Realization Thread

>be in the year 1990
>be born white
>be born statistically higher chance to live a happy life
>be born more able to attend university or college
>be born with innate value as a consequence of your skin color (or lack thereof)
>be the only thing everyone talks about in the news and media as so good and honorable
>don't ever notice anything wrong in the world because life is already too good to concentrate on meaningless things
>be a member of the most consumptive culture in the history of the world
>live a happy and seemingly honest life

>be person of color born in the same year
>be born with a statistically higher chance to live a shitty and dismal life
>be born with a statistically higher chance to never go to college or university
>be born with innate discrimination as a consequence of the color of your skin
>be the only thing people talk about when there is bad news or condescension is happening
>can't help but notice how shitty the world is, so you do drugs(and lots of them) and sell a few on the side
>can barely concentrate on anything because life is so painful
>live a life of suffering and squalor

>be the year 2016
>young white men notice they can't have everything anymore as society becomes more conscious of the inequality and suffering of POC, especially due to the compassion of the Jews (with their high IQs) who help them with affirmative action and civil rights laws to help them in this life
>elect a retard who embodies everything about them, from the lowness of their ideals to the tantamount hypocrisy and undeserved wealth (typical silver-spoon baby)
>mfw the entire world(including most white ppl) sees them as the undeserving, uncaring and utterly despicable cunts that they are

Please, continue to chimp-out, do twitter raids and so on. You only make our cause stronger. Get over yourselves and realize that this is about everyone, not just YOU!

Other urls found in this thread:,867,133,38,35/10,168,9,12,1,13,185/432,431

Literally nobody in America has the right to complain about how anyone else is privileged. The best thing that happened to any blacks is that their ancestors were captured and sold as slaves (by other blacks I might add, whose ancestors now live little better than animals). Anyone who cannot see that is incapable of independent thought (as this view of the world is not pushed by any real notable group in the US or anywhere else in the world), and should be ignored.

Saged by the way.


the differences you refer to are mostly due to biological differences between the races. lower IQ for blacks and mexicunts. also brain differences which leave the blacks and browns more prone to anger and anti-social behavior.

also a lack of black fathers because fatherhood is apparently not in black DNA.

in truth, whites are the ones who are working and paying into the system without taking much out, whereas blacks and browns in contrast only take take take take take at the expense of white labour, and still cry about "muh oppression". to say nothing of scholarships, inner city programs directed at black youth, and affirmative action which grants them jobs they frankly aren't even qualified for.

also at this point the legal system is totally in their favor. won't arrest blacks or browns or shoot them because of the publicity associated with it. but they're not very frightened of shooting whites because nobody cares.

black deaths by cops are far lower per capita than what they should be based on their violent crime rate when compared to whites (basically, whites getting shot by cops more per criminal capita), so if you want to get into an argument of statistics, i'll fucking smaash your black punk ass and you will lose, faggot.

other legal issues like sentences gaps are mostly due to blacks lobbying for stricter punishment as deterrant. EG the famous "crack cocaine vs cocaine sentencing gap" that progressives point to as "evidence of institutional racism" exists because black inner city leaders lobbied government for more harsh punishments because drug wars were tearing their cities apart.

you are wrong.

you are a faggot.

go die in a gutter you brainwashed, nonewhite progressive slime.

>Get over yourselves and realize that this is about everyone, not just YOU!

*autistic screeching*

Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population. Source: Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes. Source: Young black men kill 14X more than young white men. Source: Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims. Source: 42% of all cop killers are black. Source: Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks. Source: In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population.

Some facts on the family dynamic and education achievement of blacks in America: 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Source: 67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians. Source:,867,133,38,35/10,168,9,12,1,13,185/432,431 In 2012, the mean critical reading SAT score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites. Source: At both the grade 4 and grade 8 level, there is a persistent achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in ALL states. Source: Some facts on intelligence levels of blacks: 1) Whites on average have a 15 point higher IQ than blacks, across many different studies. “There is a long-standing 15 point or 1 standard deviation difference between the intelligence test scores of African Americans and White Americans, though it might have narrowed slightly in the then recent years. The difference was largest on those tests, verbal or non-verbal, that best represented the general intelligence factor (g).” Source:

2) IQ across different ethnic groups in the US: Blacks have an average IQ of 85, whites of 103, Asians 106 and Jewish Americans 113: The study found that the average IQ for African Americans was lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 113, respectively; Herrnstein & Murray, 1994, pp. 273–278) Source: 3) Overall, 18% of Asians have an IQ over 120, 10% of whites do and only 1% of blacks. Nearly 84% of blacks have an IQ below 100, which is slightly below the average IQ for whites. The ratio of white Americans to black Americans who have an IQ over 125 is 30:1. The IQ gap between blacks and whites in the United States—15-17 points—has not changed since it was first measured nearly a century ago. Both races’ test scores rose during the century, but the gap remained as large at the end of the century as at the beginning despite considerable social change. Source: 4) For those who claim that IQ tests are biased against blacks and that’s why they keep getting lower scores, there are IQ tests like the Raven’s Progressive Matrices which don’t have any language and rely entirely on visual pattern recognition. It’s simply finding patterns in visual shapes. Even then there is a marked difference between black and white IQ scores, not only in America but internationally as well, like in Africa between white and black engineering students: Source:

>white dude citing his racist statistics
like clockwork

5) Harvard psychologists took a look at how black children adopted by well off upper-middle class white families at a very young age perform on IQ tests once they grow up in white families with good socioeconomic conditions. Black children adopted by white parents average 89 on IQ tests at age 17 (slightly better than the 85 average for blacks nationally). White children who grew up in the same households and had white biological parents on average scored 109. Even with the same socioeconomic upbringing, the racial IQ gap remains. The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study examined the IQ test scores of 130 black or interracial children adopted by advantaged white families. The aim of the study was to determine the contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the poor performance of black children on IQ tests as compared to white children. The studies’ general findings were that the IQs of children of a particular race did not differ significantly depending on whether they were raised by their biological parents or by adoptive parents of a different race. The gap between black and white IQ scores remained even if growing up in the same family. Source: 6) East Asian countries have on average the highest IQ scores. African countries have on average the lowest. European countries are generally between the Asian and African countries. Source:

7) Blacks performs substantially worse in standard school tests than whites. From the higher education achievement perspective: In 2012, the mean critical reading SAT score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites. Source: 8) From the elementary education achievement perspective: At both the grade 4 and grade 8 level, there is a persistent achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in ALL states. Source: 9) For those looking to pin the lower IQ scores of blacks on socioeconomic factors, IQ is largely genetically determined: Estimates in the academic research of the heritability of IQ have varied from below 0.5 to a high of 0.8. (where 1.0 indicates that monozygotic twins have no variance in IQ and 0 indicates that their IQs are completely uncorrelated) Various studies have found the heritability of IQ to be between 0.7 and 0.8 in adults and 0.45 in childhood in the United States.[6][9][18] Source:

>racist statistics
literally the toppest of keks
all responses were saged FWIW, you're welcome.

don't even try to pull this BS in a place like this, fag, you're gonna lose. you're gonna get run over by a fucking train of information and "racist hate fact"

>racist facts
>racist facts

Keep spouting this retarded hog-wash. maybe someday it will actually stick.

The fact of the matter is, blacks don't succeed as often as whites because they are genetically predisposed towards stupidity and impulsiveness.

Every study of black behavior/education/brainsize confirms this.

Whites get to where they are because the majority of them work their asses off and have IQs higher than the room temperature.

im glad i'm not the only one who picked up on that

>the amount of outrage that young white males display towards POC
wow, it's like you weren't listening to a thing that I said. But, please, continue with your racist tirade. It's so entertaining seeing just how true it is, that young white men are so intolerant and spiteful towards POC getting a better foothold in this life than ever before. You literally have to turn to racism (in its purest form too) to ramble against them. That is very sad, and really explains so much of what's wrong in this country

>not understanding how statistics works
you know, no amount of statistics can prove anything but what is said by the person utilizing them. By that, I mean that statistics can be used to prove anything, and should never be hte center-piece of someone's argument. SO yeah, those 'facts' were pretty racist, dumbass

except in this case they're just reflecting the obvious reality. these aren't cherrypicked or manipulated.

in fact, particularly in the case of studies like the Minnesota Trans Racial Adoption Studies (cited above with link) the experimenters were specifically trying to prove that black DIDNT have a genetically inferior intelligence, and designed the program specifically to prove their left-wing multicultural point.

unfortunately, the reality of the racial IQ gap is just too fucking staggering. no matter how much you try to design an experiment to show that blacks are anywhere near as smart as whites it will never fucking work.

people like you will keep on living in your fucking delusions. you'll always be another smelly minority who can't think and can't come to terms with the way things really are. you'll never be able to understand white people or white thought. don't even try. go back to your fucking mud hut and live your life in peace with accordance to your nature.

but when you come to the US, commit crime, and start blaming us for all of your self-hatred, or participating in our political system and inviting left-wing authoritarian tyranny into our homeland taht was a libertarian a paradise for 200 years before brown people showed up in meaningful numbers, you need to be fucking removed physically, that's the plain fact. so keep on kicking the hornets nest, eventually white people will wake up and you'll be the one facing the consequences.

when 100 years of empirical research consistently points to the same conclusion, despite countless politically motivated attempts to make it point to a different one, you've got to drop your BS "statistics can be manipulated" crap.

waiting for OP to come in now with strawmen or cherrypicked crap like liberals and shitskins always do, because they can't rely on reality or facts

See, just take a step back and reread your posts. It would only take someone full of so much hate to write such terrible things. Look, it's not the causes that worry us, just the end result. Equity is real, and it is achievable, except for the fact that racists whites like yourself just don't want equality because you think you're better than everyone else. How would you feel if you were born a black man, reading what you just wrote? Do you not understand what you're saying? I do.

come on OP. come on in with the strawmen that liberals use when they get totally fucking BTFOd and demolished in an argument. i am waiting patiently. it's the only pathetic tactic they have.

come on in with "why do you support genocide against blacks" or "why do you support black oppression" or some random bullshit that has nothign to do with the discussion we are having.

make sure to pepper it in with some virtue signalling too. anything to distract people from the facts bud, that's all you got to do is distract plebs from reality and appeal to their emotions


>Equity is real
equity is evil. it's the broken and untrue idea that communists used to brutally murder over 100 million people in the 20th century, and if you shitskins have your way you'll bring that same genocide and terror to the world today. you CANNOT govern yourself. you aren't even smart enough to understand the importance of what i'm saying to you right now, i know, but it's the fucking fact. if you 're in control of the world we'll all die. face the reality, you live off of our fat. you live off of white fat. you live off of our excess and our technology and our enlightenment ideals. you want to destroy that culture? cool. it's your children and your childrens children that are going to pay the consequences, you dumb fucking animal.

>this amount of hate-posting over helping out a few POC
Jesus, white men are pathetic

I love the normies coming on Sup Forums since the election. Instead of taking the redpill to them at reddit or facebook, they instead come here for it themselves.


>implying everyone's as stupid and gullible as he is
Not everyone is a hate-filled virgin as you are

i hate being a thinker in a world full of morons

you can "hurr durrr /r/iamverysmart" me all you want, this is really how i feel. wish people would wake the fuck up and stop being retards. we need to deport blacks and return to the white libertarian paradise that the USA once was.

you young people, your life could have been so good. you have no idea. it got stolen from you by minorities and jews. it's the fucking reality. your popular culture, which is run by them, tells you that "this is an ignorant belief", but it's not. it's the fucking truth.

What? Nobody cares about niggers dude.

>Be OP
>be too low IQ to write a coherent post

i love how OP posted this crap and just got so thoroughly demolished in the thread that he started resorting to crying about "hate facts" and how "statistics is rayciss" and "anyone who disagrees iwth me just wants to oppress POC" and all of the other typical, gaslighting, strawmanning, mental gymnastic bullshit that lefties and brownies do when they lose.

Is it time to drop redpills again? Oh well...

Always reducing everything to "just simply doing so and so".
Why can't you just accept and confirm the complexity of things and realise that these social issues cannot be solved by "just helping a few poc". Your low resolution solutions and ideas are disgusting, you lack the intellect to actually come up with a solution so you just boil everything down to something moral.

dude, just stop. you're making me laugh at you so hard for being so stereotypical

Let's see what else there is...

hahaha i'm sure i'm really making you laugh by being "stereotypical" hahaha. all i want is for this thread to keep getting bumped so people can see how badly your ideas were dismantled and humiliated

Blacks only have themselves to blame. Jews and Chinks are doing better than whites. I'm not hearing you complain about them.

I have one question: Why should I give a fuck about non-whites?


t. Low test niggerloving cuck who fights with feelings and cannot accept facts.

>hey here's a weak liberal opinion about how you're all stupid for thinking different from me
Actually, you're wrong. Here are some well-researched facts to prove it.

Liberal argumentation, everyone.

fuck man, this literally made me lmfao, you have no idea. it's so accurate as far as what happened in this thread

>facts are racist when they prove me wrong
The liberal mind in action.

Muh pee oh sea

We all have equal opportunity in America. Period. If you can't make it, you're a loser. We don't all get equal outcomes. Blacks get many academic and sports scholarships when they excel. As do whites, etc. You can go to any of the socialist/communist countries if you need everything worked out and handed to you/taken from you. Sorry you're a peice of shit, whose parents victimized her, her whole now you're convinced half of Americans are also pitiful victims. We're not. We have more freedoms, rights, access to clean water, food, better quality of life than any non-capitalist, non-white country. Quit telling yourself everything is bad. America is awesome, capitalism is just suck at it.

>Be in the year 2017
>Be a nigger
>Spend your whole day shitposting on pol using the shiny new computer you got from the gub'nment

Notice the "racist statistics". When facts are put aside because of their implications, you know you're debating an intellectually inferior individual.
Fucking kek.

>see how badly your ideas were dismantled and humiliated
Well, my idea is simple, and if anyone wants me to come out with it, it's this: Poor People Matter, Despite Color.

If you really hate that idea so much, and pull every statistic imaginable from your racist statistics file, then i feel sorry for you, I really do. The fact that you hate that idea so much, makes it plain to me that you are a sick person, a very sick person. May God have mercy on you

>be white
>your great x grandparents built a great country
>subhumans ruin said country
>subhumans steal everything your grandparents built
>subhumans say that you don't deserve anything they built
>subhumans say you're the worst and they would be better off without you
>continue stealing your shit
>continue blaming you on everything
>they continue saying you don't deserve anything not even a family and that you should suck up to anyone that isn't white or asian
>once you start fighting back they call you a racist fuck and say you need to be locked up or killed

Fuck off I'm not sucking up to anyone you low test weak piece of shit. Anyone non white or asian should die. And if you're white and support any of those demoRAT values you should die too.

Racism isn't really hating someone because of their skin color or bone structiure,it's hate of the prevalent cultures attached to the majority of the that group,who happen to be of the same racial background. People don't hate rednecks because they're white,it's because they tend to be obnoxious violent drunks. People don't hate gang bangers because they tend to be black or brown,it's because they tend to be violent drug using degenerates.

If I was born a black man and I read that, I would think "I'm smarter than my shitskin brethren. I CAN BE BETTER, I WILL STRIVE! I"LL SHOW THEM! I don't need some pussy larping donkey meme flag kike to lie for me, and over exaggerate the significance of an IQ average coming from the worlds smallest population compared to populations that are over 10 times the size. I CAN BE BETTER"