Why is it that republican states are complete shit while Democrat states are the complete opposite?

Why is it that republican states are complete shit while Democrat states are the complete opposite?

I live in the Seattle area and this place is an unlivable hellhole

I live in Commiefornia
Ask me anything

Democrat stares are ranked as the least affordable most unlivable places in the country with the he most unnaffordable housing to boot.

661 reporting in

Democrat states basically mean 1/2 big cities that grow like a malignant tumor.

t. Denver

Remember no Russian

Southern states are filled with niggers and spics.

Why is it that republican states have higher IQ on average than democrat states without needing all that bullshit you glamourize?
Why is it that on average, the more urbanized the state is, the lower the average IQ is?

Ah yes, the Democrat utopia Detroit.

dude I worked in the US, we went to detroit and they had a bullet proof window at the till of KFC, I come from nigger continental and we don't even have that shit

But that's a lie.

Why is it that republicans give more to charities than democrats do?

They don't. Quite the opposite actually. Based New England.


Pick one.

Why is it that money is more cost effective in smaller states? Because free market capitalism works. Commiefornia is represntative of socialism but only works because of the population density propping up the actual capitlism at work.

But in states like that unregulated businesses take advantage of the socialised state by having a literal shield of poor people to absorb their taxes. So the rich use the mass amount of poor people to make the state buy into capitlism. Vassel states.

Democrats are just as power hungry as Republicans.

I pick both. Ever want a laugh? On any given day go to google news and type in "Florida man." The retarded shit Floridians do is hilarious.

The people voting democrat are living in shithole cities, even if the state is democrat, most of the people living the best/ running industry and all that outside of the shithole cities are mostly republican

>detroit and they had a bullet proof window at the till of KFC
I live in Windsor, across the river from Detroit.

It's not just KFC's that have bullet proof glass, and glass turn styles. It's gas stations, liquor stores, convenience stores, etc., etc.

I remember seeing one middle aged black lady in a Church's chicken pound the glass screaming at the staff over being "short changed by a nickle". The best was another black lady in line going like "bitch - you crazy"

I work as a mover and I can tell you that the reason people live in small areas are to hold their money and buy a lot of land.

The private drive homes I move people into are worth more than a few million. And these are in backwoods areas.

Smart people who want to stay rich live in small populated areas but make business ventures in more inflated markets across the US. So they can take less burden on taxes. Oklahoma is a good example.

Gotta love multiculturalism

>Gotta love multiculturalism
I love living in the ultimate gated community. Two border services agencies policing the crossing.

We have a lot of Indians, Arabs, etc., here but pretty well none of the problems of Detroit (thank God!)

Because minorities are attracted to success like flies to shit and they all vote Democrat. New York, California, Massachusetts, etc. are all examples of white people creating great and prosperous municipalities who then become magnets for hordes of parasitic immigrants

>I remember seeing one middle aged black lady in a Church's chicken pound the glass screaming at the staff over being "short changed by a nickle"
holy fucking shit, when niggers outchimp kaffers from the main land


Democrat cities are whiter

>implying the exception overrides the rule
Did your forget where you are?
California is the #2 or 1 most urban state in the country and yet #48 in IQ, while 4 of the top 5 IQ states are among the least urban states.

>democrat state
>highest average cost of living
>highest average property taxes
>shot gun laws
>new yorkers


Btw you DO realize that the New England region is extremely rural, AND very white right?

Idk, maybe because democrats like immigrants? Then they make from them neoslaves. Basically they live from new type of slavery.

Literally the only reason they have a good IQ is exactly what I said - not being urbanized. And being white. Sad that you think New England is an argument for democrat correlation with IQ when it's so obvious that %90> white and bottom urbanization is the reason. It has literally nothing to do with voting democrat.

In fact, studies have shown that whites are more likely to support wealth redistribution in ethnically homogenous areas, because they empathize more with the people around them.

They aren't smart because they're democrat. They're smart because they're all white and rural, and they're democrats for the same reason - high trust smaller communities that are all white. It's honestly a perfect example to support Gottfried Feders theories that de-urbanization would increase the volks tendancies to support their community at large more, for a greater good, so long as they have the resources to be self reliant and maintain high trust communities.

niggers and corn subsidies

are you high?

It's because OP is a retarded nigger that believes everything a leftist tells them

Living conditions for poor people in either side can be pretty shit though.