R/conspiracy compromised any birth certificate talk is banned


Other urls found in this thread:


Reddit is shit.
But it is influential. We can't allow this. We need to raid and post articles and videos showing king nigger aint american all over.

Stop being racist


All reddit users are put onto a list and will be purged on the day of the rope. Not even the children will be spared.

Admins installed leftists mods and forced out sane individuals.

Who is his mama

When do we finally just raid all of Reddit and post redpill with multiple accounts all over Reddit over and over.
They are trying to censor us so we should respond equally. The donald is nothing but a containment board. We need to infect



Lets infect The_Donald. We need a way of knowing who is from pol within messages so that we dont run the risk of constant generals.

What is a good signal?

did you know r/news and r/worldnews were created because the previous subs had too much talk of 9/11 conspiracy


How the fuck do we stop this guys. These companies are becoming really scary.

by not using their services? normies centralized the power into the hands of a few internet giants. what was so bad about usenet?

What is South Africa?

You'll need to use bots. The left uses them on Reddit. See: any anti-Trump subreddit. They will typically have like 20k subs, and 100 people online but their posts will be on the front page with 3k upvotes.

That is what you're competing with - literal bot farms that downvote dissenting opinions.

Also, other subs like latestagecapitalism tag your account if you post in the_donald or other subs and autoban you.

The general consensus is that Reddit is declining - both sides agree. We need to work on a new platform altogether and think longer-term, as the mods and certainly the admins of Reddit are all full-on SJWs and can simply shadowban you if you stir up too much thought

Yes, every major sub is compromised. It's pretty darn clear that no one believes the official narrative. Have you noticed the occurrence of similar threads on Sup Forums during the same time? I think there was some group who were gauging the response to certain topics...

Because it's embarassing. No one intellgent honestly believe obama ins't american it's just shill trying to discredit the conspiracy communities

only retards believe it, the rest are shills

He was born in indonesia.



I guess thats why liberals are frekaing out over Arpaio?

>be a Conspiracy theory subreddit
>bans theories
lmao wtf

the answer to 1984 is 1776

Only bans theories which don't line up with /r/politics


Conspiracy has been cucked for awhile