#HarveyLootcrew yall niggas know what to do

#HarveyLootcrew yall niggas know what to do

Protip: go to craigslist and search for timbs and jordans




lol heres a tweet from dbag

Why does it look like a dick?


>"go sit on a dick"
>hey this is comfy

that's like $160 a dildo on bad dragon, not bad in terms of raw dollar value


>Baiting niggers into uploading pictures of all the shit they stole

I like this meme


Texas sheriffs have a looong night ahead of them

Posting your crimes on twitter will work out well for them. Grabs up a bucket of popcorn and waits for it..


It's funny because they are probably only looting from their own communities (black communities). It's all they ever do.

you think they could swim to any other area?

So during Katrina the feds took peoples guns to stop them from killing looters.

They didn't do this in Texas, right? Does that mean that someone, somewhere, might be killing looters for the good of humanity?

I can only hope.

It's already been happening my man.

Well them I'm relieved.

Also if there's supposed to be more rain and flooding might more looters drown? That'd be pretty sweet, too.


This shit is precisely why black lives don't actually matter.

I know 5th Ward's already succumbed to looting (a fucking dollar general), Montrose is still hitting the bar, life is t actually that different, only all of the transplants, suburbanites and yuppies have fucked off.

I am 100% certain these are alt right trolls


I thought this was a dick, like from A Clockwork Orange.

>niggers looting is and destroying everything isn't real
>it's just the alt-right exaggerating

It truly blows my mind how you people choose to be blind

You need to lurk more faggot. A lot more. Look up SandyLootCrew, do some reading, and don't post for another six months.

Nigger he's just talking about the hashtag #harveylootcrew

No shit it's just a rehash of the #Sandylootcrew troll by the GNAA

Make no mistake though, niggas will be looting

Honestly, if someone leaves their dog to fend for itself while they evacuate during a natural disaster, then they're a cunt who deserves to lose their dog. Hopefully #basedtheifman will be a bit more responsible than the previous owner,

do dildos have good resale value?
I would hope not.

>do dildos have good resale value?

These trolls exist becsuse theres truth to it you retarded communist faggot. No shit some niggers are out looting right now, they always do.

>Niggers are just an alt right meme.
>Niggers break in your house
>You try to reason with them and surrender
>Nigger stabs you several times
>You hear your wife screaming as he stabs her and starts raping the shit out of her
>You can't stand up because of your wounds
>"God Damn alt right"

If you can prove someone hot used them last then they might.

>You hear your wife screaming as he stabs her and starts raping the shit out of her

Go on.

>nigger goes out and loots a pound of weed, two pairs of jordans and a bucket of KFC
>arrives home to find his pound of crack, two pairs of big ballers and leftover bbq have been looted by niggers

it's the nigger version of keynesian economics and the service economy


Black, you cad.

You're probably serious, but if anyone ask we can say you're trollin.