Why are the French so much more well hung than other Europeans?

Why are the French so much more well hung than other Europeans?



because their women are such whores, this has lead to big dick degenerates impregnating women while the more intelligent successful men unknowingly end up taking care of their wife's son

I don't think anyone who measures their penis in a unit as gay as a centimeter can be said to be well-hung.

>all the niggers
explain hungarbros

tfw i have 19cm

Because they're all descendants of Charles 'The Hammer' Martel.

Because they have all the niggerz lol.

But at least they are french niggers. Not like Filthy American niggers.

Which is what I'd like to say... but that only applies like 30 40+ years ago, and not today.

Niggers, sandpeople n shit

niggers are niggers wherever you go you stupid cuck

>France and Hungary
>both famous for being liars, thieves and morally corrupt swindlers

Fun fact: it's actually impossible to accurately mesure dick size. Every time you get erect, your dick has a different length then the last time. That's why some studies say black people have the biggest dicks, while other say white people, and one study even says polynesians

>niggers are niggers wherever you go you stupid cuck

By French niggers I think he meant the Gauls themselves.

>this map


You sure you didn't mistake with your own country? You're the one being know for being perfidious.

Because we are Well Hung-Aryans

Fun fact 2: some studies report inflated dick sizes because they Riley on men self reporting their sizes, which is why some studies show African men have average sizes of up to 7.5 inches

now wonder why we are called HUNG ARYANS

>this coming from a Brit

you people are the worst
>defeat the Germans in WW2
>the world's only chance to rid itself of usury and jewry
>sell Israel to the Jews and give them a HQ to conduct their business from
>help arm them with nukes
>involve the whole world with what Europe is doing by conducting conquests on behalf of your Jewish bankers
>burn a cute French holy virgin at the stake
>solely responsible for bringing niggers and Islam into Europe
>the "cultural" epicenter of Europe and NWO "diversity" propaganda
>enslave and destroy Gaelic culture on behalf of your Jewish overlords
>Queen of England literally has Rothschild blood in her
>literally the ugliest white people to ever exist

you people are truly the worst and deserve nothing but death

Is this what dicklets actually believe?

I have a hard time believing penis stats. I think they're kept artifiaclly lower than they really are to prevent suicides.
t. 17,5cm

>Fun fact: it's actually impossible to accurately mesure dick size. Every time you get erect, your dick has a different length then the last time. That's why some studies say black people have the biggest dicks, while other say white people, and one study even says polynesians

I think for this it would also be difficult to take an unbiased sample of the population. The conditions under which someone is going to volunteer to have their dick measured are going to vary from country to country and study to study within the same country methinks.

I mean, you're sort of right. My dick has measured anywhere from 6.5" to 7.5" depending on how horny I am

>t. 17,5cm
condolences. how do you live with yourself?

>1 inch difference

to prevent suicides?

most of the ppl actually dont have lil dicks

its just that youre so insecure that you brag about it ,knowing that you're so pathetic that even( if what you say is right) with a big dong you cant get laid , which is a big fucking waste roighte?

>tfw white
>tfw blue eyes
>tfw 1.85m tall
>tfw 18cm dick

feels good being Dutch

these surveys are such bullshit

have you or anyone you know ever had their dick measured for a survey or been asked about their satisfaction of president Trump?

these surveys are all bullshit propaganda. I've literally never participated in a single one of these surveys that I see the MSM cite literally every day

>tfw white
>tfw blue eyes
>tfw 4 meters tall
>tfw 40 cm dick

feels good being Nephilim

That's also true. Your dick won't get that big if the guy measuring you is a 60 year old guy but if it's a playboy model your dick will be a lot bigger

>>solely responsible for bringing niggers and Islam into Europe
Actually that was your bringing down ghaddafi

satan tres de verde

Pretty well, never had problems with it.

I'm not sure I undrestand you correctly. My guess is that the average is around 16cm all over Europe but it's kept lower to boost the collective ego of people.

Between you and France niggers have been in you're countries since before Italy even let go of Libya. You started it, we made it worse

>tfw born with way above average height, dick size and intelligence
>tfw still a fucking loser

>No woman
>No contribution to society.
>No one will remember you 30 years after your death.
>There is people with those features who fuck tons of women unlike you
>Why live?

You wot m8?

you satanic Brits have been bringing niggers into Europe since the 60s, you are a blight on the entire continent. I take solace knowing you're all so fucking inbred and shit up with Pakis that your cramped up, dump of an island will cease to be a relevant power within the next 50 years.

We have very few niggers.
That's rich coming from a country that is 56 percent white
Pic is my country, Northern ireland


I don't know and i don't care. That statistic is old and France isn't French any longer. Who cares how big their penis size is if they aren't French any longer?


You are also the major reason that there is mass immigration in europe.
If your government did not decide to turn that place into a shithole full of war there would be less shitskins passing through the euro border.

No idea what you're talking about. We only have 3.5 percent niggers.

>56 percent white

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