/ig/ Islam general

Assalamu Alaikum, welcome to /Islam/! This thread is dedicated to discussion of the religion of Islam.

Islam is more than just a religion, however, it’s a way of life - one which guides the personal, political actions of believers. Islam even has its own legal code.

This thread’s topic is [thread topic].


>The Basics of Islam

>Islamic Terms

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Essential Links:

>The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad

>Read and listen to the Quran online

>Biography of the Prophet Muhammad

>Islamic site with everything you need

>Find a mosque and convert today!

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Fuck off.


Hitler was a muslim

Salam brother! Islam will rule the west. Every day there are more Muslims in the world and less whites. The trend is irreversible. Just here to laugh at pol

He was pretty envious of our alphaness

Fuck off

Look at that poor middle finger form, all of them are half lifted and fingers are loose and not tightly fisted at the sides. Literally like the niggers.

Islam is what I wipe from my ass every morning after doing a shit.

>This thread’s topic is [thread topic].
lets talk about taqqiyah, aisha, and the horrible acts of muslims in western countries, from rape to terrorism
>more than just a religion, however, it’s a way of life
one antithetical to western thinking. you had a shot to be an intellectual civilization, but then you killed all your wise men, closed the halls of learning and declared all knowledge known.



i dare you cunts to try it in US, you thought the last crusades were bad.... best stay in your pigpen peninsula. we will never surrender to islam we'd all rather die. go jump off a bridge muzzies

You know who introduced acupuncture in the Muslim world?

400 million muslims surrounds 12 million jews around israel and yet they keep getting fucked in the ass since 1948. In a similar scenario they have the audacity to talk about conquests, pathetic.

Americans can't even beat afghan goat herders after 16 years. Nobody thinks crusades were bad, whites lost 7 out of 8 of them. Whites can't fight

It wasn't even part of Russia at the time of conquest, lying hadji. It was tataric and steppe nomadic lands you took control off, which later on you lost to the Russian Empire

Because they are puppet governments

>What is Islam? Islam is the fastest growing major religion, and the world's second largest religion..

Wrong. It's not a religion, moron.

Religion means respect for the sacrality and piety of life. It means protecting every individual. The purpose is to save souls, not to punish unbelievers. The punishment is in the afterlife.

The definition of the term is critical.

Using old Noah Webster, Jr. definition (not the current one Merriam-Webster) is much better. Cicero's definition of "cultus deorum", "mos maiorum" is pretty good as well: "the proper performance of rites in veneration of the gods" etc. The old definition did not included killing or the initiation of force,

Websters Dictionary in 1828 defined religion as including "true godliness or piety of life, with practice of all moral duties". Current examples of religion, by Merriam Webster:

"Many people turn to religion for comfort in a time of crisis.
There are many religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.
Shinto is a religion that is unique to Japan.
Hockey is a religion in Canada.
Politics are a religion to him.
Where I live, high school football is religion.
Food is religion in this house."

So by the old legal definition, Islam was not a religion. All the Islamic centers and mosques could not have been protected by the First, as they didn't respected the piety of life (right to life and so on). But using the one Chomsky manufactured, things messed up.

Using Machiavelli's definition, where the state has the monopoly of force (coercive - bad) and the Church has the monopoly over spirituality (morals - non coercive good), things are pretty clear as well. As the Church / religion / any religion could never kill, but only save souls, not be coercive and so on. Only the state had the power to do the hanging, punish criminals, protect the morality etc. Islam on the other hand doesn't have this separation, that's why it's neither a religion, neither a civil code.

Vlad the impaler mostly killed Christians because most of the ottoman army were Christian slaves. Trust a Romanian to be this retarded. It's probably your gypsy genetics

Ok fine it's not a religion. Whatever you define Islam as it's still growing faster than any religion in the world

Check mate gypsy

Just finished reading the "holy Koran" and have to say it was terrible even by religious texts standard.
>hurr Allah is above all X
>submit submit submit
>[copy paste Bible verses]
>don't fuck X Y Z
>we never knew there was more than desert when we wrote this
>only were allowed to be arrogant, you're wrong
Seriously you should feel bad if you follow this garbage.
They're trying to kill us all, read this

1492 for the entire iberian peninsula
lollllllll kys mudslime



Repetitiveness aside, I thought it was still an impressive collection of documents considering it came from an illiterate arab. He's like the deified personification of the Magic Negro.

Allahu Akbar

i found a mosque. it was in the world trade center.

>Vlad the impaler mostly killed Christians because most of the ottoman army were Christian slaves.

He impaled only traitors. And Muslims. That's why even to this day Bulgarians say yes by shaking their head horizontally even today - because they were asked if they are Christians / Muslims repeatedly, from both sides, and having a sword pushing horizontally at their throat.


"The Christian Bulgarians were spared and many of them were settled in Wallachia.[12]

His precise numbers were counted as such: At Giugiu there were 6,414 victims; at Eni Sala, 1,350; at Durostor 6,840; at Orsova, 343; at Hârsova, 840; at Marotin, 210; at Turtucaia, 630; at Turnu, Batin, and Novograd, 384; at Sistov, 410; at Nicopolis and Ghighen, 1,138; at Rahova, 1,460. When hearing about the devastation, Mehmed — who was busy besieging a fortress in Corinth — sent his grand vizier, Mahmud, with an army of 18,000 to destroy the Wallachian port of Brăila. Vlad Ţepeş turned back and defeated the army, and according to the Italian chroniclede Lezze, only 8,000 Turks survived.[13]"



> gypos / pakis

They were sold as slaves by the Turks and came in Romania (some 150.000 in total) as a gift from Bulgaria in 1825. We freed them as we don't like slaves. They are nomads even to this day and don't settle in a place. It's their thing, I guess.

Don't buy all the nonsense spread by leftists, their NGOs use them just as the communists did after the WW2 - to silence and even kill anyone that is a threat. This is how the Romanian academia was destroyed. The gypos were very instrumental, as they were loyal only to state officials who provided them with special privileges, houses in the middle of the cities (where the old elite lived) and so on.

>Implying Muslims can have a discussion

I guess this is what ""they"" teach you after the 4 hours of gender studies

> showing iberian peninsula shaded for the 700y of reconquista
> implying that up until 1492 they controlled the whole thing
> lying from the very first pic
you can't make this shit up

>American pretending he's read a book

try again m8

> showing iberian peninsula shaded for the 700y of reconquista

True. They are like that. Their taqiyah requires them to lie and deceit the unbelievers, so they falsify any kind of proof opposing their narrative. Just as the leftists in the academia do all the time. This is why they destroy ancient relics in the middle east - they hate to be reminded the fact other civilizations more advanced and tolerant existed before Mohamed.

But speaking of Spain, here is how they conquered the region. This is what Muslims try to hide: in every city they had to decapitate every male, and leave a pile of heads 3 m tall, higher than a a man standing on a horse.

thanks doc

Taqqiyah is a Shia thing dumby

>be raided, enslaved, raped, murdered, and conquered for 500 years

>your homelands suffer from destitute poverty because of the constant sea raids destroying naval trade and transport routes

>Byzantium is begging for help, southern france is easy picking for slavers, Spain is conquered and france is invaded, churches are burned and nuns are raped en masse in conquered cities, southern italy and sicily live in fear

>call upon nobles, peasants, the poor and rich alike to put an end to centuries of oppression and evil and retake the holy lands that are dear to you

>sell your lands, your estate, your everything to buy armor, a sword, and enough food to make it halfway across the world, knowing you won't return but believe in the cause of justice

>lose hundreds of thousands of good men for over a hundred years in perpetual war

>a thousand years later your ancestors piss on your grave and bend over for the very people you traveled through hell itself to stop.


Battle of Tours in 732 AD France. Same with the Battle of Vaslui, 1475, the worst ever defeat for the Ottomans (even by their own sources - Mara Hatun, the former younger wife of Murad II). Only to see now some leftist faggot in a distant part of the world mocking us and telling these were war crimes of white racist extremists against peaceful Muslim invaders, that we are gypsies, and we don't want to accept refugees because we are fueled by bigotry, intolerance, and Islamophobia.



How does it feel to know that the ancient, primordial chaos gods have awakened and use you as a means to their own ends?

> Taqqiyah is a Shia thing dumby

Oh, now you are smart. Tell me, please, where I could find the Sura in the Coran for this thing: before or after Medina, in the first of second part?

Damn, another bait thread. Sage.

>This thread’s topic is [thread topic]
just get out