Is Joel Osteen an ethnic jew?

He's got a sort of kikey look to him.

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He is a christian, so yes. Having jewish blood causes people to convert to christianity.

He takes great pride and joy in ironing his briefs every Sunday evening to get ready for the next work week, I can tell by lookin' at 'im.

I'm afraid Osteen is a Swedish name.

he's brother Nathaniel's younger brother who sold out.

Takes a lot of plastic surgery to look that much like a mannequin

He's in it for the $$$!! So keep sending him your donations! You stupid muthafucka!!!!

Caitlyn Jenner looks more human like than this guy

can't quite put my finger on what's wrong with his face


Drove past his church today to evac my dad, there was a line of trucks an hour long dropping off supplies. Anyone saying they aren't helping is a fedora tipper. And that is coming from a guy w.ho thinks that entire church is heterodox because of its scale.

I wonder how long it would take Jesus to light him on fire on TV.

Not long.
The wig/hair is obviously full of highly flammable chemicals

A pastor of a "megachurch" scamming millions of burgerland goyim out of their money just sounds so perfect


"Joel Osteen on CNN: I Could Vote for a Muslim or Jewish President"

He looks inbred, so quite possibly.

He actually does look like a Texan with Scandinavian ancestry, lad.

I know he's rich and his church is huge and ostentatious, however after listening to the guy for an hour 1 Sunday morning too lazy to find the remote I unironically like him and his church is def helping to the MAX, these anti-Christians are going all out to demonize him... WHERE IS HOUSTONS BIGGEST MOSQUE AND SYNOGOUGE DURING THIS????

He looks like Tim Allen

He's ugly, but probably not ethnic jew. I met him in person at jury duty and can confirm he's a skinny little manlet with horrible acne scarring that he tries to cover with makeup.

Houston is 25.3% Black and 37% Hispanic/Latino. His charity is costing the taxpayers billions in future welfare spending.

Kek at the demographics, his charity is actually saving the state/county/country a bunch of money that they now don't have to spend, in turn freeing up a bunch of GIB money for these mongrels... If anything thy should be touting their praise for him from highest mountain tops

its because he is a jew.... jesus fuck you kids are pathetic these days..... you have to go back


(((STEEN))) (((definitelynotstienorsteinberg)))

My Jewdar buzzes off the charts everytime I see so much as thumbnail of this guy.