Normies are watching and reposting Jared Taylor's Race and IQ video because it was banned

Normies are watching and reposting Jared Taylor's Race and IQ video because it was banned.

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If true, that is fucking brilliant

(((They))) forgot the appeal of forbidden fruit.



There are a lot of people commenting on the video saying that they never would have watched it if it hasn't been censored. So funny seeing all the morons in the comments that get instantly triggered by facts.

-2 / +1 / +0

+1 / +7 / +14

Closest to the Japanese are Chinese

Streisand effect in full swing

Yep. Streisand Effect. Styx talked about this.

Is YouTube/Google deliberately destroying their public image to engender enough public support for it to become a government run utility? The Google higher ups are all in bed with deep state US government (sharing airfields etc), and before all this controversy Google deliberately created there would have been strong opposition to the government having control over basically ALL information on the internet, and ALL information on the internet's users. A decade ago that would have been unthinkable, but now that Google is shitting the bed a lot of people are now openly supporting the government seizing it. This is far too suspicious, the government wants control over Facebook and Google, and Google is doing everything it can to promulgate support for that idea.

they should ban Greatest Story Never Told

No, they're just that dumb. They're reaching the point where the conflict between free speech and advertiser friendliness becomes visible even to normies, which is a fundamental paradox of the ad supported web. This is why things like Sup Forums Pass, Patreon, Molymeme's 1 US Dollar, or Infowars first party merch will eventually supplant the parts of advertisement driven web that can't be replaced with open source, decentralized infrastructure.

tell you hwat bobbeh, no idea why jewtube would censor this but leave videos of an 8 year old drag queen vogueing, drag queens interacting with elementary school children, and a barely clothed 8 year old boy twerking at a gay pride parade.

all of these are OK, but hurt fee fees over race are not OK (but only when they involve whites > other races, not other way around).

Holy shit how did I never realize the resemblance between Taylor's voice and Hank Hill's?

This video too. 2dadsTV released a bluepill version though, and it is more offensive, kek

>No, they're just that dumb
What makes you assume that, this wasn't an issue a year ago, and suddenly it is. Nothing has actually changed except the MSM started to go after YouTube's advertisers and Google started to make retarded decisions for no good reason, all this 'controversial' media has been on there since the beginning, only now are they shitting the bed over it.

The result of all this controversy though is that it's creating public support for government take-over of the biggest corporation on the internet, an idea that would be have been completely unthinkable a few years ago, and is horrifically dangerous long term to freedom on the net.

infowars products are GHC rebrands

>nothing changed except the advertisers
That's my point. This conflict was ALWAYS going to happen sooner or later due to the irreconcilable differences between users' desires (free speech) and advertisers' desires (sanitized platforms that don't have little girl toy ads on fashwave or gore videos). It's just that the butthurt libtards made their push now, and Google's own idiot lefties made it worse by letting the ADL and SPLC do the content policing. Yeah there's Soros involvement and some political shadiness, but those are basically just implementation details. Sooner or later enough normies will realize that NO advertising supported platform on the Internet can be trusted, and there goes the web 2.0 crash.


Because one sounds like Boston brahmin and the other a redneck

EXACTLY what I predicted would happen

Because YouTube makes a video "off-limits" naturally people are going to want to see what the fuss is about, and see what is so "dangerous" that their not allowed to watch it.

Is there a list of banned videos that they're reuploading or something? I don't get it

I don't get the point of this video

What you're saying is entirely believable. But the fact that Bannon and plenty of people on here are now supporting the idea of the government taking over Google scares the shit out of me, and it's all the direct result of this manufactured controversy. Just imagine Bernie Sanders winning the next election and his government bureaucracy having control over Google and YouTube, it would destroy the internet as we know it.

Streisand effect in action. These idiotic lefties don't know what they're doing.

^^^ That is the original, which got taken down off of youtube as well very recently. Watching the original first and now that its being censored and then seeing the other one would be how its been viewed by most people, and thought to have been pretty funny that its basically more offensive to left than the first one

Streisand Effect.


That's not funny haha, but funny in the Columbo way.

Smart and slightly creepy.

>The whole world is getting to know jared taylor, the real leader of the alt right

My penis is engorged with blood.

Jesus How have these retards at youtube never heard of the streisand effect ? Or even aware of the basic concept behind it ? i

The internet as you know it is a dead web walking. The feds stepping in to regulate specific companies will drive everyone who cares about free speech away from those websites, accelerating the transition to decentralized tech. The transition period might be rough and some of the tech isn't quite ready yet, but it'll all turn out for the best. There's an old networking maxim - the Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.

Holy fucking shit this is hilarious

This got banned? Did it have a lot of views?


>Just imagine Bernie Sanders winning the next election and his government bureaucracy having control over Google and YouTube, it would destroy the internet as we know it.
Honestly the should just break up google like they used to do with monopolies in this country

Why does he aspirate wh-words? Sounds like he's out of breath.

He actually annoys the living fuck out of me

But It makes me laugh knowing normies might be watching this, he is definitely well-articulated

He grew up in Japan

A couple hundred thousand across a few different places like facebook and on youtube. All in less than a week, it wasn't up for more than a few days

The new version i posted above was posted maybe like 12 hours ago and has some 13,000 views right now.

I heard that Google was taking over censorship for youtube completely now and we all know how their employees act and think after the Alt-Right Memo a few weeks ago and James Damore being fired over it. So we know they have an agenda on what they want to scrub from the web

I'd advise you to all to get familiar with youtube-dl and begin using it to archive your favorite channels.

Yeah we're gonna have to move over to bitchute

I already made an account there

hooktube is also good for archiving. Basically replace the you with hook in the URL and it archives a copy of the video. You can also save it from there in webm or mp4 format.

>Closest to the Japanese are Chinese
Yeah but China's full of sociopaths and altered government statistics.

Jared "Jews Look White To Me" Taylor is the leader of the alt right? FUCKING BASED.

How can liberals defend this censorship?

Literally ammounts to people attacking you for stating facts they dont like

Modern liberalism is really indefenseable at this point.


the jew desires to be put into an oven above all else. it will go to the greatest lengths to one up their grandparent's stories of woe. Mix this jealousy with genuine self-destructive tendencies and soulless immorality, you have the perfect recipe for another shoah.

Its sarcastic

Wow this video is pretty fucking brutal though. I mean I get that what he's saying is more or less true but he doesn't even try to couch it in any sort of sensitivity, he's just straight up shitposting "niggas be dumb, and they ugly too" kek

jared taylor got that yellow fever!

Pretty funny if true hes easily the most easy to swallow of the white nationalists for normies.