I live in North Japan...

I live in North Japan. Does today's missile fiasco mean that they actually can't do shit when it comes to shooting down a missile, or did they not try?
It felt like "ah fuck it's coming right at us, oh nvm it landed in the water" and we just prayed it wouldn't hit us.

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Missile defense systems are a meme. They work less than 50% of the time. You only hear about the successful tests because they don't want you to know how vulnerable to a real attack these systems actually are.

I knew it, hahaha. I'm fucking dead.

>I live in northern Japan

They probably didn't try. If the trajectory wasn't going to actually cause an impact on Japanese soil, why waste an interceptor missile and give the Chinese (who were watching this shit like hawks with their own radar systems) vital intelligence on the capabilities of THAAD?

>I live in North Japan

No you don't you fucking weeb

NK is the deep states last diversion from day of the rope. If NK actually does anything threatening USA will strike fast and hard. Trump won't attack first.

I'm in the air force you dweebs. Anything on base has American IP addresses and shit.

They aren't gonna show their hand if they know it's not a threat.

say something on japanese or show picture of yourself.

do we have ourselves a new fag right here? there are proxies, and you can select your geographic location, moron

This, post ur dick

They probably don't want to waste anti ballistic missiles if they're almost certain its just a test.

Part of it is not wanting to waste money, the other part is they probably don't want China/Russia analyzing the data of a real intercept and using it to overhaul their ICBMs.

As it turns out, intercepting a mach 5 projectile with another projectile or beam of light with proper coverage is damn hard.


You can track a ballistic missile and know exactly where its heading and what its range is within a minute or so after takeoff. You aren't going to waste a multi-million dollar interceptor on a missile heading no where.

you're an idiot.

You must be an idiot. Only embassy's have U.S. IP addresses.

so youre in the air force and you prayed the missiles dont hit you?
god help america

Sapporo fag here.
I'm pretty sure by the time they detected it, it was already too late. You need to get to a missile really damn fast to have any effectiveness.

this makes a lot more sense than
thanks rockets science bro

>American bases abroad have American IPs
Fucking lol no. Even if that were the case, if you were actually in "north Japan" you would have said Hokkaido you retard.




checks out

They couldn't see it.

>Missile defense systems are a meme. They work less than 50% of the time
It's more like they either flat out don't work or work very well.
Like, Russia can annihilate the entire California right now but nuking the Europe is actually much harder.

why are there always armybros posting with the nip flag

>Le newfag XD Teehee
Jesus christ I can't wait for summer to be over

Then show us something related to Misawa burger

it is over man, theyre not leaving.

They wont try and shoot one down because its a mulitibillion dollar defense contract failure.
It they tried to engage one and it misses then its proven to be shit. If they dont shoot then nobody knows for sure.

Government has said for years they'll only shoot if it's a threat.


I would agree with this. Like we could shoot one down aimed for the states, because japanese bases would pick it up and we'd have multiple shots. NK missles go on a predictable trajectory we can (you guessed it) predict and intercept. More advanced short range tomahawk cruisers are basically immune.

Sorry jap bro, any ladies you know need "refugeeing"?


Pull the trigger kim! Fucking shoot it already. Bomb us so you're shitty fucking excuse for a country can be annihilated by all actual super powers.

Mostly its a future bargaining chip for China. If you guys do x y and z we will remove scary THADD system.

They certainly aren't perfect yet but it's way better than nothing. They have to be monitoring these launches and and have intel on whether they are armed or not, no?

Everyone knows they are not armed. That would be suicide

I work on a THAAD battery in worst Korea. Ask me anything but the obvious.

They work pretty fucking awesome actually in the rogue state scenario or an individual missile. A massive strike with multiple/dummy re-entry vehicles? That's a little more challenging.

Best Korea would seriously have to consider it's likely success rate against targets and defenses. Once thing they can be certain of, is that Pyongyang will be a sheet of glass 8-10 minutes after they launch. Would seem like a pretty easy cost analysis, but it assumes rational participation.

>american AEGIS all out of action because (merchant) ship

Since the middle of the 20th century the US DoD has been tackling the nuclear threat with a holistic approach. The goal is to eliminate all possibilities of receiving a nuclear weapon.

Some wild technologies exist that do some insane things. The upper end of top secret is essentially a gigantic passive net that combines hydrophone arrays, geomagnetic and magnetic anomaly detectors, gravity detectors, seismic activity, high resolution satellite imagery, Radar, infrared and other EM wave detection in a massive metadata processing system that gives the US DoD extreme information resolution around the entire world. This includes a mind-boggling level of detection of submarines and submarines.

The second major wild technology is essentially transcontinental artillery. The artillery shell is a smart shell that maintains accuracy in realtime communication via satellite. This secret weapon is virtually invisible, impossible to stop, and loaded with high penetration for bunker-busting success and disabling ICBMs in their silos.

However the technology that's been the most tied up in difficulties and delays are any missile-intercept technologies. It is without a doubt the weakest aspect of the comprehensive "answer" to the nuclear threat. Hitting a missile itself is an inherently difficult task. Hitting a missile with a full suite of countermeasures is a nightmare.

I think any human would prefer to stay alive than die to a missile.

Even to people in the military it is better to be alive than not.

Just because they signed up for a dangerous job doesn't mean they should willfully accept any danger that comes their way, just accept the possibility.


Speaking as someone who has worked on the Aegis air defense weapon system (which we've provided to Japan) for 16 years, and specifically on its ballistic missile defense mods for 8 as a DoD civilian, the reality is that we can shoot down a single missile pretty reliably.

Unfortunately, no real attack would include only a single missile. At the very least they'd send dozens of dummies to overwhelm our simultaneous engagement capacity, mixing in a few live warheads (likely scenario with an enemy like DPRK).

yeah I know right
I'm in the air force too and I, along with the rest of thundercock squad, hope that every missile launched comes and hits me square on the jaw

This desu!!!

lel if shit starts flying, you go first. And anti missile systems from uncle sam wont help you. If they have nukes and artillery, you can bet they have nuclear artillery shells.

> submarines and submarines

Both submarines and submarines? That's some hardcore shit.

If the missile is not going to land inside a predetermined buffer zone around Japan, then no it won't be fired at by any missile defense system. Once the operators know a missile is going to splash outside that buffer zone, they will let radar and OPIR gather data on the missile. Intel on enemy capability is better than wasting a missile or two.

You dumbasses,

They will never ever perform missile interdiction unless total war has already started, or they have reason to believe it is a live nuclear launch.

The extent of NATO's anti-missile capability is probably the largest military secret in existence.

submarines and something else

probably submarines

Because theyre smart enough to use a nip proxy

Look fag can you block a 1Mt explosion with your ki?

I have my own japanese Internet so I get nip flag. If you get Internet on base, they usually have an American IP so you can use Netflix and shit. Some even specifically advertise American ip addresses

you're right. partly it's what Kim wants. he wants to see how/if the defenses work... but if he strikes first and you don't shoot (like today) what good are they?

You have to understand how missiles work. It's easier to intercept a missile that's coming right at you because it has a predictable trajectory and relatively low speed. The North Korean ICBM actually overshot Japan which means it was moving at much higher altitude and velocity than what your typical missile defense system is designed for. Besides Japan probably saw how high up it was and guessed their island weren't in any danger of getting hit. I wouldn't worry about the apparent lack of response from the Japanese military. The lack of response from Japanese politicians would be much more concerining however.

There's also something else.

There's this silly notion out there that Fat Kim is some sort of Renegade. He's not. He's a Chinese Tribute princeling and is under Protection from the Imperial Court in Beijing.

The PLA wants us to tip our hand. Japan, too. This is important because PLAN strategy involves lighting up Guam, Okinawa, Yokosuka, and other American and Japanese forward bases with missile batteries based in Eastern China and Manchuria.

We must not tip our hand and lose what little surprise is available to us.

Except I'm not in Hokkaido dumbshit, I'm in Misawa.

Thanks froggy, this is the answer I was looking for.

At least you can die knowing that your death will not be in vain. It will put a smile on all of our faces as the happening begins.

They didn't know where it was headed.

If they did, they wouldn't have caused nationwide panic by broadcasting nuclear alarm sirens on televion and through public speakers throughout the fucking country.