>National Bolsheviks
Get The Fuck Out!

Kill a Commie for mommy!
Better Dead than Red!

>Anti-Communist Music:

Ain't I Right-

I'm No Communist-

Advice to Joe-

C Y B E R ℕ A a I - T A Y . A I-


Cesium Dreams-

Growing Stronger-

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

good thread


A member of the human race who is completely incapable of understanding the higher productivity of labor performed under a division of labor based on private property is not properly speaking a person… but falls instead into the same moral category as an animal – of either the harmless sort (to be domesticated and employed as a producer or consumer good, or to be enjoyed as a “free good”) or the wild and dangerous one (to be fought as a pest). On the other hand, there are members of the human species who are capable of understanding the [value of the division of labor] but...who knowingly act wrongly… [B]esides having to be tamed or even physically defeated [they] must also be punished… to make them understand the nature of their wrongdoings and hopefully teach them a lesson for the future.


Antifa? they look more like fascists


In a covenant...among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one’s own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society.



where to cop Anticom shirts, lads?

Private property capitalism and egalitarian multiculturalism are as unlikely a combination as socialism and cultural conservatism. And in trying to combine what cannot be combined, much of the modern libertarian movement actually contributed to the further erosion of private property rights (just as much of contemporary conservatism contributed to the erosion of families and traditional morals). What the countercultural libertarians failed to recognize, and what true libertarians cannot emphasize enough, is that the restoration of private property rights and laissez-faire economics implies a sharp and drastic increase in social “discrimination” and will swiftly eliminate most if not all of the multicultural-egalitarian life style experiments so close to the heart of left libertarians. In other words, libertarians must be radical and uncompromising conservatives.

>Anarcho- Communist
>Hates the 1st Amendment
>Shows up to protests without permit
>Starts Violence
>Kills Police
>Throws explosives into a group of WW2 vets
>Claims to be "Bashing the Fash"
>Wants censorship and police state
>gets arrested
>Pleas not guilty
>Claims they were using their 1st amendment rights
>Thrown in jail for 20 years
>Looks at themselves in the mirror
>Slits throat with razor
>Dies and becomes good communist



Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.

The American model – democracy – must be regarded as a historical error, economically as well as morally. Democracy promotes shortsightedness, capital waste, irresponsibility, and moral relativism. It leads to permanent compulsory income and wealth redistribution and legal uncertainty. It is counterproductive. It promotes demagoguery and egalitarianism. It is aggressive and potentially totalitarian internally, vis-à-vis its own population, as well as externally. In sum, it leads to a dramatic growth of state power, as manifested by the amount of parasitically – by means of taxation and expropriation – appropriated government income and wealth in relation to the amount of productively – through market exchange – acquired private income and wealth, and by the range and invasiveness of state legislation. Democracy is doomed to collapse, just as Soviet communism was doomed to collapse.




But you guys are commies

all left wing politics (democracy -> communism) are based on equality

we are anti-equality and pro-property. that's what makes us right wing



Nazism is for property for the state.There's a difference between socialism and Marxism and you guys are socialist, Nazism/fascism want to abolish the private means of production.and it really doesn't make sense to side with ancaps since they want to effectively abolish your ideology.

And monarchies want Property for the queen so still socialist autocracy.

Get the fuck off my Sup Forums

Sup Forums is for everyone commerade.

you have a total misunderstanding of what fascism is. private property is the foundation of civilization. fascists have no desire to collectivize property and destroy the civilization they are devoted to protecting.

Sup Forums is an anti-anti communism board and always has been

the crown's property is their own. everyone is entitled to their own property. adam smith saw no conflict with monarchy and free enterprise

An-caps and an-syns have the same goal of the abolishment of the state.

The real redpill is that McCarthy was right because America is a communist country and always has been.

you're the real commie here

really... you don't think we know what your up to?

In England, the crown can claim any property they want.also, adam Smith wasn't an ancap which is an actual capitalist society.why do you say that?

Btw capitalism isn't an ideology its an action i.e participating in radically free markets.

Help identifying the mean mugging spic in the left of photo? Friend was attacked by this bean at Berkeley, this devolved the whole "protest" into a violent confrontation. Please spread far and wide.
>spic hits friend and turns Berkeley into a violent protest

I really think he was on to something when he was investigating Hollywood! Too bad tricky Dick shut him down before the commies were arrested!

That's fucking stupid and you're retarded for thinking it's true. The left-right model breaks down the wider you try to cast it. In the grand scheme of ideologies, the center-right and center-left are two sides of a distinct ideological group separated mostly by an internal division concerning how to define and promote liberty. The issue with the left right now is that most traditionally center-left political parties have been or are being co-opted by closeted or outspoken Marxists and Marxist sympathizers.

Alternatively, you could consider the division between center-left and center-right to be the division between liberalism and republicanism, but these two ideologies have been intertwined for hundreds of years due to their high similarity in outcome, and again have little to do with the ideologies of the far ends of the political spectrum.

>In England, the crown can claim any property they want.
the US can do it to. it's called eminent domain. with any form of government there is a threat to liberty, of course. libertarians (minarchists) understand that. monarchy is objectively better than democracy, if you're going to have a government
>adam Smith wasn't an ancap
he laid down the foundation for our understanding of how market systems work. you have all your ancap philosophers of today to thank for this. pic related
>why do you say that?
because you are allying yourself with egalitarians. egalitarians are the enemy of property and liberty

>an ancap which is an actual capitalist society
Get the fuck out of here with this shit right now. Capitalism is nothing more than an economic model derived from liberalism.

Im a social egalitarian.

then you're a fucking commie. get fucked


good one!

Not really I don't believe in a classless society I
think the state should be abolished and we should be free to spend our money, however, we want within reason.i said that earlier i dont think it should be considerd an ideology but a action.

>I don't know what the fuck marxists want, the post
This is no different than marxists telling anyone who isn't a marxist that they're a fascist.

You're missing the point. Anarcho-capitalism isn't "true capitalism". It is, at most, the purest expression of liberalism, for a given interpretation of liberalism. All this "true capitalism" shit is no different than the marxists denouncing everyone who doesn't subscribe to their specific interpretation of marxism as fake marxists.

>for a given interpretation of liberalism.
for a given interpretation of liberty, rather.

McCarthy was right but he would of hated you ancap kikes just as much, Get rekt open border globalists

Fair enough.

>unironically thinks a free market is a product of >modern liberalism.


Mises, Rothbard, and Hoppe disagree with you. even the left's own indoctrination repository defines leftism as egalitarianism

>Private property capitalism and egalitarian multiculturalism are as unlikely a combination as socialism and cultural conservatism. And in trying to combine what cannot be combined, much of the modern libertarian movement actually contributed to the further erosion of private property rights (just as much of contemporary conservatism contributed to the erosion of families and traditional morals). What the countercultural libertarians failed to recognize, and what true libertarians cannot emphasize enough, is that the restoration of private property rights and laissez-faire economics implies a sharp and drastic increase in social “discrimination” and will swiftly eliminate most if not all of the multicultural-egalitarian life style experiments so close to the heart of left libertarians. In other words, libertarians must be radical and uncompromising conservatives.

>In a covenant...among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one’s own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society.

>Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.

that's where youre wrong kiddo–Kruger_effect
Might want to read up on it, friend.

>Giving a shit about how wikipidia defines political shit
By their definition liberalism, an ideology named after liberty, is about equality. Rothbard and Hoppe are both are effectively liberal ideologues in regards to negative liberty, and clearly lack neutrality on the subject of the center-left, so I don't really give a shit about what they say. Don't have enough about Mises to say the same, but given that Hayek is one of his students I'm inclined to doubt you concerning his position.

It's all good, man. The main thing to realize now is that of the major ideologies in the world today, we're basically the one ideology that doesn't necessarily require everyone to follow only one specific interpretation of our ideology. Ancaps can fall into that trap sometimes, and I honestly think it's important for you guys to stay clear of it. When shit hits the fan, the people who favor liberty need to be able to put up a solid front, and like I said, you guys are the purest form of liberalism for negative liberty. Both types of liberty have good reasons and drawbacks, and we'll always need guys like you to help balance out the people on the other end. While I may not want to live in an ancap society, I definitely don't want to live in a massive welfare nanny state either.

Diversity is our strength.

AnCaps don't support ope boarders or globalism, you tard. They just support a market solution to those issues. Hell, Sup Forums doesn't understand that libertarians generally support the government enforcing boarders.

you realize the nazis were both socialists and culturally conservative right?


Fuck sake lad.

Ancaps always have the cutest memes.

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