This man denied multiple billion dollar offers from company, in Facebook early days

This man denied multiple billion dollar offers from company, in Facebook early days.

There is not a single soul on this board who'd have the BALLS big enough to do that.

And that's a fact.

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This man is a fucking robot who should kill himself. KIKEBOOK


>This man is a fucking robot

This. There was ALWAYS something very off and creepy about him

his face is seriously disturbing. doesnt look human.

not balls. he's a pervy creep. all the data on all the people in the world is worth more than money to creeps like him

He looks like Data

Well, when you know you're making an algoritm source for multiple banks and governments worldwide you know a few billion dollars is a drop in the bucket. KYS op

It's funny you say that because recently I have been growing very concerned about that very scenario. I am getting worried that if I ever make or own something that is successful, that Jews would pester nigh and day for it. If I ever get that far in life, I'd try my darnedest to stay as far away from Jews in business as possible, as impossible as it may seem.

No amount of money is worth dealing with Jews. None.

And all his social interactions are very learned and fake, he got better over time, by still comes off as robotic

this tbqh senpai.

I disagree, I think Zuckerberg despite being a jew is what would happen if you get a Sup Forums and made him successful.

I wouldn't be suprised at all if he was a Sup Forums regular back in 2007/2008.

filthy fucking halfbreed lizards are the most disgusting creatures on this planet

Like this slimy little cuck didn't already know with 100% certainty that Facefuck was gonna be huge when he sold his soul to the NSA

i cant believe anyone trusts him, dumb fucks.

"Mark really does believe very much in transparency and the vision of an open society and open world, and so he wants to push people that way. I think he also understands that the way to get there is to give people granular control and comfort. He hopes you'll get more open, and he's kind of happy to help you get there. So for him, it's more of a means to an end. For me, I'm not as sure."

translation : zuckerberg is nsa's wet dream

DidnĀ“t this filthy yid stole the facebook idea from some fags?

It was never up to him to decide. Board would have sued if he didn't. Retard.

if youre getting billion dollar offers, that is a signal you are clearly on the right track.

you would be an idiot TO sell at that point.

he reminds me of me, but without a mental illness, if i had the consistency, and ended up in his position, i assure you i would have sold out to government agencies without hesitation. Especially since you know his online history is not something hed want public


Let's all share!
guys wtf stop don't make me increase ad/user content ratio again



getting bought out by a tech giant is unfortunately the best result a startup could reasonably hope for.

they probably restricted what he was allowed to do with the co too, so even if he wanted to sell part of it he couldnt

Yeah, we know you're running for president 2020, take your shilling elsewhere Mark.



If big companies are offering you billions of dollars it probably means you shouldn't sell. Then again you never know, the guy behind MySpace walked away with half a billion and MySpace was ran into the ground shortly thereafter.

>If big companies are offering you billions of dollars it probably means you shouldn't sell

lolwut? what else is there? a billion dollars is more than enough to live very comfortably for the rest of your life and make sure that your kids do too. OP is full of shit.

If you're getting billion dollar offers you're obviously sitting on something that is worth far more than a billion, it ultimately depends on whether or not a billion is enough for you.

it means your industry might be worth more than billions. people dont pay more than somethings worth

He wants everyone's nudes

a bilion is enough for every sane human being. You can stop working all your life after that. Only jews would want more.
look at this face again.

I hate this kike so much.

depends on whether or not YOU can make it worth more than a billion, and whether or not it's worth the risk to try.

I hate this shit, and it's an embarrassment that he's considered a "hacker". The only high profile hacker that I have any respect left for is the Woz.

fuck that libtard faggot


so, how many people among the high dollar business, especially the cyber business industry, are sane you think. You should take a look at how much of the US is mentally ill and realize thats not just poor people

i mean remember, his original intent was to over see the creation of a transparent world, according to his own words, and the crest he wears on the inside of his jacket. like sane people wear.

do you not wear your lifes goal on the inside of your clothes?

jews, i hate them!

both jews

Because the CIA offered him a better deal.

Also, if you're being offered billions for your first business, super early on, why not hold out? Clearly you've got an amazing product that's going to do pretty well in the long term.

it's most likely they received massive (((funding))) because the founders were Chosen

When you're Ego is the size of the internet, you CAN get away with stuff like that.
I'm under the impression not one soul on this board has an Ego that big.

That's because Jew-boy already knew that the Top Jews (Illuminatis) assigned him to be top jew of important interwebz company.

Jews help each other get to the top.


Spill the beans Satanas

I honestly can't tell if this is real or not......... What the fuck; if this was written by someone not in his situation, it would be considered Elliott Rodger-tier.

fpbp. saged. why are people getting baited by a picture and spacing jesus christ

why would you accept a buyout from a company when you are a government funded organization?

Its satire you fucking moron.

"How to use media to create the need for a centralized one world government"

A couple more years and the black flag of mu hammed will fly above the dome of the temple of david - rebuilt to honor a new pact between israel, and the now broken and enslaved palestinian lands, the ones on tv will be actors, and will accept the peace of servitude.


He is the "antichrist".
He will run for President.
Then he will run for "World President" or "World King"

He will require everybody to have a Facebook Account -- linked to a QR Code Tattoo -- on your right hand or forehead.

Even though he is Jewish, he will push power onto a future religion -- one that makes way for Maitreya, a false prophet/savior.

This QR code also contains a new Cryptocurrency in order to buy/sell.

Before this happens, an incurable deadly disease will spread around -- it'll be focused on paper money -- which will be banned. Once paper currency is banned and destroyed, Zuck's crypto can come into play.

5 star post niggerfam

What if you wanted the money for more than purely selfish reasons? Mutliple billions in the hands of a benevolent white man intent on righting the world's wrongs would go far.

Well, he is the most recognized icon in media among those that use it. And by then he would be old enough to run, and the voting generations would all be facebook users from childhood for the most part.

Anyone more wealthy than me is a lizard, anyone less wealthy than me is a monkey.

>i dont understand what lying for personal gain is
>I dont know what a chain of events is
>i didnt know everyone in the business sectors bases their choices off personal progress, aka wealth.
>im just a hippie

show me a pic of a real human lizard shapeshifter.

Should we keep Facebook, but de-Jew it?

because he isn't human, you can tell by the face

Nice try, I'm still voting for Trump.

> the man who screwed over loyal friends to cash in 'his' brilliant idea of social media
> refused to sell idea because any idiot with a bit of knowledge recognises the power of information
> now actively sells personal info of users to make sure the right ads are played in order to sucker you into a deeper consumerist mentality
> not to mention his ego that has inflated to such a size that it could legitimately could be mistaken as a second moon in the sky if made material

truly he must be a saint : ^)

Typical jew response. Quickly demands burden of proof. Never bothers to prove anything himself. And is quick to dismiss any information that doesn't bear an "official" jew stamp of approval.


That's because he's from a certain bloodline that can guarantee corporate success.


dumbest shit ive ever seen.

he's a gloablist jew protected by big banks

facebook literally cannot fail

Is he a psycho version of one of us autists?

>own Facebook
>acquire nudes
>leak to Sup Forums

It's probably how he keeps shareholders in line.

what is this from?


never realized how much that man looks like a cyborg

If he would have accepted one of those offers and put it all in Bitcoin he'd be the richest person in human history right now.

Bitcoin price in 2009: $27
1,000,000,000 / 27 = 37,037,037 BTC
Bitcoin price today: $4600
37,037,037 * $4600 = $170,370,370,370

Nigga missed out on $17.4 Trillion



couldn't tell you as I do not know

change his eyes to silicon chips.


The Halloween store.

He literally could not own that much

>be CIA
>front CIA datamining program
>pleb tier normie companies make offers to buy your CIA datamining program front company

>CIA's face when

>waste the rest of your days working instead of taking billions of dollars
>not a cuck decision

late night keks delivered and received user

CIA can't even psy op anymore.

pick one.


Sorry OP but that is a myth... Military Industrial Complex / CIA / Deep State behind Facebook - Zuck is just the figurehead / face of the company.

What do you mean by that fag can you put us in context plz ?!


By the looks of it he doesn't have a soul either.

>Elect the jew who owns the world entire data. He married a chink, and offered his jwink to the Chinese supreme, Xi Jingping, as a token, so he could enter the Chinese market, and starting infiltrating his flag on the new superpower.

Great idea!!!

Because he realized the site was worth more than that.
At least I'm not a slimy backstabbing jew.