Artist/painters of pol. I need some advice and a critique of my work

I'm 22, these paintings were done from the ages 19 to 22. How can I make a career out of this? Everyone tells me to go to a grad school. They all seem shitty and I'm white male so chances of scholarships are looking low. What should I do. Inb4 kill myself





you're talented.
not a terribly big fan of the fan, sorry.
(im very conservative and mossy)

Go to grad school for the credibility if you want, but yea, you got it. Check out modern art right now. Your pieces could go for 10-20k.

im a fucking idiot

there's a board for exactly this purpose you fucking redditor

They look shit HOWEVER they also look like other art pieces that get thousands. You may have an easy ticket to owning a home if you sell in mass to cafes and stuff.

Swedebro how do you fuck up that hard

You need rest Swedebro (if you can ignore the sound of a black bull having his way with the chick next door)

its late, im fucking tired

im addicted to this jew machine

Art school is a meme. post on /ic/ and make an account on Cgpeers; you'll find all the resources you need. If you do choose to go the education route anyway go for figure drawing classes, or to a respectable atelier

Develop a really shitty personality and slowly gather an art posse around yourself and eventually sell your shitty art to rich Jews in Santa Monica.

You've got a lot of talent. Keep painting and go for grad school. What is your signature/name? I'd be interested in following your work.

Your work is dope, fampaitachibandesubaka
>but dull
Art is about the smell & sizzle
>not the quality of the steak

Fuck grad school
Be Bold in your subject choice
Shocking in your color choice

And make a buzz for yourself
>with YOUR personality

Go paint live pictures of Trump at a BLM rally.
Make a scene.

Never quit (ever)
Stack work (when it starts selling, sell it ALL...Make more)

analog art is massively important for humanity,



Best. The well-defined paintings with more color contrast are your forte. Like this one.
You've got talent. Keep at it, hope you make a living out of it

ThanksHaha fair, I was actually thinking of doing the same thing

Thanks for the info. Actually did attend an atelier for 2 years and learned figur drawing pretty well

Instagram is grantiscool12345

Haha thanks man, I appreciate it. And will do. Was thinking the same thing

Good feedback, thanks

You're technically solid, although some color composition is a bit unbalanced, but you're still 22 and artists grow and develop.
But the other half of actually having your art financially support you or having your stuff in shows is to market yourself and making connections with either other active artists, proactive patrons, or gallery owners/employees.

You don't really "need" art school. But it is a very good environment to make said connections (your professors should also be practicing artists with already established connections with a few places). A good school will also have good environment where you actually get constructive critique on your stuff from others who paint/draw, where in the outside world, you get extrames of pointless praise or crushing criticism.

That, or try and get into an art community of sorts where you can engage with other artists. You really do need another set of eyes to pull you out of your own "ego" and give you a different perspective on your work. It's like when you paint for hours up close and you forget to step back and look at how things are shaping up.

Good luck user.

You've got some technical skill but your subject matter is degenerate and color palette simply revolting.

What you really need to do is to learn to talk absolute crap about everything that isn't important. How do you sell $150k paintings? Charge $150k for them.

No one can advise properly, but never give up no matter what you end up doing.

Not 'modern' enough, out of era. Just go gas the lesser races

These are awesome.

Can you explain this one? And maybe the others.

I'm not really sure what they are about. As far as a process goes I take pics on my phone and use pics i gather from the internet and combine the two. There's probably some subconscious reason I choose the photos I do

Your paintings are OK but your sense of perspective is shitty. Maybe you'd do well in Architecture school.

Fair, most of the paintings were made for class sand had a deadline to meet. So they aren't finished, I would usually explain it as an "aesthetic"


Some perspective stuff

Go to /ic/. Don't fall for the memes or the r9k tier posters. Don't say you're from Sup Forums.
It has good resources at least.

Being a white male doesn't matter if you're working online. Most of the successful artists now nobody really knows what they look like unless they go look it all up. See Sakimichan, Mullins, James Jean etc. You can find out what they look like if you hunt, but employers dont give a shit.

You're in Baltimore? Am I right?


Regardless of your talent or skill- going into arts or threathing art as anything more than a hobby earns you a lifetime of being a poorfaggot.

Go into STEM if you're not anbrainlet, do trades, ANYTHING but arts- design school is an option too