obsessed with this bolshevik fantasy?

Veterans' takeover when?

>Bolshevik style
>In burger land
Kek, what a joke.


Good point. Being a weak oil-rich country is an absolute curse, especially if you are situated in the Middle East.

On the EU, I think the migrant crisis is about bringing in more people who can take on legal loans to prop up the debt-based monetary system with the Euro. Euro-zone peoples are already in debt to their eyeballs, and importing fresher faces who can get a loan can keep the system afloat for a little while longer.

It is a case of corrupt people in charge who only care about their private profits and power over the well-being of their citizens. Truly despicable.


OP is wise. Just because we own more guns doesn't necessarily mean we'd have a big advantage over revolutionary leftists if they have institutional support like OP is suggesting. And there are certainly many places where there are local politicians who would be accomplice to leading an anti-right insurrection. Just look at all these cuck mayors trying to make a name for themselves by letting riots get out of hand on purpose just so their Antifa buddies don't get arrested. Hell, BAMN has it's tentacles in every aspect of the Berkeley government.

Leftists have also been organizing regularly for 50 years now. Its not hard to assemble a mob of lefties in a few hours or less.

We, on the other hand, mock any attempts to meet up regularly. While I generally think individualism is better than collectivism, in a civil war scenario we'd be a lot less organized than the leftist hordes.

It'd essentially be a zombie apocalypse, and those of us that'd survive long enough may eventually find allies and team up. But before thst happens, packs of feral college kids and at least a 3rd of your neighbors will be wandering the countryside smashing, burning, and killing everyone in their path while you're holed up in your house peaking through your blinds all day. Theres no tv or internet so you don't know if the cops are good guys or bad guys so youre just taking potshots at everyone just to be on the safe side while trying not to starve.

Sounds terrifying desu. We need to start organizing or come up with some kind of viable contingency plan other than just "muh guns"

Read the leaked White House memo from last week. This shit is real and confirmed. There is a Maoist insurgency going on.

Support the president, red pill your friends, get organized and when the order comes, do what your president needs from you.

>You destroy evil by exposing it.
So true. Unfortunately, they won the media - both traditional and social, so we do not have the voice they have. But never give up fighting the good fight.

Glad you posted this. I have actually been warning family and friends for the past few years that the commies were taking over America and I got laughed at, saying commies don't exist in the US. This is one time I wish I had been proven wrong.

A quick comment on the German revolution. Notice the names of the leaders on the communist side?


They're already stabbing people because of their haircuts though.

I wish.

Capitalism still has a few decades left.

Exactly. You destroy evil by exposing it.

Expose the heck out of this evil.

Yes it is very true. I don't see them achieving victory. The radical leftists are used by the banking elites as a political and social wrecking ball to tear the social fabric apart. Out of this newly created chaos comes order, a order that the elites see as "good".

>Read the leaked White House memo from last week.
What leaked memo? Just did a search and nothing came up.

Thank you for the share.

I wouldn't call the elites communists, more like traitorous profiteers. Most of the radical leftists we see are loyal to no family or community, but to the selfish pleasures and their insecurities. They have no children to look after, and see the government as their God who can take-care of them in this life before they die. I can't imagine these people sacrificing themselves to provide future generations a better life.

Search "the memo that blew up the NSC" it's in foreign policy magazine.

Why would countries want reserves of shitty unstable currencies that constantly inflate?

They are also brainwashed.

Seriously, talk to some people about borders or politics and they sound straight out of 1984. They parrot obvious lies, make up facts and twist reality constantly.

Ask people if Islamic terrorism is an bigger problem than Christian terrorism, and see how many of your friends can't see the obvious with their own damn eyes.

Postmodernist philosophy made them this way.

unfortunately it's worse than what you say and nothing short of a vector-virus nullifying half of earth's homo sapien breeding potential will cure what ails us. prey for genocide like never recorded in history.


It's already starting.


Not going to happen, just like a fascist revolution in the USA

>be at some restaurant with my wife last night
>TV on next to us. Channel is NBC and there's a show on called "What would you do?"

So its a reality show and in the scene I saw, some really terrorist looking middle eastern guy walks into Walgreens and asks to take a passport photo. The cashier asks him if he's an American citizen, then the middle eastern guy freaks out and starts crying racism (this whole part is staged and repeated several times). Then, the meat of the is watching people's reactions to these events, whether they step in, ignore it, whatever. Afterwards, if they were bad goys and didn't cuss out the Walgreens employee this fatass, cigar sucking kike comes out Chris Hanson style and guilt trips them.

It was literally "to catch a predator - racist edition". Made me fucking sick. What made me even sicker was that I had to explain to my wife WHY it was fucked up even though she's more red pilled than most women. Subversive snakes.


That was a year ago my dude.

>I wouldn't call the elites communists
I disagree. They absolutely are commies. Look at the tech moguls now, they want every one (us serfs) to be on a government stipend (guaranteed pay or whatever fancy name they are calling it) while they keep, and live off, their billions. Just like every other commie country, you have the 10% super wealthy living lives of untold of wealth and luxury, while the rest of the population lives in dire poverty.

But first, they will use their leftist idiots (mostly the brainwashed college kids) to destroy the culture and people as must as possible. See Mao's cultural revolution, the Bolshevik revolution, Cambodia's Pol Pot, or any other commie country. Commies bring nothing but misery, death, horrors, suffering, and ugliness.

>shitty unstable currencies
It depends on which oil producing countries can create the strongest currency. Foreign treasuries have dollars on reserve in order to purchase oil from Saudi Arabia, which only sells its oil for dollars thanks to a Nixon/Kissinger deal. If another major oil producer were to come on the scene and sell their oil at a competitive price (Iran, Russia, or China) then foreign treasures would begin stocking their coffers with that respective countries currency (or gold) to purchase their oil.

Keep in mind that Gaddaffi of Libya was planing to move his oil sales away from the dollar to a gold-backed Dinar, which would have negatively impacted the dollar's value.

Sounds disgusting. And this passes for entertainment? So glad I have not owned a TV in decades. Nothing but filth and propaganda. Don't know where the FCC is on all this, how the media can be a monopoly and constantly push extreme ultra leftist views while trashing the majority of Americans. Sickening.

this is the peak oil / peak prosperity era. there is no being prepared to any happy degree you can imagine, for rich and for poor.

the problems you believe are the most imminent are but mere inventions, distractions, and at most are a consequent result of the real problem; the depletion of cheap, nonrenewable energy sources that have powered all of civilization since the industrial revolution to our present global economy. no revolution will occur if the power goes out and the gas shuts off, for too many people are dependent on them for everything obvious and subtle in their lives. the people have no survival skills otherwise; the recent gathering of white nationalists proved people can't even make torch unless it comes packaged from wal-mart.

the issue at hand is a predicament beyond good and evil. exposing the moral intentions in peoples actions is not enough, because there is no physical, material solution to the problem as the resources fall below the demand of a people whose very lives depend upon them. physics simply states that when a resources supply is lowered, then the carrying capacity is lowered if no adequate substitute is found. this is Malthusian predicament at its simplest. this is a supreme penalty at its future; massive population decreases, and even extinction are very imminent. no matter who's in charge, no matter what their motives, eventually the well [already low] will run dry and all plan, conspiracy, or act will be reduced to no more than arable land and its carrying capacity based of fortunate weather patterns. just as life always has been, before our shortcut to modern civilization via the burning of nonrenewable resources [and even this was weather permitting].

>Some animals are more equal than other animals

>But before thst happens, packs of feral college kids and at least a 3rd of your neighbors will be wandering the countryside smashing, burning, and killing everyone in their path while you're holed up in your house peaking through your blinds all day. Theres no tv or internet so you don't know if the cops are good guys or bad guys so youre just taking potshots at everyone just to be on the safe side while trying not to starve.

Sounds like a certain user is not prepared. It's not too late, yet.

Fake and gay larper. If you think a bunch of faggot trannies could kill the secret service, donald trump and the bulletproof SUV with a chaingun on top he rides in, you're delusional.

I've got guns and food aplenty. But is that really enough if you step out your front door and realize that your neighborhood has become the Planet of the Apes?

A Bolshevik revolution like a soviet union styled take over will never happen to the U.S. It was possible in 1917 in Russia due to the isolated nature of information and communications.

These days, we have the internet and much much more freedom of opinion and an ability for individuals to distribute information. That means a large scale takeover with an overt intent to change the public society from democratic capitalist to Socialist dictatorship is near impossible without garnering a huge counter revolution from those with different opinions.

A Bolshevik revolution in the 21st century will happen differently, it will be a more protracted and drawn out ideological battle. (Trannies, Gays, Bathrooms, pedophilia, adultery, gluttony, feminism, greed and depravity) are distributed among the communications mediums of the society and they aim to corrupt the moral values of individuals under the guise of freedom for individuality - This is why a lot of the current communist agenda in the U.S. and other western nations come from an anarchist perspective (anarcho communism).

Once corruption of the moral and ethics of individuality reaches critical mass, those feeling disenfranchised (whites and the few civilized with likeminded iron values) will erupt to form a right wing movement. This movement will counter the changing social environment. The authority will then use all its power to make them look like outcasts of the society they have been changing. This will fuel more people towards the left and eventually, their aim is to defeat the right counter ideology movement in one fell swoop. Eventually, we will get someone like Bernie Sanders who will further socialist policy, in turn making every country like Sweden where the power of the individual is utterly subsumed, the slippery slope will continue until the aim of a total world oligarchy at least for all nations except china and possibly Russia if they manage to win their own ideological collapse.

The US, the biggest purchaser of oil only buys oil in USD

Iran and russia do not have stable currencies, china doesn't either but they are a buyer and not a supplier(so countries want USD for oil from them instead of yuan)

On the contrary, africa has the reserves do do it if they would ever be able to create a stable currency, but that prospect is doubtful

I listened to him on AJ's show yesterday and thought I was listening to Orson Welle's War o the Worldd broacast...

so this guy had someone infiltrate an antifa group meeting.. in the "double digits"? What like 25 people were were saying they were going to kill people and so this is now happening?

t. Micheal Rupert

I kid, an interesting perspective. If you look at the global population graph, the exponential growth is startling and makes you wonder how high can it go before an immediate crash. As far as I know, there is only a limited amount of oil in the world that can be expended before oil becomes too expensive to grease the machinations of industrial civilization, of which allowed the population explosion in the first place.

Its planned for Nov 4th

>On the contrary, africa has the reserves do do it if they would ever be able to create a stable currency, but that prospect is doubtful

We came, we saw, he died.


Get sorted mate.

what does "collapse of the American dollar" mean? that it will lose some percentage of its value? or it will lose ALL of its value?

Just make sure you're getting in shape and keeping an eye on the news, one day it'll be VERY real. Today is not that day.

I did this sort of thign to the extent it was possible in the 20th century of America.

Fact was he had an ideal setting to try his spartan lifestyle... where is your average American today supposed to do this? 100 % of the land is owned by soemone..either a state the feds or a private entity..

I did manage to live without working for 12 years of my life traveling around the western US in my 20's and early 30's but eventually it became clear this was not going to be anything I wanted to be doing when I was older... so I went back to the rat race and am now a struggling debt slave with a home in my name.

I am not as content as I was with nothing but I have found having a safe, quiet place to call my own has enough worth to endure the drudgery that it demand.

Lol that's a great piece of analysis, that memo embedded in that article was written by someone very familiar with the current Internet zeitgeist. These are things that I've been trying to explain to norm is for a couple years now but their eyes glaze over and they go back to talking about sports. The left has utilized cell organization to an extent unseen before, so that the ringleader's will never be connected to the dirty work done on the ground. It's really brilliant, the foot soldiers have no idea they are being controlled, and so can never turn on the higher ups. The people have the power of chaotic organic memetics, but the organized platforms are gaining ground, marxists and islamofascists are at their best when using the tools built by others.


>A bolshevik-style revolution in the US is likely imminent in the near-future.
It would absolutely fail. Do you think numale college students could take on angry, armed, rednecks &veterans?

There is a secret plot to groom & prepare America for a coming Color War/revolution

9/11 was conducted by worms (1984 esque 'World Order' roaches & morons) to help the antiwestern Alt Jew side win.

Jewish wealth must be confiscated to undo Jewish crash. use the Military

Obama complicitly allowed the market crash and Color revolution to brew but Trump can undo it if he has access to proper information

>Bolshevik-like rebellion imminent
>Picture of Antifa as a comparison
>Sup Forums is focusing on the real problems


>Forming shadow organizations, cutting lines of communication and seizing key points of Petrograd with arms is a 'revolution', not a coup
>Pinko logic

Not even the February 'revolution' was a revolution, but a fucking trap layed by radical intelligentsia, who promised the 'Black repartition' to the muzhik soldiers.

They will succeed when their opponents are too afraid to fight back because they'll be called racist nazis.
Why do you continue to underestimate them? They got this far already. and besides, they'll have the more fit non-whites to do the heavy lifting.

>They will succeed when their opponents are too afraid to fight back because they'll be called racist nazis.
If the Bolsheviks try to take the country by force, I seriously doubt anybody willing to shoot them will give a shit about being called a racist nazi. Not to mention that the military would be decidedly anti-Commie.

Bolshevik 'revolution' and the Great Russian peasants voted for the Socialist Revolutionaries in vote for the Constituent assembly en masse and Jews for the Bund and Zionists (Jewish Nationalists wanting to form Jewish state in the promised land).

Wow, a really 'popular' revolution indeed!

I have been thinking about why they see it fit to attack anyone they perceive to be a "Nazi."

My guess it is because these leftists have a deep-seated hatred towards authority figures, such as over-bearing fathers, as well as fears of being judged poorly by society. With these simmering emotions, they project this hatred on to any person that metaphorically embodies that which they despise (authority, judgement, standards).

If a communist revolution took place here it would fail very quickly, people are just so well armed and patriotic that every person could become a halfway decent soldier.
You can oppress an entire populace like the Soviets did but not when said populace is sitting on the largest stockpile of small arms and ammunition the world has ever seen, millions of Americans know how to manufacture guns, ammo, and explosives.

More than likely a communist coup is attempted then the people depose them and set up a fashy govt. In which case I welcome a commie coup. I'll be waiting

Guess I'll have to develop a taste for Antifa flesh.

>cripplechan screencap
You have to go back.
