So one of the arguments against race mixing with high IQ black women is the regression to the mean...

so one of the arguments against race mixing with high IQ black women is the regression to the mean, but doesn't that go against the race realism standpoint? race realists believe natural selection caused some races to be smarter than others just like some are taller, have different facial characteristics, etc. But lets say you reproduce the effects of natural selection by only letting smart people reproduce, regression to the mean says 2 high IQ parents will probably have an offspring with average IQ, so shouldn't the next generation of that population have average IQ as well?

also has anyone debunked the Flynn Effect?

Other urls found in this thread:

i have yet to see a debunking of the flynn effect which makes the iq argument a pretty silly one

stop your yapping and give sauce, nigger

This dumb bitch put her headphone cord right over a possibly hot burner. DROPPED.

Sofia Tesfu

maybe they relly are genetically dumber

Stop being an autistic dipshit and breed with the best woman you can find.


the best woman I found doesn't want to breed with me

I just had to shitpost

thx m8

Regression to the mean is a short term phenomena. Sustained breeding efforts would fix the problem, although it's likely to be unnecessary step back.


>feet tattoos
horrible taste

>Ugly + Ugly = Ugly children
who could've thought

The argument against race-mixing even with the best of partners is that your children will not have a national identity.

Then become a better person (read: increase you sexual market value) and find someone better than her.

Basic knowledge of how the world works.
Intelligence will always be necessary and high skill/intelligence jobs will never be done by low skill/incapable/incompetent people.
Rather, low skill jobs will be replaced with automation and low skill/low intelligence people will live on welfare or die out if a meritocracy has its way.

>high IQ
>black women

Pick one, nigger

>feet tattoos
>horrible taste
eh, i'd still bury my face in that ass

wanted to puff those feet until i saw the tattoos

depends on the context

the Chinese government is homogenizing China through mixing of the Han chinese with Uyghurs (who are already 60% caucasian so it's race mixing), Tibetans and other ethnicities to strenghtify China's national identity

They do it on an ethnic level though.
They aren't introducing wildly different races to promote "diversity", rather they're promoting homogeneity and seek to do something not unlike the United States did in the first half of the 20th century.
The US's immigration policies prior to 1965 was that of a European Caucasian ethnostate. It had one caveat though, immigrants were to abandon much of their former ways of life and adopt the "American Culture".

Jesus. How much flammable shit can that girl put on that stove? She is hot though.

that ain't what China is doing, that's just Civic Nationalism restricted to a certain region of the world

Flynn effect isn't on g. Flynn himself acknowledges this in his presentations on the subject, Flynn effect isn't us becoming smarter its us getting "more modern" (his words).

IQ is just a proxy for g, and there are many proxies, from SAT scores to reaction time. IQ scores have risen, but that hasnt been reflected by a similar rise in the other proxies, which leads to the conclusion the Flynn effect isn't g-loaded. The difference in racial ability, however, IS a reflection of g, and the more g-loaded the test the more pronounced the differences.

regression to the mean is not that simple. For example, if said black woman is high IQ, and all her family members are also high IQ, including her brothers, maternal and paternal uncles and aunts, grandparents, etc., then chances there is a strong and persistent genetic component to her intelligence. On the other hand, if she is successful, but her brothers and sisters are morons, delinquents, etc, you are indeed taking a risk by having kids with her. Regression to the mean is definitely a concern, but it gets abused a lot around here. Indians(from the subcontinent, not Amerindians) have an IQ or 80-85 or something like that. Indian Americans have an IQ of like 110. Obviously the rich Indians we import here are not going to have 85 IQ street-shitters when they have kids, because through immigration screening we have selectively ensured that the Indian population here is a genetically very intelligent group.


Whites in America are typically 100% European Caucasian, but they generally aren't above 50% of any particular European ethnicity, like English, French, German etc.
This helps create a stronger identity when looking at the White population in the US.
It wasn't just about leaving parts of culture behind, but even one's ethnicity as well.
It's very rare to hear an American complain about their children dating a "fucking mick" or "fucking kraut", because that's barrier was left behind, now the General barriers tend to be race and juxtaposed cultures. Obviously these barriers should be maintained.

What China is doing is very comparable to what the US did in the beginning of the 20th century.

What is a high enough IQ to not worry about being displaced? 120? 130? Higher?

Take the average joe from 2000 years ago, and you will appear more intelligent than him whether it be problem solving, puzzles, etc. The same works the other way around if someone from the year 4000 came here. They will appear smarter than the average joe today.

I understand that and I actually see White American as an ethnicity and not just "mutts", but that's still not what China is doing, it would only be the same if China was taking in Korean and Japanese immigrants while having politics to integrate them

what do female feet smell like?


tell this to paraguay

>her iq is low but at least its increasing over the long term so i might as well race mix and have my childrens iq be lower than if i didnt race mix

makes sense

OP oversimplifies, belying an insufficient IQ. IQ mixing predicts the kid's IQ will be about the average of the parents', all other things being equal.

But regression to the racial mean is also an observed effect, so they can both be going on at once. Why is there regression to the racial mean? Let's say there are some very persistent characteristics like brain size. If you get a black with a 120 IQ, they have a super high performing brain for its size, but it's still black size. The super high performing part may not be so persistent in children, but the size will be. It's a ceiling that the children can't break through, but that they'll probably fall farther below.

Has your assertion been tested? It sounds reasonable but it could be false.

Surrounded by nigging nigs she gonne be racist af

High IQ nonwhites are anomalies you need to understand genetics better. Your kids IQ is definately not the avearage of you and your partner. Its more like the average betwenn you and all your a ancestors + her and all her ancestors. By picking a race with a low iq to mate with, you are putting a lot of shit genes in your pool with lots of chances to draw poorly

>so one of the arguments against race mixing with high IQ black women is the regression to the mean, but doesn't that go against the race realism standpoint?
qt nigresses won't fuck me anyway so this is academic navelgazing

>so one of the arguments against race mixing with high IQ black women is the regression to the mean, but doesn't that go against the race realism standpoint?
The children would regress to the family mean. The family mean among blacks is 85.

>also has anyone debunked the Flynn Effect?

if the kids iq regresses to the family mean, and the mother has an 120 IQ, wouldn't that mean the mean of her family is high as well?

why would her child be dumb?

by that logic american poos would be all dumb, yet they have high IQs and high-paying jobs

poos are different, they have more distinct castes which have not interbred with the lower ones for centuries. Higher IQ poos have a high mean, they aren't anomalous. Get it?

yeah regression to the mean only applies over one generation, but there is more of a spiritual reason to not racemixing. You want your children to have roots and identity--there's not much identity in not looking like your father or your mother.

hahahaha keeping it real man!

>if the kids iq regresses to the family mean, and the mother has an 120 IQ, wouldn't that mean the mean of her family is high as well?
Usually. It's like how short parents can sometimes get tall kids.

My dick

post more examples of portuguese black women.

>why would her child be dumb?
If the rest of her family is the typical 85 IQ blacks then the kids IQ would likely regress downwards.

Sometimes they become pic related,but most of the times they look like rob schneider

why didn't her IQ regress downward if she's the mean of all her ancestors too?

She won the genetic lottery, user.

>regression to the mean says 2 high IQ parents will probably have an offspring with average IQ, so shouldn't the next generation of that population have average IQ as well?

If her family is intelligent then it's because over generations her family line selected for intelligence.

then what's wrong with racemixing with her?

Because you want kids that look like you, because you want to keep Europe white, etc.

random stuff happens. no two people are identical.

is it better to have dumb white children or smart mixed children?

Holy shit, this conversation's premise is retarded. Broad categories like "blacks" and "white" are shit. Road mega categories like this are retarded.

Natural selection works on a very local level. Igbo Nigerians are high IQ because they have a precolonial history of engaging in complex trade.

A high IQ black person is not necessary an an anomaly their particular ethnic group or their family line could be high IQ. I have an Ethiopian friend who's dad is very successful and both he and his brothers are smart as hell too.

Broad and meaningless words like "black" and "white" are now obsolete in light of population genetics. For instance, Khoisan, Bantus, Ethiopians, and Nilotes are all "black" but they are wildly different and many individuals from these groups haven't shared a gene pool in tens of thousands of years.

If you want a white antion the dumb white children are better. A civic nationalist would think that having smart mixed-kids would be better, but that ideology ever succeeding IRL is a pipedream.


>Igbo Nigerians are high IQ because they have a precolonial history of engaging in complex trade.
Source? I've heard this before, but any source yet is suspect.

Fuck I'm phoneposting, forgive typos

Heidi Koalburner Klum?

>Broad categories like "blacks" and "white" are shit.
I agree, but it's pretty much the only thing we have in terms of data right now.

Also, I wouldn't want niggers here even if they were smart. I'm not one of those who thinks IQ is everything.

Let's just get the Warhappa 40K future going. It's what's going to happen anyway. Whites and Asians, world Exterminatus champions since 2045.

I don't know of any IQ data per say but there is plenty of circumstantial evidence in terms of test scores, academic achievement, and income. Here is a decent write up:


I wouldn't be surprised if they were 100 on average or close to it.

Gets it. IQ is a force multiplier, but if your community stops functioning because of the Putnam effect, it doesn't matter.

race mixing is bad because it destroys ethnic and cultural homogeinity and thus also social trust
it creates conflicted humans without a strong identity

>I wouldn't be surprised if they were 100 on average or close to it.
Eh, smarter than the average Nigerian but 100? I'd bet money that it's closer to 90.


That's not an ugly child, that's fetal alcohol syndrome.

Mommy drank while preggers.

People still don't realize that the retarded members of each race historically outbreed the intelligent.

The problem is even if you do produce an uplifted mulatto child, odds are in a quest for "authenticity" she's just going to wind up getting knocked up by the noggiest hoodrat that she can find, undoing everything and sending your posterity's prospects on a one way trip to darkytown. You're not just fighting the genes but cultural pressures as well if you breed black.
>Two steps forward
>One step back
>Two steps back
And that's the Jig-aboo Jig!


I mean it's anecdotal but I have two Igbo buddies. Once is a chemical engineer, and the other literally doubled majored in computer engineering+Math. The third one I know tripled majored in 3 insane majors.

Remember, there is more to human variation than IQ. Igbos prob have high test like other west africans. I've seen some have nigga moments amongst each other at times. Nevertheless, I'm almost positive their IQ isn't too far from 100

>race mixing
>it destroys ethnic and cultural homogeinity
Race mixing can create an ethnic group and a cultural chaos
Arabs for example are a product of race mixing
Arabs are mulattoes basically and their culture means chaos and destruction

*three buddies

>so one of the arguments against race mixing with high IQ black women is the regression to the mean, but doesn't that go against the race realism standpoint

Africans are the result of Eurasians admixing with apes in Africa 1.1mil years ago. It isn't a matter of regression to the mean - genetics doesn't work that way.

Every person has 21 autosomal chromosomes that fully recombine, and 2 sexual chromosomes that only recombine in certain very, very small portions. On those 21 autosomes, you have two alleles - one from your mother and one from your father.

Among the genes in the human genome, one is called 'MCPH1' and controls brain size. The gene has many alleles, and there's about a dozen ways to have microcephaly - but you have to be a homozygote for the microcephaly-causing allele to express microcephaly;

Blacks are admixed too;

>Microcephalin (MCPH1) is a gene that is expressed during fetal brain development. Certain mutations in MCPH1, when homozygous, cause primary microcephaly—a severely diminished brain
>A derived form of MCPH1 called haplogroup D appeared about 37,000 years ago (any time between 14,000 and 60,000 years ago) and has spread to become the most common form of microcephalin throughout the world except Sub-Saharan Africa
>Haplogroup D may have originated from a lineage separated from modern humans approximately 1.1 million years ago and later introgressed into humans

Let's get technical;


Orange is AA, green is AC, and blue is CC. The three letter codes can be read here;


YRI, LWK and MKK are all African populations, and ASW is the acronym for American blacks.

Nigerian-Americans are self selected and probably above 100

Why we don't burn the rice

>Africans are the result of Eurasians admixing with apes in Africa 1.1mil years ago.

>Haplogroup D may have originated from a lineage separated from modern humans approximately 1.1 million years ago and later introgressed into humans
This doesn't support your ludicrous opener.

If you look at the pic, you can see that CC only exists in Africans.

Only homozygotic Africans express microcephaly, but the point is that the CC homozygote genotype only exists in African populations. The low IQ's of every sub-Saharan African country is the evidence required to prove that blacks are clinically retarded, and that the C allele is associated with low IQ - as you can see, AC is also almost entirely limited to the African populations.

>regression to the mean says 2 high IQ parents will probably have an offspring with average IQ

It you have two AC heterozygotes (The most likely combination of White Male + Black Female) they're likely to produce more AC heterozygotes - but also AA and CC homozygotes.

If an AA homozygote breeds with an AC heterozygote, this is what you mean by 'regression to the mean' because it produces AC heterozygotic children.

'The mean' is a delusion that hides the fact that very plain eugenics can improve mankind.

why would kids wear high heals. for fuck sake.

> I have two Igbo buddies
I have two Hollywood Stars buddies and I have two Lamborghinis in my garage in my penthouse in Beverly Hills

Again, I noted that it's anecdotal. But plenty of other evidence like test scores, academic achievement, average income also supports my point.


So you ignored my citations? Stay ignorant.

>This doesn't support your ludicrous opener

AA macrocephalic homozygotes branched off from the rest of humanity 1.1 million years ago. This allele is what causes modern brain size. As in, it's the missing piece that made us human - a modern human CC homozygote displays a brain size close to H. erectus.

Modern humans have existed outside of Africa for longer than 37,000 years ago, which was when sub-saharan Africans were created. Also, they propose that exact scenario in the paper;

>>Furthermore, the worldwide frequency distribution of the D allele, exceptionally high outside of Africa but low in sub-Saharan Africa (29), suggests, but does not necessitate, admixture with an archaic Eurasian population

So yeah, humans came from Asia, and blacks are mixed with apes.

> high IQ black women


>three buddies
four buddies

May she not burn the coal, after all, there is a very strict CARBON TAX.

absolute disgutsing

Yeah... whatever you say...

>your children will not have a national identity
>implying this is a bad thing
globalism is inevitable. we will never advance as a species until we stop our petty infighting. racemixing is to the betterment of mankind as a whole. no niggers though.

My god she is a fucking goddess

brainlet here. how would this account for native australians?

Even if a nigger SOMEHOW has a 100+ IQ, mixing with one is creating a spawn who is still more susceptible to heart disease and sickle cell, as well as other negative hereditary traits.

Lol not even her natural hair. Look at her ugly kinky hair when it it's natural.

>If an AA homozygote breeds with an AC heterozygote, this is what you mean by 'regression to the mean' because it produces AC heterozygotic children.

bump requesting more info.

Cool, it's another "what is wrong with racemixing thread? Let me post nigger porn with my 100 different IPs" and it of course doesn't get deleted by mods again.

We just had 20 of those threads today.


Fuck this degenerate, controlled Jew shit website. 8/pol/ is hundred times better.

Why is the fact that socioeconomic factors play a big role in IQ measurements, always rejected on here. It's like a redpill nobody wants to take.