Is Taylor Swift going to be the new icon for the Alt-Right?

Is Taylor Swift going to be the new icon for the Alt-Right?

Pretty much. Can't get bigger than TAYTAY

Muh Hweat fields

the feels

>SQUAD over big U
>quad is 4
>4 U

Her new music video is full of secret fashy messages. She's /our girl/ for sure.

nice pic

She's a big girl

Stop calling Sup Forums National Bolshivism you fucking queer

Hillary made us the (((Altright)))

running through the wheat fields is not fun irl, especially not in such revealing clothes

theres stuff like ticks in there and youll never get your shoes clean

Did she start a fire?

>alt right = spencer because spencer told me so.
what is croatian climate like? its not so bad here. /midwest/ fag





this is just degenerate nigger trash, she is trying to turn white women into submissive sluts who love low-brow culture.
This is nothing new (((taylor))) is a kike tool.

>this is just degenerate nigger trash, she is trying to turn white women into submissive sluts
but the entire video is femdom? if you're gonna critique the degeneracy its promoting get it right

Did she actually have a swazi there, or is that shooped

Yeah always the same story with "innocent" pop stars. The same ol' "good girl gone bad" schtick.

Her new music is shit you fucking cunts
get the fuck out

celebrities taking photos together does not = them fucking. ive taken plenty of photos smiling with black girls but im not an oil driller.

The faggot mod deleted the other thread ffs.

You are doing it wrong. I have oil drilled plenty but I would never take pictures with them.

Leave no evidence.

Get the fuck ouf with this shit music and this shit artist

naw it's real (((they))) just shooped it off in post production

I know, it makes you a cuck

For you.

Dude chill the fuck out.

This is confirmed true. I actually work on post production for the video clip and managed to snag a screenshot before those scheming likes altered the footage to broadcast to the dumb masses

Look at her dominance.
>holding his wrist as if he's a toddler.
>other hand crossing over lap to show no sexual interest.

MONARCHY! If she's doing anything with these videos, she's showcasing the aesthetics of right-wing authoritarian ideologies and combining it with femdom for the sex appeal. Pretty awesome, but I still don't like her music.

>tfw you will never get dominated by Tay Tay

ok cuck.

I agree that her music is shite but we're here because she is obviously dog whistling to her far right extremist supporters

Exactly. It is known that she sometimes lurks Sup Forums must be trying to signal to us that she's on our side right?

When you look at Taylor, you realise something.

Get back to /r9k/ virgins. I'm not some LARP'ing fag that refuses to socialize with someone because they're not white. i'm still on board with 14, but 88 is for literal autists.

Or is it (((them))) showcasing robot TayTay?

I don't want her.

hold your horses, the key to this whole aesthetic with her album and this new video is whether its criticising moral degeneracy and spiralling into sin, or whether its actually saying that its healthy in response to 'fake news' and feuds with people. From there, we can figure out whether shes compromised.
>tfw you will never get dominated by Tay Tay
you might wanna restrain yourself with your fetishes, even if they're glorified throughout this video (and perhaps the album). What's interesting is that she wears a collar during the dominatrix scene wheres brainwashing a bunch of fans in a very 1984-esque scene. doms don't wear collars unless they're just shit at costume and realism, could be symbolising how the music industry controls her and what she puts out, and in turn shes controlling those 'below' her.



>22.000.000 views in 14 hours

So this is the power of Viral Marketing whoa........



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The whole video is her showing off her supremacy and no matter what you say she is the perfect ideal of an Aryan goddess. Blonde/blue eyes/perfect facial structure

It's basically Nazi propaganda in music form. I don't see how it's not obvious!

That letter T is not fully shown so it looks like she's standing in front of the cross.

You faggots actually think she comes up with the ideas of her own videos? Shes a jewish pawn and nothing more. Stop being degenerates.


I like this guy. He gets it

>Another Dumb Pop Star Whore!
>The Post!
Why are you all so obsessed with this money grubbing celebrity?

in the words of j. peterson:
>sort yourselves out.


She used the power of Christ to kill off her personas?

Checked. I don't know why the rest of these faggots are here, I'm only in it for the (you)s


It is possible these lyrics seem like indirect attacks on diverity and her ((hollywood music masters)) or are we really just self-projecting our own fantasy onto her lyrics?

>"I dont like you anymore"
((hollywood masters))

> "I dont like this perfect crime" ,
The crime of trying to genocide whites with diversity

>"I got smarter in the nick of time".
White people waking up

>"I don't like your kingdom keys
They once belonged to me
You asked me for a place to sleep
Locked me out and threw a feast (what?)t".
Whites welcome non-whites into their countries and they act like barbarians causing trouble, crime and rape.

Okay actually those a eerily related to our strife

Holy shit Sup Forums is always right. I'm a believer now, look at this fucking nazi hat and spikes

its either silly 'muh revenge' shit or it's caesar imagery, and we all know who the modern day caesar is, who's in politics right now...
God's chosen girl? maybe, but i'm not too sure. its questionable, and potentially heretical
>women that are brainwashed by her and the music industry turn out hollow and broken
what did Taylor mean by this?

she get a boob job?

>"I don't like your kingdom keys
I immediately thought the papacy too and the keys to the gates of heaven
>You asked me for a place to sleep
>Locked me out and threw a feast (what?)
this the snake poem that Trump reads out in lyric form, and its exactly what happens to the jews whenever they enter a country

Her face is LITERALLY perfect, dios mio

no she's wearing tight latex

Nobody knows

Also fashy dressed version of her is on top of more degenerate versions in the T scene.

I don't know but her titties we're looking spectacular in that dominatrix outfit. God I would kill for her to tie me up and beat the shit out of me and then stand on my cock

You say the 88 precepts are for autists? Die in a fire faggot.

>Taylor Swift
>Not Elle
Literally kill yourself.

user, I came to Sup Forums, not Sup Forums

>Broken white women
>Blue squares represent time passing

Im sorry but I could never get behind this sloth looking fuck.
>Those eyes though

oy vey how did we miss this undercover lyrics. Now she has got millions of views.

fake and utterly gay


can we figure out what 13 U Squad *cat image* fucking means?
>Taylor has subservient non-white feminine eunuch slaves
WHAT DOES IT MEAN!? if it was a jewish psyop they'd all be white feminised slaves!


Not anymore. She is actually quite brilliant to delete her social media accounts. will only use her post CVille material for their propaganda and she'll be blameless. A pop icon who sings songs for teenage girls and promotes meme white supremacy is a joke- and it's lost on humorless neonazis

>no kids, dresses like a slut, shitty music
Pick one.

I know jack shit about Taylor Swift or any popular music these days but I have to say that new song of hers is probably the worst fucking thing I have ever heard. Some dude at work had the radio on and I really couldn't believe that someone could ship something that half assed and shitty out the door. t b h I didn't think it was even possible to top the musical tragedy that is that "bad blood" song.

Known "Hatesymbol" by Anti-defiimation jewish league. kek

Well you sound like a hater user. You need to shake it off

Why did she start out as a zombie in the clip?

Checked. Good spot UN bro

the song is really shit, but thats why its such an enigma. the lyrics are terrible and the music video has very little connection to the lyrics themselves. the whole thing seems like a really intricately webbed psyop that I haven't figured out yet

She's going through an MJ sort of phase with the Jewish media.

If you look closely, theres a tombstone for SJO(((BERG))) next to her

sweet Lord above i pay you eternal thanks for blessing us with the perfection that is Taylor Swift
no mistake to be made, she is a heavenly being
to know she walks the earth is to know that you, Heavenly Father, are the one true creator of all that is timeless and forever

>in the graveyard
Signifying the death of the white race.

Lady Gaga > Taylor Swift in term of music

We can all confirm this right?

Why don't she just say it openly? If there is a time to name the kikes, this is it. It would gain traction, and the internet is not that heavily censored yet, that it could be surpressed.

Lady Gaga is for flamboyant annoying faggots and Taylor Swift is for neckbeards

Taylor Swift: 10 grammys, 2 albums of the year
Lady Gaga: ?

I'm not a fan of either of them but yeah. In fact taylor swift gets smoked by pretty much every halfway famous musician ever, her popularity is beyond baffling for me.

No. Kill yourself.

what dis from?

The berg is in there too

Wait.. wait you actually think that she is redpilled on the JQ?

No ones cares about Grammy you dumbfuck
Lady Gaga has multiple hit song like Poker Face, Bad Romance, Alejandro, Born This Way
Taylor has fucking nothing

Also what does the car crash scene represent?
And why is she cutting off the planes wings?
>Bane reference?
Doesn't she have a private jet company? Something to do with that?

Lyric video of the song. Same logo as the one used by pedos