Why does IQ have a leftist bias? Why are most doctors, scientists, tech developers, engineers, etc. leftist...

Why does IQ have a leftist bias? Why are most doctors, scientists, tech developers, engineers, etc. leftist? Why are the highest IQ countries and states left-wing?

Shouldn't it be the opposite since we're superior?

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because it's safer, sensible people play it safe

Not realising is a generational thing. Thinking is an iq thing. Woow

You're not superior.

present the evidence for your claims
>meme flag stating the opposite of it's beliefs
of course


O boi, aren't you a delusional little faggot

So basically you're asking why are prominent members of the establishment who profit off of it the most promoting the ideology of the establishment?

People get indoctrinated into leftist ideologies in academia. It's not related to IQ.

Some right-wing scientists: William Shockley, James Watson, Johannes Stark, Philipp Lenard, John Von Neumann, Edward Teller, Pascual Jordan.

>implies that the left is smarter.
>won't stfu about Russia.

source, friend?

i work as a chemist and most scientists i work with are right wing as heck.

academic scientists != industry scientists.

and there's a good reason we're paid more than those academic losers, its because we're not low IQ jokes

Because high IQ people tend to earn more so they live in rich white neighborhood and never taste diversity on their hides. Also if you're """scientist"" you better be a good goy or no grants for you.

During the nuremburg trials the nazi party core was IQ tested. these are the results. proof is just one casual google search or wikipedia search away you false flagging low IQ retard. god bless. friend

Solipsism... They are hard working, motivated, and have their shit together. They project that since that is how they are, everyone else is like that too. So if they were ever poor or homeless, it wouldn't be though lack of trying. Therefore, they see everyone else in the same situation.

If they just realized that having an ethno state would allow their solipsism to be real, they would all turn Nat Soc. Their "schooling" has drilled into them that everyone is the same. It's only our "luck" that separates us.


People with High IQs typically go to University where they are indoctrinated by a group which infiltrated and captured most professorships via nepotism and corruption.

Most intelligent leftists grow out of it. Some never do. Some even go on to reach the "there is no spoon" level of enlightenment.

None of what they do actually really matters, it just annoys me.


>Why are most doctors, scientists, tech developers, engineers, etc. leftist?

Physicist checking in (phd, after tutoring students myself etc). It's called an Ivory tower. Most people in academics never see the problematic side of non natives because they literally never see them, not in school, not at Uni and they can't remember kindergarten. They literally live in a reality bubble where the only foreigners they have ever met are gifted/privileged international students or collegues. I still see this on a daily basis on my work, these people are extremely deluded and bluepilled and have no idea about non-academic life most of the time.

The most leftist-liberal-globalist person in my workgroup literally said that he never even talked to a turk in his life and his school was Germans only (he is ~27yo). The others are not much different with few exceptions. When I go next door to the fine mechanics machine shop belonging to my institute then the people are automatically redpilled as fuck because most of them went through the "average" school system full of foreigners and know what is going on.

if you asked any lawyer who has spent any time in criminal defense their honest opinions about race, it would make himmler uncomfortable.

its not a huge bias for doctors. As for scientists, focusing on climate change makes them relevant. Lastly I think most engineers and tech folks lean right


I would say people who are naturally nationalistic/conservative tend to be extremely stupid. Those of us whose natural inclination is to be liberal but came to be Conservative through endless self-questioning and inquiry are smarter than your average leftist.

Because they aren't retards. It's obvious they are crypto-right wingers but they aren't going to admit that when they see the political landscape. You think they want to lose their jobs?

Also not to mention,most of the articles about "high IQ = leftism" come from leftist sites.

But the real evidence lies on your eyes,just look at the people on the right like jared taylor. Motherfucker knows his shit,biology doesn't lie.
And then look at the people on the left,it's all about feels with them.

You know,we might be nazis and shit but at least the truth stands with us.

The lefts with high IQs are usually the ones in charge and are using the lefts to further their own goals.

Also, most doctors will say being fat is unhealthy, and that is not a leftist attribute.

id argue (almost) everyone is a leftists when they're young (because young people are stupid) then you grow up, if you arn't right wing by 25-26 you're mentally retarded though. that's the rub

>t. leftists as a early 20 something

Because they exist entirely in echo chambers of liberalism where free thinking is discouraged. Remember the guy from google who wrote the centrist memo and got fired?

Real story, my brother works for Facebook and their facility is like a creepy commune where everything is free. Employee housing, fully furnished, free transportation, free doctors, free dentists, free restaurants, free auto mechanics, etc. They make it so they have no reason to ever leave and experience the real world. They also pay them more than their job is worth and they simultaneously forget the value of a dollar and guarantee that they can't go anywhere else without sacrificing their cushy, sheltered new way of life.

This brings up an interesting question that isn't politically related, but what is more intelligent, a successful lawyer, or a successful doctor?

Not enough information

> Why are most doctors, scientists, tech developers, engineers, etc. leftist?
Because these professions need government money to function, and the government will rape your ass without vaseline if you're not leftist.

IQ has no leftist bias in countries without leftist governments. (E.g., Russia.)

"right wing" is a pretty vague term

"How Intelligence Leads to Stereotyping"

I'd love to see a right wing lawyer debate a left wing scientist on global warming.

Give me five minutes with DeGrasse Tyson and I'll become the atheist's new god.

how long is a piece of string?

White people are the only race with inherent empathy.
It figures a nigger would be too stupid to puzzle out that "mystery".

Lawyer. Anyone can be a doctor, it just takes a lot of effort. To be a successful lawyer you must be quick witted, adaptable, affable and have an extensive vocabulary, and possess the ability to play to whatever crowd you're in front of. In order to be truly successful you need to do this while simultaneously
maintaining the trust of your colleagues and clients. contrast that with a doctor who just studies other people's work and applies it in a calm and controlled environment.

i believe the quote goes 'show me a young man who isn't a liberal and i'll show you a man who has no heart, show me an older man who isn't conservative, and i'll show you a man with no brain.'

Simple: Democrats provide better funding to universities.

smart people dont want to be exploited.

stupid sheeple like facism simply because they dont want/cant think for themselfs.

yea the kike slave churchill said as much. its pretty legit though.

But OP, you're incorrect.


me paying a huge chunk of my income to the socialist give every immigrant nigger free gibs policy sounds like exploitation to me friend.

Neither lawyers nor doctors are intellectual professions.

The average car mechanic's job requires more thinking than the average lawyer's or doctor's.

The only reason they earn lots of money is because of cartel/guild collusion in their respective industries.

>IQ have a leftist bias

that is an absolutely retarded opinion.

it makes sense, when you are younger you are still semi-dependant on your family so you have that liberal mindset of handouts being good, you get older get your shit in order and become self sufficient and lose that mindset

Because people are brainwashed into thinking being liberal is smart.

Hollywood, most of our media is leftist and there is constant fear mongering that people on the right are stupid religious backwards people, the left has a disproportionate and biased representation on the media we consume.

the second i noticed how much of my money goes to taxes to buy beers for the nigerian piece of shit that pumps 6 children into his neggress harem was the end of my leftists fantasies

>that is an absolutely retarded opinion
It isn't. The average doctor's job is basically just looking up basic information from simple wikipedia-tier reference books. The ones that don't work as glorified wikipedia frontends (e.g., surgeons) don't need brains, they need manual dexterity.

Lawyers are just clerks who fill out stock forms all day. It's a glorified data entry job.

>It's another "IQ is real and important when it benefits ~my~ position" episode

They aren't particularly, most people are apolitical centrists who are easily persuaded by emotional pandering and thus vote left.

based republicans. saving lifes and shit


President Donald trump and ronald reagan. Mel gibson

But law and medicine ARE monopolized.

I'm surprised plastic surgery isn't overwhelmingly blue. Surely, they must be counting reconstructive surgery with that?

They spend the most time in the Liberal indoctrination centers

>Why does IQ have a leftist bias?
Why do leftists constantly confuse education with IQ?
>Why are most doctors, scientists, tech developers, engineers, etc. leftist?
Why were most doctors, scientists, tech developers, engineers, etc. raised by rich white parents living in gated white communities?
>Why are the highest IQ countries and states left-wing?
Why do the highest IQ countries and states have a higher percentage of whites and Asians?
It all boils down to race. Living well among whites would make anyonea bleeding heart liberal, and you only need to compare the IQ of both California and Massachusetts to see political ideologies do not determine IQ.


Calm your cognitive dissonance, shouting 'retard!' every time someone tries to deprogram you won't fix your viral glitches.

people with good education and a high income don't live nearby shitskins, their kids don't go to the same schools as all the nigglets.
so it's pretty safe for high educated to virtue signal leftist bullshit.


im not shouting. i just think your opinions are retarded and the spouting of an underage person with no real experience.

I never bought into this meme. Some of the dumbest people I have ever met have all been liberal. Bunch of pot heads, drop outs, criminals, etc.. Also, niggers.

even if that were true, the fact that people knowingly compete to enter those fields because they are prestigious/pay well means that there will be selection towards intelligent people. Being a lawyer may be fairly easy(although this claim sounds like bullshit), but scoring high on the LSAT is not, neither is getting a good GPA and MCAT score.

unironically pede surgeons are the only blue majority, and overwhelmingly so

behind closed doors and away from there peers they're probably not so leftist. The types that tend to push the left on people are low IQ people. The rest are just playing it safe to keep there careers and the roof over there heads.

they aren't.
especially not engineers

political correctness is a things and people, including myself play it safe by either saying were apolitical or a liberal to avoid any unwanted attention but in my case its a rare occurrence, since I live in a red state with not many liberals to begin with. I do have family in commiefornia that are right wing and pretty racist but fly under the radar as liberals to avoid attention and having so crazy liberal trying to get them fired from their job or some shit.

Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot

It's because a pragmatic distribution of resources and labor, instead of a negotiated one, assuming all actors have equal force behind the value of their labor, is the most natural consequence of any interaction. Your value is only solved when it determined what it is that you can give those in power compared to those who are only good for spare labor.

Humanitarian ethics interrupt this line of thinking and extort the liberal or leftist to consider that random chance could have left them in your state so that ensuring those who can only provide the barest of labor skills ought to, morally, have their bare essentials taken care of by those that be, so long as the system is capable of providing for the excess wastage, which it currently is, though we don't allow it to because we adhere to the ideology of negotiated labor for negotiated pay.

The principle flaw being the powers that be are better negotiators than the common man or the masses and have more paid force to back up their end of the dynamic. What they can't control is the death spiral of basic labor until full automation makes a large percentage of the population completely irrelevant.

Once that happens you can expect the power dynamic to change drastically.

Why are most university educated people on the left? My superior Marxist education has left me unable to figure this out

furthermore, leftists have their own cocksure heads up their douched asses, so all they see is sparkling pink membranes of biological perfection before the shit takes up its normal place in the process

They live in nice places they see the world with pink glasses. Can be cringy af


Liberals elites are exactly that, elites, first and foremost.

That's what happened to me. I was a bleeding heart liberal in high school but turned into a conservative in college as I learned more about the world. The leftist professors turned me away from leftism because I saw how disingenuous they are.

Read again. 'Retard!' isn't an incantation that will fix your mental glitches as your programming falls apart due to internal consistency errors. Regardless of whether you shout or whisper that word.

Engineers are overwhelming right wing.

Most are highly specialized weaklings and are fully dependent on a very strong state to protect their racket.

>but scoring high on the LSAT is not, neither is getting a good GPA and MCAT score
LSAT and MCAT aren't important in becoming a lawyer/doctor and earning that sweet dosh.



When you have a lot of money you don't actually have to see, experience, and suffer the consequences of """diversity""".

"Diversity is our strength" is the modern version of "let them eat cake".

That's not true though, STEM has a preference for being right wing. Leftists include all the minorities, so the studies that show a difference but collected the left samples entirely from university campuses and form white college students, that's not a fair comparison because it over samples the educated left. Blacks are a huge number of the left votes, but only a few percent of these surveys.

More importantly, the IQ here is self report since they don't ask your party preference when taking a monitored test.

So all the surveys prove is that white leftist art students think they are smarter.

[citation needed]

This thread is cancer.

>>t. leftists as a early 20 something

This. I was left leaning from ages 15-24, following the election last year red pilled me.

Put your dick in my mouth

>Read again
id tell you to do the same. your opinions are profoundly retarded.

nigger what. you're russian so your confusion is excusable, but in America, those are the entrance exams for law school and medical school respectively. the better your score, at least for law school, the better the school you go to. The better the school you graduate from, the fatter the paycheck


Fuck off reddit cunt


>The better the school you graduate from, the fatter the paycheck
This isn't really true, what school you went to doesn't correlate well with your income as a doctor. Medicine isn't programming or engineering.


did u ever visited 3rd world !?? those people doctors, scientists, tech developers, engineers and old leftist women come to 3rd world to have sex with everyone , that is why they love us

pick one

They're not leftist, they're liberal

Get yourself a fundamental understanding of political ideology and spectrum before posting on a political board

electrical engineer reporting in ...
Right wing as fuck ... at least the well paid non brainlets

The whole leftest voter = jobless welfare queens is also a myth.