Sup Forums, go on chapo

Sup Forums, go on chapo

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what is their appeal anyway? less funny TRS with reddit circlejerk and avodiance of (((obvious questions)))

>were radical and against corporations, fuck the alt right!

>meanwhile supported by a coalition of all major corporations and the police to persecute the alt right.

Really makes me think.


What the fuck is a Chapo?

>hey guisse, now for smth completly new, hurrr durr we are not liberals we are as cucked as them but we are trotskietes with liberal snark and same shit humour, also 2/3 jewish

left is gone, unless Trump makes a mistake

what is it with balding men and beards?

One day we will have real far left podcasts and not ones by Jewish trust fund babbies living in Brooklyn operating with the full funding and support of the Zionist Jewish establishment.

for those wondering, all the shilling for these idiots is being done by Angela Nagle. this bitch thinks this retarded podcast will convince this board that multicultural socialism is superior

Yes they receive gushing praise from all mainstream media sources, kek. And they make a shit ton of money through patreon. But they be against the establishment yo

Fash the nation just upped a new episode listen to that instead

She's an idiot. She even admitted her thesis from her book is false. But she's too dumb to understand why it is false.

Subscribe to Chepo Team instead

it goes to show how out of touch leftists are that they think being just slightly edgy is all that attracts us to the right. fuck off faggots, there is truth and falsehood and leftism is the praxis of falsehood.

Its a Daily Shoah knockoff

3 numales

Cum Town is a better political podcast

>Angela Nagle

She said that we cant return to patriarchy because the West will fail economically due to women moving out of the workforce, leftist cant overcome their delusions...EVER, left was and is GAY

They are so obviously astroturfed. They are the number 1 podcast on Patreon, pulling in $80,000 a month, yet they only have 8000 Facebook likes. By comparison, the number 2 podcast has half a million Facebook likes. The numbers just don't make any sense:

Yes, probably a lot for that money is from some (((foundation))) such as the Ford or Rockefeller foundations

yeah, left is regrouiping, and 80k on patreon is fishy af...but they still cant meme for shit. Memesters were always pro-masculinity and quasi right wingers.

Chapo people remind me of 2009 hipster scene - a trully dark cynical period

can YOU believe that people think there is 200 genders?
hahaha there is only 150 :)

>but their MySpace page only has half a dozen comments!
I think their fans primarily use twitter

40k s 900k

Also look at how much money they got so rapidly when they started (when they had almost no followers at all and had put out almost no content). There's just nothing organic about it

Whether you like the podcast or not you have to be able to see why their numbers are so high. They started doing it at a time when
A) the center left was becoming increasingly disillusioned with the democrats and
B) the far left was also growing in numbers and visibility

Then trump happend. They just happened to come along at the right Tim with a message people wanted to hear. It's the same reason Pod Save America is so big right now. They came in at the perfect time for people to be receptive to that kind of a show.

They blew up because they're literal Jewish shills from rich Jewish families

I can see a podcast like them getting reasonably big. I don't see an unknown podcast pulling in $3000 / month a week after being launched at a time when they only had 3,000 twitter followers

If their growth was reflective of their actual popularity then you'd see that reflected in social media and you just don't at all.

Instead you have people pumping a huge amount of money into it but almost no one talking about it

Who's your favorite Sup Forums?

>They blew up because they're literal Jewish shills from rich Jewish families

out of 3, 2 are jewsih?

their pods are nothing new ideologically, its just left from 2005-2010. What is the strategy of "new left"? to wait for browning of population? who are they trying to appeal to with Žižek intellectualism?

no one likes these guys I wonder who bankrolls this shit. This is coming from someone who hates TRS for being controlled opposition too.

funny how they always control both sides

Or, we can take the Occam's razor conclusion, that they are funded by one of the thousands of foundations that exist solely for funnelling money to programs like this whole receiving promotion on mainstream media sites.

>Instead you have people pumping a huge amount of money into it but almost no one talking about it
>they are funded by one of the thousands of foundations that exist solely for funnelling money to programs like this whole receiving promotion on mainstream media sites.

There seems to be some disagreement on how and why they're all shills. Are they really popular, but no one is talking about them, or are they not popular at all, but everyone is talking about them?

There's no disagreement. Popularity among the general public popularity among the media and shady (((foundations)))