Meanwhile in Poland:

Meanwhile in Poland:
>Hitler was a lefty
>He had nothing in common with a right-wing

Do you agree, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

natsoc is a leftist ideology.
it's that simple.

He was a big government socialist, somehow race realism got conflated to be "right wing". Whereas right wing should be more small government libertarianism.

he was socially conservative though, dreaming of white women staying home and having large families

oh course, he was a socialist

He hated Marxism, the communists were NatSoc's enemy.

Hitler is NAZBOL






>national socialism
why wouldn't he be a lefty?

>Hitler was a lefty
When will this meme end? Could someone explain to me how killing jews and gays is leftist? Because he gave a few reichsmark to some mother bearing 9 children? Do you think all the people the Nazis put in charge of all the seized companies were leftists too? Or how absolutism is exclusively left-winged?
The NSDAP also was anti-establishment and anti-capitalistic until the 1930s where it attracted the attention of several business magnates like Krupp who saw the opportunity in outplaying jewish competitors. The NSDAP shortly turned anti-semitic and anti-marxist to secure the support of those fatcats. What also played into their hands was that due to the loss of the first World War many people where indepted to Jews. Hitler simply campaigned with his party to kill all jews and seize their property and nullifying debts to non-jews.

Excuse me
For I have come to

>those who actually witnessed Hitler's fuckups are not so fond of him
Who would have thought?
And yes, they are correct. NatSoc is center-left.

>(((National socialism)))
Based Poland

Yes he was a lefty, he was a socialist but above all he was a nationalist. This is not todays marxist socialism so it's not the same as being a communist.

He was a radical centrist.

The absolute logic of Sup Forums:

>biological men can't label themselves as women just because they say so despite not being women
>nazis can label themselves as socialists just because it's in their name despite not being socialists

>muh evil russia
>muh evil germany
>muh evil ukraine

Poland literally butthurt and trying to put a blame for their failed empire about every country that is located on the same continent

because surely, Russia, germany or ukraine never did anything hostile towards Poland

Democrats are the real racists!


The joke's rather that Poland is trying to twist reality by making Hitler a lefty because your Piss party has the same political alignment as Hitler did.
>"Uhm guys do you know who was bad? Hitler. He was like the total opposite of your political party now. He was a fucking commie!"

Hitler started diversity. Diversity thru segregated nation where each nation was a race. US citizen is race & we either US citizens or we are leftist scum waiting to be deported.

Hitler was a leftist because his ideals were collectivist in nature. It's that simple.

You can do better than this, antifa shill

Bullshit. The NSDAP classified races by a rung of inferiority. They promoted the idea that Germania belonged to the Aryans. Read Mein Kampf's chapter on Race and Nation and you'll see how utterly fatuous your statement is.

Communism, Nazism, and Fascism? Socialist garbage - one and all the same.

Thi is why it's so mindblowing how the left calls everyone nazi's. They are authortarian colectivists and have more in common with his ideology then they realize. their blaming of white people for all of society ills is even hilariously similar to hitler and jews.

Wake up white man, you are slowly becoming the modern day jewish scapegoat

>nationalism and traditionalism is left-wing
On how many layers of moronic shitposting are you?

Poland is a laughing stock


He's not. He's referring to the proper political compass, not one that is distorted by opposing identity groups.

What do you think is right-winged then? Some Ayn-Rand bullshitology just because it's about individualism?

thanks Mexibro

I actually see no difference between blacks blaming whites with Stormfags blaming Jews. Stormfags are literally SJW faggots.

>kekistani flag
Who let you out of the cuckshed and removed your mouthgag? Nobody but a few shitheads knowing next to zero about politics would agree with you.

Nationalism and traditionalism are different things. In fact nationalism was antagonist to traditionalism, and was considered a liberal (left-wing if you want) ideology.
You have to understand ''left'' and ''right'' are pretty meaningless terms outside of context.
Nazis were definitely ''left'' in colloquial sense, they expanded welfare state and government control over economy. In fact their economic policies were only a step behind Soviet ones, mainly because they struck an alliance with powerful industrialists like Krupp and Thyssen. Later on they regretted it as Nazis seized more and more control.

Jew 1 and 2.

OP = typical useful Pole to be discarded later by his finger fuck puppet masters.

Socially "conservative" is totally relative to the time period, you can have ethno-nationalism on the left also

The facts are that he was authoritarian and had left wing economic policies, including the very left policy of the state paying corporates to work for them

Really all that counts is state market vs free market and authoritarian social or anarchic social. The rest is just minor fluff, including religion

BEcause he didn't socialize the means of production, at all, Hitler's economy was run on a system of state authorised monopoly for business's hitler thought were superior.

Hitler was a third position, authoritarian centrist. Neither right nor left in the classical sense.

It's disingenuous to say that he was either to fit your political goals. This whole thread is just mudslinging and false equivalence

State capitalism is left wing bro

Poland just trying to take blame of the righteous man. So we can be proud of ourselves, our heritage and our freedom once again as it was before Hitler.

You are not helping.

>says the austrian
How's the empire going, franz?

>do rzeszy

>government control is leftist, not authoritarian
>welfare state wasn't established so millions don't starve to death so they can slave away longer in the factories of the war machine although pretty much every country in western Europe had welfare one way or the other
I really don't get where you're coming from you mountainnigger

It was a syncretic ideology with both leftist and right wing elements. It's depatable whether it leaned more to one side or another but calling it "right wing" all "left wing" without mentioning the nuances is dishonest.

Nazis did create shitload of government-owned industries. In any case effects were the same, economy was centrally planned.

off the righteous man*

Yeah, and you'll note that a state capitalist is not the same as a socialist, both Anarchism and Stalinism are left wing, and both Fascism (not natsoc) and Anarcho-Capitalism are right wing, the left-right spectrum was invented to describe factions within the french revolution's post war government, not the modern political climate.

Last time I checked you guys lost more than we did. Better watch out for your daughter Nigel, I've heard Achmed und Mohammed groomed her well to be a cockslut.

Polcucks strike again!

>government control is leftist
In economic sense, yes.
>welfare state
Is a ''leftist'' policy, irregardless of whether you find it good or wrong. Even though Bismarck first started it in Germany.

left v right stopped being relevant after monarchy, the idea that you can use something so binary to describe modern politics is retarded. what hitler was for sure was a nationalist so poles are retarded for trying to pretend they dont share ideological similarities

Fascism by its very nature was a leftist invention. Out of the bowels of Mussolini (who led the socialist party of Italy and was congratulated by Lenin) came Nazism to germany, where censorship, protectionism, strong regulations on the economy, free education, and free healthcare were mandated. Leftism hates banks and support tough methods of policing the population.

They're two sides of the same coin. If you can't see that, you're delusional.

if you define "right-wing" as smaller governement (which i do) then yes

i dont see how you can believe that jew need to be exterminated and your race should conquer the world while also believe your government shouldn't have the power to do those things

Yeah, we lost more territory of niggers and asians, and still have the 3rd largest economy in Europe, India's poised to become an economic rival of china, and the former white colonies are chugging along rather nicely, in comparison to Austro-Hungary's dissolution, which managed to create nothing but economically castrated shitholes, and Austria itself is an irrelevance in the modern world.

How's your empire going faggot?

The fucking Romans had a welfare state, and they were a despotic monarchy, are you going to argue that the Roman empire was leftist?

>ancaps are left wing
Flagrantly wrong broheim, their entire economic policy is extreme right wing

Remember on Sup Forums we actually read polsci books so the definitions we have vs the media are different. Anarchism spans economic left and right, it's a social policy

poland is trying to hit 2birds with 1stone

>second largest economy on one of the richest continents on the planet
p good, i take it Indoneisa's treating you well?

>gun-grabber (except for his militia which got fucked later)
>hates capitalism
>makes businessmen bow down at the same time he gets power
>inflated state
>literally the National Socialist Party of the German Workers
"Oh but he was raycis so of course he must be part of the EXTREME-right, like all white males.
Shame on you for being on the same side as LITERALLY HITLER."
*literally shaking*

In modern terms yes, in fact various Roman emperors involved themselves in economy a lot, sometimes with bad results.

>A socially conservative militarist is considered right wing

>right wing means muh property and left wing means muh socialism

>the roman empire was leftist
Well now i've heard it all.

He was a populist first and foremost. You're going to use a modern political compass to describe a monarch that lived 2000 years ago? Good luck.

Leftism isn't necessarily authoritarian. Communism and welfare were introduced to combat the industrialization and its aftereffects. The NSDAP turned anti-marxist in the 1930s and left a few breadcrumps for the workers breaking their backs to keep the war machine going. Nazism was a weird conglomarate of government intervention, race theories, welfare, expanding corporate rights and radical expansion. Saying it was left-winged is retarded. Nazis just picked what they thought would fit best and then labelled it.

>empires are right wing
Completely false, monarchy sits at the top of authoritarian in the umbrella of absolutism

Please guys, read some fucking political theory here, 5 major types of classic government are absolutism, liberalism, socialism, anarchism and conservatism. Of those types anarchy and absolute are opposing forces while the others represent a triangle of left right and libertarian right

In economic sense, in modern terms (emphasis on this), why is this so weird to you?


Fascism by its very nature was a leftist invention. Out of the bowels of Mussolini (who led the socialist party of Italy and was congratulated by Lenin) came Nazism to germany, where censorship, protectionism, strong regulations on the economy, free education, and free healthcare were mandated. Leftism hates banks and support tough methods of policing the population.

They're two sides of the same coin. If you can't see that, you're delusional.

Does anyone here really know anything about Hitlers rule or are you all just making shit up?

Shut up we're on the same side of the argument here. Let's not banter anymore.

Hitler is /ourguy/ now

True nationalism has nothing to do with biological racialism and the doctrine of the Master Race and other such nonsense. G. K. Chesterton rightly said: "Hitlerism is almost entirely of Jewish origin. The only place that the Hitlerites could have gained the idea of a "Chosen Race," is from the Jews. If there is one outstanding quality in Hitlerism it is Hebraism. The new Nordic Man has all the worst faults of the worst Jews: jealousy, greed, the mania of conspiracy, and, above all, the belief in a Chosen Race."

Enoch Powell wanted to keep the indigenous population in the majority in Britain, and declared that he was "conscious of the differences between men and nations," but at the same time denied that he would ever "despise a human being because he belongs to another race," or believe that "one race is inherently superior to another." He was also a virulent anti-Nazi from the beginning. And yet it is because of the actions of the Nazis that both he and all other right-wing thinkers have been stigmatized for above 70 years.

>revolutionary socialist with a published manifesto
I guess that's why the Wehrmacht loved the guy. Totally a Junker right there.

>Do you agree
Of course.
National socialism and communism/marxism are in fact just two sides of the same lefitst jewish coin.
Everyone who understands this can be proud of achieving the ultimate redpill.

This is an oversimplification, but Hitler was:
against christianity
against monarchy
he viewed bolsheviks as soulmates

but at the same time he believed in national differences between people, so this is something that makes him closer to right

So I'd say he was a mix of both

We are using a scale which isn't retarded and doesn't place anarchy on the left and fascism on the right


>trying to put a blame for their failed empire about every country that is located on the same continent

Polacks still think this is 18. century Poland

>nationalism is right wing

I never said that. I simply said that economic policies of Hitler could be called leftist. Why they implemented them is irrelevant. Soviets also spent shitload on armament, do you disagree with them being left-wing on economic questions?
We are talking about left-right dichotomy here.

Because of the nationalism part. Leftists hate their country.
He was a centrist if anything.

I wouldn't say ''us vs. them'' extreme tribalism is Jewish. It was pretty much standard for humanity for most of our history.

What the US considers left and right flipped in the 50's.

You are dumb in thinking an ideology who borrowed from both the left and the right can be classified as either.

>National socialism and communism/marxism are in fact just two sides of the same lefitst jewish coin.
The Poles know, quick shut it down.

In America both terms are mostly muddled and only used by plebeians. For example Republicans are ''right'' and Democrats ''left'' but mainstream of both parties pretty much agrees on most important issues.


poland sucks

Oh of course, they hated each other.

What did Nazis borrow from the right-wing?
They sure as hell weren't German (Prussian) traditionalists. Nazis pretty much invented their own vision of German history and threw out everything that didn't suit them.

Show us your real flag. I bet you're "Aryan".

Okay so let me get this straight if a poltical party implements anything which can be attributed to any kind of ideology the whole party changed into that ideology? Why didn't Nazis turn to conservatives when they were promoting women to bear more children? Why didn't they turn into capitalists when they privatized companies? Why didn't they become absolutists when they abolished democracy? What you're saying is that they've continued to provide minimal social security so people won't die in droves due to hunger and that's what made them socialists?


I simply said Nazis were economically left-wing. I didn't classify Nazis as anything, I find left-wing classification kinda dumb when you apply it like that.
>privatized companies
That's a meme, privatization was very small-scale in Nazi Germany.
>minimal social security
They expanded welfare state.

>He hated Marxism, the communists were NatSoc's enemy

Just to clarify, those are mostly Stalin era posters. Die Juden were purged by that time.

Absolutely, national socialism has nothing to do with right wing.
Nationalism sounds like right wing, but it's more about the nation value
Socialism is left wing, but it more about equality.