I realize Alex isn't popular on here but I have to ask:

I realize Alex isn't popular on here but I have to ask:
Is he faking it for money or does he really believe what he says?

The dude is funny as fuck sometimes, but I still can't tell if its all a false flag.

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He's honest up until the part where he switches jews for muslims.

why is that? iv'e seen him defend them multiple times. to the point where he goes out of his way to clarify.


>Alex Jones isn't popular on here

Lurk more newfag.

I mean he said the fucking FED and Hollywood are run by muslims.

He used to be redpilled


He's an entertaining man who takes advantage of paranoid schizo conservative types.

Remember when the dude was talking constantly about jade helm, and now that Trump gives local police military weapons it's chill.

The dude is just playing a passionate base. He just says whatever batshit crazy shit he can.

Like, him saying "obamas turning the frogs gay" is a bad way to bring attention to something that's actually pretty critical.

he's definitely playing up a personality for money.
if you unironically enjoy alex jones then you are the newfag.

AJ is awesome.

Jews paid him millions to denounce pizza gate. He is a sellout


He's a larping entertainer, like a prosperity preacher. I live in Austin and have met him a couple times because of my parents. Still funny though

He's taken the subversive pill.

he was told most of pizza gate was a distraction and a red herring to protect the real pedophiles, cannibals and human traffickers that Trump hopefully will catch.


Alex Jones is the right wing libertarian conspiracy nut version of The Daily Show or This Week Tonight.

Haha yeah trump will catch them

>Is he faking it for money or does he really believe what he says?
He believes it..

The sickness here is that a lot of it is true, the frogs actually are turning gay because of (birth control) chemicals in the water. When some of it is true, you start believing other absolute shit.

>Is he faking it for money or does he really believe what he says?


an instant classic right here

tfw your super male vitality that yoi drank with filtered water kicks in

he has a sense of humor about it.

puhleez, there is a long tradition of media con artists in america going back over 100 years.

it is the old evangelical preacher racket. you evidently have not listened to much AM radio in the midwest.

Trump is probably a pedo too. Everyone in power has a video of them somewhere having sex with a 7 year old.

He would have at least mentioned pizza gate ONCE, considering he mentions all the other right wing conspiracies.

Take your own advice faggot

he's good for leading people initially down the rabbit hole. take parts of what he says and do your own independent research

"why is everybody still talking about jesus?, tune in next week to find out and don't forget to buy my CD"

think you answered my question. i like the man, hes funny as fuck and brings up some very good points. but then goes off the edge with some retarded ass shit that makes me rethink every logical thing he said.



Trump wasn't part of politics so he wasn't involved in pedophilia. He also is a straight edger who dont do drugs or alcohol because then they cant drug him and put him in a bed with a 5 year old girl for a photo session.

Here is my chance! I know it you or his one of his nerd ass employees!

Alex Jones, please quit interupting Steve Pieczenik. Every time you do i quit listening for weeks, sometimes months. STFU when hes talking!

If Houston bought the water filters, they wouldn't have to worry about water bottle prices.

Yeah, just be careful with the red pilling. It's so easy to start believing things are really, really bad, like "oh shit is three quarters of the world uninhabitable due to radiation because the media would lie about that to control us." Obviously not, but it feels like things are that bad.

Probably just failed conversation tennis, it's something you have to practice and sometimes only works with some people.

he's fine, that only thing that pisses me off about him is that he keeps interrupting everybody

That video response to those remixes should be your clue enough. He viewed them as free advertisements for his brand.
>just buy the god damn filter

No , that arrogant asshole is so scared of losing control of his narrative when hes talking to the Dr, he interupts him ever fucking sentance. I used to buy a lot of his products , but not any more. If he quits interuoting maybe ill start supporting him again.

No he's legit just as legit as his brand new SPARKLING CLEAN MINERAL WATER(tm) that's been treated with patented technology to remove chemicals that make the frogs gay, or just as rad as his brand new line of ANTI GAY SUPPLEMENTS(tm) just take 1 spoon full a day (1/4 to give to your frog) and avoid degeneracy in your household.
Got filtered tap water? Kids not missing chromosomes? Don't worry you can still try our brand new state of the art FILTERED OXINATOR (tm ) which removes all of the particles in the air from chemical trails that cause people to think gay rights should be a thing!
Order now and you will get this FREE GALLON of Holy Water to splash on any atheist and make them believe in the power that is Christ PLUS 25% OFF YOUR NEXT ORDER!
Remember folks, Alex jones is the place to be when your country is missing some of that sweet liberty

>Like, him saying "obamas turning the frogs gay" is a bad way to bring attention to something that's actually pretty critical.
Liberals seem to now be ok with chemicals in food and water. It used to be that they wanted everything free from pollution but now embrace it because the president is friends with some radio guy.

i think he has a hard time drawing the line between selling products (which is fine imo) and selling a narrative for viewership which makes me doubt alot of the shit he says

I think hes right about 90% but its hard to prove just talking. Hes also making a show every day and always need to have something to talk about which leads to rambling.

The world is controlled by a tiny group of people and just that fact is incredibly crazy. The Rotshchild family has been working to create a carbon tax since the 1970s with the help of Maurice Strong who is now dead. He worked in China at the end of his life to promote the Rotshchilds over there.

In 1992 at the Earth Summit the Rotshchild got the wildlife fund going which steal land from nations and give it to the globalist NGO and slowly starts forcing people into cities. They also lobbied for shipping dry ice to the north pole to prevent global warming. A scheme that would cost billions or trillions of tax payer money.

The Rotshchilds young heir David De Meyer Rotshchild dedicated his career to shill for global warming hysteria to push though the paris accord among other things. He dressed up as Jesus Christ and pretended that he was spearheading a movement of climate activists when hes just a trillionarie globalist who want to enslave people.

While David De Meyer Rothschild and Al Gore crashed the USA coal market the other side of the Rothschild family, Nat Rothschild, invested into asian coal industry that would replace the american one that they had banned through globalist lobbying scheme.

a mix of both, it's post ironic performance art in the same vain as Sam Hyde


Not a false flag, the proper term is lightning rod.

He told us in the court case that he's just acting a persona for the show. He's pretending to be a paranoid freak in order to get shekels from retards like people here. It's pretty simple. If you watch him (which gives him ad revenue) or support him in other ways, you're literally supporting one of the most retarded phenomena on the planet.

everything he says can be verified. sometimes he has guests on that speak for themselves. the only time he is wrong is when he predict the future because it changes especially when he through spreading awareness help stop things from happening. like when obama tried taking the guns. they tried very very hard to do. notice they are not running a campaign to take the guns anymore, because they failed.

It's a combination of the two. He clearly has a passion for his work, it's probably what drove him to turn it into a successful business/media empire.

When someone becomes successful then they have something to lose. Alex is basically a bit of a sellout now. He fits the same mental cognitive dissonance profile of a corrupt politician.

Politician: "Well, if I accept this kickback it'll help my campaign, I already do a lot of good legislating with the power I wield so it would be bad for my constituents if I lost it!"

Alex: "Well if I don't name the Jew Ill get good optics, I already do a lot of good redpilling with the content I do put out, it would be a shame if I lost my advertisers and my word couldn't get out!"

Human beings are the most retarded phenomenonanon

holy shit this song has taken my sides to previously undiscovered location of the universe

Check em

I am posting on Sup Forums
might as well be zterile

>Everything he says is true
>He is my God
>May all my shekels go up Alex's asshole to pay his lawyer's fees for his failed custody case

yes they are lowering the standard of living to the point where it will be a sweet deal to get an apartment, a computer and a food ration chip in your hand in exchange for your balls.