Muh deus vult


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Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..

Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith.
Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Rome and pope Francis is not pope, benedict is.

Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil choices.

It's sick what Christianity has become. It's worse than devil worship.

Can you uh... "educate" me a little?

Soon they'll support pedophilia and bestiality.

>We're the true church because of our interpretation of what Christ said to Saint Paul! Listen to our infallible pope and our doctrines that we made up over the years! Also please support another version of our failed and cucked Crusades, we love killing more Christians than Muslims!
>What do you mean we're losing believers? Oh, we just got infiltrated by Jews and Satanists, we're still true church! Join with our failing denomination against the hordes!

Every rad trad Cucktolic ever.

>Majority supports X
>Poll by Citizens for X

wtf I'm mormon now

Isn't Australia overwhelmingly protestant? So a minority group that is small to begin with supports gay marriage like that means Catholics from around the world do. By the way laymen have no say on doctrine so they can believe what they want doesn't change what the bible says and the churches dogma.

25% of Australians are Catholic, largest single chirstian faith group in Australia.

And no shit laymen don't decide church doctrine --- but the church clearly doesn't decide how laymen apparently will vote in the upcoming Australian gay marriage plebiscite is the point

Catholics are a bunch of superstitious faggots anyway


Into the trash it goes!

You faggots and your rapefugee-loving pope should be launched into the sun.

yeah "catholics" the same as (((wh*te people))) I'm sure

>Still citing (((polls))) from (((media)))

Say what you want, but Freemasonry is being subverted in our direction now.

>Supports abortion and gay marriage
"I'm Catholic! And I'm hip! I attend Mass once a year...sometimes. But I'm Catholic! More than those regular Penance-receiving fundamentalists!"

this is a random hypothetical poll in australia,

op is a massive faggot

user, I-

The majority of Australian Catholics attend church twice a year or less.

>Catholics do everything the Bible specifically says not to do.
>Shocked when they support the exact opposite of what the Bible says to support.
Really makes me think.

>baptized Catholics in name only

Catholic teaching forbids supporting homosexuality and counts it as a mortal sin.

A bunch of faggot Priests just got caught having an orgy at the Vatican like only a month ago....

How can I join?

Media polling and counting some guy who went to church once as Christians are legitimate criticisms though.

Funny as a Catholic Aussie I was never asked about this....


I wonder what the study would find if they asked frequent church goers instead of "Catholics"

Being a catholic is almost just saying that you are white and you have been brought up well

It's to identify how people were raised more than anything

why does media blame just the Church and priests on the faggotry and sexual abuse.....but not pointing out that they are a bunch of deviant homosexual individuals in the first place who became priests to abuse their power.

I honestly dont even care about this shit and never did

What weirdo becomes a priest and devotes his life to not having sex.

Back in the day it's was aloud and deviant heterosexuals was abusing their power to bang loads of women as women thought that it was more likely to get them to heaven

The Catholic church is the true original church. Freemasonry is banned for a reason.

actually it's more like
>muh almost complete and total apostasy
>muh catholics have become protestants

No shit?


A poll run by faggots said that?

Must be true.

Tell me again - if the majority of Australians love butt secks marriage, why are faggots deathly afraid of a referendum?

yep it is written at least 2 times that gays should be fucking put to death

Nah, "Catholic".

Good luck finding anyone who gives a shit about religion though that isn't Muslim or a FOB Chinese/Korean



Buddy, there's a reason you fellas haven't come together in over a thousand years to hold an ecumenical council.
You can't agree with one another on simple doctrine, nor do you believe that any one of your patriarchs has the authority to have the final word.
Not only this, you invent some "3 times a charm" rule when it comes to marriage, divorce, and "remarriage"--allowing up to 3 "remarriages."

Reminder that Francis being a massive cuck is the propaganda and media spin.


mfw my dad married an orthodox chick and we converted from Catholics to based orthodox. Dodged a bullet on that one...

LOL. Wow.
This is some really hardcore delusion or someone who is extremely ignorant of the situation.

Fuck your council. Also I'm pretty sure Catholic people get divorced like eating chips, no one gives a shit about that anymore. Your vatican is a giant serpent. Your pope is a gay communist.

Well, sucks for you that he can licitly (according to the schismatics) divorce her and "remarry" 2 more times.
And it still be considered "licit." I don't recall Christ mentioning that in the Scriptures. In fact, I believe he called remarriage, "adultery."
Where does the 3 times come from?

Yep, most catholics are just as bad as most protestants; they're neo-pagans with a Christian veneer, most not even that.
Thankfully, though, the Vatican and the Pope is not the faith.

Good. The law should apply equally to all individuals.

Also get the fuck out of peoples lives. Fucking authoritarians need to be lynched.

Dumb. Jesus had 12 followers. One was a whore. Another a killer. Etc. The thing about Christianity is that Jesus came to atone for our sins. Accept Jesus as your savior and you're saved. I truly believe evil people get their just deserts in the end though. Since most killers/psychopaths lack morality and faith in a God

Catholics already do. When churches do this type of shit is when I question my faith. But then I remember it's not God doing this but evil men/women.

>Accept Jesus as your savior and you're saved
>boom, done deal
>just accept it
>"I accept your sacrifice"
>won the race
Hell if that's all that's involved then why aren't I sinning right now; given that I confessed with my mouth and accepted His sacrifice a long time ago.
Good God Lutheranism and Calvinism are poisonous.

Fucking disgusting mongrels.

Bet these 'Catholics' don't even know what the trinity is. Or what the Catechism is.

They're not afraid of the results, they're afraid that if the campaign devolves into attack ads, gay people will feel emotionally distressed and might off themselves.

>there's a reason you fellas haven't come together in over a thousand years to hold an ecumenical council.
because celebrate an ecumenical council would be a waste of time.

You're right. Uniting the various Churches under a common Creed and belief would be a complete waste of time. Addressing error as a Body and confirming one another in the agreement would be a total waste of time.
You know, that whole 1 Timothy 3:15 thing was just ideology, man.
The Church: the Pillar and foundation of truth?
Pssh, it's more like a loosely affiliated group of based peoples that adhere to their own stubbornness and historical nitpicking theological animosities.

for non-ausfags:
that Australian news website in the screenshot is heavily filled with lefty propaganda. At one stage they even started issuing "Trigger Warning"s in their headlines before they noticed the normies thought it was a bit too much.

Reading their articles requires meticulous attention to detail, since they use word play and baseless links to try to legitimize allegations.

I hear ya. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case.
Novus Ordo "Catholics" and those fed with the NewChurch bread from birth are notoriously neo-pagan and can scarcely be called Catholic.

Threadly reminder:
2358Thenumberofmenandwomenwho havedeep-seatedhomosexualtendenciesis notnegligible. They do notchoosetheir homosexualcondition; for most of them it is a trial. They must beacceptedwithrespect, compassion, andsensitivity. Everysignof unjustdiscriminationin theirregardshould beavoided. Thesepersonsarecalledtofulfill God's will in theirlivesand, if they are Christians, touniteto thesacrificeof the Lord'sCrossthedifficultiestheymay encounterfrom theircondition.

well, in this case is better preserve the staus quo, none of the parts would be willing to change their traditions, but let me tell you something, the actual Catholic church has deviated from the way and are heading for their own destruction

>They do notchoosetheir homosexualcondition
Get that JPII catechism crap out of here. You realize the editor was Schonborn the heretic, right?
Any Catholic that understands the Church's teaching on human dignity knows how to treat people. Yet, what the post-conciliar JPII catechism fails to do, and raises human dignity to an almost worshiped level, is that human dignity from individual to individual is not the same.
A Christian has a greater dignity than a non-Christian. Dignity is further altered by behavior. The dignity of a practicing sodomite is lessened, just as the dignity of the murderer is lessened.

The hierarchy has deviated, and attempted to derail the future of the Church into a protestant-like cesspool of relativity and ecumenism.
They are receiving their own reward for their deviation. Scripture tells us judgement comes first to the Church; and that's what the past 50 years has been about.
We're witnessing the culmination of this spiritual chastisement under Francis.
The faith remains, as it remained with the laity and the lower clergy during the Arian crisis where Jerome wrote, "the world awoke and groaned to find itself Arian."

>enrolments boom ahead of gay marriage vote

>people care more about fag marriage than who is elected to represent them

>A literal saint not understanding human dignity.
Methinks you can't accept you're just as broken as they are.


Catholicism is not a democracy

>We're witnessing the culmination of this spiritual chastisement under Francis.
well in that point i agree with you, since I dreamed that an Argentinian was going to be Pope, i left the catholic church.

>Catholics in 2017 still thinking they're anything but cucks.

Fuck off fagget, even here in Poland our le based church is marching hand in hand with leftiest for pro rapefugge future.

Does that mean everyone on the left will stop acting like anyone in Australia with religious beliefs is literally the Westboro Baptist Church?

>Novus Ordo "Catholics" and those fed with the NewChurch bread from birth are notoriously neo-pagan

What are you even trying to say? I only ever see the word "pagan" used as an insult against Catholics by proddies.

You seem to be misinformed. It's actually the extreme traditionalists who most loudly push for "pagan" ideas like Mary as the co-redemptrix, among other things.

Christianity as an entity is broken when it is looked at as the form of Catholicism in my view. Its only survival will remain in the hands of protestants that have a personal connection with GOD as they have always sought. Sad to see the big brother go one can't say they were not warned though.

Every denomination has largely bent the knee m8, the majority of Christians in the West are kitchen Christians who might go to Church on Christmas or for a Wedding, but beyond that probably haven't even read the Bible from cover to cover.
The number of hardcore, actual practicing Christians of everyday according to the word of Christ are so very few. I'm not one of them, but by God I'm trying.

For the kid in you then.

>implying that the so-called Christianity of today is similar to the Christianity of even a hundred years ago