Hey Sup Forums, leftists, soymales, feminists, etc. all LOVE rick and morty...

hey Sup Forums, leftists, soymales, feminists, etc. all LOVE rick and morty. how do we turn pickle rick into a racist hate symbol?

self bump. i think it would be great to turn pickle rick into the next pepe because i'm sick of normies talking about it.

>leftists, soymales, feminists...
where are these people you mention?

all over normiebook and twitter

ohhh I thought you were addressing people on Sup Forums as the above mentioned

also on normiebook this jew I know keeps posting karl marx and commie memes but I don't want to start a fight, what do?

Nice ad

It's already big on /bant/, we could just point that out and then connect /bant/ to Sup Forums.

don't be a pussy and call him out


not a bad idea. i feel like we should just start getting people to spam the shit out of pickle rick like they did with pepe.

Maybe start putting Pepe's face on a pickle and call it pickle Pepe?

Carefully explain logical phallacies in their memes.

How come leftists love it?

Uncaring, brutal, harsh realities. Just like in the tv show. He doesn't care about your feelings. He cares about facts.


The best part is that I didn't have to change a single word of that headline.

because they use the nihilistic themes to validate their shitty lives. also tfw to intelligent.

start a fight

Suck my flaps, you piece of shit.

You know the pickle rick scene when he is dressed into his 'rat suit'
>Inb4 autist
Can someone put him in a kkk dress.

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.

Despite what they claim many of Sup Forums are the worst kind of sheep, the contrarian, someone who has deluded themselves to the point where they think contrary behavior somehow marks them out as being intelligent and possessing a high IQ.

Also, I honestly don't know why the mods even bother pinning the list of logical fallacies on the catalog, the 90% of this website probably use them to their advantage, again they see themselves as the victors when anyone with an IQ that's not in the double digits will see that they're only using these fallacies because their arguments are so poor.

To anyone who can think for themselves and does dislike R&M fair enough, the majority of those you hate "redditors" etc who rave about the show probably have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old, but they misinterpret the philosophical nature the show is trying to convey.

The reason some people on this site hate this show is purely because they hired female writers.

You guys just like being edgy contrarians. Now you hate Trump and R&M for no reason. Pol was good when you guys were still pedes, now nazis are taking over.
You ignore that R&M is actually pretty GOAT. I don't just mean that R&M is the greatest television show of all time, it's also the greatest thing to air on television, period. It is the greatest work of comedy, no, fiction ever produced.

Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon make Plato and Aristotle look like Trump and Pence with their philisophical storytelling. I'm convinced they are both geniuses. Their decision to hire female writers further shows their ingenuity, and their egalitarian hiring practices have clearly paid off, as shown by the masterpieces that are s3e2 and s3e3.

This show is extremely funny, and most of the humor is very intelligent. You need an iq of 120 to fully appreciate this show, and if you don't, you are obviously just too stupid to understand the high-brow, subtle, philisophical work of genius that is Rick and Morty.

Lol you're late on that meme

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty and we all know the racist hate mongers that linger on this board are not the sharpest as you can see on social media. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Well I mean, they literally named the jew a couple episodes ago so

you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance.

The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

This is gay as fuck


is this a copypasta?

No the only thing g*y as fuck is your hate and prejudice.

Its bait

>Genius scientist who can do or create anything
>Chooses to spend half his time getting drunk, playing stupid games and fucking with people.
>Is pro-women, anti-nazi.
Rick is how leftists imagine themselves to be.

>Ricky and Morty fan
>is a newfag who wasn't around for picklegate
Imagine my shock

I'm iterating my point. It's about the only way you can blast through the thick fricking skulls of the dimwit haters that populate this board. It's hard trying to post here but I keep at it like a dying man chasing the next mirage because sometimes... just sometimes I find what I see and I am able to have a breathtaking conversation with someone who is my equal in ability though not necessarily in thought. I've had conversation with men from japan on the true benefits of automation in the face of a world full of cheap labor, I have argued with a turkish atheist about the value of spiritual life for a given society. This is an amazing board at times tho now that the Alt-Right has come here like flies attracted to shit it's hard for me to stay but stay I do. I stay to quench that thirst and connect with another even if for but a brief instance in time.

For once I wish a post was bait



Rick represents the flaws of all. For we all might excel to heights hardly fathomed by others, in our respected roles, yet we are pinned to the grey earth by our base flaws. It's our duality that people see in R&M and it's why people love the show, it's why people are drawn to it and it's why people here on pol hate it so much. They are so blinded by prejudice that they cannot even think of themselves as anything other than some sort of mythical golden lion, they lie to themselves about their truth and their superiority day after day and eventually when the see the true condition of the human they strike forth with impotent rage and hate.

>To anyone who can think for themselves and does dislike R&M fair enough, the majority of those you hate "redditors" etc who rave about the show probably have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old, but they misinterpret the philosophical nature the show is trying to convey.
What is the philosophical nature that the show is trying to convey?

fuck off nerd

R&M Season 3 is Simpsons season 9

It doesn't have any, and goes out of its way to wallow in its trivial meaninglessness, and pretentious retards take this as having some sort of deeper meaning

He's kind of already a hate symbol.

Yeah nupol must die.

It's a personally philosophy of self and other represented in the characters themselves, their actions and their growth. I am not going to ABCDEFG it for you, rather an I am going to implore you to sit down and watch with thought and attention find the message it has to tell YOU.

Go suck some Dickard Spencer c*ck racist.

The only thing left that's funny is Justin Roiland's alcoholism.

start a fight

Spends 10 minutes typing up a manifesto about why he's the smartest anonymous poster because he understands a cartoon

All rick and morty seasons are nu simpsons though, it doesn't have actual character development or worldbuilding and whatever is built gets instantly negated for the sake of gags later down the road.

>watching tv
>watching rick and morty

People on Sup Forums, for the most part, just don't believe in the leftist axiom of racial equality. We know there are differences between the races, on average, hence, on average, blacks will always do worse than other races in any society. What Sup Forums objects to, for the most part, is the left attacking whites, and blaming white racism for the failure of blacks, when it has nothing to do with us.

There's a lot of assumptions you have about Sup Forums. They may be a little immature to hate Rick and Morty purely because leftists like it, but we are becoming trained to feel this way. For the most part, anything leftists like, is anti-white and anti-male.

That's definitely gay as fuck.

just find that clip of the guy who voices rick and morty talking about how the jews did 9/11 on that random podcast and clip it and spread it on twitter
the show's producer is there laughing uncomfortably as well

Just because there are differences doesn't mean we should treat people differently. That is bonafide racism and it's a negative emotion and will erode the capability of your mind over time.

>you have to have a very high IQ
>high IQ
>doesn't space out sentences

Well you're free to go... So long fair well etc

>Nazbol talking shit about "leftists"

God you people are stupid.

even Einstein wasn't the worlds greatest writer, your detectable nonsense bothers me not because i am encrusted with a shield of righteousness the likes of which your hate addled mind cannot fathom.

>Just because there are differences doesn't mean we should treat people differently.
Wrong, to secure a successful future for our children, we have a DUTY to make sure they are not eaten by the shitskin hordes who would tear civilization down just to say they were the ones in charge of doing it. Niggers are literally incapable of sustaining societies of their own or as a part of ours, and thus we must expel them.

Pickle rick is a sexist racist bigot! His shape is inherently phallic, and that means he wants to rape. And we all know that only white men rape!!! DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY!!!

But you still do it, and it's so obviously hypocritical it baffles people like me, which is why I just assume your a nutcase. The altleft can't walk their talk, so why should anybody take them seriously?

Im pickle rick! I represent the alt right is most new episodes! This week on "rick and morty do x franchise"!

Rick is Hitler who attempted to clone himself after he was transplanted into a new body to escape the allies, but got Abradolf Linkler instead. He has no problem using racist names for aliens and cruel experiments similar to what was performed on the Jews, And has transplanted himself into a pickle to survive longer.

Ask him how the Jewish tradition of philosophic criticism and iconoclasm intersects with communism's desire to destroy traditional European society. Tell him you've been reading Spinoza if he asks why you ask him that. Try to steer the conversation towards why so many Jews are communists.

>Just because there are differences doesn't mean we should treat people differently.
Racial and gender quotas is treating people differently. Taking placements and scholarships away from whites and Asians, is treating people differently.

Completely ignoring the 99/100 black-on-white murders and blasting everywhere the 1/100 white-on-black murders, to continue the narrative, IS treating people differently.

As long as the left believes that differences in racial statistics are due to white "racism," and continues to employ ACTUAL racism to "level the playing field," people like Trump will continue to get voted in.

stop replying to reddit threads and reddit posters desu

>even Einstein
LOL, nice troll moshi

bump pickle rick for new hate symbol

>how do we force a meme?
you don't. Leave it to the professionals

>yfw satire soars over your head

Stop goose stepping and think about what you are saying. You're preaching hate, divisiveness, prejudice and societal cancer. We are all one humanity (R&M Refrence: Just like a morty is always a morty and a rick is always a Rick) and focusing on differences will only make us falter at the heights of our true potential. We need the strength of some men, the intelligence of some women, the industriousness of one culture and the beauty of yet another. It is only when we are combined, muted and mixed that we can reach the pinnacle of society just as Rick uses seemingly disparate objects, thoughts, tactics and ideas to achieve his grandest sweeping visions. Hate divides, differences divide. We are one and we must co-mingle.

H-hey Morty, I turned myself into a swastika Morty! I'm Swastika Rick!!!

>just because these two things are different doesn't mean we should acknowledge it in our actions, just pretend reality is something other than it is. What's the worst that could happen?
Wasted get, desu.

never once said I watched it

>do fun wholesome things
>be a racist piece of shit

so close though, a lot of good advice

If a Rick is always a Rick, and a Morty is always a Morty, doesn't that mean they are fundamentally different and have different roles?


instead of arguing lets just start making edits and posting them on twitter

I think you need to re-watch the episode where Morty put the universe in jeopardy because he thinks anti-matter organisms can co-exist

Trump literally showed up out of nowhere, power leveled beyond every other power player, then proceeded to do in the first couple months more than Barack Obama with every resource couldn't do in a year.

Then Rick named the Jew, killed the Russians but saved the prisoner, and then had a whole dilemma that ended with him accepting his weaknesses and saving the world.

But Simpsons season 9 was actually good for the most part.

I'm not arguing with alt righters anymore. F*ck off racists

>instead of arguing
This is like that episode of Scrubs where Cox is hallucinating that he is talking to Ben, but really they are at Ben's funeral, and JD is like "where do you think we are?"

And the one where the imposter parasites were the ones you never fought with because all they did was fabricate nice stories. The bitter fights were the reality.

It was pretty much the South Park murdering all the shills dynamic.

The vast majority of people on this earth, mostly brown people, have literally nothing to offer. They immediately use up any resources they gather, have no real skills nor the intelligence or attention span to acquire new ones, and have shitty attitudes and no work ethic. The existence of the welfare state as it is now is literally just a net transfer of wealth from whites to browns and blacks, on average whites pay a net total of 2000 dollars per person per year to the government, while blacks receive ten thousand. Do you honestly think this system is either sustainable or desirable? No, better to pull the whole damn thing out, kick the freeloaders to the curb

good. get the fuck outta here pussy.

The rot was already evident by Season 9. The old writers were gone and was self-parodying. Skinners 2nd life, etc. The imdb ratings are in free-fall at this point

Play up how he hates the Jews.

This is how you infiltrate. You use his age, his know-how and how he is given a last name of Sanchez to create a story.

Something about how he is a creation of some Nazi stuff to create the Ubermensch. The Nazis apparently worked with science and sorcery to dominate the battlefield. So they did science shit to create the supreme intellect. And that process created the baby that would later be referred to as Rick Sanchez. You can then add in stuff about how Hitler allegedly fled to Brazil following WWII, and how he adopted a fake Spanish-sounding name. They don't need to know that Portuguese is big in Brazil. They just assume South America is Lower Mexico.

This is how you infiltrate and destroy. By creating evidence for the theory that even the fans can't refute it.

Do we see any of Rick's family member outside his daughter and grand children? Do we know how Rick became Rick? Where did he go? Why does he have a box labelled Time Travel Stuff when he himself says that Time Travel is beneath him?

That being said, I really like the nihilist message in the show and how there is a faint hint of hope in each episode.

Good luck.

so tough so brave so fucked in the ass gay

>a website tells me how to think and feel

shut up faggot

the only good post
the only post you'll ever need to read on Sup Forums

Nice copypasta. Seen this shit a couple of days ago. Also Rick and Morty Goldburgenstein is a shit show.

A real argument is the exchange and criticism of ideas. Sounds like you only want to push your agenda. Frig off brainlet

do go on...

no fucking way

Hi Dan

The fanbase agrees with me and not with you.

hey Justin, we know its you.

thanks for bein cool bruh

Also, nice work with that music track you made just to perv around with those blonde lolis.