WHY wouldn't flat tax work? Is it not the most fair?

WHY wouldn't flat tax work? Is it not the most fair?

How many developed countries actually have a flat tax system (personal income taxes)?


From most fair to least fair:
- no tax
- head tax
- flat tax
- the rest

A Flat tax to a Rich person is nothing
A Flat tax to a poor person who has to pay the same as a Rich Person is going to feel unfair

Progressive taxes are the best taxes for Upward Mobility in Society

because then the niggers would starve and democratic party would have nobody to vote for them

If it is percentage based it would be the same burden on both parties

Lets say I make 10,000 dollars a year and get taxed 7%. Now I make 9300 dollars a year.

Lets say another person makes 100,000 dollars a year. Now they're making 93,000 a year.

Does it not seem to be a bigger hit to someone making less.


i shouldn't be punished for being successful.

National sales tax on all luxury items.
Problem solved.

>It's not common in the social democratic West so therefore it's wrong
Fuck off Giuseppe

What's that going to do to help? You're only going to reduce employment for the workers involved in the manufacture of luxury goods.

Is that a container full of testicles? Why is it full of testicles? Bunch of tranny surgeries?

The only reasonable tax is a progressive sales tax. All others are completely unacceptable.

No tax. The gov't doesnt own my property, so what I do with it is my choice. Easy enough to understand.

It's still wrong but it's less wrong

>Yes but then poor people would also have to put into the system, forcing them to work for a living and removing gibs.

no, it does not seem to be bigger
also, 7% tax is less that what poverty tier people get taxed at in chicago already

>Disincentivising upward mobility is good for upward mobility.

All taxes are fair. You chose to use the market.

Right now the very rich pay less in taxes than the middle class because they have lawyers that can use the loopholes. Bernie Sanders pays only 13% in taxes. You think that is fair?

The government owns the money. They just let you borrow it. If you don't like the rules, you're free to leave.

It's cow testicles. I ate some, they're not bad

>progressive tax system
Probably the only leftist policy I agree with.

A progressive tax system is "fair" for the most people, and it makes it less worthwhile for the top 1% to keep working later in life when they could be enjoying their wealth.

Executives and upper management not retiring is one reason why a lot of millenials are stuck at the bottom.

Boomers can't die quickly enough (except my parents, I love them)

Trump paid more in taxes than (((Bernout Breadlines))) last year

Your assumption that rich assholes would stop buying rolexs and high end sports cars is without merit.
They will however, whine and make retarded arguments such as yours.

It's literally the same percent

People eat testicles.

because equity is regressive duh.

What's so terrible about buying a fucking Rolex?

Income taxes are fucking cancer to begin with and need to be abolished.

Have a consumption tax like we did for centuries, it's literally the most fair scheme.

They're overpriced status symbols desu, but people can piss away money if they want.

A lot of Eastern European countries?
Some of the US' states?

its a % you fucking retard

I would agree to this with 2 conditions:
A minimum threshold based on full-time (40 hours) minimum wage, anyone earning below it does not pay any income tax.
Sole business owners do not pay any income tax, just corporate tax as the owner and the business are legally one and the same. Many countries do this already.

Finally a non-retarded American

pick one

We should only have sales tax

We need to have a constitutional amendment for this. I suggest the following replace the tax code.

Taxation - As all individuals are equal before the law all individuals will submit to a flat federal income tax. This tax rate while not in times of war shall be 12% with a mandated 6% dedicated towards military expenditures. The remaining 6% shall go to the operation of the federal state with optional limiting moral choice by the paying citizen allowing for program exclusions. It is the responsibility of the government to increase the production of the nation if they wish to increase the income generated by taxes. In times of declared war the military taxation rate may be increased as needed for the prosecution of war but shall be drawn down in by 50% per every 2 years immediately on cessation of hostilities until the non wartime rate is restored.

What do you guys think?

It will help poorfags feel better about themselves. Classic crabs in a bucket mentality, if they can't be successful then no one should be.

But the government tries to kill/imprison/tax you if you make your own money and attempt to leave the system.

The government fucking over wages is why people are stuck at the bottom. Stop taxing us all to shit and forcing employers to provide 'tax free' health insurance, retirement plans, and other bullshit benefits. People wouldn't want their employer to give them these things if if wasn't for government taxes changing the incentive structure.

I don't believe in a federal Income Tax. I think taxation should remain with the states. Then repeal the 17th amendment and have the states fund the Federal Government based on a logical system. This would reduce massive waste and help keep the feds in check.

PD made a flat tax for foreign riches here in italy. It's not on % but a flat number.
The most retarded thing ever made.

I would rather tax production then consumption as it would be more equitable as everyone has to do the same %. With a consumption tax those that have to pay a greater % of income to satisfy basic needs (food) are taxed at a higher % of the income then the wealthy person that has disposable income to well, save now because you have disincentive buying things. Not by much but some.

Why not just make necessities like food exempt?

The original taxation concepts were best but I don't think we can get back to them.

If the government is limited on a flat tax by the constitution then its on the government to improve GDP.

Why stop at food? What about your car. You need to be able to travel. Your phone? gotta be able to communicate. I can go on and those that would subvert the system would as well.

Sorry I think it should be an all or nothing.

>The original taxation concepts were best but I don't think we can get back to them.
>If the government is limited on a flat tax by the constitution then its on the government to improve GDP.
You may be right. None the less, any new plan the government comes up with not be prototyped because the are morons and the law of unintended consequences will take effect.


muh feelings-based everything

Why leave it up to them? What do you think of my plan?

Taxation - As all individuals are equal before the law all individuals will submit to a flat federal income tax. This tax rate while not in times of war shall be 12% with a mandated 6% dedicated towards military expenditures. The remaining 6% shall go to the operation of the federal state with optional limiting moral choice by the paying citizen allowing for program exclusions. It is the responsibility of the government to increase the production of the nation if they wish to increase the income generated by taxes. In times of declared war the military taxation rate may be increased as needed for the prosecution of war but shall be drawn down in by 50% per every 2 years immediately on cessation of hostilities until the non wartime rate is restored.

I am a systems designer by training. I see the functions the government have taken over as weeds in a garden that filled a nitch that our forefathers did not know would be filled or they though they had dealt with it.

We need to cut down the weeds and redesign our government so that the garden of liberty can again flourish. It will take blood to restore the soil.

Your flat tax idea here seems good at face value but what would stop congress from declaring a war on some concept, so they can maintain indefinite higher taxes?
Another problem we currently have is the regulatory burden, do you have any good ideas to solve that mess of problems? Big businesses are so dependent on the regulatory structure that it seems difficult to even implement incremental changes.

The fact that congress answers to the people. This would be put into the same frame work we should have now so checks and balances would be similar.

I am writing bits and pieces here and their for regulatory and bureaucratic issues so these will be targeted. Its a many headed beast. Like a week that grows from roots. You have to crowd it out with the kinds of plants you want. Liberty geared constraints on the government.

As for the lobbying and what not of big business yes. However we do need to draw a line between big and small. That is I see one of the biggest issues. Yes one law for all men but business can not all function under the same regulatory burden.