You are the victim of shills

Shills exist. It's a real thing.

They aren't paid. There is no possible financial gain from posting on Sup Forums.

But there are ideological shills that are working hard to win every-possible mind to their side.

Guess who does that?

Did you guess "the side that is over-represented on the internet and wins twelve allies every time they get a facebook like," the way that SJWs do?

You guessed wrong.

The only shills on Sup Forums are the ones wringing every stone until they find one that gives a drop of blood.

Sup Forums is being manipulated by white nationalists and conspiracy theorists, because the anonymous format provides a unique opportunity for their ideas to be presented without cross-examination. Because their ideas can't withstand cross-examination.

You ever seen those posts on Sup Forums about black people having lower IQ? Did you know that those studies got debunked, twenty years ago? They were flat-out proved wrong, when most of you were in diapers. But you saw an infographic.

How about the statistics of violent crime committed by black people? Did they even tell you that those stats were based, not on commissions, but on convictions? It's a big difference. Eliminate the variable and, guess what? You straight-up eliminate the discrepancy.

The idea that illegal immigrants cost the USA's tax-payers money is propegated by a group called FAIR. Funded by the Pioneer Fund. Lead by... wait for it? The KKK. In reality, the only study that has EVER concluded that illegal aliens cost US taxpayers money? It flatly counted the same source and added the cost six different times. Because it said that they use Er services. So it counted that amount for ER services. Counted it again for healthcare. Counted it again for car crashes. Counted it again for insurance premiums. Counted it again for, and again for, and again for.

Shills are here. They won. You believe them.

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably mostly true, but I'm still much happier that Trump is president than the alternative.

No, it's you and it's obvious.

>How about the statistics of violent crime committed by black people? Did they even tell you that those stats were based, not on commissions, but on convictions?


aaaaaaand looks like you're the shill.

>Shills exist. It's a real thing.

And you are one, because you're spouting blatant lies.

Kill yourself.

yeah, because the political establishment all over the world right now is right wing...

Get a grip you dumb fuck.

>defeatist metrics

user; Sup Forums is busy. It's a madhouse. I get it. Just hide the threads you're not interested in; and find something good. Besides, all the distractions going on are pointless; The thing they're trying to keep a lid on got leaked days ago. I don't know what to make of it; but pic related was involved.

He's half right, holocaust denial and historical revisionism is certainly shilled on Sup Forums. I accept the Socialist revolution of 1919 in Germany, but no one ever seems to provide links from credible sites on the subject. As for Holocaust denial using photos of rebuilt gas chambers and a earth disturbance study that was only published in a White Nationalism Magazine isn't the "oh man I guess It was a lie " type proof I'm looking for. That being said your a shill because a lot this is and has been debunked on Sup Forums itself.

No, we ARE the white nationalists and conspiracy theorists. If this isn't your thing don't come here. I don't go onto gardening websites and try to convince people they are being brainwashed into planting kitchen gardens

or excuse , maybe not debunked, but certainly cross examined. basically it's a fact niggers are violent and dumb, and Illegal beaners cost the US more than they should.

>You ever seen those posts on Sup Forums about black people having lower IQ? Did you know that those studies got debunked, twenty years ago?
ummmm sweetie no, iq between black and whites has never been proven to be at parity, not even once

same politicians / whores that supported the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are now lefties, they all are, all the rich fucks.
They make big bucks on open global trade of human labor, and you dumb fucking sjw's larp as Marxists and support it fully.

So take your establishment chilling somewhere else.

>You ever seen those posts on Sup Forums about black people having lower IQ? Did you know that those studies got debunked, twenty years ago? They were flat-out proved wrong, when most of you were in diapers. But you saw an infographic.

>How about the statistics of violent crime committed by black people? Did they even tell you that those stats were based, not on commissions, but on convictions? It's a big difference. Eliminate the variable and, guess what? You straight-up eliminate the discrepancy.

Wrong. Blacks commit massively disproportionate about of crime. I have the spreadsheets form the FBI and have done the research myself you retard.

>that illegal immigrants blah blah
Look at net contributions vs net receipts by race. That data is available. ~1 trillion per annum is transferred from whites to non whites in the USA

You are nowhere near as smart as you think you are.

op claims to disprove no specific data using references to no other specific data

wuts a shill?

Who cares faggot. At least our side's memes are funny

>You ever seen those posts on Sup Forums about black people having lower IQ? Did you know that those studies got debunked, twenty years ago? They were flat-out proved wrong, when most of you were in diapers. But you saw an infographic.


>How about the statistics of violent crime committed by black people? Did they even tell you that those stats were based, not on commissions, but on convictions? It's a big difference. Eliminate the variable and, guess what? You straight-up eliminate the discrepancy.

Eliminate variables and you can get all kinds of results, its how you falsify statistics.

>The idea that illegal immigrants cost the USA's tax-payers money is propegated by a group called FAIR

immigrants cost money, illegal immigrants cost money, public money, in other words (tax-payers money)

Haha a shill shilling.

wtf i hate Sup Forums now

ITT: Liberal agenda

Go to bed, Shia. Mend your broken marriage when you sober up.

No sweetie, just no.

>because the anonymous format provides a unique opportunity for their ideas to be presented without cross-examination.
Why does an idea need an identifiable person behind it to be cross examined?
>The thirteenth rule: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. — Rules for Radicals
I see you kike...and now so does everyone else.
You need to be gassed.

I'm from a poor background and came here legally. Why should illegal immigrants be given a free pass?

Your basically calling us shills, you fucking retard. Sup Forums has always been right leaning to full 1939. Even before Sup Forums harbor, nigger stats and redpill were posted near daily. The only shills coming here are the ones trying to change Sup Forums, and I don't think white supremacists need to shill on here if I will, and have been doing so freely for roughly 4 years now.

Pretty shitty dakimura cover you got there.

Bet he doesn't reply to this despite wanting to "dispense the truth", fucking turd.

I'm a cop in Portland, blacks commit 99% of the crime here and there aren't even that many yet. A ton are coming in from California and most are immediately arrested due to possession of heroin or meth.

>because the anonymous format provides a unique opportunity for their ideas to be presented WITHOUT cross-examination.
Are you a special kind of stupid?

Yeah you're absolutely full of shit and clearly just got here a day ago. Ideas like natsoc or whatever don't need shills because it's naturally what everyone wants to begin with. The "diversity is good" bullshit being crammed down peoples' throats is an unnatural force trying to be applied to human behavior. For millenia people of the same color/culture/values separated themselves naturally, only recently have we seen the complete opposite being pushed through media and specifically only to historically white, Western countries. You never see a billboard or commercial saying how Saudi Arabia needs to "be more diverse" or how Japan "needs to stop being so bigoted and let white people or somalis flood through their borders." That's just objective reality, facts that don't need shills to continually hammer them on an origami board for people to understand. Fuck you and fuck your shilling, get the fuck off Sup Forums.

>1 post by this id
>let me tell you about shills
Kill yourself you fucking demonic leftist puke

Why do you even bother?

Dude, OP you even type in shill. Conspiracies have always been discussed here, and now the neolibs/neocons control everything behind and in the scenes, it has gotten more intense. If you are against conspiracy theorists, then you are for the corporate MSM version of everything. You are a fucking goon. Nobody with a conscience can support the insider repubs and dems. Wake up, and check out the Dutroux affair, the Franklin scandal, and Iran Contra happening.

You're an idiot.

Tons of private companies and or people pay on average .10 per post to do whatever they are paying for. Maybe to shill politics on Sup Forums, maybe to irritate their ex on twitter. Once you know people you move up. At my peak I made $500 per week just making sure my team of shills were doing their jobs. About two hours per day lol.

both sides are equally shilled

don't underestimate us, we know

I work with a black guy who posts racist comments here under a nazi flag. He told me he does it just to laugh at the news going on about Sup Forums and internet extremism. You do know that not every shill here is what they say they are right? There are people from every race that LARP as nazis and WN, especially to drive a wedge in the racial division if not just for a good kek.

You don't know 10% of it. If you are slightly brown or have ever posted something on a public website, that can be considered anti-white, get your friends and family and hide. After GG, we want blood, the blood of anti-whites, of SJWs of people like you. You are 40 years too late. And btw, we control your mind already. Prove, you came here

lol outed yourself as a shill in the first post, impressive. But you are like a little baby, watch this


>pissing into an ocean of piss

If you legit believe 'illegal immigrants' get a 'free pass', all you have to do is leave the US and cross back illegally. I mean, this is so amazingly, blatantly obvious that a literal chimpanzee could figure it out.

But oddly, NOT ONE PERSON has done this. This, in a nation FILLED with people who are desperate to get that one YouTube video with 10 million views, yet NOT ONE PERSON has decided it'd be fun to livestream them 'getting a free pass' as an illegal immigrant.

Amazing, isn't it?

These bait posts are getting pretty good

Plot twist: OP is the real shill.

What the fuck site did I start from...

Was 10 yrs ago, blogsvertise, payperpost, warrior, wickedfire, etc all hired. You too can start with SEO manipulation via posts and climb the ladder to lower echelon shill overlord. Then you'll decline some horrid job and you're done.

wtf i love black people now


it's not hard when most of the userbase uses the reaction to these posts to consolidate identity. It's the same reason the "now that the dust has settled" OP format took off in Sup Forums

>They aren't paid

>he's a shill
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he shills in threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he shills in threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

Stupidest post I have seen all month jesus christ, how do you do it?

and yet you're here for free too user

I suppose I'm going to have to expose myself to your blinding intellect.

Pray tell, what is the problem with the post?

As an aside, why is Capcha giving me the same image over and over? I recognize that picture four times in the last hour.

IQ studies were not debunked at all. I would recommend listening to the episode of atheist intellectual Sam Harris's podcast, Waking Up, where he interviews Bell Curve author Charles Murray. The very first thing they do, is establish that IQ tests are not biased, that they are accurate, and that there is absolutely no controversy in the scientific community as to the accuracy of IQ tests.
Please do you research before coming on this board and embarrassing yourself with the nonsense you learned from advocacy sociologists and media.

OK than
>outed self as shill
>outed self as kike
>outed self as new
>got the based autism anons churning out meme facts stats and rebuttals faster than the speed of light.
But what the fuck is going on in that pict?

>Did you know that those studies got debunked, twenty years ago?
The only "debunking" of those studies was an attempt to debunk IQ tests and attempt to explain the difference away by claiming it was due to socio-economic differences rather than genetic ones, this however doesn't explain why whites and blacks in the same economic brackets score differently on IQ tests, and studies done since then have show that IQ is around 70% heritable, the rest being nutrition (rather than quality of education). This is one of the possible reasons why blacks in America score better on IQ tests than blacks in Africa, although it could also be due to the 20%ish white admixture of the black American population

>How about the statistics of violent crime committed by black people? Did they even tell you that those stats were based, not on commissions, but on convictions?
When comparing witness reports of criminality the percentage of blacks accused correlates almost exactly with the percentage of blacks convicted for crimes, proving there's no police bias

I live surrounded by blacks and I can tell you that they are generally dumber and more violent than the other races.

>Shills exist. It's a real thing.
>They aren't paid. There is no possible financial gain from posting on Sup Forums.
>Guess who does that?
>Did you guess
Did I?
>You guessed wrong.
Wait, you don't know


>NatSoc and White power stuff is shill
>Stats are incorrect
>provides no source or evidence

Yes, I'm sure you'd know quite a lot about shills, wouldn't you.

Stormfags ruined this board in 2013

None of this holocaust shit happened before then. The most stormfag shit was the Jew man from /new/ and racism.

Lost me as soon as I read that. Anybody who's ever had a job where you've had to train black people to do a simple task knows this. Why is this collectively ignored by everyone?







>hurr durr everyone I disagree with is a shill or a conspiritard

People who constantly make shit in a format trying to sell it to you. Like that one dude who used to make muh holocaust threads every day for the last 5-6 years, he's an employee of one of the several kike foundations.

Oh and anyone who plugs products calling them "based" or "you should buy my filters"
Shit like that.
Shilling is making shillings via advertisement.

>hey guys, all that racist shit's been disproven
>provides no proof
Checks out.


>1 post by this ID

>muh stormfags
Haha another newfag fell for the Stormfront meme.

In all seriousness we've never had a Stormfront infestation, we have however had a Jew firm infestation (IE advert companies we called the JIDF and probably have one now. Hell it's certain there's still ad companies shilling pro-kike stuff here.
Either way don't trust Jews and stormnigger degenerates haven't touched this place in a meaningful way ever.

>long blog post about shills
>1 post by this I'd
>200 post thread

Ancillary related


>ideas to be presented without cross-examination
if only there weren't any counter-posts.

>make useless post with a fact everyone already knows
>too dumb to see the thread has been repurposed for a more important thing


And the nail in the coffin, pic related. Muh poverty unequivocally BTFO

>1 post by this ID

What the heck did you just say about me, you little honey bun? iI’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cutie Patooties, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret tweets on Daddy Trump, and I have over 300 confirmed snookims. I am trained in butter biscuits and I’m the top sweetie in the entire US sugar doodles. You are nothing to me but just another Daddy. I will cuddle you the heck out with warmth the likes of which has never been felt before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that dookie doo to me over the Internet? Think again, cutie. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Mommies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the huggie wuggies, deary. The huggies that wipes out the silly little thing you call your meanie doodles. You’re in trouble, Daddy. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can tweet you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in butter boops, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Cutie Wooties Fruity Tooties and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your widdle face, you little cutie pie. If only you could have known what huggie wuggies your little “tweetie weetie” was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your mouthy wouthy. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, honey buns. I will wiggle woop all over you and you will drown in it. You’re really sweet, honey.

>>too dumb to see the thread has been repurposed for a more important thing

or that was the original purpose of the thread

Sounds like you need more tin foil :^)

op is doubling down on shillz

>immigrants cost money, illegal immigrants cost money, public money, in other words (tax-payers money)
They don't. This is actually proved. Illegal aliens contribute more in tax money than they cost. It's a fact. Because employers pay SS tax on their employees, and illegal employees don't use SS services.

It's factually true that illegal aliens actually make more money, for Americans, than they cost.

>You ever seen those posts on Sup Forums about black people having lower IQ? Did you know that those studies got debunked, twenty years ago?
I realize this is bait, but the newfag lurkers don't. "Shilling" some truth for their sake.

(2001) Thompson et al., conclude in their own words that, "A genetic continuum was detected in which brain structure was increasingly similar in subjects with increasing genetic affinity. Genetic factors significantly influenced cortical structure in Broca's and Wernicke's language areas, as well as frontal brain regions," and, "Preliminary correlations were performed suggesting that frontal gray matter differences may be linked to Spearman's g, which measures successful test performance across multiple cognitive domains (p < 0.05). These genetic brain maps reveal how genes determine individual differences, and may shed light on the heritability of cognitive and linguistic skills, as well as genetic liability for diseases that affect the human cortex."

This further suggests that brain structure, size, and cognitive performance are all heritable and genetic.

(2011) Joshi et al., study twins to conclude that there is a highly significant genetic contribution to cortical thickness and volume. This is believed to have a significant effect on the neurotubule number and density in individuals and thus a highly significant effect on IQ.

In their own words, "The results showed detailed pointwise genetic and environmental contributions on the whole cortex. Several areas in the parietal and frontal lobes were observed to be genetically influenced."

The environmental factors are believed to be heavily genetically influenced due to how genetics define interaction and determine developmental reactions in the brain.

I don't care about black people. I'm not really into that stuff. But I kinda care about the well-being of the whites. Mass migration is not necessary, and borders are one of the few things that the state should really control. Bad.

What about the Pioneer Fund, it's good that at least someone supports our cause financially, we're outnumbered by leftist and liberal organizations by far.

(2012) Yang et al., conclude that there is a, "greater than 80%," genetic contribution to the prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain associated with reward, attention, short-term memory tasks, planning, and motivation.), a significant genetic contribution to the temporal lobe (the part of the brain associated with Visual memory, language comprehension, and emotion association), a significant genetic contribution to the occipital lobe (dubbed the visual processing center of the mammalian brain), and a nearly 80% environmental influence on the parietal lobe (the part of the brain associated with touch, hand-eye coordination, spatial sense, and navigation).

(2012) Rushton concludes that there has been no narrowing in the mean Black-White IQ difference predicted by heritable g.

Rushton also invalidates research by Nisbett, Dickens, and Flynn that show black gains in IQ by evaluating their lack of data and use of specious arguments. He shows that the little data they had to prove these points obscured the topic by invoking alleged age and social class interactions and adoption studies of very young children. Their data was based on ideas, not observations. In his own words on the twin studies cited: "There is no evidence of any special cultural influence, such as extreme deprivation or being raised as a visible minority, that operates in one group and not in others."

He shows using a meta-analysis that there has been no reduction in the mean racial differences between Blacks and Whites and that all claims of, "systemic issues," are spurious and unsupported by factual evidence. The credence given to researchers saying that society is to blame for the failures of adopted Blacks comes from a cursory glance at a specious statement - they have no evidence.

(2006) Templer & Arikawa analyze populations by temperature, skin color, per capita income, and IQ and find stark correlations between all of them.

They were able to accurately predict individual IQ by skin color (0,92), mean high Winter temperature of their race (0,76), mean low Winter temperature of their race (0,66), and per capita income (0,63). These findings provide strong support for the idea that colder climates caused selection for higher IQs over an evolutionary epoch.

This helps to explain why groups from hotter climates like those found in Africa are less intelligent and thus earn lower incomes.

(2013) Karen Wynn shows that infants as young as nine months old prefer individuals who are nice to people of their race and dislike people mean to their race. In addition to this they also like people that are mean to others races and dislike people that are nice to other races.

>His centerpiece is a 2002 paper, published in Science by a group led by Stanford geneticist Marcus Feldman, which used a computer program called Structure to cluster populations of the world by their DNA similarities. When they asked the computer to cluster peoples of the world into two groups, the computer gave them EurAfrica and Asia-Oceania-America. When they asked the computer for three groups, the computer gave them Europe, Africa, and Asia-Oceania-America. When they asked the computer for four groups, it gave them Europe, Africa, Asia-Oceania, and America. When they asked it for five groups, it gave them essentially the continents. And when it asked the computer for six, it gave them the continents and the Kalash people of Pakistan. (They asked the computer for up to seventeen clusters, but only published the results up to six.)

There is no alternative, fucking idiot. They are all the same, shut the fuck up and wake up, get a real job.

For Jews you mean

(2005) Mekel-Bobrov et al., conclude that the gene ASPM is a specific regulator of brain size, and its evolution in the lineage leading to Homo sapiens was driven by strong positive selection. They show that one genetic variant of ASPM in humans arose merely about 5.800 years ago in Eurasia and has since swept to high frequency across Eurasia under strong positivel selection.

The gene is almost non-existent in Sub-Saharan Africa.

(1998) Thomas, Miller & Mascie-Taylor conclude that the EST00083 ("expressed sequence tag") is an mtDNA (mitochondrial; maternal) polymorphism found more often in high IQ groups. It is articularly common in Europe (less so in Asia) where it is associated with a lineage that dates back 35.000 years. It is nearly non-existent in Africa.

This finding goes along with a discovery by Turner & Partington in 1991 that shows mothers are the primary component in a child's intelligence.


These threads are a way to propagate information, it's better to post in them than "redpill" threads because only true believers post in them

(1981) Bouchard Jr. & McGue analyze 111 studies on familial resemblances in measured intelligence and reveal a profile of average correlations consistent with polygenic inheritance modes.

This means that these 111 studies (covering over 1.000.000 people) show evidence of polygenic inheritance modes.

Years after this study was performed polygenic inheritance of DNA was confirmed by genetic studies such as (Davies et al., 2011) and (Deary, Johnson & Houlihan, 2009)

(2009) Way & Lieberman analyze genetic contribution to cultural differences in this piece and draw support for dual-inheritance theory.

They show that there are genetic predispositions for IQ, collectivism, individualism, a wide breadth of aspects of socialization, depression, and other psychocultural phenomena which determine the values of societies and their people. They show that populations have mean genetics which means they have mean dispositions and thus mean personalities as well and thus cultures are formed around those same means.

These findings are supported by (Simoons, F, 1969; Simoons, F, 1970; Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi & Piazza, 1994; Holden & Mace, 1997; Durham, 1991; Perry et al., 2007; Campbell, 1965; McElreath & Henrich, 2007; Kroeberm & Kluckhohn, 1952; Sasaki, 2013; Cochran & Harpending, 2009; Bentley, Hahn & Shennan, 2004; Boyd & Richerson, 1985; Gabora, 1995; and so many more)

OP, please come to Baltimore or Detroit and hang out with your beloved blacks in their neighborhoods in cities they run, and tell me if you still believe a single think you just wrote.

This board is for politically incorrect politics you retard. People dont have to shill here they are openly fascist or national socialist or whatever. Let me guess? You saw some youtube videos or some Sup Forums memes on the internet and now you are to act like an apostle send from god dont let me laugh. Retards like you came here increasingly more after charlottesville. We know who does the shilling...

>Sup Forums is being manipulated by white nationalists and conspiracy theorists, because the anonymous format provides a unique opportunity for their ideas to be presented without cross-examination. Because their ideas can't withstand cross-examination.
It's literally the exact opposite. Sup Forums became the way it is (right-wing, racist, largely NatSoc, Jew-aware) because the board is a place where ideas compete without being hampered by identity. In a place with anonymity, the truth will be able to rise to the top.

At least that's how it used to be, when it was actually a discussion board. The shills have killed that-- we didn't START with a Nazi/anti-Jew ideology. It grew and evolved over years of looking at the realities of the world. That's the difference between us and you. We arrived at our ideology through the competition of ideas-- you want to stifle competition in order to serve your ideology.

I miss the days when people lurked before posting.

>because the anonymous format provides a unique opportunity for their ideas to be presented without cross-examination.
See, here's where you fall down. Because there's just as much cross-examination here as anywhere else! More, if anything, because no one's afraid of offending someone by not observing the proprieties.

In short, eat a dick, faggot.

I'm impressed!

got a study about that?
not saying you're wrong at all it def makes sense but I'm too lazy to look for it rn

The rest of the internet is being manipulated; theres a reason "free speech" places like this fill with "wrong-think": because they aren't being censored.

Are you on crystal meth

That was the most incoherent shit I've ever read on Sup Forums. Seriously you sound retarded. You are probably a college age person of color that has never written a proper essay, and it shows. You are fucking insane and pathetic. Don't ever try to be smart again you fucking queer bait teenage roastie bitch nigger

Gas kikes. Race war now

You touch on a good point, shill. That there isn't one wide ranging conspiracy needed to bring down the US, because the seeds for ideological Marxist radicalism were planted a long time ago. Now the indoctrinated masses can carry the job publicly, proudly and autonomously. This is why WE are here.

>posts about shills
>reddit spacing
hmmm really makes you think

you're right and wrong. there are paid shills on Sup Forums, as well as non paid shills. most of Sup Forums are manipulated by them. yes, i'm talking about you alt-righters. not saying the left doesn't have shills, but it has been proven that the fbi and cia are creating domestic alt right terrorists.

for the record, i hate commies and socialists. i do not support the left at all.

>Guess who does that?
I wonder?
>white nationalists and conspiracy theorists
Eat a dick David Brock bitch

The sad truth is, most of them probably aren't; it's probably mostly mentally ill NEETs doing it for free. The ones that get paid are probably nearly impossible to spot, manipulating the board only in subtle ways.

>it has been proven that the fbi and cia are creating domestic alt right terrorists.
need sauce on that

Anyone who claims that the black crime discrepancy can "disappear" by massaging the data is crazy. The discrepancy is an entire order of magnitude. Blacks literally commit crime 10 times the rate of whites

Every single place on Earth with a black majority is a fucking shithole

And if the "race-IQ stuff" was debunked 20 years ago, how come blacks in the US currently have a mean IQ of 85? Sociologists are trying absolutely everything to close the gap, nothing is working. In fact it's widening.

He means it's been alleged; most of nupol has such terrible critical thinking skills, they think speculation or accusation is the same as evidence.