Every genealogy in the Bible is patriarchal, but the Jews reckon their genealogies matriarchally

Every genealogy in the Bible is patriarchal, but the Jews reckon their genealogies matriarchally.

I would be afraid of Jewesses too

Well, yeah. The modern Jews are all Khazars, not Semites.

That's only the so-called Ashkenazim, according to my understanding. The Sephardim (darker Spanish Jews) are legit people spoken of in the Bible, but they are also not the Israelites. The ancient Israelites clearly were more concerned with patriarchal lineages, whereas today's Jews -- both Aschkenazi and Sephardi -- are more concerned with matriarchal descent. Also note that in the Bible it is commanded to the Israelites that their men not cover their heads in the temple (whereas Israelite women are specifically commanded TO cover their heads) -- Jewish men wear the kippah in synagogue.

The entirety of Judaism is based on sacrifice. Either human or animal. Aside from a few chicken flingers the Jews haven't sacrificed for two thousand years.


speaking of the kippah

whats the functional purpose? is it to cover a bald spot? i dont get it.

You want an actual answer?

Patriarchal but matrilineal

They have sharpened rims.All Jews are secretly Oddjob.

Fuck does this even mean

Which tribe you descend from is determined by your father but if you're Jewish or not is determined by your mother.

That doesn't answer OPs question. Why if the Bible is patrilineal do Jews operate matrilinealy

I think it's because women are/were responsible for the religious upbringing of infants as part of their domestic gender role. Men led strictly public lives and did not concern themselves with the rearing of children until they came of age.

I think it"s only rabbinical, diaspora Jews that do this though. Karaite Jews (strictly follow the old testament and have always lived in Palestine/Israel) are still patrilineal.

They had a big problem with Jewish men taking non-Jewish wives which left a lot of women being forced to remain unmarried or marrying non-jews. Rabbis came up with the idea that you had to marry a Jewish women if you wanted Jewish children.

It's because you always know who the mother is. The father not so much.

yeah, i've read King Jesus too

No Jews are Khazars. That's been completely debunked. Ashkenazim are descendants of a middle eastern founder population that settled in Europe. Say it with me:

Khazars are not Jews.

Black Hebrew Israelites are not Jews.

Jews are Jews.

apart from the Cohen branch, where the High Priest gene is carried on the Y chromosome... all the way back to the first temple. Made it to my grandma's mum, but lost the race to fertilise the egg

Levy as well

Except for, you know, all those kids they drained the blood from throughout history.