Google to ‘Police YouTube Like it Never Has Before’

>Google began to “police YouTube like it never has before” Thursday, cracking down further on “offensive content,” according to a report.

>“Google will police YouTube like it never has before, adding warnings and disabling advertising on videos that the company determines crosses its new threshold for offensive content,” reported Bloomberg Technology on Thursday. “Google outlined these moves in June, but the implementation comes as debate about extremism and political speech is front-and-center in the national spotlight — and when tech giants like Google and Facebook Inc. face deeper scrutiny over how they moderate information distributed through their digital services.”

>Offending videos will not be removed, potentially allowing Google to still make money from them but cutting off monetization for the creators, who will also face other restrictions: “YouTube isn’t removing the selected videos, but is instead setting new restrictions on viewing, sharing and making money on them.”

>Google first announced the crackdown in June, where they masked censorship tools under the guise of anti-terrorism measures.

>In a blog post, the company announced the introduction of more advanced tools, as well as a higher number of human moderators to “identify problematic videos.”

>“We will be taking a tougher stance on videos that do not clearly violate our policies — for example, videos that contain inflammatory religious or supremacist content,” Google explained.

>“In future these will appear behind an interstitial warning and they will not be monetised, recommended or eligible for comments or user endorsements.”
>“That means these videos will have less engagement and be harder to find,” they continued. “We think this strikes the right balance between free expression and access to information without promoting extremely offensive viewpoints.”

Other urls found in this thread:

>Several large and prominent YouTube creators have revealed they no longer make money on videos after a wave of demonetization crackdowns by the company.

>The list includes popular conservative commentators such as Diamond and Silk and Prager U, but also includes some of the platform’s biggest creators, ranging from comedy and politics to sex education and gaming.

>A popular technique by YouTube is to “age-restrict” videos which aren’t “suitable” for advertisers, resulting in the creator’s inability to make money from advertisements.

>Earlier this month, YouTube also declared that if “enough users flag a video as ‘hate speech’ or ‘violent extremism,’ YouTube may impose restrictions on the content even if it breaks none of the platform’s rules,” according to a report.

>The company also announced a partnership with the left-wing biased Anti-Defamation League, who previously blamed Trump supporters for the rise of anti-Semitism, added a popular cartoon frog meme to their Hate Symbol Database, and attempted to slander Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.


Go make your own, better video site then. Oh wait, you idiots killed net neutrality so it would be impossible to compete unless you also go make your own ISP. Whoops!! Now I don't have to ever see nazi videos again.

Get fucked, stormfront.

imagine being this person

>this is the future you chose

Era of Data Scam social media is ending
Kill youthoughtcrimetube's dominance & kill facefuck's dominance
should be Trump's tech and free speech priority

have a painless seamless overnight replacement with a meshed together network of competing platforms so they're not lone data scam platforms hoarding all the data the users have put on over the last 8 years. you'd have meshtube, meshbook and meshtweet so that youtube & facebook for example would just be one company of 10 or so healthily competing all interlocked together so that users see videos/posts and can interact with them even if the friends/creators are using another platform. end this data scam assault of the public square & ideas. currently the data scam model of social media only allows one set of companies to profit from the data of humanity that they don't even own and had no role in creating. they are using this data hostage approach to censor humanity and make people read/watch leftwing. Zuckerfuck himself is using his platform to make people vote him into office with fake PR so he can protect his data scam into the future. holding world's data hostage to shill for yourself

all data: subscribers, views, comments, likes, photos, friends people have produced and typed up over the last 10 years (which they own, not the Data Scammers like they would have you believe) is on meshtube and meshbook the day this law is passed. for pewdiepie and his viewers, or your family and their friends using facebook nothing changes except they are no longer censored and facefuck is a $1billion company again like it should be. holding people's data hostage is not providing a hundred billion dollars of value to the world a big group of generation Z's could reproduce facefuck in a year it's not a special contribution to the world, what is valuable is the data (which the people typed up not facefuck). facefuck and ADLtube need a harsh wake up

end Zuckerfuck Data Scam Enterprises and ADL terror thoughtcrimetube.

start implementing parallel institutions like recoding the basics of facefuck, thoughtcrimetube, google and others, then can get them inserted into the mesh networks. do better than their institutions and then blacklist SJWs

humanity owns it's own data, not Zuckerfuck data scam enterprises. pic is a network topology of the competing company products that would all operate on meshbook together seamlessly like you wouldn't even necessarily know what platform the friends you're interacting with are using

just making facefuck competitors or campaigns to switch from it won't solve anything because they still hold most of the world's data hostage and can leverage it to stop people leaving. break it up with law to end the scam and reintroduce healthy competition

they would all be essentially clones of facefuck so people can choose the company who's interface, practices and owners they like the best

there should probably be laws against manipulating the public mind with your platform too (including political censorship) to apply to the big 3 networks, youtube, facebook, twitter and also goolag

They are Silicon Valley supremacists and believe that the truth or impactful dialogue should be thoughtcrime.

There's always

>We chose this
We didn't

Can't work legally, or financially. You guys killed Net Neutrality so you can't make competing services like that anymore.

Has a "no hate-speech" rule.

You guys killed net neutrality and then expected content services not to abuse the upcoming lack of Net Neutrality. You bought the lube, prepare for the assfucking.

YouTube is done; Google is next. seemed more sustainable to me (with using torrenting for the video hosting, and video hosting costs are one of the big problem of replacing jewtube.)

This is a direct result of net neutrality dying. Just like ISPs can now permanently block any site they want including competitors.

Do the Elsa/Spiderman gore and child brainwashing videos still exist?

Then Jewgle is not doing jack shit except being sjw political niggers again, as always.

You did by destroying the only people who were trying to stop this and still celebrating it, then voting in the politicians who would keep perpetuating that system for the next decades.

>when Nazis burn books it's bad
>when we burn books it's ok

Of course. And the fact that Disney doesn't even try to take those down despite being so anal about copyright and protecting their brands is all the proof you need that Disney is directly involved in that stuff.

Evaporative cooling of group beliefs will cause Google to keep getting more and more retarded.

Google is retarded.

While most companies are trying their best to attract and engage users, they're actively working to piss them off or push them out.

I give it 5 years before Google is having its shit pushed in by a new company or technology. They've stepped on too many people.

>Prager fucking U

these kikes can't be serious, Prager U is literally main line conservative though holy fuck

The users that will leave don't make advertising money.

>They've stepped on too many people.
No they haven't. The right-wing political sphere is tiny compared to video-game Let's Plays and make-up tips.

This has nothing to do with Net Neutrality you fucking retards.

It has everything to do with Youtube and Google using their power as a """private company""" to push whatever political agenda they want and censor whatever they want, like they and other companies have been doing for a while. Nothing to do with ISPs, in fact Google and Facebook are pro-NN since they don't want ISPs to have more power over them and pay more for the amount of bandwidth they use.

And net neutrality hasn't been touched yet.

>Emmett concurs with our source. “A number of friends have privately confirmed this to me. I know there are efforts to demote anything non-PC, anti-Communist and anti-Islamic terror from search results. To what extent that has been successful, I don’t know.”

>Emmett says he personally witnessed efforts from leftists within Google to bias YouTube’s algorithms to push anti-PC content off the platform’s “related videos” recommendations.

>“I have read internal mailing list e-mail from SJWs absolutely incensed that there’d be, say, a Sargon of Akkad video appearing as a video related to one of their favorite SJW vloggers. This is what happens when you have unbiased algorithms, which at the time, was true. I don’t have to tell you that, in that e-mail, the SJW was quite literally asking that the ‘related videos’ function be perverted so that such a thing would stop happening.”

>According to Emmett, the greatest threat is that ordinary users of Google and its related services won’t even be able to detect the censorship.

>“The software could just astroturf your Related Videos section, and you would be none the wiser. Sure, if you know what to look for, perhaps you’d notice. But the vast majority of the viewership would never ever know. That’s the whole point of such a disinformation program, right? If you can tell it’s disinformation, you would never ever believe it.”

>In Emmett’s view, it’s “only a matter of time” before Google begins to bias its search results against the Trump movement, Republicans, and right-leaning politicians.

>“I don’t have to tell you that there was an internal meltdown at Google when the election was over. The hysteria has only ever reached a higher level once. That was throughout this weekend, thanks to the #GoogleManifesto scandal.”

>enough users
>YouTube makes millions of bot accounts

All remotely right leaning content becomes flagged millions of time

Google spews liberal BS on cable buried under MY PROPERTY. They ARE INDEED a PUBLIC UTILITY. I cannot just dig up my yard and rip the cable out.

this is how empires end

Google is going to use the power you granted them to pay ISPs to throttle any YouTube competitors, moron.

You don't necessarily have to make another video sharing site. A site like hooktube that streams from jewtube, but copies which vids are in jewtube channels and adds its own recommended videos for blacklisted videos would work.

They're probably "too big to fail" at this point. Corporatism will keep them alive.

>No they haven't. The right-wing political sphere is tiny compared to video-game Let's Plays and make-up tips.

Also, compare just about any left-wing news outlet/blogger (Young Turks, Laci Green) with just about any right-wing news outlet/blogger. The left has a dominating viewerbase on youtube. And of course it's all full of very hateful material towards white people but these providers will probably not even get a slap on the wrist.

Google and Youtube has developed a competitive advantage in the market like no other. People are glued and devoted to them, the phrase "web-search" has become synonymous with "Google." Google and Youtube are here to stay for a long time.

>no link to the channel
>not entering into a fucking search bar "New Century Foundation" and getting results
how fucking stupid and lazy are you has a no-hate-speech rule.

Will they start censoring art?

RIP Youtube yay!

Waiting for the next platform to come

Yep. I guess i can see how the younger generation would assume google/youtube is a permanent and irreplacable institution. If you've been on the internet ride the whole way, as i have, these sites are flimsy card houses easily overtaken by the next thing. Internet finds a way. Always.

The problem with all these ideas for a new video platform is that they don't take into account the tremendous cost of video hosting, which is only really possible to pay for with advertising. Advertisers are not going to pay to be featured on the kind of site we'd want developed, and any site we could move to would kick us off so we don't look bad to these companies.

Got shut down kek

Someone should make those charts showing the Jews with YouTube/google.

death to youtube


>no censorship
>crowd funded
> no central hosting

this for sure.

Also nazis are too stupid to do something like this anyway. Most inbred racist idiots have incredibly low IQs

A way will be found. I don't think internet is anywhere near the point that one conglomerate can defend a monopoly successfully.

why even post if you're just going to link fake news

imagine what will happen when Valves "Steam" program goes out the fucking window and into the gutter. All that DRM shit, locking away and dooming forever an entire libraries worth of videogames.

There's enough of a barrier to entry in the market that youtube, google, etc. should no longer be allowed to operate as a private company without some major changes

This has been really eye-opening to the incompetence of the "alt-Right". Compare this "what do we do?" to the NRx guys with Moldbug's Urbit project.

Or you know all of those games wil just be ported to the new platform with the same ((owners))

Ugh, I don't even want to think about it. I'll have to find a new hobby or go back to buying physical copies of games. It will pretty much kill the online download model of business in the gaming industry. Everyone who previously participated will be too wary to go back after being burned. Steam will go down in history as the single greatest cause of people forgoing downloads in favor of physical copies. Apple might do something similar to music.

does this mean we can upload porn since offending videos will no longer be removed????

Can we stop this meme of "you guys did this" ffs how do you those here werent the dissident voices?

A way is easy. It's bumping up against infrastructure and economy that's the hard part. It's the format that makes it hard. I don't think people appreciate how huge and expensive video is as a format.

Why does my adnauseum not generate clicks on youtube? Have they some sort of defence against it?

> videos that contain inflammatory religious or supremacist content *. ” Google explained.

* excludes Christians, Jews, Catholics and Whites

This is the danger with video as well though. What happens when mp4 goes the way of RealPlayer?

Also, what are your guys plans for the in-browser DRM that Google, MS, and Mozilla want to put into place?

I never said "you guys", I meant the West in general, not people on Sup Forums. They allowed the system to get that bad in the first place, and actively fought or ignored people who opposed it.

Also Steve Bannon wanted to treat Facebook and Google as utilities, but he's gone so I doubt that will happen.

>It will pretty much kill the online download model of business in the gaming industry.
Any company that uploads their shit to steam specifically for DRM purposes but doesn't bother to keep around a manual key-file backup system in their game, is a company run by complete tech retards.

> they're actually planning on re-releasing the non-steam version for more money when steam dies


We need a free internet not dominated by corporations and free of porn.

jesus christ, is real, marxism has won

no we dont

embrace the future

I personally prefer a happy world above one free

and consider the advantages, not only will nazism eventually die, radical christianity, but also islamism

it takes radicals like Sup Forums to transform a classical liberal like me into a "regressive" liberal

We had it. It was called FidoNet. There's also Usenet but that's pretty much nothing but spam these days in the text nodes.

Gopher is still around but that's all plaintext.

There;s a million solutions, but none that allow for video very easily, which wouldn't be an issue if people were willing to make some concessions for freedom of speech.


they have that on tor

no, tor only makes you pseudo anonymous

it won't work....

All these alt-right youtubers are only after views & money. If they can't make money why would they even bother making their videos?

What the hell makes you think this will create a happy world?

Obviosuly a monetized platform


>"too big to fail"
i now believe that things can get to a point where they become so big they are bound to fail

I mean in the sense that the government won't let them fail. Jewgle is too useful.

And where would this money come from?

Google is the data hoarder of the NSA.



>he trusts a DARPA honeypot

You did, (((USA))). So did Rotschild-Britain.

Advertisers don't want to be associated with this content. This is why we're in the mess that we're in.

You realize Marxism has killed over 100 million people right? It has never led to happiness, only slavery, despair and misery.

This is what they're pushing for. You're not "liberal" in the slightest, you're a retarded shitskin with an inferiority complex who gets triggered by "raycism" online and use it to justify a thought police.

And "Islamism" won't die anytime soon, especially when Youtube is censoring or demonetizing anti-Islam videos
>Islam, the world's fastest-growing faith, will leap from 1.6 billion (in 2010) to 2.76 billion by 2050, according to the Pew study. At that time, Muslims will make up nearly one-third of the world's total projected population of about 9 billion peopl

Archive time

>Offending videos will not be removed, potentially allowing Google to still make money from them but cutting off monetization for the creators
Of course

>views disabled
>ratings disabled
>everything contrary to marxism, communism, jewry, islam, pedophilia, faggotry and other degeneracy is targeted
>the thousands of the clickbait colorfull child abuse videos, pedophilia, scat and jihad etc are fine are not targeted

This is pure conditioning to keep you trying and struggling and just wasting your efforts and time and constantly remind put you in a state of mind that are just a goy living in their system and sucking up to them.

Just abondon these Jews.

Reminder to all the tech illiterates of /pol to get a ad blocker I recommend uBlock the kikes at jewgoogle haven't got a cent from me in years.



just makes "offending" videos seem cooler tbqh

I suspect the reason that they're not removing the videos is that they can track who views them, and where the uri was shared, knowing that none of the views could have come from other youtube videos.

well, the existance of nazism threatens my existance

islam too but I mean, the us is my neighbour

so no, it really takes extremists like you all to transform a classical liberal like me into a "regresive"

You never were a classical liberal. And I do not care about your oppinion, your ideals, your mind, your thoughts, or your entire existence. Soon the true language of the world will be spoken again. And it will be glorious to witness it. :^)

It's "existence" by the way.

Nobody cares about you say Paco. "Nazism" isn't a threat to anything except to globalists, and doesn't have institutional power. You're just mad that people don't like illegal immigration and you buy into media brainwashing.

Marxism is a legititmate threat that has killed over 100M people including Hispanics and is being backed by the banking system, corporate institutions, the media, academia, etc. If taiwanese basket-weaving forums are enough to turn you into a commie, you never had opinions worth considering to begin with.

Look up the communist crimes in the Spanish civil war. There's nothing "extremist" about wanting free speech.

Don't blame "extremist" or "Nazi" boogeymen for your fucked up beliefs. You never cared about freedom or "classical liberalism" in the first place.

Only thing happening is that white countries turn into Brazil and gibs culture will forever die
Get fucked niggr

We can't stop it because you did do it.

>free speach

of course I did
before I was aware that there are people out there that advocates my extermination

of gay extermination

so yea, I was, I arent now you are correct in that

about the marxism "treat", its literally corporate america pushing this

>nazism is happening
You dumb nigger, its nazism to not want your country turn into a 3rd world by immigration and deport illegals, maybe you dont understand the difference but there is
Thank god there has not been single societal collapse without violence

well, I have taken sides already
it takes a lot to transform a "freedom" dreamer like me into something else, liberal 1984? for me its ok now

two years of fucking drumpf blasting you changes people

>I give it 5 years before Google is having its shit pushed in by a new company or technology.

like orkut that was pushed by facebook, that is basically evil too?

>before I was aware that there are people out there that advocates my extermination

You're retarded if you take most of what you read on this site seriously.
>Mexico tortures migrants – and citizens – in effort to slow Central American surge
>Mexico Deports More Immigrants Back to Central America than the U.S. Does
>Mexico fights illegal immigration on its own southern border
>Mexico Is World's Second Most Violent Country, Report Says

>about the marxism "treat", its literally corporate america pushing this
And corporate America pushes Marxism. The idea that big business and Marxism are separate is a myth, since Marxism is just a big scam to give more centralized power in the first place.

Video I had uploaded (National Action speech) got removed yesterday, it hardly ever got any views (like 600 in total) and I upped just because original was blocked in the (c)UK

Haha I still have on my pc and will reup

>This is why we're in the mess that we're in.


It was a false flag to create an excuse to this kind of stuff.

You see by the fact google removed pewdiepie show when he did nothing remotely wrong at the time.

I am not going to deny your links
but it all started in 2013
at the request of the us gov

same with our war on drugs, in 2008
at the request of the us gov
and since then my country is a violent place

we got labeled the "invisible wall" a long ago

but unlike your press that tryies to shame my country, the deep state must be aware of this things, so I dont care

Did you let them memory hole this? Did you forget?

The guy is full of shit.

Youtube has been demonetizing videos for a long-ass time to disincentivize certain content.

It has nothing to do with "advertisers not wanting to be associatedt".

They're even demonetizing Ron Paul now. See:
