So how did Trump's plan to defeat ISIS turn out? I don't see anything in the news

So how did Trump's plan to defeat ISIS turn out? I don't see anything in the news.

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I think he said they would be defeated in 30 minutes or less or your next pizza is half off.

ISIS was already getting absolutely fucked before Trump even came into office. Russia, the Kurds, and Assad, have taken nearly all their territory back from ISIS in Syria. The 'caliphate' is now only really in some barren deserts in eastern Syria.

The Iraqi government took back Mosul and ISIS pretty much signaled defeat by bombing a historic mosque. ISIS is fucking done, has been for months now. Trump is really just focused on curbing their influence in Afghanistan, and he dropped that one MOAB in Afghanistan but other than that he really hasnt needed to do anything

Their pay no longer comes from US tax payers. Kinda hard to fight after the money dries up

Seems to be a bunch of btfo going on in quiet. But that's what he said to expect, so it's one more wait and see.

I've always been more excited to see the longer-term effects to judge. Like what we're going to do eventually with negotiating ways toward detant with Russia, how it's all going to play in to a possible anti-terrorism bent with NATO as an obvious case of mutual self-interest, stopping the flood of the caliphate, being able to say we have far fewer trucks of peace driving around these days, reduction in the drug problems, and all that.

And it seems clear now that those are not things Trump is going to be able to do so fast it'll make your head spin.

well, they are now able to be offensive

irrelevant, just like the economy, these things take years and are not directly amenable to rapid change.

I love how NPR had about 12 experts on in a row the other week confirming
>yep we'll have another 8 years of neocon war
>it'll be fine
>can't be avoided!
>oh, we'll still have neocon war well after Trump is gone, really
>endless neocon war is for the best, Trump finally made the right decision
>well, if there's one danger here, it would be if Trump did anything to stop the endless neocon war, that could spell big trouble for everybody
NPR has the best comedy news

but months ago he said he had a plan. so what was the plan and what were the results?

He always says he has "a plan" and that it's "a very good plan and you'll be very impressed with it" and that he's not going to tell you what it is. Then you go through a phase of figuring out what to actually do, something else happens, and then if the results are good you get happy success stories about it when the time is right.

All presidents do this in one way or another. It happened through the entire campaign, so everybody had plenty of time to figure out how things were going to go.

He did nothing. Whatever he's doing in Syria would have been done by any other President.

Most other presidents probably would have stuck a flag in Assad's dead ass and laughed about having murdered him and then Russia would be doing a lot more barrel rolls around our jets.

Turn on the fucking news. They even said on my liberal radio station that a town was taken back today and they soldiers were doing selfies and turning the ISIS flag upside down.

>I don't see anything in the news.

this is a lie.
Had hillary one, the funding and arms flowing to syria would have amped up and they would have went for no-fly zones. Its the alternate timeline when ISIS took Damascus and we see an extremist caliphate in Syria.
The ONLY reason Aleppo was liberated, was because Trump won and Obamas Regime collectively shit their pants
Video Related. Obama/Clintons Foreign Policy

someone probably spilled the beans and told trump ISIS was just a sham

If he was wasn't killed during Obama's term I doubt it would have happened with any other President.

Did you watch the debates? Half the candidates were campaigning on escalating in Syria and picking a fight with Russia.

Even the Trump administration very early on had to do some quick narrative shuffling about how Assad absolutely had to go no matter what, which Rex Tillerson wound up resolving by proposing what they actually meant was that they wanted to let the Syrian people decide whether or not to keep him.

Even my never-Trump democrat friends were alarmed and agreed that Trump was one of the few candidates on either side that wasn't promising WWIII. That should tell you something.

so your 'never-Trump' democrats were knowingly chose WWIII over a fucking white male?
Your friends sound like irredeemable faggots and so are you for being friends with them

Cognitive dissonance. They were also hoping for something better than Hillary but all knew e.g. Jim Webb didn't have a chance and were on the fence about Bernie and were even hopeful about some of the R options in case that's the way it went.

Whatevs. I don't get uptight about politics. It lead to more than one productive discussion about Trotsky and what a "neocon" is.