Them: fuck all white people

>them: fuck all white people
>me: leave white people alone
Sargon: woah hold on there, THAT'S IDENTITY POLITICS!

Other urls found in this thread:

Just leave half of White people alone and fuck the other half

Sargon is such a gay cunt.
Always holier than thou, can never admit when he's wrong, always talks and acts with an air of superiority/pretense, sits on the fence because he's an intellectual coward so he just says "DUDE left and right are the same LMAO", videos are bloated when his arguments can be summed up in half the time, pretends he doesn't care about what happens after he dies because he's too devoted to his atheist beliefs and followers. Also he posted cuck porn on his twitter to "trigger" the alt-right.

He's good for shitting on feminism (which is just low hanging fruit at this point) but thats it


He's right though SJW's tricked you into playing their own game and then branded you as Nazi's aka the villain, you took the bait just like with gamergate.

He does tend to peddle tbe horsehoe theory meme.

Here's a horseshoe theory Sargon you fat sweaty mess: you say the far-left and tbe far-right are exactly the same, then I whack you over the head with a horseshoe.

What do you expect from a quarter nigger who got lucky with genetics and trys to larp as a white man.
I've seen people with less shitskin dna turn out much worse.

There's a video with his dad on it and his dad doesn't even look half black.

No he's not. Identity politics is such a bullshit designation. We aren't all decracinated individuals like Sargon. You may view yourself as an atomised individual but the fact is, other groups will not view themselves in that way and they will perceive you as part of a competing group anyway.

Dude Charles Martel was just a right wing sjw! Donate to muh patreon plz

That's disingenuous.

Your guys are literally screaming "white shariah now!!! WHITES LIVE MATTR!", that's the kind of shit Sargon is talking about.

anyone have a photo of sargons husband?

Guise the Kuomintang were just right wing sjws. I read the first page of a philosophy book and laugh at blue haired feminists. Pay my rent.

>Sargon: woah hold on there, THAT'S IDENTITY POLITICS!
That's correct. You stated "leave white people alone" when you could have just stayed "leave people alone"

You have a problem with that?

>white shariah now!!
Sounds like a joke m8
>White lives matter!
Yes, and?

The people targeting whites need to be specifically told to stop doing that though.

They specifically targeted whites though you dip.

Oh please, you fucking crybaby.

The left is notorious for eating their own. Attacking blacks for not being black enough. Faggots want to take down MLK statues.

"they only target whites"

You clearly don't even know the depths of their degeneracy, they throw their own kind under the bus whenever it suits their narrative. You aren't qualified to speak on the matter.

Sargon has made the claim time and time again that whites engaging in any form of collectivisation in order to protect their own self-interests is somehow the ultimate expression of evil. So-called "identity politics" have been with us since time immermorial and to my estimation, humanity isn't to become a collection of enlightened classical liberals tomorrow.

Wew lad. You can quite openly advocate for black power, asian power, latino power in American political discourse with almost no serious consequences. Try doing the same from a white perspective.

And it doesn't matter who their target is. Nobody deserves that.

White shariah is a joke to point out the left's hypocrisy.
Giving women little to no rights and mutilating their genitals is clearly a vile notion coming out of the mouth of the dreaded white male, but the left sit idly by when the same ideas come from one of their beloved colored people.
At least that's how it began. I'm sure there are people out there now genuinely advocating for throwing fags off buildings, but that happens to any group that gets it's kicks playing pretend.

Sargon is based as fuck. All you neonazi idiots are too stupid to understand his ideas

Absolute state of you

2/10 bait

Tell Carl being a gaymer is identity politics.

Identity politics is tricky when you cannot find any other quadroon cuckolds with BBC fetishes.

Wish we someday rape his channel with reports. Fucking cuck, with his smug face is making me mad.


>White shariah is a joke to point out the left's hypocrisy
I think you missed someting. All is not satire.

Just like with every single YouTube dipshit out there, they're only good for beating up retards and nothing more. The moment they step into something remotely serious they flop, looking at you thunderfoot.

>leaf thinks that white lives mattering is an extreme position

>h-he isn't a stormfag larper like us, so he's b-bullshit, REEEEEEEEEEEE

Fuck your double blackmail. The notion that you are either a full blown sjw or should convert to 14/88 larperism is essentially a false one. -

You both embrace shitty identity politics while shit on one and other for doing so. You claim to hate "pc" culture, yet you subscribe to it. When shilling for genocidal politics becomes "peaceful ethnic cleansing" - but hey, you do it to "redpill" the normies, because you are perfectly aware just how degenerate and off putting you would sound sincere .

Bash the fash, but bash it good.

Lol you sound like a bitter bitch with no actual arguments.
>never admits he's wrong
thats the first step of a debate, is to argue your side to the death and let the audience decide. You cry because your opponent won't tell you you won. What a bitch.
>left and right are the same
Identity Politics precludes merit. Meritocracy is the only defensible position, and it's the one you should be taking because it ostensibly favors whites over other minorities while defusing and deflating any claim of racism.
>also he posted cuck porn on twitter to trigger me
are you triggered then? You stupid basic bitch. You're no better than a SJW snowflake that can't take bantz.

>He thinks that by asaulting people not the same as him will acomplish something


>eceleb thread

literally every word here is correct

Fuck off Sargon, go back to /r/the_donald, everyone loves you there.

Strawman. Sargon regularly says leave white people alone. When he talks about being against identity politics, he's talking about marching around with a tiki torch screaming like a retard about muh whiteness.

I like him. There, I said it.

He thinks France can be completely non-white and still French.
He doesn't care if white countries become non-white in 50 years because he won't be here.

Great arguments

obvious Goads last sarcastic tweet was for sargon

The funniest part is that he himself is already the perfect example for why civic nationalism is a shit idea.
You can tell that he is aware of what the optimal solution (i.e. a homogeneous society) would look like, but he cannot advocate for it, because such a society would exclude himself, or would at least limit his rights.
So instead he shills for a suboptimal solution which will only create more people with the same dilemma as him.

>Meritocracy is the only defensible position
Yes. And white people have proved, time and time again, that they are the best. If you want more good/efficient people, your best bet is to go full white, instead of a multicultural society.

At some point he will have to choose between the left, that pretty much wants him dead, and us, who only go as far as mocking him and calling him Sargon of Mossad

On which platforms do you think he will go once Twitter, Youtube, etc. shoah all his accounts? The hypothetical centrist platforms?

he's a fat english ben shapiro with a foreskin

"You don't want to be as bad as them" is a retarded meme.

If your enemy sends an army to raze your country, are you gonna sit in your military HQ and go
>Well now, we should not send our own army to fight them off, because that's barbaric and we are above such things
No, you send your army and try to crush them. When your opponent leaves the negotiation table, you don't continue to hold monologues as if he was still present. You fight fire with fire.

>thats the first step of a debate, is to argue your side to the death and let the audience decide.

Lel, that's exactly the problem with a lot of lefty ideologies. They will defend them to death, even if that has to be taken literally.
They are so obsessed with following their arbitrary moral guidelines that they'll employ them even in situations where doing so leads to a severe disadvantage for them and actually works towards dismantling their own ideology. Like when the LGBT++ community shills for Muslims because they gotta keep pretending that every minority is inherently worthy of protection and special privileges.

Whites are the best already, the problem when you bring in the best of a specific group is that you bring in a powerful demographic that could control media, politics, academia, economy and things like housing(with the chinks), if those people don't shed their ethnic idenity, which they usually don't, your country is going to be fucked.

The high IQ non-white politicians will try to have more of their people immigrate to increase their political power, ethnic academics will start preferring sciences and ideologies that benefit their people, not that of the host country(see jews in America) and the same goes for the media while economically you will people from 1 demographic taking over industries, sometimes using the assistance of their home government or becoming a interest group for politicians in their host country to pander to(see Indians owning a shitload of convenience stores in America and Chinks taking over the housing industry in the Anglosphere)

All in all it creates a whole lot more bullshit than just sticking with a single united demographic.




This. He can't have a solid opinion on things such as race because the nigger part in him can't self reflect. He had a discussion with some guy named Destiny or something, it was a 4 hour long video in which Sargon made some good arguments but when it came to race he was completely in denial.

>Always holier than thou, can never admit when he's wrong

When hes losing on facts he pivots to a moral argument while constantly saying feelings don't matter only facts

Being an anti-racist in Britain means endorsing the mass rape of British girls, because the mass rape of British girls is a consistent result of anti-racism. This tells you everything you need to know about Carl Benjamin a.k.a. Sargon of Akkad.

sargon was a cuck to begin with, but god damn has he gone into maximum overcuck the past two weeks


le 1990s liberal guy

>Sup Forums: kill all non-whites or deport them to some shithole of a country where they'll die poor
>normies: stop acting like you're a nazi
Pol: whoa hold on there, THIS IS WHITE GENOCIDE!

Woes was right when he said that these people have a political outlook a century out of date.

>BLM/antifa/entire mainstream media and politicans: "kill all white people"
>white people: "w-white lives matter"

This is the main problem with that whole ideology. You ditching your ethnic identity doesn't mean shit when even just a part of one other group refuses to do the same.
And you know for fucking sure that there will be one who doesn't.

And like you said, during the initial phase you'll only allow in the cream of the crop from other countries, who will fairly quickly establish themselves in influential position. Because they are smart. And from then on the further development is inevitable because if they have power and didn't ditch their ethnic identity, they will use that power to systematically grant more and more privileges to their own people and make it easier for them to enter the country.

It's one of those things that work in theory, but never in reality because it would require every single person involved to play by the rules.

>deport them to some shithole of a country where they'll die poor

So they should all come here so we can look after them, and we can have our countries eroded, so we die poor? Why do we owe the world our way of life?

>Meritocracy is the only defensible position
It's really not.

well don't you know? you destroyed their advanced space-age civilization with your white devil magic and took all their treasure to make yourself rich while making them poor

You'll never be SJW enough to appease them. You might be 14/88 enough to eliminate them.

Sargon, Jordan Peterson, etc.:
"Hold on guys. All these problems stem from identity politics. Be an individual!"

Sargon's and Peterson's audience, who are entirely white men:
"Sure, we'll be individuals!"

Everyone who isn't a white man:



Based Nazis:
"Ha! Come and try, Antifa! We're waiting! Attack one of us, and you attack all of us!"

"S-Sorry Nazis...."

Too afraid of kiketube shutting him down now that they are bringing out the new censorship rules, I don't really like Styx666 (cuz he's too nihilistic and liberal) but at least he isn't a total shill for shekels, Sargon has no integrity, he is clearly doing this so his channels remain acceptable to Youtube and Patreon.

You can't be an individual in a multi-ethnic society where the new ethnic groups don't give a fuck about individualism

Teams beat individuals.

Tribalism beats individualism.

Dude fuck having opinions, dude just like don't do anything, just leave things as they are.

All multiculturalism does is invite what used to be international conflicts to be intranational conflicts.

Tribalism is also a tool to dismantle corporate power

"Goyim! Come and work"

All the goyim in unison:
"Fuck you faggot. We work on our own terms! We're going to make our own product!"

"AHahah, silly goyim! I own the copyright to that product!"

All the goyim:
"The police can't stop us, we are too numerous! We are a tribe! Call the police! See if we give a fuck!"

"Ah! Silly goyim! I need my shekels!"

It is actually kinda funny how tribalistic they actually are, remember when EdgySphinx and RageAfterStorm came a bit too far to the right, went after them like they were a heretic and a witch, with Kraut even doxing Rage to get her fired like some Antifa SJW.

You sound retarded but you're right, unions don't function when they're consisting of a whole lot of different racial-group interests, the original pre-civil-rights era unions were exclusively white and became more and more dysfunctional once they were forcibly integrated.

>On which platforms do you think he will go once Twitter, Youtube, etc. shoah all his accounts? The hypothetical centrist platforms?

Amuses me when he tries to play it cool over losing his Twitter

Twitter is one thing, but if he lost his Youtube he would have a breakdown

Just proves he's in it for the money and status. He has nothing to say, his philosophy is 1990s End of History complacency. Non-whites don't care about free speech and free markets, these are ideas or abstractions formed by high IQ peoples.

This. He has such a superiority complex while not holding really any opinions at all while calling everyone but himself retarded.

Those books should be replaced with copies of Shrek

Honestly, that does sound exactly like something an sjw would write. You look crazy and stupid when you characterize words of ideological opposition as violence.

You know how this comic appears rational to leftists but looks absolutely absurd to us? Same thing

Posting cuck porn on your Twitter profile isn't bantz, it's just retarded. Debate me.

After charlottesville he really wanted to show jewtube that he is a good goy

>After charlottesville he really wanted to show jewtube that he is a good goy

lol try harder

Sargon isn't like you crazy Nazis, or the crazy SJWs

He is a centrist, a rational centrist (please don't ban his YT)

>listening to sargon yew
OP is faggot

Strongly individualist ideologies have to be based in some kind of overestimation of one's own capabilities.
No matter how smart and skilled you think you are, if you stand alone the group of retards will always triumph over you. You don't live in a fucking vacuum