>when cuckservatives say - "only leftists are antisemites, the nazis were leftists"

How many have heard this before? how does it make you feel? is it possible to separate fascism/ far right politics from anti-semitism? if this is true, when what the hell is far right ideology then?

are these people just dellusional or brainwashed? I dont think it helps the left take us any more seriously

>caring about the left taking us seriously
fuck off faggot, we don't need approval from Marxists, get the fuck out of here


actual marxists are a minority, its dumbass kids and Capital D democrats living in the burbs that are an issue

>poor "people"

>imblying people like Commissar Corbyn aren't unapologetic communists
So fucking what? I don't want to dilute my fucking ideas for some fags.

do you actually think nazis were leftists? do you think only the left are antisemites?



It is this distinction that makes the left (Marixsts and Nazis) and right wingers (Fascists, Populists, Libertarians, and AnCaps) be classified as the right.

yes they are socialists. fuck socialism of all kinds.

nazis were not fascists or populists?

>do you actually think nazis were leftists
Yes, Nazi is short for National Socialist. It is in there name and Hitler specifically said Capitalism was hijacked by the jews.

When did I claim this? What I said was it's stupid to want approval from sperging blue checkmarks on twitter, give an inch and they take a mile, kikes are mostly marxists anyways.
Wasn't Nazi Germany lenient on private property and business (not for kikes, of course). At the very least I think the Nazis were centrist, the economics part of it is variable.

Facisism and Populism is generally more right winged ,because they support or embrace capitalism even though they are collectivist. If they where socialist and fascist then calling them a nazi would be far more accurate.

>Wasn't Nazi Germany lenient on private property and business (not for kikes, of course). At the very least I think the Nazis were centrist, the economics part of it is variable
Yes, but it was because how extensively they used socialism in the form of welfare and domestic subsidies in firms such as Volkswagen.

>t. Someone who is only capable of one-dimensional dialectical thinking
You guys are just like the commies now.
Unearned labor was abolished in natsoc Germany. The only "gibs" were pensions for veterans and war widows and a public labor draft for the unemployed.

*unearned wages

We need to make Left vs Right be one dimensional. And to do that we need to remove all other variables and leave to be purely economic views. When doing this we can make around 5-10 different axis to represent someones views.

So when economically speaking, yes you are left winged, but that doesn't mean you are a degenerate Marxist. You just are close on one axis.

we suffer from people who believe anyone related to their own ideology, not even their own, are in fact unrelated and their side can never go astray

Left wing economics in theory is the abolition of property, the end of inheritance, and enforced material egalitarianism. The natsocs advocated none of those things. If anything natsocs are economic centrists

I don't know, I think Nazis were centrists who were only socialists by name, not leftist Marxist socialists.

>Authoritarian right
>Hates poor people
Incorrect generalization. I do not think that Pinochet cared about the conditions of poor Chileans, but nationalist and fascist movements have always sought to improve the conditions and lives of the working class.

> purple quadrant
> hates poor people

Nothing could be more inaccurate. Capitalist nations with free markets are historically the most prosperous nations on earth with the fewest impoverished citizens and the wealthiest lower class compared to authoritarian states.

We don't hate the poor either, we want to create the environment that best enables individuals to elevate themselves out of poverty into a success.

The left does not love the poor, but it loves the impoverished vote. As long as people are kept poor and dependent on the socialist safety net, they can be counted on to always vote left.

The green and red quadrant should read:
> loves weed, loves to keep people poor

>We don't hate the poor either, we want to create the environment that best enables individuals to elevate themselves out of poverty into a success

hating weed is just common sense
makes people not give a shit
production goes down, quality goes to shit
why a lot of companies moved out of legalized states

If you smoke, you may think you fit in, but anyone who doesn't see you an immediately goes pothead, and people who stop still you can tell they where a pothead 20-30 years later

>hating weed is just common sense

What a backward, blind opinion

>How many have heard this before? how does it make you feel? is it possible to separate fascism/ far right politics from anti-semitism? if this is true, when what the hell is far right ideology then?

Antisemitism has nothing to do with political orientation.

Fascism is neither left nor right. It defies the simple left/right dichotomy. For this reason it has sometimes been called "Third Position." I might also be call it authoritarian centrism.

And they only can do that by pampering the poor people using the welfare state so they don't believe they can stop being poor by their own means, and depend exclusively on the government handouts forever, and blame the bourgeoisie/the "yankees" when the government can't or doesn't want to keep giving them those handouts.

It's a very good plan to ensure their votes.

That's one guy's opinion.

Nationalism usually will result in trade protectionism, hindering a true free market. And having any kind of wealth redistribution will make you left winged in some regard. And the idea of using wealth-redistribution in any form is still left winged.

If you where to throw in other axis such as progressivism vs traditionalism and globalization vs identity, then that is where you would see the greatest difference between the Marxists and you.

I feel the same thing that I always feel when I hear somebody babble some nonsense that displays that they have no knowledge of their subject matter: vague pity.

And then I completely ignore anything else that they might have to say, since I learned about all of this shit in libraries before the commercial internet existed. Any lazy retard who can't even be bothered to clack a few keys in the information age is not worth my time or consideration.

Pretty sure the USSR hated any vice that wasn't Vodka.