What's his endgame?

What's his endgame?

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Death penalty for wrongthink

Attract more fat jewesses for his harem.

No niggers so he can go back to being a shitlib in peace
Iron march has always been right

white utopia


Saving the white race.

This. I'm pretty sure he wants to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. He's doing one hell of a job with it too. Kicking off the closest thing the Alt Right has to a media empire, and creating the most influential right wing podcast in existence.

should work on a tv network next??

thats online of course join forces with redice


this thread is so fucking edgy.

I hope you neo-nazi middle schoolers realize that you're movement is completely sterile, and everybody hates your fucking guts

marry a typical white-worshipping asian woman whose eggs aren't dried up, unlike his estranged wife who is something like 10 years older than him.


yeah him and his 0 kids and grandma jew wife.

He needs to marry someone that isnt a future ashtray before ill trust him with more than a relatovely entertaining podcast

That said i doubt hes controlled opposition


These guys just need a little more understanding and lot less islamophobia on our part.

Yeah dude, your bunch is so much more educated than everyone else. We just can't compete.

Pic related.

>0 kids


I'm not sure. Laura Loomer told me he's Jewish.


found this article of him today its kinda funny worth a read

What was 'Homeland' season 4 like? I stopped watching after season 3.

What really appalled me was how the series embraces this ends-justifies-the-means morality that Jews support. It was originally an Israeli production. I found myself actually siding with Senator Lockhart throughout these season.

I think his end game is, if he starts lifting with a tad bit of juice, he'll look like
Ken Shamrock.

Total ayran victory cunt.

He has a good radio voice, it kind of reminds me of Artie Lang.

he wants to be the first jewish gorilla

Best case: Ben Freedman

Worst case: Frank Collin

He divorced her.

(According to the guys who knew all along and said nothing until publicly shamed, and provide no proof of this whatsoever.)

he needs to get a real job again, spend some time around normies

Future president t.b.h.

Ha ha ha ha, ISIS think they are fucking scary when the mob and cartel have been doing this fore years.

I've been in most echelons and cliques of TRS.
He seems like a guy that just enjoyed trolling liberals and eventually got narcisstic and a high off being a celebrity.
The tolerance for the faggots made me leave. They said they hated queers but let Greg Johnson stick around. Grindr Greg has a lot of people's dox information and uses it to keep his position as the AltRight's faggot


That makes sense why Greg Johnson was asking for everyone's resumes. Of course he claimed he was sending them to someone at the Trump admin, but we all know that's horseshit.

I stopped listening after Charlottesville. I listened to their post-game analysis and I realized that in order to be a good political activist I would have to be a bad person. I don't mean in the sense of racism or anti-semitism, which is really just common sense, but in the sense of being Machiavellian. That and I don't think the far right in the US can be viable in the near future.

He wants some more good kike pussy. Got to love those Jewesses their big joob titties.

Literally who

TRS is a personality cult. I cringe-read the forums hoping most of the posters are secretly antifa/adl/splc/blm and not honest to goodness red-pilled white people because they are fucking embarrassing.

Is he Jewish?

>asking for resumes
that has FED written all over it.

Possibly. I think a lot more people have inflated egos or are just unbalanced, but some certainly are feds. I think the accusations of FED or controlled op are cast about too liberally, though for Greg it certainly could be the case.

Yeah they got high on their own shit and entered a purity spiral where anyone telling them to stop acting retarded would be lambasted as a shill.

Enoch going out with David Duke and Richard Spencer shows how fucking retarded he is, as he only helped to make himself get labeled as a white power neo-Nazi by the media so he and his politics won't ever be able to gain any sort of legitimacy.

Well if you cant be a good soldier then least you can do is be a good civilian. Keep your life in order, find a good wife, go to Church, and have many children. There are networks forming that are more passivist rather than activist that you could always join.
Yes Grindr Greg stole people's dox to bully people. I've talked to the guys on the last jimpact and they confirmed the homos were in the movement. I don't agree with the antighoul stuff because that stuff can't be proven but the Brendan Kissam/Grindr Greg fact they exist and were tolerated is disgusting.
I say this that TRS has its downs and ups but I wouldn't touch it at this point desu. I just can't be involved with it

He has a show called "The Daily Shoah" so I don't think he was ever in danger of mainstream acceptance.

It must be pure autism or narcissism or something

These guys are so fucking retarded, I can't imagine how retarded you have to be to actually look up to them

>I say this that TRS has its downs and ups but I wouldn't touch it at this point desu.
This. I'm not going to spend all my time going full infinite-chan, but I don't think they're going anywhere either.

I could totally see Grindr Greg informing on the anti faggot crowd.

To get you to buy his book. Don' do it!

He has his problems and is probably behind shit. I was generally stating that people on the chans are too quick to say that someone is a fed or controlled op. Fringe movements attract fringe people.

Yeah normally controlled ops/feds are much more put together people, they're not the real crazies

Richard Spencer comes to mind

Serves those guys right for being Islamophobic.

This dude was pretty "out there"

Sucking Spencer's globalist dick and LARPing as a nazi.

Tons of people listened to the show because they found it funny, treating it as a joke and then being more serious when the time required it would have helped him immensely. Instead he goes to a rally with an ex-Klan leader.

I think Spencer's mistake was building a relationship of outcasts instead of making inroads into the establishment. Extremist politics need an element of good cop bad cop to out maneuver the normies. The Alt-Right is a good cop without a bad cop. I think this is because Spencer wanted to be the big fish in a small pond. Compared to the TRS crew et al Spencer is certainly the most mainstream.

Hal Turner is a great example of a toxic leader. Prison record and openly genocidal rhetoric are both huge red flags. "Six Million More" is retarded for more political reasons, not just because it reinforced the Holocaust myth.

Right wing mass movements work either like the NRA or anti-ERA movements. TRS was racist long before they met with David Duke. David Duke is honestly better than Mike Enoch so I'm going to have to disagree with you there.

>I think Spencer's mistake was building a relationship of outcasts instead of making inroads into the establishment.
I can't see how he was going anywhere though, on his own he's actually pretty unimpressive and boring. He was at his best when it seemed like Enoch was coaching him on how to be more aggressive and "Chad-like"(Texas A&M). Richard is a hopeless nerd trapped in a Jock's body and isn't really appealing to most people as leader for that reason.

to grab my shekels but he is not getting any

confidential informants are usually convicted criminals or people whom LE have evidence against which they use to blackmail people into being confidential informants in exchange for ignoring said evidence of unlawful activity. i would hardly call them put together people. i knew a guy who was a ci for the local pd. a real shit who talked way too much about it.

Spencer is actually intelligent (listen to his discussions with Bowden), but he doesn't have the mind for leadership. He plays as a political activist, but is really more of a quasi-philosophical shitposter. His autism on issues like the EU and his willingness to say unpopular shit held him back. His "Between Two Lampshades" podcast where Enoch moderated a discussion between Spencer and Anglin I think was the beginning of the end. Spencer thought he could angle as the good cop to the DS/TRS crowd's bad cop, but they are indistinguishable to the American mainstream so he just made a large group of rejects.

My assessment is that Enoch is incredibly clever and great at coming up with arguments. He is so disciplined in his arguments that he puts out a vibe that he is amoral, which I have come to believe from listening to him.


That was Greg Johnson that Bowden was talking to you retard.

Missing the point, this is a metapolitical movement, the NRA isn't our model because we shouldn't be aiming for legislative change, the focus is spreading our ideas, a better model would be a less autistic GRECE

>estranged wife
Limited hangout.
Convenient how all these (((white Nationalists))) with Jew wives have status:separated the moment it comes to light, as if the woman didn't know exactly what these public facing guys were doing.
You've got to try harder than that.
>inb4 moarfetus

They sound very similar, but Johnson has a higher pitched voice and less articulate points.

Metapolitics are ultimately about politics in the long run. Spreading ideas is great, but most people are stupid so it's more important to get power. Normies are only liberals because powerful people are, they are loyal to power and justify it afterward.

I realise that, and cultivating political connections are important in the long run, but politics aren't our strength, does anyone thing Augustus Invictus is going to win his 2018 senate run? Or even come close? Ideas our our strength because we have truths that the establishment doesn't acknowledge and the truth is a powerful weapon, it's why this movement has such undue influence and attention relative to its size

I can see why he tries to wear sunglasses as much as possible.

I think he's smart, but not as smart as he thinks he is. I mean, credit where credit is due, he's out there when he really didn't need to do all this shit, but he's not the man for the job.
>He plays as a political activist, but is really more of a quasi-philosophical shitposter.
Very Accurate.
>His autism on issues like the EU and his willingness to say unpopular shit held him back.
It's also having a shitty filter and literally not knowing his audience. He needs a handler honestly. He really doesn't get this movement and is weirdly detached from it, I hoped that the TRS crowd would loosen him up and get him to engage with this movement better, didn't really happen.
>the American mainstream
They were always going to just use him as this generation's David Duke(a scary boogie man without listening to anything he says), I don't think he could have really avoided this.
>he puts out a vibe that he is amoral, which I have come to believe from listening to him.
You think so? I hope it's not true. I guess I can see it, he's obviously very egotistical, what else has that guy ever gotten lauded for in his life? Probably nothing.
You don't deserve those Hitlerdoubles, pic-related.

The left wins because it is organized better, not because it has better ideas. Leftism is intellectually and morally bankrupt, it will eventually collapse under its own weight. That being said the collapse isn't happening soon enough. Stupidity has consequences that were predictable and now are becoming evident.

Truth is important, but politics are about persuasion. This isn't Scott Adams-tier chess nonsense, but the idea that you need to be able to convince people of what you're saying. The left is full of shit, but has managed to convince people what they say is true.

I hope it isn't true either.

mike a good boy didn't do nuffin

When I said idea I was talking about the dialectic and the rhetoric, Enoch is a fantastic rhetorician and even people that hate him unknowingly use his rhetoric because it spreads throughout our circles

He's a hanger on who wants shekels from Spencer's inheritance, that's it.

He makes excellent arguments that is for sure. People have issues with his character, family and likely ancestry, plus TRS office politics.

I think there's been a lot less infighting going on compared to a year ago, that's the main reason I support people doing these rallies. It's good for everyone to get out of their bubble and remember that there's an actual enemy out there and ideological disputes are all petty bullshit in comparison. If Cville had been a success we would've been even more united but now everyone wants to give their 2 cents over how it could've been done better, thankfully most of it's about Nazi imagery and only the fringe of the fringe are actually for doing that sort of shit IRL

I think Cville was avoidable, but I don't really think that was the problem. The bigger problem is that the only way the Alt-Right can have any positive effect on the mainstream is by getting the Left to lash out at normies. HRC's "basket of deplorables" is the best example of this.

So I don't condemn anyone who took part in the rally or thought it would be a success. I hope everyone learns from it, especially that the government will break the law to fuck us over. The thing it revealed is that there isn't any mainstream figure who is publicly supportive of the movement and until that nut can be cracked I don't think the movement is viable.

His dna test no jew.

i like TRS but this shit is going nowhere

the movement is 90% societal-losers and the goals are all way too extreme to ever be implemented and grow less possible with every birth or immigration

enoch and the death panel will tell you til the cows come home about how the movement is growing, but the only thing growing is their gay website. no one does shit and nothing will happen

thats the real black pill. but at least i found like minded people to help me ease quietly into this gay hellscape


The image isn't really necessary, but that's his voice.


That's on smug moussolini

The paywall is a bit of a pain in the arse.

I think you're ultimately right though, at the end of the day we're all just staring into the ever increasing abyss waiting, and truthfully hoping, for society to completely collapse. There's no worthwhile counter movement that's going to save the day and they're probably will never be.

The Daily Shoah is basically therapy sessions for racists.

He puts too much into his arguments for me to suspect is controlled op. You can tell he thinks about this stuff regularly. He's very articulate about race talking points. That said, the jew wife thing didn't do him any favors. Though I know he married her years before he got into reactionary stuff, and was probably too pussy to reconsider after it had happened.

totally not in any way proposing a false dichotomy

If I told you I was Jewish and then showed you a 23andme that said I wasn't which would you care about more?

What the fuck cunt
I was going say pretty much the exact same thing

State sponsored aliyah and beginning anew on an agricultural kibbutz.

I don't think victory is impossible, but we haven't figured out how to win yet.

this isnt necessarily a reply to you, but ill include you anyways. what is the "end goal" of the "alt-right"? a thing bugging me right now is how TRS tries to be this vanguard movement while also having a fallback of "just a comedy podcast". like what are we talking about here, cause i know theres tons of youngings hanging on to their every word. im a bit too old for that, but i do admit ive been "taken in" and following for a few years.

if they just wanna be the funny racist podcast, thats fine, but its kinda fucked up to pretend this is some movement leading somewhere. like what are we talking about? the killing or physical removal of over 100 million people? how the fuck does that work?

really a more realistic (and obv shill/cuck/jew) movement would just be to basically do some sort of White Nepotism drinking club. helping fellow minded people out. hiring each other. building community etc.

i dunno just black pilled as fuck recently

I think it's more likely that was a slip of the tongue and he was talking about being married to a mischling. His DNA results prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he isn't Jewish unless you think he's also a Fed in league with 23andme and they faked his results

I have a sound webm that has a highlight reel of him claiming to be a mischling. More likely that he just was wrong about that, sort of like how most Americans don't actually have a Cherokee great grandfather.


Yes. Spencer shoukd stay on the internet where he belongs. He should not be anywhere in real life where people can expose him for being an autist and make everyone look bad.

>the killing or physical removal of over 100 million people? how the fuck does that work?

Well Mike has said that ultimately what we're talking about here is people moving .. they moved in and they can move out again.

The actual act of removing them could be done in every white country in under a month but the average goy either isn't interested in that or will oppose it vehemently.

We don't have the same passion on our side, whether the right wing in general or even ethnonationalists.

The left get out there on the streets daily and make their voice heard. I mean just look at the venom they spit at Drumpf daily. We just don't have that fire in us, unfortunately. And normies are just becoming more and more left wing as we sit here lamenting it all.

Yeah that's the issue I have been dealing with as well. The alt right end goal hasn't been clearly defined yet. As the movement grows it's message will become even more fuzzy. I hate to be someone who shills for SIEGE but essentially it will have to come down to that. Total Aryan Victory, True National Socialism and Pax Aryana are what the goal should be. Unfortunately the normie whites who are starting to wake up are still to comfortable and not ready to actually fight. This is the issue. I mean look at how terrible things are in South Africa for whites. Murders, rapes, their land being stolen from them etc are the norm and yet they still won't fight. Rekindling the true warrior spirit of the white man is what is necessary, but who knows what it will take to make it happen

He married a Jewess who is about 10 years older than him.

>Well Mike has said that ultimately what we're talking about here is people moving .. they moved in and they can move out again.
theres a pretty big leap from today, right now, here in time, to this.
not attacking u, im sure ur just spitballing. but i dunno maybe im disillusioned. i still believe all the same things I just went from thinking like "fuck ya white America (or NA)" to like "ok thatd be nice but its not fucking happening"

seems pretty obvious to me that everyone is just sort of waiting around for some catalyst to spark everythign that somehow ends up in white utopia.

i understand that theres an implicit threat of violence in most "solutions" so most don't want to talk about it, but then its just bunch of faggots kicking up dirt and saying "just wait".

like i said i still believe this shit, im just begininng to feel hopeless.

like what, our funny racist podcast somehow converts normies over night? or we're just all "accelerationists" waiting around for things to get so intolerable that whites not currently with us will be forced to join?

thats the master plan?

>we shouldn't be aiming for legislative change
you're joking, right....right?

He's controlled opposition. He's with (((them))).

this whole post is a distilled synopsis of what im raging about. not to shit on you. i believe what you believe ultimately. but i guess this is my problem? im about 3 years in and i think i was hoping for a little bit more than what we have. like we cant even get an "alt-right" guy for city councillor in podunk whogivesafuck? just basically nothing?

the memes and camaraderie are great, but this shit is just not going anywhere absent some fucking catastrophic disaster scenario where all PoC unite as one overnight and begin chasing down whites causing cucked whites to become our allies or something. FUCK i dunno dude just blackpilled to shit. maybe just need a break