First video to be put into YouTube jail

Check it out for yourself

Race Differences in Intelligence by American Renaissance

What videos/channels will be next? I watched this video and didn't see anything wrong, it's not 'supremacist' because it's a white guy saying, among other things, that northeast asians have the highest IQs. But I guess it hurts black people's feeling because it correctly shows them at the bottom with an average IQ of 85, and mentioned they never invented the wheel on their own.

Direct 1080p download link,ei,id,initcwndbps,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,ratebypass,requiressl,source,expire&itag=22&mn=sn-n4v7kn7e&mm=31&ip=

Other urls found in this thread:

Huh this guy makes a lot of sense. If not for censorship I never would've bothered listening to this, thanks Google.

He literally has cited sources?

John Baker, Race (London: Oxford University Press, 1974), pp. 360-400.

"The Persisting Racial Chasm in Scores on the SAT College Entrance Examination," Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, Autumn, 2009, p. 85.

Microcephalin, a Gene Regulating Brain Size, Continues to Evolve Adaptively in Humans, Science, September 9, 2005: Vol. 309 no. 5741 pp. 1717-1720, Patrick D. Evans, Bruce T. Lahn, et. al.

Antonio Regalado, Head Examined: Scientist's Study of Brain Genes Sparks a Backlash, Wall Street Journal, June 16, 2006.

Rushton, J. P. & Ankney, C. D. (1996). Brain Size and Cognitive Ability: Correlations with Age, Sex, Social Class, and Race. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 3, 21-26.

Gottfredson, L. S. (2006). Social consequences of group differences in cognitive ability (Consequencias sociais das diferencas de grupo em habilidade cognitiva). In C. E. Flores-Mendoza & R. Colom (Eds.), Introducau a psicologia das diferencas individuais (pp. 433-456). Porto Allegre, Brazil: ArtMed Publishers.

Wolff, Henry. "Eye Size, Brain Size, and Intelligence." American Renaissance 22.9 (2011): n. pag. Web.

Cochran, Gregory, and Henry Harpending. The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution. New York: Basic, 2009. Prin

woah you can't even see the channel? so this would probably also not show up in a subcription feed?

Fuck Youtube. This place has everything uncensored and the UI is fucking K I N O

>What videos/channels will be next?

all of them

If you wanna fight YouTube then we should start a channel

It's not even on their channel!



Yep it falls completely down the memory hole. Can only be found through direct links. Cannot even be embedded elsewhere. Must watch directly on youtube and click past the "Controversial" warning

The fact that this is the VERY FIRST VIDEO Youtube chose to censor like this, REALLY gives you a lot of insight. They didnt do this to an overtly Nazi video, or an overtly sexist one, but just a calm, rational video about racial differences in intelligence. It's scary that THIS Is what they decided is so unorthodox

I get this pop up in mobile.

Can't even click confirm, it just closes YouTube apo

This is going to confuse some Aussies.

Who cares? I stopped using YouTube weeks ago

The original blog post about this new form of censorship mentioned it would roll out to desktop first, mobile shortly there after. Guess it's 100% blocked on mobile until they fully implement youtube jails on mobile devices.

Basically this.

I switched over to Brave and have been using InoReader as a way to centralize any content I'm interested in. The only downside is that some of the content I really like is only on youtube so I use InoReader to subscribe and then when I want to view the content I just copy the link into the URL and switch it to hooktube.

Currently learning how to install chrome extensions on brave so I can find a nice string_replace extension to automate this process.

why the fuck is this not all over this site?

i expected there to be multiple threads about this

Nothing scares them more than the truth, user.

Taste like America

Seriously. I made one earlier and it died after 16 repies

they seriously fucked up with their choice if what the 1st video is going to be

>Hey we should kill Net Neutrality because fucking liberals
>Oh no now a major content service is going to strangle the content we want
>wahhhhh this is unfair i want to post nazi frogs into people's recommendations

You retards got exactly what you asked for. Lube up and take it.

Poor nazis cant post their neo nazi propaganda on youtube anymore. Gona cry about it?

Click on the link so that it gets more hits just after they chained it.

But user, isn't that a misrepresentation of the situation?

It's not nazi.

It's race realist. That is not national socialist, dummy.

if this was indeed the very first video to be jailed, ought we not ask why this video?
youtube is being both /ourguy/ and /they/
as it is the first, will this video be cited in publications across the world when "our trusted premier news agencies and corporate media outlets" are moved to write about this censorship, whether pro or con
smells a wee bit like positioning and marketing a certain subject matter which will end up spread far and wide into the public psyche
perhaps i'm overthinking, perhaps not

>Sup Forums making a collective YouTube channel
Jesus, user is either retarded or actually onto something.


So what about those black racists who constantly post anti white videos, will they be receiving the same treatment or will YouTube just ignore them?

The Left is totalitarian. To them, there is no difference between a neo-nazi gas the kikes type, and someone who loves non-whites but wants them to come over legally. Anyone who believes in a border is a Nazi. Anyone who believes there are differences between men and women is a Nazi.

this has nothing to do with net neutrality, idiot.

>JewTube ignoring blacks
They'll put them on a goddamn pedestal and spin the narrative to one of 'the oppressed vs the oppressors' mark my words user.

hahahaha good joke user

Youtube is understanding that it'll be able to monopolize video hosting by throttling all the competition. It's now impossible to create a competitor that won't get brutally choked to death, especially for video services. Therefore, they can do whatever agendas they want to choke out competition. Enjoy it.
