Be honest, do you feel guilty about slavery and the pain it still causes many african american individuals today?

Be honest, do you feel guilty about slavery and the pain it still causes many african american individuals today?

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Kill all niggers.


No, I didn't participated in that unfortunally.


>pain it still causes many african american individuals

like what?

Fuck no, family too white trash to have ever owned slaves. Of I was black and, knew for a fact I had slaves in my family I would be grateful for the sacrifice of my ancestors that landed me here.

Nope. I ain't never owned no fuckin' slave.

Please blacks don't actually care about slavery beyond what gibs it gives them.

Like its a bait, thats what

Don't be sad because it happened

be sad because it ended

If you gave me a plantation with nigger slaves, I would gladly run it. I'm Hispanic though.

does it run crysis?

They now have to work or fill out paperwork to survive instead of having everything handed to them.


Look at my flag.

No. Blacks in America are better off because of Slavery, otherwise they would be dying of AIDs in Nigeria.

we did this

... i am sorry, my african brothers

neither do I feel guilty for all the Irish my ancestors sold as slaves. Or the Slavs we murdered and shipped out to the Mudslimes. Nor the Spaniards and Frenchies we raided and murdered. Or any other group violated in history by my people.
That shit is ancient history and completely irrelevant today.
Never understood why you burgers allowed this to happen as there are no black people in Denmark whining about "slavery" or stupid shit like that.

The only thing I regret is that blacks were repatriated to Africa. Even just genociding them would have been a better option than integration.

we did them a favor bringing them to america so they can live here instead of africa
now they can be around pretty white girls with tight pussies instead of baboons with HIV

I only feel hatred towards those who brought the nigs here and those who refused to send them back after the Civil War concluded. Imagine America without the nigs.

Never have, Never will

Blacks in America also owned slaves

>the pain it still causes
>it still causes

>the pain it still causes many african american individuals today?

blacks are really fucking faggots.

>do you feel guilty about slavery
>and the pain it still causes many african american individuals today
Twisting your arm causes pain. Cutting your finger causes pain.
Why are niggers 'feeling pain' over something that ended 150 years ago?

yes, but only to be edgy on pol

Mad at my ancestors not picking a better slave race , blacks are the worst workers on the planet

Blacks were not abducted and brought to the west for labor, Africa gave black slaves to the west in exchange for tea and crumpets.

It's like selling your child to a pedophile in exchange for the sandwich. is it the pedo's fault for the child's misery? I think this is a good analogy btw

I wish slavery never happened so there would not be niggers in America today

Why should i feel guilty that some rich Jews decided to enslave poor people? I can only feel anger

I don't feel guilty for the existence of an institution that goes back to the Neolithic period and, in fact, still exists to this very day AND is still explicitly condoned by most of the major holy books of the main religious denominations on earth.

No it was a good economic system until they were freed

I would have loved it if the union succeeded in sending them back though

why would i feel guilty about a jewish institution?

no. they were dumb enough to let themselves get caught.

No. They've gone through only a fraction of the pain we went through to create our civilization.
They cannot build civilization. Experience says that they only destroy civilization.
If we go the way of communism you will find that humanity as a whole will regress to the state of the worthless nigger. It will make society crumble just as the ancient communalish kingdoms of africa did.

I believe slavery is a horrible abomination. A crime against God and humanity.

With that said, had the white man not been so evil and greedy and not brought slaves to America the country wouldn't be in the predicament it's currently facing.

Yes and no. What man does to itself is truly terrible... on the other hand, the American left is pushing this idea that the further we get away from "whiteness" the further we get from a return from slavery, which horrifically is a giant leap towards slavery's return through disingenuous over simplification.

The word slave came about from Slav almost the same as as Nigger came about from Negro. There are now MORE slaves in Africa than there ever were during the height of slavery in the US. People of color have been committing atrocities against people of color for all time, and the idea that building a "no whites allowed" coalition is going to curb that is just a testament to the faddish nature of hate and atrocity in general.

Show me another nation where someone who came from slave stock could be the figurehead? Show me another nation where former slaves took to the court system to win their rights. When do you expect a black man to become the prime minister of China? When will a latino run Israel? America and Britain are the only countries I know of that are so committed to a national conversation that they will go along with its conclusions even if it means a transfer of power out of the hands of those who allowed the question to be posed in the first place...

America is a great place, always has been. There's no better place to be a bum OR a slave, let alone rich.

Do you feel guilty about eating meat? It is only natural that higher life-forms enslave and consume the lower.

No. It's just an excuse to act like animals and it affects no one living today.

No I feel angry Churchill wouldn't capitulate with the Germans to resist the global tyranny of the jewish race mixing and misery of the world today.

! one race, one land, stay there

No because the pain is all made up. There hasn't been one black slave in America since the 1800's. Todays blacks don't know jack shit about slavery and to claim that they do is a lie.

I have no guilt because I never owned slaves. And I have no desire to. So they can shove their pussy 'victim' card up their asses.

If there is anyone to be guilty of anything, it's them for not bettering their communities. I don't want to hear about some horse shit that 'It's so hard for a black man to make it in this world'. That is bull shit. If you are black you get moved to the head of the line for college, work, and benefits these days. So there is no excuse for you to be on welfare, no excuse for getting high and sitting on your ass all day, and no excuse for being a pathetic gang banger.

So blow it out your ass.

We fucked up, by bringing blacks over here we created a constant source of white guilt for retarded do-gooders, we shouldve just picked our own damn cotton this shit was NOT worth

Why would I feel guilty? I have nothing to do with it.

Slavery still happens and is wrong in every sense.
I don't know what's the purpose of compensating for what happened a couple hundred years ago, though.

Yes. Finnish tar was used in slave ships. I can't get this guilt out of my hear.


Slavery still exists today in Africa and its made black on black.

Slavery still exists today in muslim countries and its absolutely Halal.

There were white slaves in the USA, criminals punished in the UK for things like stealing an apple (read "The Root Of Evil" for court cases like those) and sent to Murica to slave away.

600000 whites died in USA so blacks could stop being slaves.

And jews where massively involved in slave trade, and still are, because there is still slavery today in Israel.

You're welcome.

>do Africans feel guilty about slavery and the 6.25 million black slaves owned by black slave owners today?


My ancestors didn't own slaves

Owning people is wrong. Even slaves in Rome were treated like decent human beings, not animals. What the fuck were Americans thinking?

I am guilty and embarrassed that my people abolished slavery while everyone else kept it.


Niggers are the definition of genome stagnation and anglos a bunch of cuckolds pussies.
The mistake from the white man was not gave them freedom or non stopping them from their civil rights movements, but for letting spill the nigger mentality of " we wuz slaves we need sympathy" and fuelling the white guilt and cuckoldry of saying - ' we very sorry Jerome, fuck my wife plz ".
Hell, spaniards treated us so bad since day 1, enslaving, and purging in some cases , with an instutional racism until the early XX century, and sure we have alot of problems about that, but theres no aztec recentfull movement towards spaniards, or mayans crying out all lungs for compensation.

Why should I feel guilty over something I had nothing to do with.

Not at all. Niggers are worthless.

I don't eat meat you retarded fucker. I guess Jews must be higher life forms then all of you on here then? Because you nazi punks are always complaining about how much control they have over you and your lives.

>slaves in Rome were treated like decent human beings, not animals


>Jews can't be nazis

Fuck off Raycyst


kill niggers

They had a hard time visualizing Africans as humans.

Guilty? Lol I'm not even sympathetic.

-I personally did not participate in the enslavement of African Americans.
-None of my ancestors participated in the enslavement of African Americans.
-None of my ancestors even lived in America when slavery was legal.
-Slavery in America was benign compared to other instances of slavery throughout history.
-Slavery in general is not as bad as it's made out to be.
-African Americans have had 150 years to recover.
-African culture was extremely backwards and you obviously have to start at the bottom when you enter civilization.
-Africans are genetically incapable of civilization-building to begin with so it's not like they had some bright future stolen from them anyway.
-Slavery ultimately resulted in African primitives gaining a share in the American experiment.

No since I wasn't responsible for it. Any current generation afircans who bitch we're never slaves and just coat tail ride their ancestors for privileges they never had.

Niggers of today seem dead set on proving to the world that every ounce of pain inflicted upon their ancestors was justified, so no, I don't.

Absolutely. They were much better off as slaves, and freeing them has been detrimental to their well being.

>I don't eat meat you retarded fucker.


Im Irish and and escaped slavery in this life.
If I get called a white person one more time I am going to unleash one of my WMDs


No surprise there. People who don't eat meat don't have the proper proteins to allow their brains to function properly. This explains why vegans are so fucking stupid.


Nobody seems to care that 90% of the slave trade was controlled by (((Them)))

Reminder that Littlefinger dies tonight and the wall comes down at GoT´´

not just their brains but their other muscles too you will notice every vegan has asymmetrical growth on one side of their body.

>do you feel guilty
My family line had nothing to do with slavery. It's insulting to blame all whites when such a small percentage would even have connections to it.

Maybe if they're brainwashed. Not sure how decades of abuse by an ideology that hates them would make them want to join it

yeah hahahahahaha i have one of the cleanest diets that a person could possibly have and don't help the cruel animal torture economy hahahahahHAHahahahhAHha

Grow up


>I guess Jews must be higher life forms then all of you on here then?
Higher life forms wouldn't be a hair's width away from being exterminated from the planet.

what pain? slavery was abolished before these whiners were born

Adolf Hitler Rothschild.

Atleast read up on history before commenting on it, Otherwise you sound incredibly dense.

I just targetted Israel, I hope the joy of seeing your last golem do something was worth it.


>the pain it still causes many african american individuals today

The idiots hammering on about this is why I don't feel guilty about it.

I don't support slavery, but I also don't support the idea that being a financial parasite makes you the "superior" species on the planet

No. I had no slave owning ancestors.
Funnily enough they probably did though, since massa was probably raping their great great great grandma and spawning little shame babies.
Also black people aren't in pain because of slavery, they're in pain because they lost the ability to form strong family bonds and 70+% of them are from single parent homes which is a strong indicator of poverty. Democrat gibs encouraged this and created a voting plantation so why don't some Dixiecrats as Malcom X would call them pay reparations?

Go lynch all who have slabe owning ancestors, those are bankers and corporations senpai, if youre not have nothing to do with.slavery.

That is Antisemitic.

OP, slavery was the best thing for these animals because otherwise they would have never reached the New World. Seriously, if I could time travel, I'd go back and convince north Americans to never brings niggers over here. I'd just have to show them pictures of the present and they'd pick their own cotton. Blacks were never meant to be here. It's like taking stupid animals whose population is controlled by their environment and putting them into a lush forest filled with food. They breed like cockroaches and add NOTHING of value to civilization.

I mean they sure as hell have raped and killed a bunch of white people and other minorities since being set free. Ask them if they feel guilty about that. Also I notice how they don't want to go back to Africa, if Africa gave out free gibs and welfare like hotcakes you can be as sure as shit that they high tail it back to Africa with us paying the travel expenses.
At the end of the day, it's just a scheme to get more free shit and that is what identity politics panders to.

not really, most great accomplishments come with a hefty fee of human suffering

its not too different from modern day slavery in places like china or saudi arabia

if you view success in terms of developmental progress then slavery was a very good thing. lets be honest they were a lot more useful as slaves in america than tribesmen in africa

r those ticks?

Never owned a slave.
Not guilty of anything.

Slavery is not exclusive to colonial white america you ignorant fuck. Arabs and Africans are still engaged in the practice. Not all slaves are black. Blacks do not have a monopoly on being history's slaves. Modern American blacks aren't suffering at all.


No I don't feel bad or any remorse. I did nothing wrong so take your guilt and shove up your ass nigger.

(((we))) should have castrated them all

Those who names end in berg are extra slave owners.

You're not getting reparations and you're not getting an apology. Get over it nigger.


and once the host is dead they move on to another one. Isn't nature beautiful?

Not one iota you fucking cuckcolded fag

Nope. My family never owned any slaves. We were too poor. Most white people did not own slaves back then. Most white people are not decedent of slave owners.
The Jews being only a tiny percentage of the population at the time owned 44% of all slaves.
So nearly all the Jews owned slaves.
Take that as you will.

>the pain it still causes many african american individuals today?
This is how much pain it causes them today. Pretend your great grandfather was a slave. OK thats how it feels like. Did anything change? No? Ok well..

When people who aren't white talk about slavery they either want free shit (blacks and brown ppl) or to reduce the amount of white people so their race has a monopoly (judaism)