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Who would've guessed that all it took for Trump to get fair media coverage was to purge the administration of nationalists and re-re-invade Afghanistan?

Hiding in plain sight isn't always the best idea. The purge was necessary for him to take the wheel.

That can't be real

Antifa needs to step up their game and start executing these right wing fat fucks.

Yeah even the NPR said the leftists were violent. This is new.

6d nintendo switch?

I think it was them attacking the ADL which forced news agencies to switch sides out of fear of being targeted as sympathizers to anti-semites.

>meme about right wing death squads
>the left starts their death squads first


you might be on to something

"my side is winning"
"no MY side is winning"
you guys are engaged in a pointless tug of war


(you) fucking retards are just as stupid as the rest of them

Major news outlets are reporting more and more on violent antifa attacks so this is all really good to hear.

but none of them will make the connection to what Trump said a couple weeks ago

Yep its good, it will inspire more people to fuck you right wing fuckers up. No one wants to be the only person standing up to you cretins.

This, This is the most likely reason. They can't promote and protect anti-fa due to staunch anti-Israel views.



> when your enemy stabs you, you win

So I totally missed this rally and see that the left chimped out as one would expect. Was there any right wing folk there? Were they vastly outnumbered like in Boston?

Soros vs. the rest of the Jews, I wonder who suffers as a result? Who really is Jewing who here?

Your LARPing is weak lmao

An intern that'll be fired and possibly suicided

Trump gets rid of Nationalists in administration

Trump is still Nationalist


Antifa lost their entire movement yesterday in Berkeley, so much so, that the entire left is turning against them. The most liberal newspaper in the country has turned on Antifa. The most liberal people of the Bay Area have turned on Antifa

Its the start of the end and the best part, they did it to themselves.

I counted 5 - 7 civie nationalists, including the Mexican dad and his son. The most "Naziest" person was Joey who thought showing up looking like the Puerto Rocan American History X would be smart.

Other than that, just a bunch of Normies. Even the Antifa crowd was smoll as opposed to first Battle of Berkeley.

BLM came full force though, but they were in best behavior, black music dancing etc.

soros is jewing the jews. while the Rothschild just rub their hands and enjoy the free entertainment.

Keep doing what you idiots are doing.
You'll usher in what you feared and hated most.

Hahaha, unfortunately it wont work like that when the mainstream media turns against you guys....

Not really, fashie.

>last week Trump is blasted for saying the Alt-left is partially to blame
>this week the left turns against them, too.


they're just covering tehir asses so later on they can point it out and say, "look we're objective!!!"

they will call out antifa once in ten of these events just to maintain the illusion of objectvity.

Against the newspapers
Maybe they're doing it to get you boneheads to buy their paper. If you really believe the tide is turning then why isn't there another torch rally?

When we see that then we'll all know it wasn't a fluke

>look at me, i real news now

We've always been at war with Eurasia bro.

10-1 is better than 10-0. Now we just need to get into the lab and make the gap smaller.

>be media
>people start to suspect you're biased
>make 1 (ONE) somewhat unbiased article

I bet you they'll go back to muh drumpf fumpo da natzee in no time

can you give a rough estimate on numbers for both sides

Despite the appealing headlines, never forget their transgressions.

Kek, reminds me of Fox News as Trump slowly beat Jeb and Cruz in the primaries.

that's amazing, our shitposting has antifa so riled up they're attacking the clueless boomers and radicalizing them in the process

With what airsoft rifles and hurt feelings?

Why do we always need left wing, disgusting, vile MSM to validate what we already know?

Its really pathetic

>t. CIAnigger
Right. So you can justify more attacks based on seeing the visual trigger that you have crafted as the bogeyman out in the open? You suck at your job, Johnson.

I doubt that's what happened. It's more likely that they ran pro-Antifa articles after Trump "attacked" them. The response to them altered the news outlets that their audience doesn't like Antifa either, so they changed their tune.

lmao antifa is literally going insane now, their public support has utterly collapsed practically overnight. Even the left is trying to disavow them, they are worse for optics than the KKK.

>calling left wing cuck squads "death" squads
I suppose you can get away with calling them death squads if you acknowledge the AIDS they share amongst each other

Don't kid yourself, this won't stop their inevitable fate: swinging from telephone poles.

East Asia is ally

Yeah ok but this is only because...

#1 they have to report the news for revenue click shekels

#2 antifa literally just came zooming out of nowhere and attacked a bunch of people just milling around

There is literally no way to spin it so they were forced to report the truth

You're all playing right into the Left's hands. Letting them off the hook for supporting 2 years of violence against you because of just one strategic tweet.

Or just not report it. The msm ignores a lot of stories that hurts their narrative and team. They chose to print that article, for whatever reason

The hooks are still hanging, but with more of these type of tweets, normies will understand why the hooks are there in the first place.

Quads gets it. Never forget what they've done.

By attacking the right, the left only does more damage to themselves in their public image
If the right were to retaliate, it would just drive further the narrative of violent, extremist right
its literally a case of "if you kill your enemies they win"

Checked. We can't let them shirk their responsibility for their involvement of helping cause this.
>captcha: Right turn only
Aw yisss

I think most are surprised a liberal rag like the Post would describe the right wingers as peaceful demonstrators



It indeed is.

When MSNBC is attacking Antifa you know shit is going south for those faggots.

These few words of rationality by the msm does not absolve them of their guilt. They have been intentionally subversive and malicious for years, how long exactly is debatable. Whats more, they have made insane profit from doing so. They need to be held accountable.

>I experienced hate firsthand today.
>It came from these people dressed in all black at a protest in Berkeley. Ironically they were all chanting about no hate.
>Some had shields and gloves. Some had helmets. Some had gas masks.

So Antifa will end up being pushed to our side against BLM. How do we use these brownshirts before getting them locked up?

MSM was told to disavow Antifa since they couldn't keep the commies under control.


It's fucking nothing.

Attention Sec-Crime Detectives!

thats not how government works, nothing trump says means shit if it doesnt get carried out by his team

i'm impressed with your thinking here, but I think you might be outplaying yourself. i don't really think anyone is thinking that many steps ahead

I think it was more the fact that CNN and MSNBC interviewed antifa and they literally got on national TV to say that they support the use of violence against people that disagree with them

They started attacking press, that's the only reason this is happening.

who cares? DC isn't even part of the US.


They have attacked multiple news media outlets over the past couple weeks. The split one reporters head open I believe. Of course the media is getting a little angry.
Article 4 subsection 31 you goober

wapo photo (((journalist))) got attacked by black bloc larpers because everyone with a camera is a nazi so they have to write up an article being vaguely indignant about the affair. they'll be back to mein drumpf shit in no time

I view it more as a realization by the Left that Antifa is doing more harm than good for the anti-white cause now.

Still doesn't change pic related.

Exactly. They've still got the childish "Democracy dies in darkness" underneath the paper's name on every page.

heh heh too busy getting beat by NSM, LOS, IE,ID, TradYouth, KKK, girl scouts, AARP.


It's weird how the media suddenly turned on you faggots. Oh well, get used to it. Still gonna be hilarious when someone caves in your head.








But they've attacked members of the press for years with no repercussions. The pushback now is backpedaling because some leftists are starting to realize how much normies hate them.

The fuck is going on?

>But antifa protesters — armed with sticks and shields and clad in shin pads and gloves — largely routed the security checks and by 1:30 p.m. police reportedly left the security line at the Center Street and Milvaia Street entrance to the park. Berkeley Police Chief Andrew Greenwood told the AP the decision was strategic — a confrontation was sure to spark more violence between the protesters and police.

>“No need for a confrontation over a grass patch,” Greenwood said.

Holy fuck, what a pansy.

Jesus, what a fucking faggot.

Just the first part

top kek

>re-re-invade Afghanistan
Think of it as an attempt to avoid creating power vacuum like the last two idiots caused in Iraq.

If you go to war with a country, you don't just abandon the scene 10 years later. Even reconstruction after the civil war took decades.



If we were nazis, you liberals would've been exterminated a long time ago.
Be careful what you wish for, virgin anarchists.

The ((((WAPO)))) and (((((NPR))))) are just trying to discourage this, as they know left-wing violence will ruin the anti-right momentum gained after Charlottesville.

This right here. In the end their own vanity exceeds their ideological zeal.

And this is precisely why the police department and the PUBLIC university of Berkeley is about to be sued to oblivion for condoning or at the very least standing by and allowing the violence to happen. I wouldn't be surprised if the mayor resigns in the very near future because he's the one who has said antifa are the "good guys" and told the police to stand down. Real justice is on the way and it's going to be dressed like the National Guard and a team of Civil Rights attorneys.

The Pravda outlets are turning on ANTIFA, per order of Soros.

They have to remain SOMEWHAT un-biased, or appear that way.


It's over

Pretty fucking stunned. I've never seen the left call out their own quite like this before. By no means does this mean the fight for free speech is over though.