Can I get some examples of leftist newspeak/doublethink

Can I get some examples of leftist newspeak/doublethink


>sex and gender are not liked at all whatsoever

>we must accept transgender people for who they are, even though they cannot accept who they are

affirmative action and equality. blm good, kkk bad. antifa good, kk bad. there is no such thing as man-hating....

Oh I just got one

>systemic racism helps whites get an upper hand

100% false yet the keep telling that lie


>working class is obsolete, automation and renewables are the future

>we need a constant supply of immigrants or else there'll be no one to do the working class jobs!




>XY male chooses to 'identify' as a female XX
>XY male takes horomones and chops his dick off
>comes time for them to write down their gender
>instead of putting 'female' down, they put down 'male to female transgender'



>The Nazis are bad because they're shallow and didn't like the way other people look so they killed them!

>Haha, look at those inbred looking rednecks and those ugly neo-Nazis! Lets make fun of the way they look.

Lefty normies think they're pointing out hypocrisy but literally just being hypocrites themselves.



>there are more than two genders
libtards always shoot themselves in their feet


>you can't choose who you are attracted to
>you can choose what sex you are




>haha they're doing the jobs Americans don't wanna buy robots for!


>America was never great! America was always a racist empire!

>I have to punch Nazis, it's my patriotic duty as an American do so!

Maybe I'm not articulating it good enough with this example, but they contradict themselves by shifting their patriotism around when it's convenient for whatever narrative or action they're currently rationalizing/justifying.






This isn't relevant, I just think it's really funny

Jut turn on MSNBC or CNN.

>Climate change

The climate has always changed and always will change, but now they've got "people" running around like headless chickens going

Super relevant. Also look at her halfy son.

>Skin color doesn't matter! It's not important! There is no such thing as race, just the human race!

>But skin color matters here when I replace white characters with non-white ones instead for some reason.

>it's a Sup Forums does not understand what "lefty" is episode


>It's a lefty tries to rationalize anyone who makes them look bad as not being really one of them episode.

Her half-caste child probably has more functioning brain then her. He wants to leave, while the retarded hamplanet screams herself a few dozen hemorrhoids.

Liberals aren't leftists. Even Varg knows this.

>I need a literal safe space on my literal college campus in order to literally feel safe from ideas I don't like!

>Haha what's the matter Drump supporter, do you need a safe space!?

Has anyone told the liberals they aren't leftists? Because they're regurgitating leftist talking points.

I feel bad for him. He probably has to take care of his psycho mother more than the other way around.

You can tell she's taking out her anger over her fucked up life on this cop who almost certainly voted for Trump

I swear to Christ, it's women like her that will begin converting to Islam en masse in 20 years "because the men are manly and have morals" after destroying their own fucking society's morals and masculinity. It's already started to an extent.

Not Amerishart ones.

>they're regurgitating leftist talking points
Like what? I don't hear them condemning capitalism. Just talk about "intersectionality" and other idpol trash.

>gender is a social construct
>trans people identify as a socially constructed idea, and conform to societies view of said construct

>whites invented slavery
>egyptians were black
>blacks sold blacks to the slave traders

>women are paid less than men
>never can provide an ounce of evidence and when shown that it's because women on average take jobs that pay less their brain melts

>black people need reparations for slavery
>not a single black person who was a slave is alive today
>less than 5% of american families in the south even owned black people

>identifies with LGBQT / Black / Feminist movements
>is FUCKING A straight white (nu)male

>terrorist attack in europe 'dont blame islam, it's a religion of peace'
>terrorist attack in usa 'all right wingers must pay!

>wants to buy a house
>keeps buying avocado toast

>several month long studies about the holocaust, lots of references in the media
>holodomor isn't even mentioned in passing

>is shown that it doesn't work as well as capitalism
>that wasn't r-r-real c-communism!

>is an anarchist
>cries for help from the cops when they get their asses beat

>is an anarchist
>supports big government

I actually don't mind that. It's good information I for others to know

Well??? What are these "leftist talking points"?

>Weed isn't a drug

>Some girls have penises

>John Oliver is funny

>capitalism is unfair
>bitching about colonialism
>"you don't believe in global warming? Oh.... I mean climate change?"
>muh bigots, muh fascists
>nazis were way worse than communists
>real communism has never been tried
I can think of more

I was told American liberals say these things.

where are you from? What communists are you talking to?

>race doesnt matter
>we need racial diversity in every facet of human endeavor

Sauce please!

Proper ones that despise liberals, idpol, and post-colonialism, want to see Hillary skinned alive, Obama hanged and most of the US establishment in a mass grave?

>organize the workplace
None of them fucking work

> no culture is superior and the beliefs of all cultural groups are entirely unique in ways that demand our tolerance, respect, and understanding

>All good, """"""moderate"""""" people from all cultural backgrounds essentially embody Western European, Democratic, Judeo-Christian values

pic you posted is so hilariously bad that I'm not sure you are a troll or not.


Fuck off /leftypol/, we both know that the definition of "liberal" for you cunts expands and contracts depending on whether it supports your argument or not.

That guy looks like he's smart but he's on the wrong side.

Races dont exist, but we should give these groups special privledges anyway.

Imagine being a communist

>What are these "leftist talking points"?

>The USSR turned Russia from a backwards, agricultural state into a modern, industrial superpower!
>Stop bringing up the USSR's atrocities, it was state capitalism NOT socialism

>Look, the Holodomor never happened - but it should've, fucking kulak scum deserved it even if it was just the weather that caused it

It's an argument strategy called "motte and Bailey" defense. Usually one position feels good while the other is radical. They state the radical one then when you counterpoint the radical idea they fall back to the feel good.
>All races are equal and should be treated fairly
>We need to sustain affirmative action
If you attack the affirmative action issue they would just fall back to the easier to defend position "all races are equal and should be treated fairly"
Now they don't have to defend affirmative action, instead they have to defend that races should all be treated fairly.

he doesnt. imagine how hard he had to squeeze to make that last post. his whole rant was leading up to finally tell the world what he stands for, and "organize the workplace, get swole and read (((theory)))" is what he comes up with?
a smart person would have realized how ridiculous that is